torchvision 中的 deform

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torchvision 中的 deform

如 DCNv1 和 DCNv2 论文所述,DeformConv 相比常规卷积的参数量和计算量增加不多,但对网络的提升很大。
然而,DeformConv 的计算模式并不利于高效实现,给网络带来的开销比纸面数值大:

  • 常规卷积可以采用 Implicit GEMM 的形式,非常高效;
  • DeformConv 需要离散访存和插值,增加了 IO 量和内存占用。

在 Torchvision 以及其他框架中,DeformConv2d 采用 Explicit GEMM 的方式实现。具体步骤为:

  • deformable_im2col 实现带有 remap 功能的 im2col;
  • torch.Tensor.addmm_ 实现 GEMM;
  • torch.Tensor.transpose 对结果转置;
  • 加上bias


与 torch.nn.functional.conv2d 相比多两个 Tensor 输入。

def deform_conv2d(input: Tensor,offset: Tensor,weight: Tensor,bias: Optional[Tensor] = None,stride: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1),padding: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0),dilation: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1),mask: Optional[Tensor] = None,
) -> Tensor:r"""Performs Deformable Convolution v2, described in`Deformable ConvNets v2: More Deformable, Better Results<.11168>`__ if :attr:`mask` is not ``None`` andPerforms Deformable Convolution, described in`Deformable Convolutional Networks<.06211>`__ if :attr:`mask` is ``None``.Args:input (Tensor[batch_size, in_channels, in_height, in_width]): input tensoroffset (Tensor[batch_size, 2 * offset_groups * kernel_height * kernel_width, out_height, out_width]):offsets to be applied for each position in the convolution kernel.weight (Tensor[out_channels, in_channels // groups, kernel_height, kernel_width]): convolution weights,split into groups of size (in_channels // groups)bias (Tensor[out_channels]): optional bias of shape (out_channels,). Default: Nonestride (int or Tuple[int, int]): distance between convolution centers. Default: 1padding (int or Tuple[int, int]): height/width of padding of zeroes aroundeach image. Default: 0dilation (int or Tuple[int, int]): the spacing between kernel elements. Default: 1mask (Tensor[batch_size, offset_groups * kernel_height * kernel_width, out_height, out_width]):masks to be applied for each position in the convolution kernel. Default: NoneReturns:Tensor[batch_sz, out_channels, out_h, out_w]: result of convolutionExamples::>>> input = torch.rand(4, 3, 10, 10)>>> kh, kw = 3, 3>>> weight = torch.rand(5, 3, kh, kw)>>> # offset and mask should have the same spatial size as the output>>> # of the convolution. In this case, for an input of 10, stride of 1>>> # and kernel size of 3, without padding, the output size is 8>>> offset = torch.rand(4, 2 * kh * kw, 8, 8)>>> mask = torch.rand(4, kh * kw, 8, 8)>>> out = deform_conv2d(input, offset, weight, mask=mask)>>> print(out.shape)>>> # returns>>>  torch.Size([4, 5, 8, 8])"""

torch.jit.is_scripting 函数在编译时返回 True ,否则返回 False。
torch.jit.is_tracing 在跟踪中返回 True,否则返回 False。
_log_api_usage_once 记录组织内的 API 使用情况(模块和名称)。

    if not torch.jit.is_scripting() and not torch.jit.is_tracing():_log_api_usage_once(deform_conv2d)_assert_has_ops()out_channels = weight.shape[0]use_mask = mask is not None

如果参数为空则使用 torch.zeros 设置为一个低维度为0的张量。

    if mask is None:mask = torch.zeros((input.shape[0], 0), device=input.device, dtype=input.dtype)if bias is None:bias = torch.zeros(out_channels, device=input.device, dtype=input.dtype)

