Mariatta Wijaya的Python社区访谈

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Mariatta Wijaya的Python<a href= style=社区访谈"/>

Mariatta Wijaya的Python社区访谈

For this week’s community interview, I am joined by Mariatta Wijaya.

对于本周的社区访谈,我将与Mariatta Wijaya一起参加。

Mariatta is a web developer at Zapier. She also spends much of her time volunteering in the Python community: she is a core developer and contributes to conferences and Meetups.

Mariatta是Zapier的一名Web开发人员。 她还花费大量时间在Python社区做志愿者:她是核心开发人员,并为会议和Meetups做出了贡献。

If you ever have the pleasure of meeting her, then you can join her in an #icecreamselfie or talk about her bots taking over GitHub. You can find Mariatta’s preferred contact links at the end of this interview.

如果您很高兴与她见面,则可以与她一起参加#icecreamselfie或谈论她的机器人接管GitHub。 您可以在本采访结束时找到Mariatta的首选联系链接。

Ricky: Let’s start with an easy one. How’d you get into programming, and when did you start using Python?

瑞奇:让我们从一个简单的开始。 您是如何开始编程的?何时开始使用Python?

Mariatta: I started around junior high school. We had extracurricular activities in my school, and one of them was “computer” class. At first, it was an introduction to MS-DOS and Windows. We were shown how to use WordStar and Lotus spreadsheets. (I’m really old.)

Mariatta:我是从初中开始的。 我们学校有课外活动,其中之一是“计算机”课。 最初,它是对MS-DOS和Windows的介绍。 向我们展示了如何使用WordStar和Lotus电子表格。 (我真的很老。)

Later on, we got introduced to programming with QBASIC. Sometime later, I got introduced to “the world wide web,” and I started learning HTML and how to build web pages on my own. After I finished high school, I moved to Canada and studied computer science.

后来,我们开始使用QBASIC进行编程。 一段时间后,我被介绍给“万维网”,然后我开始学习HTML以及如何自行构建网页。 高中毕业后,我搬到加拿大学习计算机科学。

Before Python, I was a developer writing Windows and embedded apps, using the .NET Framework and C#. In 2008, I worked for a startup company working on a Windows project. When that project ended, they transferred me to a different team.

在使用Python之前,我是使用.NET Framework和C#编写Windows和嵌入式应用程序的开发人员。 2008年,我在一家从事Windows项目的新兴公司工作。 该项目结束后,他们将我转移到另一个团队。

This team was working on web-based apps using Python, Django, and Google App Engine. I didn’t want to be looking for another job at the time. So I stayed around, started picking up Python, and began a new career path as a web developer.

该团队正在使用Python,Django和Google App Engine开发基于Web的应用程序。 我当时不想找另一份工作。 因此,我留下来,开始学习Python,并开始了作为Web开发人员的新职业道路。

Ricky: Most might know you for your work as a Python core developer. In fact, you did a talk at this year’s PyCon titled What is a Python Core Developer? For those who haven’t seen your talk, what’s the TL;DR version, and what is your role as a core developer?

瑞奇(Ricky):作为Python核心开发人员的工作,大多数人可能都知道您。 实际上,您在今年的PyCon上做了题为“ 什么是Python核心开发人员 ”的演讲。 对于那些还没有看到您的演讲的人,什么是TL; DR版本,您作为核心开发者的角色是什么?

Mariatta: The TL;DR version is that becoming a Python core developer comes with a lot of responsibilities, and it goes beyond just writing more code into CPython. In fact, writing code is the least we expect out of core developers nowadays. As a core dev, you’ll be expected to do more code reviews, mentoring, providing feedback, and making decisions, instead of writing more PRs yourself.

Mariatta: TL; DR版本是成为Python核心开发人员要承担很多责任,而不仅仅是将更多代码编写到CPython中。 实际上,如今,编写代码是我们对核心开发人员的最低要求。 作为核心开发人员,您将需要做更多的代码审查,指导,提供反馈和决策,而不是自己编写更多的PR。

The other point that I want to highlight is that we’re all volunteers. I am not employed by any corporation or The PSF as a Python Core Developer. A lot of people still don’t realize this. Often, people write to the bug tracker as if they’re writing to customer support, expecting an immediate response, not taking no for an answer, and blaming us for various problems. Not only are we just volunteers doing this in our limited free time, but there are really very few of us compared the hundreds and thousands of users and contributors.

