Adaboost Matlab 可视化 实现

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Adaboost Matlab 可视化 实现

Adaboost Matlab 实现

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Adaboost Matlab 实现

算法介绍:Adaboost (Adaptive boosting) 是由 Yoav FreundRobert Schapire 在1995年在 "A Short Introduction to Boosting" 论文中提出。论文链接.





% Writen by: Weichen GU
% Date     : 2019/03/09
function Adaboost% Initializationclc;clear;cla;% Global range definitionglobal lowT;global highT;lowT = 0; highT = 3000;% Generate data and labels% [1] random labels[data, label] = createData(50,2,lowT,highT);% [2] Rectangle shape region labels%label  = (data(:,1)-data(:,2) > 0)*2 - 1;% Generate data%[data, ~] = createData(500,2,lowT,highT);% [3] Circle shape region labels%label  = (((data(:,1)-1500).^2+(data(:,2)-1500).^2 -1000^2) > 0)*2 - 1;% [4] Hyperbolic shape region labels%label  = (((data(:,1)-1500).^2-(data(:,2)-1500).^2 -300^2) > 0)*2 - 1;% Draw the original figure of data with different labelsfigure(1);clf;format rathold onplot( data(label==1,1),data(label==1,2),'b+','LineWidth',3,'MarkerSize',8);plot(data(label==-1,1),data(label==-1,2),'ro','LineWidth',3,'MarkerSize',8);xlabel('x');ylabel('y');axis([lowT highT lowT highT]);title('Orignal data');hold off% Draw the predicted data and labelsfigure(2);clf;hold on% Using Adaboost algorithm to train the data[~,~,strongClassifierLabel]=AdaboostTrain(data,label,10000);% Plot the predicted value and labelsplot( data(strongClassifierLabel==1,1),data(strongClassifierLabel==1,2),'b+','LineWidth',3,'MarkerSize',8);plot(data(strongClassifierLabel==-1,1),data(strongClassifierLabel==-1,2),'ro','LineWidth',3,'MarkerSize',8);xlabel('x');ylabel('y');axis([lowT highT lowT highT]);title('Predict data and corresponding split line');hold offend%--- This function is to create sample data ---%
function [data,label] = createData(m,n,lowT,highT)% Default parametersif ~narginlowT = 1;highT = 100;m = 2;n = 10;end% The samples should be less than the total samplesif((m*n)>highT^2)return; enddata = [];label = [];for i = 1:1:ms = [];t = 1;while 1temp = randi([lowT, highT],1);if(isempty(find(s==temp, 1)))s=[s temp];t = t+1;endif(t>n)break;endenddata = [data;s];label = randi([0, 1],m,1);end% Create labels (-1,1)label = label*2-1;
end%--- weakClassifier function ---%
function [retLabel] = weakClassifier(data,dimension, threshVal,threshMethod)  % Weak classifierif ~threshMethod    % 0 - lowThresh, 1- highThreshthreshMethod = 0;endretLabel = zeros(length(data),1)-1;data_temp = data(:,dimension);retLabel(data_temp>threshVal)=1;% highThreshif(threshMethod==1)retLabel = -retLabel;end
endfunction [bestWeakClassifier, minErr, bestLabel]=selectBestStump(data, label,D)[m, n] = size(data);step = 2*m; % Step definionbestWeakClassifier = []; % Best weak classifier in one loopbestLabel = zeros(m,1);  % Best predicted labelminErr = inf;            % Initialize minimum errorsuccess=0;               % This is for draw the split line(threshold) of every loopfor i=1:1:nminValue = min(data(:,i));  % Get the minimum value maxValue = max(data(:,i));  % and the maximum valuestepValue = (maxValue-minValue)/step;       % Split the difference by the steps% Traverse the valuesfor j = -1:step+1% Low threshold and high thresholdfor k = 0:1:1threshVal = minValue+stepValue*j;% for every threshold get the predictlabelpredictLabel = weakClassifier(data,i,threshVal,k);% assign error data to 1 and right data to0errData = ones(m,1);errData(label==predictLabel)=0;% Get the weighted error by multipling D and errDataweightedErr =D'*errData;% Get the minumum weightedErr in one loopif (weightedErr<minErr)success=1;dimemsion = i;thresh_temp = threshVal;minErr = weightedErr;bestLabel = predictLabel;bestWeakClassifier={'dimension' i;'thresh' threshVal};endendendend%  Draw the split line(threshold) in one loopif (success ==1)drawline(dimemsion,thresh_temp,step);end
%--- This function is to draw the split line in every loop ---%
function [ok] = drawline(i,threshVal,step)global lowT;global highT;% i = 1 horizontal axisif(i==1)cx=threshVal*ones(1,step+1);cy=lowT:(highT-lowT)/step:highT;plot(cx,cy,'m:','lineWidth',2)end% i = 2 vertical axisif(i==2)cy=threshVal*ones(1,step+1);cx=lowT:(highT-lowT)/step:highT;plot(cx,cy,'m:','lineWidth',2)end% Return valueok = 1;
%--- Simple realization method for Adaboost algorithm ---%
function [weakClassifier,err,strongClassifier] = AdaboostTrain(data,label,numIteration)[m, ~] = size(data);  weakClassifier = {};D = ones(m,1)/m;combinedWeakClassifier = zeros(m,1);for i = 1:1:numIteration[bestWeakClassifier, minErr, bestLabel]=selectBestStump(data, label,D);alpha= 0.5*log((1-minErr)/minErr);bestWeakClassifier(3,:) =  {'alpha' alpha};% Store weak classifier parametersweakClassifier=[weakClassifier;bestWeakClassifier];% Get D valueD = D.*exp(-alpha*label.*bestLabel);Z_t = 2*sqrt(minErr*(1-minErr));% Normalize D, we can also divide D by sum(D)D = D/Z_t;% Combine weak classifiercombinedWeakClassifier = combinedWeakClassifier+alpha*bestLabel;% Generate strong classifierstrongClassifier = sign(combinedWeakClassifier);[~,err]=symerr(label,strongClassifier);% Display error rateerr = vpa(err)% If error = 0, then returnif(err==0.0)break;endend


  1. 随机生成 5 个带标签的点集,并使用Adaboost得到含有阈值分割线的结果图。

  2. 随机生成 100 个带标签的点集,并使用Adaboost得到含有阈值分割线的结果图。

  3. 生成 500 个带三角形区域标签的点集,并使用Adaboost得到含有阈值分割线的结果图。

  4. 生成 500 个带圆形区域标签的点集,并使用Adaboost得到含有阈值分割线的结果图。

  5. 生成 500 个带双曲线区域标签的点集,并使用Adaboost得到含有阈值分割线的结果图。




Adaboost Matlab 可视化 实现

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本文标签:Adaboost   Matlab


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