_pair 可以将单个数值转换为两元素元组。

    stride_h, stride_w = _pair(stride)pad_h, pad_w = _pair(padding)dil_h, dil_w = _pair(dilation)weights_h, weights_w = weight.shape[-2:]_, n_in_channels, _, _ = input.shape

grps 是 groups 的缩写。
offset的形状为[batch_size, 2 * offset_groups * kernel_height * kernel_width, out_height, out_width]weight的形状为[out_channels, in_channels // groups, kernel_height, kernel_width]
n_weight_grps为卷积时对于权重的分组数 G G G。

    n_offset_grps = offset.shape[1] // (2 * weights_h * weights_w)n_weight_grps = n_in_channels // weight.shape[1]if n_offset_grps == 0:raise RuntimeError("the shape of the offset tensor at dimension 1 is not valid. It should ""be a multiple of 2 * weight.size[2] * weight.size[3].\n"f"Got offset.shape[1]={offset.shape[1]}, while 2 * weight.size[2] * weight.size[3]={2 * weights_h * weights_w}")return torch.ops.torchvision.deform_conv2d(input,weight,offset,mask,bias,stride_h,stride_w,pad_h,pad_w,dil_h,dil_w,n_weight_grps,n_offset_grps,use_mask,)


deform_conv2d deform_conv2d_forward_kernel

C10_LOG_API_USAGE_ONCE 非常轻量级的日志记录首次使用 API。
Dispatcher::singleton 返回一个 Dispatcher 对象。
Dispatcher::findSchemaOrThrow 从算子查找表中查询,返回 OperatorHandle。
OperatorHandle::typed 返回 TypedOperatorHandle,后者是向调度器注册的算子模式的句柄。
TypedOperatorHandle::call 会调用 Dispatcher::call。

at::Tensor deform_conv2d(const at::Tensor& input,const at::Tensor& weight,const at::Tensor& offset,const at::Tensor& mask,const at::Tensor& bias,int64_t stride_h,int64_t stride_w,int64_t pad_h,int64_t pad_w,int64_t dilation_h,int64_t dilation_w,int64_t groups,int64_t offset_groups,bool use_mask) {C10_LOG_API_USAGE_ONCE("torchvision.csrc.ops.deform_conv2d.deform_conv2d");static auto op = c10::Dispatcher::singleton().findSchemaOrThrow("torchvision::deform_conv2d", "").typed<decltype(deform_conv2d)>();return,weight,offset,mask,bias,stride_h,stride_w,pad_h,pad_w,dilation_h,dilation_w,groups,offset_groups,use_mask);


deform_conv2d_forward_kernel deformable_im2col

GPU 的实现。

at::Tensor deform_conv2d_forward_kernel(const at::Tensor& input,const at::Tensor& weight,const at::Tensor& offset,const at::Tensor& mask,const at::Tensor& bias,int64_t stride_h,int64_t stride_w,int64_t pad_h,int64_t pad_w,int64_t dilation_h,int64_t dilation_w,int64_t n_weight_grps,int64_t n_offset_grps,bool use_mask) {at::Tensor input_c = input.contiguous();at::Tensor offset_c = offset.contiguous();at::Tensor weight_c = weight.contiguous();at::Tensor mask_c = mask.contiguous();at::Tensor bias_c = bias.contiguous();


  TORCH_CHECK(input_c.ndimension() == 4);TORCH_CHECK(offset_c.ndimension() == 4);TORCH_CHECK(!use_mask || mask_c.ndimension() == 4);TORCH_CHECK(weight_c.ndimension() == 4);TORCH_CHECK(input_c.is_cuda(), "input must be a CUDA tensor");

DeviceGuard 设置为输入数据所在的设备。

  at::DeviceGuard guard(input_c.device());int batch_sz = input_c.size(0);int in_channels = input_c.size(1);int in_h = input_c.size(2);int in_w = input_c.size(3);

get_greatest_divisor_below_bound 找到batch_sz不超过 kMaxParallelImgs 的最大因数作为 batch 维度拆分的份数。

  int n_parallel_imgs =get_greatest_divisor_below_bound(batch_sz, kMaxParallelImgs);int out_channels = weight_c.size(0);int weight_h = weight_c.size(2);int weight_w = weight_c.size(3);int ker_h = dilation_h * (weight_h - 1) + 1;int ker_w = dilation_w * (weight_w - 1) + 1;int out_h = ((in_h + 2 * pad_h - ker_h) / stride_h) + 1;int out_w = ((in_w + 2 * pad_w - ker_w) / stride_w) + 1;


