seek bar 放手

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seek bar 放手

seek bar 放手

When the World Trade Center buildings collapsed last year, they took with them about $500 million worth of computer equipment, according to financial services company Morgan Stanley.

金融服务公司摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)称,去年世界贸易中心大楼倒塌时,他们携带了价值约5亿美元的计算机设备。

In spite of elaborate backup systems, some data was housed exclusively in hard drives buried beneath tonnes of rubble, often smashed to bits. Lost? Not necessarily.

尽管备份系统精心设计,但某些数据仅存储在埋在数吨瓦砾下的硬盘中,这些瓦砾经常被粉碎成碎片。 丢失? 不必要。

Within a month, one computer forensics company alone, Convar Systemme Deutschland, had recovered the data from 39 computers salvaged from the WTC ruins and was beginning work on another 62 using a unique laser tool that took samples from the broken bits to make a "virtual" hard drive and then recreated the original.

一个月之内,仅一家计算机取证公司Convar Systemme Deutschland就从WTC废墟中救出的39台计算机中恢复了数据,并开始使用独特的激光工具在另外62台计算机上工作,该激光工具从破碎的碎片中取样来制作“虚拟的然后重新创建原始硬盘。

It was expensive — up to $35,000 per hard drive — but the next time you "erase" something by clicking delete, it might help to remember Convar: once on view, always on recall.


但是我只是家庭用户... (But I’m Just a Home User…)

It’s not likely that you or anyone else will go to those lengths to recover information from your home computer, but data recovery (snooping) tools are getting more sophisticated — and cheaper — all the time.


Convar, for instance, offers a tool called PC Inspector Smart Recovery, that will recover "lost" image or sound files from any computing device — including external memory storage devices and digital cameras — for $US139. RTT, another well-regarded data recovery company, offers a home data recovery software suite that will restore entire drives from common types of disaster (or accidental wipes) for $US80.

例如,Convar提供了一种名为PC Inspector Smart Recovery的工具,该工具可以从任何计算设备(包括外部存储设备和数码相机)中恢复“丢失的”图像或声音文件,价格为139美元。 RTT是另一家广受好评的数据恢复公司,它提供了一个家庭数据恢复软件套件,可将整个驱动器从常见类型的灾难(或意外擦除)中恢复,价格为80美元。

When you use these utilities, they’re tools. When others use them, they’re spyware.

当您使用这些实用程序时,它们就是工具。 当其他人使用它们时,它们就是间谍软件。

删除数据时会发生什么? (What Happens When you Erase Data?)

Computer files are just strings of numbers, 1s and 0s. When they’re organised into patterns, they can be rendered by a computer as information — words, pictures, equations, the whole shebang. When even a few number sets at the beginning of a file — the "pointer" that tells the computer where and what it is — are randomised, however, the whole file becomes becomes invisible.

计算机文件只是一串数字,即1和0。 当将它们组织成模式时,它们可以由计算机作为信息呈现-单词,图片,方程式,整个shebang。 但是,当甚至在文件开头的几个数字集(告诉计算机位置和含义的“指针”)是随机的时,整个文件就变得不可见。

Without the protection of its pointer element, the computer treats a deleted file as though it were blank space, and replaces sections of the deleted file with sections of other files until, gradually, all the numbers have been "overwritten". At that point, theoretically, the file is erased.

在没有指针元素保护的情况下,计算机将删除的文件当作空白空间对待,并用其他文件的部分替换删除的文件的部分,直到所有数字逐渐被“覆盖”为止。 从理论上讲,此时文件已被删除。

The process of overwriting deleted files occurs randomly, however, and some files may sit on a hard drive nearly complete for years, while others may vanish in weeks. Any part of a file not completely overwritten can be recovered — and those fragments are your "invisible" hard drive.

