新版torchtext 0.15.0 API 使用

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新版torchtext 0.15.0 API 使用


torchtext在0.9.0之后,删除了legacy、Field等接口,旨在将其打造成类似于torch的DataLoader的库,每一个过程都可以自己控制。但是这样以来,之前的代码很多都不能用了,而且目前新版API的使用没有一份详细的攻略,我在多方查阅后,写了一些自己的理解。对我帮助比较大的是这篇博客Torchtext 0.12+新版API学习与使用示例(1),我将在此基础上继续改进。


为了读者更好的理解,我们这里仍然给出完整的旧版API的官方代码,感兴趣的可以看一下,想用新版可以直接跳过。由于旧版我没有用过多少,并且 我现在使用torch 2.0.1,安装不了旧版的torchtext了,这里没有给出运行效果。

# 旧版legacy API使用
import torchtext
import torch
from torchtext.legacy import data
from torchtext.legacy import datasets# Step 1 Create a dataset object
TEXT = data.Field() 
LABEL = data.LabelField(dtype = torch.long)
legacy_train, legacy_test = datasets.IMDB.splits(TEXT, LABEL) # 使用datasets中的IMDB数据集
legacy_examples = legacy_train.examples # 拿出一个样本,输出查看
print(legacy_examples[0].text, legacy_examples[0].label)# Step 2 Build the data processing pipeline
The default tokenizer implemented in the Field class is the built-in python split() function. Users choose the tokenizer by calling data.get_tokenizer(), and add it to the Field constructor. For the sequence model, it's common to append <BOS> (begin-of-sentence) and <EOS> (end-of-sentence) tokens, and the special tokens need to be defined in the Field class.
TEXT = data.Field(tokenize=data.get_tokenizer('basic_english'),init_token='<SOS>', eos_token='<EOS>', lower=True) # tokenize是我们分词的方法,可以自己定义一个类或方法来实现
LABEL = data.LabelField(dtype = torch.long)
legacy_train, legacy_test = datasets.IMDB.splits(TEXT, LABEL)  # datasets here refers to torchtext.legacy.datasets"""
Now you can create a vocabulary of the words from the text file stored in the predefined Field object, TEXT. You fist have to build a vocabulary in your Field object by passing the dataset to the build_vocab func. The Field object builds the vocabulary (TEXT.vocab) on a specific data split.
TEXT.build_vocab(legacy_train) # 通过build_vocab()函数建立单词表
Things you can do with a vocabuary objectTotal length of the vocabularyString2Index (stoi) and Index2String (itos)A purpose-specific vocabulary which contains word appearing more than N times
legacy_vocab = TEXT.vocab
print("The length of the legacy vocab is", len(legacy_vocab)) # 查看单词数量
legacy_stoi = legacy_vocab.stoi
print("The index of 'example' is", legacy_stoi['example']) # word -> token
legacy_itos = legacy_vocab.itos 
print("The token at index 686 is", legacy_itos[686]) # token -> word# Set up the mim_freq value in the Vocab class
TEXT.build_vocab(legacy_train, min_freq=10) # 截断频率,删除出现次数少于10的单词
legacy_vocab2 = TEXT.vocab
print("The length of the legacy vocab is", len(legacy_vocab2))# Step 3: Generate batch iterator
The legacy Iterator class is used to batch the dataset and send to the target device, like CPU or GPU.
import torch
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
legacy_train, legacy_test = datasets.IMDB.splits(TEXT, LABEL)  # datasets here refers to torchtext.legacy.datasets
legacy_train_iterator, legacy_test_iterator = data.Iterator.splits((legacy_train, legacy_test), batch_size=8, device = device)
For a NLP workflow, it's also common to define an iterator and batch texts with similar lengths together. The legacy BucketIterator class in torchtext library minimizes the amount of padding needed.
from torchtext.legacy.data import BucketIterator
legacy_train, legacy_test = datasets.IMDB.splits(TEXT, LABEL)
legacy_train_bucketiterator, legacy_test_bucketiterator = data.BucketIterator.splits((legacy_train, legacy_test),sort_key=lambda x: len(x.text),batch_size=8, device = device)# Step 4: Iterate batch to train a model
The legacy batch iterator can be iterated or executed with next() method.