  TORCH_CHECK(weight_h > 0 && weight_w > 0,"weight_h: ",weight_h," weight_w: ",weight_w);TORCH_CHECK(stride_h > 0 && stride_w > 0,"stride_h: ",stride_h," stride_w: ",stride_w);TORCH_CHECK(pad_h >= 0 && pad_w >= 0, "pad_h: ", pad_h, " pad_w: ", pad_w);TORCH_CHECK(dilation_h > 0 && dilation_w > 0,"dilation_h: ",dilation_h," dilation_w: ",dilation_w);TORCH_CHECK(weight_c.size(1) * n_weight_grps == input_c.size(1));TORCH_CHECK(weight_c.size(0) % n_weight_grps == 0);

n_offset_grps表示将输入的通道分组应用 offset 和 mask,表示为 G Δ G_{\Delta} GΔ​。
offset_c形状为 N × 2 G Δ K h K w × H o × W o \mathrm{N\times 2G_{\Delta}K_h K_w \times H_o\times W_o} N×2GΔ​Kh​Kw​×Ho​×Wo​,mask_c为 N × G Δ k h k w × H o × W o \mathrm{N\times G_{\Delta}k_h k_w \times H_o\times W_o} N×GΔ​kh​kw​×Ho​×Wo​

  TORCH_CHECK((offset_c.size(1) == n_offset_grps * 2 * weight_h * weight_w),"offset.shape[1] is not valid: got: ",offset_c.size(1)," expected: ",n_offset_grps * 2 * weight_h * weight_w);TORCH_CHECK((!use_mask || mask_c.size(1) == n_offset_grps * weight_h * weight_w),"mask.shape[1] is not valid: got: ",mask_c.size(1)," expected: ",n_offset_grps * weight_h * weight_w);TORCH_CHECK(input_c.size(1) % n_offset_grps == 0);TORCH_CHECK((offset_c.size(0) == input_c.size(0)), "invalid batch size of offset");TORCH_CHECK((offset_c.size(2) == out_h && offset_c.size(3) == out_w),"offset output dims: (",offset_c.size(2),", ",offset_c.size(3),") - ","computed output dims: (",out_h,", ",out_w,")");TORCH_CHECK((mask_c.size(0) == input_c.size(0)), "invalid batch size of mask");TORCH_CHECK((!use_mask || (mask_c.size(2) == out_h && mask_c.size(3) == out_w)),"mask output dims: (",mask_c.size(2),", ",mask_c.size(3),") - ","computed output dims: (",out_h,", ",out_w,")");TORCH_CHECK(out_h > 0 && out_w > 0,"Calculated output size too small - out_h: ",out_h," out_w: ",out_w);


  auto out =at::zeros({batch_sz, out_channels, out_h, out_w}, input_c.options());if (batch_sz == 0) {return out;}

调整张量的形状,将out等变量的 batch 维度拆分,调整为5维。便于每次处理n_parallel_imgs张图。
out的形状为 N n × n × C o × H o × W o \mathrm{\frac{N}{n}\times n\times C_o \times H_o\times W_o} nN​×n×Co​×Ho​×Wo​ 。

  // Separate batches into blocksout = out.view({batch_sz / n_parallel_imgs,n_parallel_imgs,out_channels,out_h,out_w});input_c = input_c.view({batch_sz / n_parallel_imgs, n_parallel_imgs, in_channels, in_h, in_w});offset_c = offset_c.view({batch_sz / n_parallel_imgs,n_parallel_imgs,n_offset_grps * 2 * weight_h * weight_w,out_h,out_w});if (use_mask) {mask_c = mask_c.view({batch_sz / n_parallel_imgs,n_parallel_imgs,n_offset_grps * weight_h * weight_w,out_h,out_w});}

out_buf用于存放转置前的结果,形状为 N n × C o × n H o × W o \mathrm{\frac{N}{n} \times C_o \times n H_o\times W_o} nN​×Co​×nHo​×Wo​ 。

  at::Tensor out_buf = at::zeros({batch_sz / n_parallel_imgs,out_channels,n_parallel_imgs * out_h,out_w},out.options());

out_buf调整为 N n × G × C o G × n H o × W o \mathrm{\frac{N}{n}\times G\times\frac{C_o}{G}\times nH_o\times W_o} nN​×G×GCo​​×nHo​×Wo​ 的形状,weight_c为 G × C o G × C i G × k h × k w \mathrm{G \times\frac{C_o}{G}\times\frac{C_i}{G}\times k_h \times k_w} G×GCo​​×GCi​​×kh​×kw​ 。