但是,覆盖已删除文件的过程是随机发生的,有些文件可能坐在硬盘上将近完成数年,而另一些文件可能会在几周后消失。 可以恢复文件中未被完全覆盖的任何部分-这些碎片就是您的“不可见”硬盘。

So what’s on this invisible hard drive? Copies of everything you’ve ever looked at online, for one thing — as well as all the email you’ve ever sent or received, and every document you’ve ever read or written using the computer.

那么,这个隐形硬盘上有什么? 一方面,您可以在线查看所有内容的副本,以及您曾经发送或接收的所有电子邮件,以及您曾经使用计算机阅读或编写的每个文档的副本。

That should give you something to think about when you trade your old model in for a new one — because the chances are good that unless you’ve taken strong measures to erase your hard drive, everything is still on it, including your financial identity details.

当您将旧模型换成新模型时,这应该给您一些思考–因为除非您已采取强有力的措施来擦除硬盘,否则一切仍然存在,其中包括您的财务身份详细信息,这是一个很好的机会。 。

我可以真正删除文件吗? (Can I Really Erase a File?)

Yes. Maybe.

是。 也许。

A growing number of inexpensive software utilities claim they can erase files completely, beyond the reach of even tools like those employed by Convert and its peer organisations — although recovery technology is advancing rapidly.


Most of the popular file wipe utilities cost under $US25 and work by trying to rewrite a file with meaningless information before it gets deleted.


The US Government has indicated, with a few important caveats, that data handled this way becomes unrecoverable after seven rewrites. Two popular wipe utilities that provide at least seven wipes are mcSanitizer and ShredX. ShredX gives users the option of 35 rewrite passes, and actually tries to wipe places the file might have sequestered away copies of itself as well. You’ll want to write over files at least 50 times to get the most complete protection, however.

美国政府指出了一些重要的警告,经过七次重写后,以这种方式处理的数据将无法恢复。 mcSanitizer和ShredX是两个提供至少七个擦除的流行擦除工具。 ShredX为用户提供了35个重写密码的选项,并且实际上试图擦除文件可能也隔离了其自身副本的位置。 但是,您将需要至少写入50次文件以获得最全面的保护。

These tools, and others, can also be used to overwrite — wipe — your entire hard drive, but specialty tools, like IBAS ExpertEraser, are far more effective on big jobs.

这些工具以及其他工具也可以用来覆盖(擦除)整个硬盘驱动器,但是诸如IBAS ExpertEraser之类的专用工具在完成​​大型工作时要有效得多。

请勿擦除:加密! (Don’t Erase: Encrypt!)

Protecting the security of files you want to keep on your computer is another matter altogether, of course, and plain vanilla password protection through your screen saver or boot screen is not a real deterrent for the determined snoop.


Good encryption and locking solutions for the home user are increasingly user-friendly, inexpensive, and almost impossible for snoops to hack. Even the Government recognises this and is on the verge of requiring users who are suspected of using their computers to commit crimes (or of irritating various and sundry Government security agencies) to hand over encryption keys when computers are seized.

对于家庭用户而言,好的加密和锁定解决方案越来越人性化,价格便宜,并且几乎不可能被窃听者窃听。 甚至政府也意识到这一点,并且即将被要求使用计算机犯罪的用户(或激怒各种杂乱的政府安全机构)在扣押计算机时交出加密密钥。

Security that tight should defeat casual efforts at intrusion completely — and if encrypted files are left on a re-sold computer, they won’t be readable outside a very advanced laboratory (there are always residual traces of the pre-encryption data that can be extracted under extreme recovery conditions) .


One of the best encryption tools is Kryptel, which actually encrypts both file contents and passwords using "strong" cryptographic algorithms, for $US40.

最好的加密工具之一是Kryptel ,它实际上使用“强”加密算法对文件内容和密码进行加密,价格为40美元。

There are also, unfortunately, more than a few toy approaches to file security that abuse the term and offer what is more simple disguise than actual encryption.


Some tools, like Webroot’s PrivacyMaker, work by hiding files — including Internet activity — except by session access through an encrypted password. As Windows users can already make any file invisible, what’s added here is akin to a deadbolt on a flimsy door.