新版torchtext API的使用是本文的重点,下面将给出完整的官方使用代码、详细的解释、运行的过程。

2.1 Step 1: Create a dataset object

The new dataset API returns the train/test dataset split directly without the preprocessing information. Each split is an iterator which yields the raw texts and labels line-by-line.


from torchtext.datasets import IMDB
train_data, test_data = IMDB(split=('train', 'test'))
train_iter, test_iter = iter(train_data), iter(test_data)
# To print out the raw data, you can call the next() function on the IterableDataset.


(1, 'I rented I AM CURIOUS-YELLOW from my video store because of all the controversy that surrounded it when it was first released in 1967. I also heard that at first it was seized by U.S. customs if it ever tried to enter this country, therefore being a fan of films considered "controversial" I really had to see this for myself.<br /><br />The plot is centered around a young Swedish drama student named Lena who wants to learn everything she can about life. In particular she wants to focus her attentions to making some sort of documentary on what the average Swede thought about certain political issues such as the Vietnam War and race issues in the United States. In between asking politicians and ordinary denizens of Stockholm about their opinions on politics, she has sex with her drama teacher, classmates, and married men.<br /><br />What kills me about I AM CURIOUS-YELLOW is that 40 years ago, this was considered pornographic. Really, the sex and nudity scenes are few and far between, even then it\'s not shot like some cheaply made porno. While my countrymen mind find it shocking, in reality sex and nudity are a major staple in Swedish cinema. Even Ingmar Bergman, arguably their answer to good old boy John Ford, had sex scenes in his films.<br /><br />I do commend the filmmakers for the fact that any sex shown in the film is shown for artistic purposes rather than just to shock people and make money to be shown in pornographic theaters in America. I AM CURIOUS-YELLOW is a good film for anyone wanting to study the meat and potatoes (no pun intended) of Swedish cinema. But really, this film doesn\'t have much of a plot.')


from torch.utils.data import Dataset, DataLoadersentences = ["I am happy""I am angry"]
labels = [0, 1]class MyDataset(Dataset):def __init__(self, text, label):self.text = textself.label = labeldef __len__(self):return len(self.label)def __getitem__(self, item):return self.text[item], self.label[item]data_iter = iter(MyDataset(text=sentences, label=labels))

2.2 Step 2 Build the data processing pipeline

Users have the access to different kinds of tokenizers directly via data.get_tokenizer() function.


# 方法一
from torchtext.data.utils import get_tokenizer
tokenizer = get_tokenizer('basic_english')# 方法二
# or define your tokenizer
import spacy
import reclass tokenize(object):def __init__(self, lang):self.nlp = spacy.load(lang)def tokenizer(self, sentence):sentence = re.sub(r"[\*\"“”\n\\…\+\-\/\=\(\)‘•:\[\]\|’\!;]", " ", str(sentence))sentence = re.sub(r"[ ]+", " ", sentence)sentence = re.sub(r"\!+", "!", sentence)sentence = re.sub(r"\,+", ",", sentence)sentence = re.sub(r"\?+", "?", sentence)sentence = sentence.lower()return [tok.text for tok in self.nlp.tokenizer(sentence) if tok.text != " "]

To have more flexibility, users can build the vocabulary directly with the Vocab class. For example, the argument min_freq is to set up the cutoff frequency to in the vocabulary. The special tokens, like <BOS> and <EOS> can be assigned to the special symbols in the constructor of the Vocab class.