  // Separate channels into convolution groupsout_buf = out_buf.view({out_buf.size(0),n_weight_grps,out_buf.size(1) / n_weight_grps,out_buf.size(2),out_buf.size(3)});weight_c = weight_c.view({n_weight_grps,weight_c.size(0) / n_weight_grps,weight_c.size(1),weight_c.size(2),weight_c.size(3)});

columns是一个 C i k h k w × n H o W o \mathrm{C_i k_h k_w\times nH_o W_o} Ci​kh​kw​×nHo​Wo​ 二维矩阵,为每个卷积核准备输入。
循环调用 deformable_im2col 函数,每次处理n_parallel_imgs张图像。
因为相比普通 im2col 的内存占用更多,只能分块进行处理。

  // Sample points and perform convolutionauto columns = at::zeros({in_channels * weight_h * weight_w, n_parallel_imgs * out_h * out_w},input_c.options());for (int b = 0; b < batch_sz / n_parallel_imgs; b++) {deformable_im2col(input_c[b],offset_c[b],mask_c[b],in_channels,in_h,in_w,weight_h,weight_w,pad_h,pad_w,stride_h,stride_w,dilation_h,dilation_w,out_h,out_w,n_parallel_imgs,n_offset_grps,use_mask,columns);

columns形状调整为 G × C i G k h k w × n H o W o \mathrm{G \times \frac{C_i}{G} k_h k_w\times nH_o W_o} G×GCi​​kh​kw​×nHo​Wo​ 。
out_buf[b][g]形状为 C o G × n H o × W o \mathrm{\frac{C_o}{G}\times nH_o\times W_o} GCo​​×nHo​×Wo​,torch.Tensor.flatten 将其第1第2维展平后为 C o G × n H o W o \mathrm{\frac{C_o}{G}\times nH_o W_o} GCo​​×nHo​Wo​ 。
torch.Tensor.addmm_ 是 torch.Tensor.addmm 的原位版本,执行矩阵乘法。
weight_c[g]的形状为 C o G × C i G × k h × k w \mathrm{\frac{C_o}{G}\times\frac{C_i}{G}\times k_h \times k_w} GCo​​×GCi​​×kh​×kw​,将weight_c[g]展平成二维矩阵 C o G × C i G k h k w \mathrm{\frac{C_o}{G}\times\frac{C_i}{G} k_h k_w} GCo​​×GCi​​kh​kw​ 。
columns[g]为 C i G k h k w × n H o W o \mathrm{\frac{C_i}{G} k_h k_w\times nH_o W_o} GCi​​kh​kw​×nHo​Wo​ 二维的矩阵。
ℜ C o G × n H o W o = ℜ C o G × C i G k h k w × ℜ C i G k h k w × n H o W o \Re^\mathrm{\frac{C_o}{G}\times nH_o W_o} = \Re^{\mathrm{\frac{C_o}{G}\times\frac{C_i}{G} k_h k_w}}\times \Re^{\mathrm{\frac{C_i}{G} k_h k_w\times nH_o W_o}} ℜGCo​​×nHo​Wo​=ℜGCo​​×GCi​​kh​kw​×ℜGCi​​kh​kw​×nHo​Wo​
DeformConv2d 支持分组卷积特性。将columns的行切分成n_weight_grps段。每一段会产生一个输出。


    columns = columns.view({n_weight_grps, columns.size(0) / n_weight_grps, columns.size(1)});for (int g = 0; g < n_weight_grps; g++) {out_buf[b][g] = out_buf[b][g].flatten(1).addmm_(weight_c[g].flatten(1), columns[g]).view_as(out_buf[b][g]);}columns =columns.view({columns.size(0) * columns.size(1), columns.size(2)});}

out_buf调整为 N n × C o × n × H o × W o \mathrm{\frac{N}{n}\times C_o\times n \times H_o\times W_o} nN​×Co​×n×Ho​×Wo​ 的形状,转置后为 N n × n × C o × H o × W o \mathrm{\frac{N}{n} \times n \times C_o \times H_o\times W_o} nN​×n×Co​×Ho​×Wo​
为何不选择调用 torch.transpose?

