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Z and I went garage-saling on Sunday.


(If you're not in the US, a Garage Sale is when folks open up their garages, sometimes their homes, and sell all the stuff they don't want. They are called Garage says because "Garbage"-sale doesn't have the same ring to it. Some folks just put stuff on their front lawn with a sign that says "Free," then get some drinks and sit in their driveway waiting for the stuff to disappear. This is common with old computers and printers, as well as Washing Machines.)


We were lucky on this trip. We picked up a small toy kitchen construction set made out of Toy Bricks for only US$5. Z is 17 months old now and he's getting deeper into role-playing. Here he is frying imaginary fish. 

我们这次旅行很幸运。 我们以5美元的价格就可以买到一个由玩具砖制成的小型玩具厨房建筑套装。 Z现在已经17个月大了,他正在深入角色扮演。 他在这里油炸假想的鱼。

It struck me how someone else's garbage, er, discarded well-loved pre-owned items, could be our find-of-the-day. The toy was used, to be sure, but otherwise intact, complete and totally useful. I hate to waste and I hate to throw useful things away when they could be passed on, so I like the idea of a garage sale.

令我震惊的是,别人的垃圾,呃,废弃的备受喜爱的二手物品如何成为我们的当下之物。 可以肯定的是,该玩具已使用过,但完整无缺,完全有用。 我讨厌浪费,我讨厌把有用的东西丢掉,因为它们可以传递下去,所以我喜欢车库出售的想法。

It's charitable giving, if you do it right. The 25 cents you'll pay for a paperback isn't meant to make a profit, it's just there to keep folks from ransacking your sale.

如果您做对的话,这就是慈善捐赠。 您为平装本支付的25美分并不是要赚钱,它只是用来防止人们洗劫您的销售。

One woman wanted $250 for a maple rocking chair. She insisted it was worth $500 new. I politely suggested that she was not only insane, but that perhaps she wasn't really interested in getting rid if the chair. I offered $100 cash, which she refused with an insulted stare. It was a shame because the chair wasn't worth more than $50 in the Real World. She clearly wasn't interested in selling it, or she got the (wrong) idea that Garage Sales can make you rich.

一名妇女想要250美元买一把枫木摇椅。 她坚持认为这是价值500美元的新产品。 我有礼貌地建议她不仅精神错乱,而且也许她对出任主席并不真正感兴趣。 我提供了100美元现金,但遭到侮辱的盯着她拒绝了。 真可惜,因为在现实世界中椅子的价值不超过50美元。 她显然对出售它不感兴趣,或者她(错误)的想法认为车库售货可以使您变得富有。

Why aren't there more Code Garage Sales? Sure there's a lot of code out there that is lying by the side of the road with a "Free" sign on it, you can find it on blogs (mine included) and CodeProject.

为什么没有更多的代码车库销售? 当然,有很多代码都在路边,上面贴着“免费”标志,您可以在博客(包括我的博客)和CodeProject上找到它。

You don't have to go so far as to make an Open Source Project. You also might want to do more than just release a choice snippet. Why not try a middle place, and have a Code Garage Sale?

您不必做一个开源项目。 您可能还需要做更多的事情,而不只是发布选择片段。 为什么不尝试中间地方,并进行代码车库销售?

I think that Garage Sale-quality Code should be of a higher quality. Perhaps if there was a way to charge me a quarter when I downloaded it, it might be more like a garage sale. For me, Garage-Sale code is slightly different from code snippets in that it's complete (no missing parts) and organized on your website - like a Garage Sale.

我认为车库销售质量守则应具有更高的质量。 也许如果我下载时有办法向我收取四分之一的费用,那可能更像是一场车库拍卖。 对我来说,车库销售代码与代码片段稍有不同,因为它完整(没有遗漏的部分)并且在您的网站上组织得像车库销售一样。

Garage Sale Code should follow at least 4 of the 5 C's:


  • Complete - It's a whole library or application.