我要强调的另一点是我们都是志愿者 。 我没有被任何公司或PSF雇用为Python Core Developer。 许多人仍然没有意识到这一点。 人们通常会像写给客户支持的信一样写给bug跟踪器,期望得到立即的响应,没有拒绝就回答,并且将各种问题归咎于我们。 我们不仅是志愿者在有限的空闲时间内进行此操作,而且与成千上万的用户和贡献者相比,我们当中的人很少。

As a core dev myself, I’ve been focusing more on helping with the workflow, to make it easier for core devs and contributors to contribute and collaborate. I write utility tools and bots like cherry_picker, miss-islington, and recently the check_python_cla website.

作为核心开发人员,我一直致力于帮助工作流程,以使核心开发人员和贡献者更轻松地进行贡献和协作。 我写了实用工具和机器人,例如cherry_picker , miss-islington和最近的check_python_cla网站。

I also focus on reviewing PRs from first-time contributors and documentation related issues. I like to make sure our devguide is up-to-date because that’s one of the first places we point contributors to when they have questions about our workflow.

我还专注于审查来自初次贡献者的PR,以及与文档相关的问题。 我想确保我们的开发指南是最新的,因为这是我们的参与者在对我们的工作流程有疑问时首先要去的地方之一。

I’m also doing weekly Python office hours now, over at Zulipchat. It is every Thursday evening at 7 PM PST. During that office hour, I’ll be available via DM, and I can respond and help in an almost real-time manner. During other times, I usually go to Zulip only once per day.

我现在还在Zulipchat每周做Python办公时间。 太平洋标准时间是每个星期四晚上7点 。 在该办公时间内,我将通过DM进行联系,并且可以几乎实时地进行响应和提供帮助。 在其他时间,我通常每天只去一次Zulip。

Ricky: As if you didn’t already do enough for the community, you also co-organize the PyLadies Vancouver Meetup and the PyCascades conference. Can you tell us a little bit about how you got involved with those, and what people can expect if they’re looking to attend?

Ricky:好像您还没有为社区做足够的事情,您还共同组织了PyLadies Vancouver Meetup和PyCascades会议。 您能否告诉我们一些有关您如何参与这些活动的信息,以及人们希望参加会议的期望?

Mariatta: The story of how PyCascades was founded was unclear, even to me. All I know is, one day I got an email from Seb, introducing me to the rest of the folks (Alan, Eric, Don, and Bryan), and it seems as if there’s an email thread that says, “Let’s do a Python conference in the Pacific-Northwest.”

玛丽亚塔:关于PyCascades是如何成立的,就我而言还不清楚。 我所知道的是,有一天,我收到了Seb的电子邮件,向我介绍了其他人(Alan,Eric,Don和Bryan),好像有一个电子邮件线程说:“让我们来做一个Python会议在西北太平洋”。

I replied to it almost immediately. I didn’t think too much about what the responsibilities were going to be, or even how much work I’d have to put into it. I just thought, “Why not?” Within a couple weeks, we started scouting venues in Vancouver, and everything else just fell into place.

我几乎立即回答了。 我没有想太多的责任,甚至没有我要做多少工作。 我只是想,“为什么不呢?” 几周之内,我们开始在温哥华搜寻场地,其他一切都落到了位。

PyCascades is a one of a kind conference. We focus on highlighting first-time speakers and speakers from the Pacific-Northwest community. CFP for PyCascades 2019 is open from August 20 to the end of October. Please do submit a talk! I’m not involved in the program committee this year. Instead, I’m going to focus on mentoring speakers, especially first-time speakers and those from an underrepresented group.