  out_buf = out_buf.view({batch_sz / n_parallel_imgs,out_channels,n_parallel_imgs,out_h,out_w});out_buf.transpose_(1, 2);out.copy_(out_buf);out = out.view({batch_sz, out_channels, out_h, out_w});return out + bias_c.view({1, out_channels, 1, 1});


deformable_im2col deformable_im2col_kernel
void deformable_im2col(const at::Tensor& input,const at::Tensor& data_offset,const at::Tensor& data_mask,int n_in_channels,int height,int width,int weight_h,int weight_w,int pad_h,int pad_w,int stride_h,int stride_w,int dilation_h,int dilation_w,int out_h,int out_w,int parallel_imgs,int deformable_group,bool use_mask,at::Tensor data_col) {at::cuda::CUDAGuard device_guard(input.get_device());

num_kernels为任务总数。考虑到columns是一个 C i k h k w × n H o W o \mathrm{C_i k_h k_w\times nH_o W_o} Ci​kh​kw​×nHo​Wo​ 二维矩阵,每个线程内需要处理 k h k w \mathrm{ k_h k_w} kh​kw​ 个元素。
GET_THREADS 根据设备是 HIP 还是 CUDA 返回 block 内的线程数。
GET_BLOCKS 返回 block 数量。

  const int64_t num_kernels =(int64_t)n_in_channels * out_h * out_w * parallel_imgs;const unsigned int threads = GET_THREADS();const unsigned int blocks = GET_BLOCKS(threads, num_kernels);

如果函数输入的元素数量( C i n H o W o \mathrm{C_i nH_o W_o} Ci​nHo​Wo​)或者输出的元素数量( C i k h k w n H o W o \mathrm{C_i k_h k_w nH_o W_o} Ci​kh​kw​nHo​Wo​)超过 int32 的表示范围,则使用 int64 索引。

  // Checks if we should use 64bits indexing//  use_64bits_indexing = false;// Checks if num_kernels or columns numel larger than 2 ** 31use_64bits_indexing |= num_kernels > (1 << 31);use_64bits_indexing |=((int64_t)n_in_channels * weight_h * weight_w * parallel_imgs * out_h *out_w >(1 << 31));

调用 deformable_im2col_kernel 进行处理。

  if (use_64bits_indexing) {AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND_HALF(input.scalar_type(), "deformable_im2col", ([&] {deformable_im2col_kernel<scalar_t, int64_t><<<blocks, threads>>>(num_kernels,input.data_ptr<scalar_t>(),data_offset.data_ptr<scalar_t>(),data_mask.data_ptr<scalar_t>(),height,width,weight_h,weight_w,pad_h,pad_w,stride_h,stride_w,dilation_h,dilation_w,parallel_imgs,n_in_channels,deformable_group,out_h,out_w,use_mask,data_col.data_ptr<scalar_t>());}));} else {AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND_HALF(input.scalar_type(), "deformable_im2col", ([&] {deformable_im2col_kernel<scalar_t, int><<<blocks, threads>>>(num_kernels,input.data_ptr<scalar_t>(),data_offset.data_ptr<scalar_t>(),data_mask.data_ptr<scalar_t>(),height,width,weight_h,weight_w,pad_h,pad_w,stride_h,stride_w,dilation_h,dilation_w,parallel_imgs,n_in_channels,deformable_group,out_h,out_w,use_mask,data_col.data_ptr<scalar_t>());}));}C10_CUDA_KERNEL_LAUNCH_CHECK();


kernel 函数有两个模板参数,分别为数据类型和处理所用索引类型。
不同线程间输出、offset 和 mask 连续,可以访存合并。输入访问不连续,且可能冲突。

template <typename scalar_t, typename index_t>
__global__ void deformable_im2col_kernel(index_t n,const scalar_t* input_ptr,const scalar_t* offset_ptr,const scalar_t* mask_ptr,index_t height,index_t width,index_t weight_h,index_t weight_w,index_t pad_h,index_t pad_w,index_t stride_h,index_t stride_w,index_t dilation_h,index_t dilation_w,index_t batch_sz,index_t n_in_channels,index_t n_offset_grps,index_t out_h,index_t out_w,bool use_mask,scalar_t* columns_ptr) {

columns是一个 C i k h k w × n H o W o \mathrm{C_i k_h k_w\times nH_o W_o} Ci​kh​kw​×nHo​Wo​ 二维矩阵。
out_c对应 C i k h k w \mathrm{C_i k_h k_w} Ci​kh​kw​ 。

  CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP_T(index, n, index_t) {const index_t out_x = index % out_w;const index_t out_y = (index / out_w) % out_h;const index_t out_b = (index / (out_w * out_h)) % batch_sz;const index_t in_c = index / (out_w * out_h * batch_sz);const index_t out_c = in_c * weight_h * weight_w;index_t c_per_offset_grp = n_in_channels / n_offset_grps;const index_t grp_idx = in_c / c_per_offset_grp;columns_ptr +=(out_c * (batch_sz * out_h * out_w) + out_b * (out_h * out_w) +out_y * out_w + out_x);

输入数据为 n × C i × H i × W i \mathrm{ n\times C_i \times H_i\times W_i} n×Ci​×Hi​×Wi​ 。
offset 形状为 N × 2 G Δ K h K w × H o × W o \mathrm{N\times 2G_{\Delta}K_h K_w \times H_o\times W_o} N×2GΔ​Kh​Kw​×Ho​×Wo​,mask 为 N × G Δ k h k w × H o × W o \mathrm{N\times G_{\Delta}k_h k_w \times H_o\times W_o} N×GΔ​kh​kw​×Ho​×Wo​

    input_ptr +=(out_b * (n_in_channels * height * width) + in_c * (height * width));offset_ptr += (out_b * n_offset_grps + grp_idx) * 2 * weight_h * weight_w *out_h * out_w;if (use_mask) {mask_ptr += (out_b * n_offset_grps + grp_idx) * weight_h * weight_w *out_h * out_w;}

线程内需要处理 k h k w \mathrm{ k_h k_w} kh​kw​ 个元素。仅在循环内使用scalar_t类型的变量。
deform_conv2d 的卷积公式为:
y ( p ) = ∑ k = 1 K w k ⋅ x ( p + p k + Δ p k ) ⋅ Δ m k , y(p) = \sum_{k=1}^{K} w_k \cdot x(p+p_k+\Delta p_k)\cdot \Delta m_k, y(p)=k=1∑K​wk​⋅x(p+pk​+Δpk​)⋅Δmk​,
xy为加上了偏移后的输入元素位置。 p = p 0 + p n + Δ p n \mathbf{p}=\mathbf{p}_0+\mathbf{p}_n+\Delta \mathbf{p}_n p=p0​+pn​+Δpn​
bilinear_interpolate 插值合成规则输入。

    for (int i = 0; i < weight_h; ++i) {for (int j = 0; j < weight_w; ++j) {const index_t mask_idx = i * weight_w + j;const index_t offset_idx = 2 * mask_idx;scalar_t mask_value = 1;if (use_mask) {mask_value =mask_ptr[mask_idx * (out_h * out_w) + out_y * out_w + out_x];}const scalar_t offset_h =offset_ptr[offset_idx * (out_h * out_w) + out_y * out_w + out_x];const scalar_t offset_w = offset_ptr[(offset_idx + 1) * (out_h * out_w) + out_y * out_w + out_x];const scalar_t y =(out_y * stride_h - pad_h) + i * dilation_h + offset_h;const scalar_t x =(out_x * stride_w - pad_w) + j * dilation_w + offset_w;*columns_ptr =mask_value * bilinear_interpolate(input_ptr, height, width, y, x);columns_ptr += batch_sz * out_h * out_w;}}}


x ( p ) = ∑ q G ( q , p ) ⋅ x ( q ) , \mathbf{x}(\mathbf{p})=\sum_\mathbf{q} G(\mathbf{q},\mathbf{p})\cdot \mathbf{x}(\mathbf{q}), x(p)=q∑​G(q,p)⋅x(q),