from collections import Counter
from torchtext.vocab import vocab # 注意导入的是vocab,不是Vocabtrain_data = IMDB(split='train')
train_iter = iter(train_data)
counter = Counter()
for (label, line) in train_iter:counter.update(tokenizer(line))
sorted_by_freq_tuples = sorted(counter.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
ordered_dict = OrderedDict(sorted_by_freq_tuples)
vocab = vocab(ordered_dict , min_freq=10, specials=['<unk>', '<BOS>', '<EOS>', '<PAD>'])"""
counter = Counter(["a", "a", "b", "b", "b"])
counter.items()Out[19]: dict_items([('a', 2), ('b', 3)])
"""# adding <unk> token and default index
vocab.set_default_index(-1) # 这样之后,如果出现单词表中的单词,就会返回-1
# special中已经定义了'<unk>'字符用来表示未知的字符,我们更希望出现未知字符后返回vocab['<unk>']


from torchtext.vocab import build_vocab_from_iteratordef yield_tokens(train_iter):for (label, line) in train_iter:yield line.strip().split()word_vocab = build_vocab_from_iterator(yield_tokens(train_iter), min_freq=10, specials=['<unk>', '<BOS>', '<EOS>', '<PAD>'])word_vocab.set_default_index(word_vocab['<unk>'])

Both text_transform and label_transform are the callable object, such as a lambda func here, to process the raw text and label data from the dataset iterators. Users can add the special symbols <BOS> and <EOS> to the sentence in text_transform.


text_transform = lambda x: [vocab['<BOS>']] + [vocab[token] for token in tokenizer(x)] + [vocab['<EOS>']]
label_transform = lambda x: 1 if x == 'pos' else 0# Print out the output of text_transform
print("input to the text_transform:", "here is an example")
print("output of the text_transform:", text_transform("here is an example"))"""
input to the text_transform: here is an example
output of the text_transform: [1, 227, 9, 35, 711, 2]

2.3 Step 3: Generate batch iterator

torch.utils.data.DataLoader is used to generate data batch. Users could customize the data batch by defining a function with the collate_fn argument in the DataLoader. Here, in the collate_batch func, we process the raw text data and add padding to dynamically match the longest sentence in a batch.


from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequencedef collate_batch(batch):"""padding_value将这个批次的句子全部填充成一样的长度,padding_value=word_vocab['<PAD>']=3"""label_list, text_list = [], []for (_label, _text) in batch:label_list.append(label_transform(_label))processed_text = torch.tensor(text_transform(_text))text_list.append(processed_text)return torch.tensor(label_list), pad_sequence(text_list, padding_value=3.0)train_iter = IMDB(split='train')
train_dataloader = DataLoader(list(train_iter), batch_size=8, shuffle=True, collate_fn=collate_batch)

To group the texts with similar length together, like introduced in the legacy BucketIterator class, first of all, we randomly create multiple "pools", and each of them has a size of batch_size * 100. Then, we sort the samples within the individual pool by length. This idea can be implemented succintly through batch_sampler argument of PyTorch Dataloaderbatch_sampler accepts 'Sampler' or Iterable object that yields indices of next batch. In the code below, we implemented a generator that yields batch of indices for which the corresponding batch of data is of similar length.


import randomtrain_iter = IMDB(split='train')
train_list = list(train_iter)
batch_size = 8  # A batch size of 8def batch_sampler():indices = [(i, len(tokenizer(s[1]))) for i, s in enumerate(train_list)]random.shuffle(indices)pooled_indices = []# create pool of indices with similar lengths for i in range(0, len(indices), batch_size * 100):pooled_indices.extend(sorted(indices[i:i + batch_size * 100], key=lambda x: x[1]))pooled_indices = [x[0] for x in pooled_indices]# yield indices for current batchfor i in range(0, len(pooled_indices), batch_size):yield pooled_indices[i:i + batch_size]bucket_dataloader = DataLoader(train_list, batch_sampler=batch_sampler(),collate_fn=collate_batch)print(next(iter(bucket_dataloader)))




torchtext 0.15.0


新版torchtext 0.15.0 API 使用

本文发布于:2024-02-13 01:38:57,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:新版   torchtext   API


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