PyCascades是一种会议。 我们专注于突出首次演讲者以及太平洋西北社区的演讲者。 PyCascades 2019的CFP于8月20日至10月底开放。 请提交演讲! 我今年没有参加计划委员会。 相反,我将专注于指导演讲者,尤其是初次演讲者和代表性不足的演讲者。

I only started helping out with PyLadies Vancouver about two years ago. At the time, there were two organizers—and one of them had just stepped down—and they put up a call for more organizers. By then, even though I hadn’t been attending many Meetups, I’d benefited from PyLadies enough in the form of receiving financial aid for PyCon. So I just felt like it was an opportunity for me to pay it forward and give back to the community by also actively participating and ensuring the continuity of the Vancouver PyLadies community, instead of just waiting for the next Meetup to happen.

大约两年前,我才开始为PyLadies Vancouver提供帮助。 当时有两个组织者,其中一个刚刚卸任,他们呼吁增加组织者。 到那时,即使我没有参加很多聚会,我也从PyLadies中受益匪浅,例如获得了PyCon的经济援助。 因此,我觉得这是我一个机会,可以通过积极参与并确保Vancouver PyLadies社区的持续发展,而不是仅仅等待下一次Meetup的发生,就可以将其支付给社区并回馈社区。

Our community has grown bigger now. I’ve looked back at our events over the past years, and we’ve put out so many great talks and workshops. We’ve had Python core developers and international PyCon speakers at our events. I’m quite proud of that!

我们的社区现在变得越来越大。 我回顾了过去几年的活动,并举办了许多精彩的演讲和研讨会。 我们的活动中有Python核心开发人员和国际PyCon演讲者。 我为此感到骄傲!

Ricky: Looking through your Github, I can see that you seem to have an affinity for bots. You maintain two for the Python core devs Github, but you have many more on your Github. I’m intrigued to find out what you find so alluring about them?

瑞奇(Ricky):通过Github查看,我发现您似乎对机器人很感兴趣。 您为Python核心开发者Github维护了两个,但是在Github上还有更多。 我很想知道您对他们有什么吸引力?

Mariatta: My first introduction to GitHub bots was when I started contributing to coala two years ago. They have a GitHub bot that is very much like a personal assistant to all the maintainers. The bot was always up and running, replying and commenting. At the time, I didn’t even realize that bots could do all of those things, so I was quite impressed and fascinated with how it all worked. I always thought the bot was a very complicated system.

Mariatta:我对GitHub机器人的首次介绍是两年前我开始为Coala做出贡献时。 他们有一个GitHub机器人,非常像所有维护者的私人助理。 该机器人始终处于运行状态,可以进行回复和评论。 当时,我什至没有意识到机器人可以完成所有这些事情,所以我对它的工作方式印象深刻并着迷。 我一直认为该机器人是一个非常复杂的系统。

As I started helping to create and maintain Python’s GitHub bots, I’ve gained a better understanding of the bot’s architecture, and I was able to satisfy my initial curiosity about how GitHub bots work.

当我开始帮助创建和维护Python的GitHub bot时,我对bot的体系结构有了更好的了解,并且能够满足最初对GitHub bot的好奇心。

But then I started thinking differently. Now that I know how they work, and I know what GitHub APIs are available, I keep asking myself, “What else can be automated? What else can I delegate to the bots? Have we really reached peak automation?” Turns out there are a whole lot of tasks that I can automate, and all I need is Python. And now that I know which tasks can be done by bots, I get grumpy when I have to do some of those chores myself.

但是后来我开始改变想法。 现在,我知道它们的工作方式,并且知道可用的GitHub API,我不断问自己:“还有什么可以自动化? 我还能委派给机器人什么? 我们真的达到了自动化的高峰吗?” 事实证明,我可以自动化很多任务,而我所需要的只是Python。 现在,我知道了自动程序可以完成哪些任务,当我不得不自己做一些琐事时,我会变得脾气暴躁。

Ricky: I can’t have this interview with you without talking about ice cream selfies. It has become somewhat of a tradition of yours. There might be a few puzzled looks from our readers about now, so why don’t you explain all about the awesome #icecreamselfie?

瑞奇:我不能不谈冰淇淋自拍照而接受你的采访。 它已成为您的一种传统。 目前,读者可能会有些疑惑,所以为什么不解释一下#icecreamselfie呢?