  • Concise - It does one discrete thing.

  • Clear - It'll work when you get it.

  • Cheap - It's free or < 25 cents.

  • (Quite Possibly) Crap - As with a Garage Sale, you'll never know until you get it home if it's useless.


There's lots of great Garage Sale code out there, but as with a real sale, sometimes you have to look for bargains. I find this kind of code more valuable than the "flea market" code snippets on (some places on) CodeProject and Google Groups. It's a shame that more companies, especially small ones, don't release their discarded code with a liberal license. All that typing, wasted. Surely someone might find part of it useful?

那里有很多很棒的车库销售代码,但是与真正的销售一样,有时您必须寻找便宜货。 我发现这种代码比CodeProject和Google网上论坛(某些地方)上的“跳蚤市场”代码段更有价值。 可惜的是,越来越多的公司,尤其是小型公司,没有通过自由许可证发布其废弃的代码。 所有的打字,浪费。 肯定有人会觉得它有用吗?

I like the following sites because they are PERSONAL. Again, like a Garage Sale, they are well-loved and useful things. Things that someone made for a reason, but just doesn't need anymore.

我喜欢以下网站,因为它们是个人的。 同样,它们就像车库销售一样,是受欢迎和有用的东西。 某人出于某种原因而制作的东西,但是不再需要了。

  • Jeff Key's .NET Stuff - The perfect example. All the stuff is in one place, organized and wonderful.

    Jeff Key的.NET Stuff-完美的例子。 所有的东西都放在一个地方,井井有条,精彩极了。

  • Roy Osherove's Tools - High quality, be sure to scroll all the way down.

    Roy Osherove的工具-高质量,请确保一直向下滚动。

  • Chris Sells Developer Tools - Chris has been a packrat for years.


  • IDesign.NET Samples - Juval cranks this stuff out at an alarming rate. Kudos for giving back to the community.

    IDesign.NET示例-Juval以惊人的速度将这些东西抛出。 回馈社区的荣誉。

  • AdaptevTools - This stuff is very high quality, so think of it as a well-maintained garage sale in a rich neighborhood.


  • Vertigo Software Labs (Check out Family.Show!) - A large neighborhood sale.

    Vertigo Software Labs (查看Family.Show !)-一项大型社区出售。

  • CodePlex, SourceForge, Google Code - Trailer Park sale, there's some great stuff, but there's some abandoned houses also.

    CodePlex , SourceForge , Google Code -Trailer Park出售,有一些很棒的东西,但也有一些废弃的房屋。

I KNOW I've missed a thousand good sites, so...


车库销售代码-号召性用语 (Garage Sale Code - Call To Action)

If you've got a Garage Sale Code section of your blog or website, leave a comment on this post and include the link to your side in the URL text field, not in the comment itself. That way it'll get linked automatically.

如果您的博客或网站上有车库销售代码部分,请在此帖子上发表评论,并在URL文本字段(而不是评论本身)中添加指向您这一边的链接 这样,它将自动链接。

If you KNOW you've got good code lying around your house, but you've just never taken the time to have a Garage Sale, now's the time to put up a section of your site dedicated to your old crap code, or just a single blog post with a zip file full of it. Get it out there so Google Code Search can get to it, and make sure there's a LICENSE block, license.txt, or comment with the word LICENSE, even if you intend to use the WTFPL as your primary license. Go have a Code Garage Sale!

如果您知道您的房屋周围有不错的代码,但是您从未花时间进行车库销售,那么现在是时候在网站上放置专门用于旧废话代码的部分,或者只是包含完整zip文件的单个博客文章。 将其发布,以便Google Code Search可以访问它,并确保存在LICENSE块,license.txt或带有LICENSE字样的注释,即使您打算将WTFPL用作主要许可证。 去有一个代码车库销售!




本文发布于:2024-02-12 23:05:25,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:车库   质量


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