某些工具(例如Webroot的PrivacyMaker )通过隐藏文件(包括Internet活动)来工作,除非通过加密密码进行会话访问。 由于Windows用户已经可以隐藏任何文件,因此此处添加的内容类似于脆弱的门上的固定螺栓。

Another "encryption" technique in common use involves renaming the file extension so that it can be accessed only through the encryption software (e.g., a *.doc file becomes a *.cv4 file). Once a snoop knows the file extension, she or he can easily rename the file and it will then open in the original application.

另一种常用的“加密”技术涉及重命名文件扩展名,以便只能通过加密软件对其进行访问(例如,*。doc文件变为* .cv4文件)。 探听者知道文件扩展名后,便可以轻松地重命名该文件,然后该文件将在原始应用程序中打开。

擦不起作用… (Wiping Doesn’t Work…)

Ultimately, however, wiping is unlikely to provide full erasure of data, no matter how many times a file is written over. The reasons for this are arcane, but the proof is in the pudding.

但是,最终,无论文件被写入多少次,擦除都不可能完全擦除数据。 造成这种情况的原因是不可思议的,但证明存在于布丁中。

A recent analysis by Ziff Davis’ (ZDNet) eTesting Labs of nine market leading wipe tools showed that only one worked well in every case — and that product was supplied by the company that commissioned the study. IBAS ExpertEraser failed to completely wipe data from only one of the six computers in the study, however, so short of smelting the hard drive, this may be your best bet at only 28 euros for a one-shot license. Just be sure you mean it.

Ziff Davis(ZDNet)的eTesting Labs最近对九种市场领先的擦拭工具进行的分析表明,在每种情况下只有一种能很好地工作-并且该产品由委托进行这项研究的公司提供。 IBAS ExpertEraser未能完全擦除研究中六台计算机之一中的数据,但是,如果不熔炼硬盘,这可能是您最好的选择,一次性许可证仅需28欧元。 只要确定您是认真的。

Redemtech Data Erasure: www.redemtech


For a technical overview of the sticky memory problem, see "Secure Deletion of Data from Magnetic and Solid-State Memory", by Peter Gutman of the University of Auckland, 1996.

有关粘性内存问题的技术概述,请参阅奥克兰大学的Peter Gutman于1996年发表的“从磁和固态存储器中安全删除数据” 。

See also this Slashdot archived discussion of how to fully wipe a hard drive. Their conclusion? Drop it into the sun.

另请参阅关于如何完全擦除硬盘驱动器的Slashdot存档讨论 。 他们的结论? 放到阳光下。

涵盖您的足迹 (Covering Your Tracks )

Securing your files and wiping your hard drives are critical capabilities, but what if you just want to cover your tracks?


Simple as. When snoops want to find out what you’ve been up to, they look in all the likely places first — and often, last. While a computer forensics expert won’t be put off by such basic housekeeping, at least your spouse won’t find out that you’ve been shopping for diamonds if you tidy up after each surfing session.

简单如。 当侦探想要了解您的活动时,他们会首先查看所有可能出现的地方,通常是最后一次。 尽管不会因为这种基本的内务处理而让计算机取证专家感到烦恼,但如果您每次冲浪后都整理一下,至少您的配偶不会发现您一直在购买钻石。

Internet Cache


The first place to start is with your surfing history and your cached Internet files. Both can be cleared in Internet Explorer from the Tools button. Netscape Navigator lets you do this from the Preferences file.

首先要开始的是浏览历史记录和缓存的Internet文件。 两者都可以在Internet Explorer中通过“工具”按钮清除。 Netscape Navigator使您可以从“首选项”文件中执行此操作。

Neither browser always deletes all cache content, however, and Windows Explorer is a handy system tool to locate errant cache files (look into every file that says Temp, to start) for manual deletion.