Mariatta: The first #icecreamselfie I did was right after DjangoCon in Philadelphia, July 2016. I had just given my first ever conference talk, and I was feeling fabulous and just wanted to celebrate. Plus, it was a hot summer day. So I went to an ice cream shop near my hotel. Somehow, I just decided to take a selfie with the ice cream. It was actually unusual for me. Normally I just take pictures of the food, not a selfie.

Mariatta:我做的第一个#icecreamselfie是在DjangoCon之后于2016年7月在费城举行的。我刚刚进行了我的第一次会议演讲,当时我感觉很棒,并且想庆祝一下。 另外,那是一个炎热的夏日。 所以我去了酒店附近的冰淇淋店。 不知何故,我决定和冰淇淋一起拍照。 这对我来说实际上是不寻常的。 通常我只拍食物的照片,而不是自拍照。

My next talk was for PyCaribbean, in Puerto Rico. I wasn’t even planning for ice cream, we (myself and my roommate, and fellow speaker, Kim Crayton) were enjoying ourselves at the beach, and an ice cream cart showed up.

我的下一个话题是在波多黎各的PyCaribbean。 我什至没有计划冰淇淋,我们(我自己和我的室友,以及演讲者金·克雷顿)在沙滩上玩耍,然后出现了冰淇淋车。

After that, I went to Italy for DjangoCon Europe and PyCon Italy. Of course, I had to have some gelato. No trip to Italy was going to be complete without it. Even at that point, I didn’t think of the #icecreamselfie as a tradition. The selfies have been more of a coincidence.

之后,我去了意大利参加DjangoCon Europe和PyCon Italy。 当然,我必须要一些冰淇淋。 没有它,前往意大利的旅行将是不完整的。 即使在那时,我也没有将#icecreamselfie视为传统。 自拍照更多是巧合。

But after my talk at PyCon US, which was a pretty emotional talk, all I could think about was that I needed to go for ice cream. So my friend Jeff took me to this place he knew in Portland. And I felt really good after that ice cream! From then on, the #icecreamselfie became an official tradition for myself, and I go to great lengths researching the best ice cream right after I get a talk accepted.

但是在我在PyCon US上的演讲之后,那是一次非常激动人心的演讲,我所能想到的就是我需要去买冰淇淋。 所以我的朋友杰夫带我去了他在波特兰认识的地方。 吃完冰淇淋,我感觉真的很棒! 从那时起,#icecreamselfie就成为了我自己的官方传统,当我的演讲被接受后,我就竭尽全力地研究最好的冰淇淋。

Ricky: And now for my last question: what other hobbies and interests do you have, aside from Python? Any you’d like to share and/or plug?

Ricky:现在,我的最后一个问题是:除了Python之外,您还有其他爱好和兴趣吗? 您想分享和/或插入任何内容吗?

Mariatta: I like doing nature walks, traveling, and going camping. I have a strange hobby of taking pictures of my food, and I post them to Instagram. My other favorite pastime is playing Mahjong. Not Mahjong solitaire (a matching game), but Hong Kong style Mahjong. I still have trouble finding people who’d play this game with me.

玛丽亚塔:我喜欢进行自然漫步,旅行和露营。 我有一个奇怪的爱好,要为我的食物拍照,然后将其发布到Instagram。 我最喜欢的消遣是打麻将。 不是麻将纸牌(匹配游戏),而是港式麻将。 我仍然很难找到愿意和我一起玩这个游戏的人。

If people are looking for ways to support me, please do send me a happiness packet, support me on Patreon, or just say thanks.

如果人们正在寻找支持我的方法,请寄给我一个幸福小包 ,在Patreon上为我提供支持 ,或者只是说声谢谢 。


Thank you Mariatta for the interview. You can find Mariatta on Twitter or her on her website if you would like to know more about her.

谢谢Mariatta的采访。 如果您想进一步了解Mariatta,可以在Twitter或她的网站 上找到Mariatta 。

If there is someone you would like me to interview in the future, reach out to me in the comments below, or send me a message on Twitter.

如果您希望将来有人采访我,请在下面的评论中与我联系,或者在Twitter上给我发送消息 。

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Mariatta Wijaya的Python社区访谈

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