template <typename scalar_t, typename index_t>
__device__ scalar_t bilinear_interpolate(const scalar_t* in,index_t height,index_t width,scalar_t h,scalar_t w) {if (h <= -1 || height <= h || w <= -1 || width <= w) {return 0;}

f ( x , y 1 ) = x 2 − x x 2 − x 1 f ( Q 11 ) + x − x 1 x 2 − x 1 f ( Q 21 ) f ( x , y 2 ) = x 2 − x x 2 − x 1 f ( Q 12 ) + x − x 1 x 2 − x 1 f ( Q 22 ) \begin{aligned} f(x, y_1) &= \frac{x_2 -x}{x_2 - x_1}f(Q_{11}) + \frac{x -x_1}{x_2 - x_1}f(Q_{21}) \\ f(x, y_2) &= \frac{x_2 -x}{x_2 - x_1}f(Q_{12}) + \frac{x -x_1}{x_2 - x_1}f(Q_{22}) \end{aligned} f(x,y1​)f(x,y2​)​=x2​−x1​x2​−x​f(Q11​)+x2​−x1​x−x1​​f(Q21​)=x2​−x1​x2​−x​f(Q12​)+x2​−x1​x−x1​​f(Q22​)​
f ( x , y ) = y 2 − y y 2 − y 1 f ( x , y 1 ) + y − y 1 y 2 − y 1 f ( x , y 2 ) = 1 ( x 2 − x 1 ) ( y 2 − y 1 ) ( f ( Q 11 ) ( x 2 − x ) ( y 2 − y ) + f ( Q 21 ) ( x − x 1 ) ( y 2 − y ) + f ( Q 12 ) ( x 2 − x ) ( y − y 1 ) + f ( Q 22 ) ( x − x 1 ) ( y − y 1 ) ) = w 11 f ( Q 11 ) + w 12 f ( Q 12 ) + w 21 f ( Q 21 ) + w 22 f ( Q 22 ) \begin{aligned} f(x, y) &= \frac{y_2 -y}{y_2 - y_1}f(x, y_1) + \frac{y -y_1}{y_2 - y_1}f(x, y_2) \\ &= \frac{1}{(x_2 - x_1)(y_2 - y_1)}\left( f(Q_{11})(x_2 -x)(y_2 -y) + f(Q_{21})(x -x_1)(y_2 -y) + f(Q_{12})(x_2 -x)(y -y_1) + f(Q_{22})(x -x_1)(y -y_1) \right) \\ &=w_{11} f(Q_{11}) + w_{12} f(Q_{12}) + w_{21} f(Q_{21}) + w_{22} f(Q_{22}) \end{aligned} f(x,y)​=y2​−y1​y2​−y​f(x,y1​)+y2​−y1​y−y1​​f(x,y2​)=(x2​−x1​)(y2​−y1​)1​(f(Q11​)(x2​−x)(y2​−y)+f(Q21​)(x−x1​)(y2​−y)+f(Q12​)(x2​−x)(y−y1​)+f(Q22​)(x−x1​)(y−y1​))=w11​f(Q11​)+w12​f(Q12​)+w21​f(Q21​)+w22​f(Q22​)​

  index_t h_low = floor(h);index_t w_low = floor(w);index_t h_high = h_low + 1;index_t w_high = w_low + 1;


  scalar_t lh = h - h_low;scalar_t lw = w - w_low;scalar_t hh = 1 - lh, hw = 1 - lw;


  scalar_t v1 = 0;if (h_low >= 0 && w_low >= 0)v1 = in[h_low * width + w_low];scalar_t v2 = 0;if (h_low >= 0 && w_high <= width - 1)v2 = in[h_low * width + w_high];scalar_t v3 = 0;if (h_high <= height - 1 && w_low >= 0)v3 = in[h_high * width + w_low];scalar_t v4 = 0;if (h_high <= height - 1 && w_high <= width - 1)v4 = in[h_high * width + w_high];


  scalar_t w1 = hh * hw, w2 = hh * lw, w3 = lh * hw, w4 = lh * lw;scalar_t val = (w1 * v1 + w2 * v2 + w3 * v3 + w4 * v4);return val;


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  • ncnn/src/layer/x86/deformableconv2d_x86.cpp
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torchvision 中的 deform

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