Then, cookies. Many Websites set little text files on your computer every time you visit. These are usually harmless — often the sites use them to personalise presentation, or to keep track of your shopping cart. They do, however, contain in plain view the address of setting Websites and other information you might not want anyone to see (like what you bought during your visit).

然后,饼干。 每次您访问时,许多网站都会在您的计算机上设置很少的文本文件。 这些通常是无害的-站点经常使用它们来个性化演示文稿或跟踪您的购物车。 但是,它们确实包含了设置网站的地址以及您可能不希望任何人看到的其他信息(例如,在访问期间购买的信息)。

To view them, go to your Start button and use the search tool to find a folder called Cookies. You can delete any of these cookie files — or all of them. Advanced browsers also let you manage incoming cookies before they take up residence on your computer by notifying you that a cookie is being set and asking for permission.

要查看它们,请转到“开始”按钮,然后使用搜索工具找到一个名为Cookies的文件夹。 您可以删除任何一个cookie文件,也可以全部删除。 高级浏览器还可以通过通知您已设置cookie并征求许可,使您可以在传入的cookie在计算机上驻留之前对其进行管理。

Recent Documents and Trash


The "Recent Documents" file should also be cleaned to defeat casual snooping. You can do this item-by-item using your right click mouse button from the folder, or delete those records all at once from your Start>Settings>Taskbar function.

还应清除“最近文档”文件,以消除偶然的窥探。 您可以在文件夹中使用鼠标右键单击来逐项执行此操作,也可以从“开始”>“设置”>“任务栏”功能一次删除所有这些记录。

The same tools that let you recover from an accidental delete — like Norton’s Protected Recycle Bin — also mean a snoop can recover deleted files when you’re not there. Be sure to empty your trash and the Protected File folder that comes with most undelete software.

可以使您从意外删除中恢复的工具(例如Norton的受保护的回收站)也意味着,探听者可以在不存在的情况下恢复已删除的文件。 确保清空垃圾桶和大多数取消删除软件随附的“受保护的文件”文件夹。



Many security and PC performance tools, like Norton’s System Works ($US70), also include software to automate these tasks — where suites are concerned, the relationship between price and performance is often dramatically clear.

许多安全和PC性能工具,例如Norton的System Works (70美元),还包括用于自动执行这些任务的软件-如果涉及套件,则价格和性能之间的关系通常非常清晰。

There are hundreds of software packages designed expressly for the purpose of sweeping away your tracks, however, and many are cheap — or even free.


Webroot, for example, offers an award-winning $US30 tool called "Window Washer" that removes cookies, history files, caches, and other "footprint" related Internet activity — a cosmetic once-over scrub that should defeat a casual snoop. Window Washer also allows you to "bleach" deleted files with several overwrites — not deep protection, but enough to defeat most undelete software. Another tool, less well established, is Anti Spy, which does even more than Window Washer, for $US17.

以Webroot为例,它提供了屡获殊荣的30美元工具,称为“ Window Washer ”,该工具可以删除Cookie,历史记录文件,缓存以及其他与“足迹”相关的Internet活动-一种一次性化妆品,应能克服偶然的窥探。 窗口清洗器还允许您通过多次覆盖“漂白”已删除的文件-不是深度保护,但足以击败大多数未删除的软件。 另一个不太完善的工具是Anti Spy ,它的功能甚至比Window Washer还要多,价格为17美元。

Finally, secure your email. PGPFreeware lets you exchange strongly encrypted e-mail and even encrypt files — and it’s free. This program is so powerful, the US Government fought to keep it out of non-US hands for years. Now (think big conspiracy here) the US versions are widely rumoured to be compromised. Download from the international site, which is still open source.

最后,保护您的电子邮件。 PGPFreeware使您可以交换经过高度加密的电子邮件,甚至可以加密文件,而且它是免费的。 该计划是如此强大,美国政府多年来一直在努力使其不受非美国控制。 现在(在这里考虑大阴谋),有传言说美版会受到损害。 从仍然是开源的国际站点下载。

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seek bar 放手


seek bar 放手

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