了解如何使用Windows 7的高级搜索运算符

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了解如何使用Windows 7的高级搜索运算符

While many people feel searching in Windows is less than ideal, 7’s abilities are fairly amazing. The big trick to unlocking them, however, lies in Advanced Query Syntax. Using these advanced operators can make finding files dead simple.

尽管许多人认为在Windows中搜索不理想,但是7的功能却相当出色。 但是,解锁它们的最大诀窍在于高级查询语法。 使用这些高级运算符可以使查找文件变得简单。

高级查询语法 (Advanced Query Syntax)

Windows 7 eschews a proper “Advanced Search” option in favor of using Advanced Query Syntax. It was developed alongside the Windows Search tool and has been seamlessly baked into 7’s goodness.

Windows 7避开了适当的“高级搜索”选项,而是使用“高级查询语法”。 它是与Windows搜索工具一起开发的,已无缝移植到7的优点中。

AQS allows you to use special operators and searching syntax to quickly pare down results. The biggest benefit to this is that if you know the operators, you can find results more quickly because you can type faster than you can click. AQS feeds off of natural language keywords along with specific operators to get the job done. You enter your search terms, you put down an “operator,” then follow up with a “property” that can be mathematical, from a specific list, or from everyday speech.

AQS允许您使用特殊的运算符和搜索语法来快速缩减结果。 这样做的最大好处是,如果您知道运算符,则可以更快地找到结果,因为键入速度比单击速度快。 AQS提供自然语言关键字以及特定的运算符,以完成工作。 您输入搜索词,放下一个“运算符”,然后跟着一个“数学”“属性”,该属性可以是数学的,可以是特定列表,也可以是日常用语。

If you refuse to memorize things on principle, though, you don’t need to worry; you can add operators and select properties with the mouse, as well. The best part is you can use AQS anywhere you search, including the two most prominent areas: the Start Menu and in Explorer windows.

但是,如果您原则上拒绝记住事情,则无需担心。 您还可以添加运算符并使用鼠标选择属性。 最好的部分是您可以在搜索的任何地方使用AQS,包括两个最突出的区域:“开始”菜单和“资源管理器”窗口中。

搜索和省略 (Searching and Omitting)

Pop open an Explorer window and search for something. I searched for “photo” because I’m looking for things with that in the title or location.

弹出一个资源管理器窗口,然后搜索。 我搜索“照片”是因为我正在寻找带有标题或位置的照片。

But, let’s say I wanted to eliminate anything that had “adobe” in the title or location? That’s easy! Just add a dash before words you want to “subtract” from your results.

但是,假设我要消除标题或位置中带有“ adobe”的任何内容? 这很容易! 只需在要从结果中“减去”的单词之前添加破折号即可。

You can see that my search options changed a bit. If you want to search for exact phrases, you can use quotes (just like with Google).

您可以看到我的搜索选项有所变化。 如果要搜索确切的短语,则可以使用引号(就像使用Google一样)。

It’s important to note that Windows Search does not differentiate between letter case.

重要的是要注意Windows Search不能区分大小写。

Here’s a list of AQS operators that have to do with text searching:


  • NOT/- : Both “not” as well as prefixing a dash will tell your search to exclude items that include the following term.

    NOT /-:“非”以及加破折号都会告诉您搜索要排除包含以下术语的项目。
  • AND/+ : Both “and” as well as prefixing a plus sign will force your search to only include items that match for both terms.

    AND / +:“ and”和加号都将强制您的搜索只包括两个词都匹配的项目。
  • “” : Using quotes will force a search to filter for an exact phrase.


文件的种类和类型 (Kinds and Types of Files)

Let’s take things a bit further and search for a specific kind of file. If you click on the search terms, you should see a box pop up asking if you want to add a search filter.

让我们更进一步,搜索特定类型的文件。 如果单击搜索词,应该会弹出一个对话框,询问您是否要添加搜索过滤器。

If you select “Kind,” you’ll get a drop-down list of different types of files. “Picture” seems appropriate in my case.

如果选择“种类”,则将获得不同类型文件的下拉列表。 就我而言,“图片”似乎很合适。

You can also choose “Type” instead.


Now you can choose a specific extension or a group of extensions for a known type. For example, you can search with the extension “.jpg” or you can search for “JPG File.” The latter will pick out “.jpg” and “.jpeg” files.

现在,您可以为已知类型选择特定的扩展名或一组扩展名。 例如,您可以搜索扩展名“ .jpg”,也可以搜索“ JPG文件”。 后者将选择“ .jpg”和“ .jpeg”文件。

日期和大小 (Date and Size)

Maybe we knew we had edited the file at some point. Choose “Date modified” and you’ll be able to select a range of dates with your mouse.

也许我们知道我们曾经在某个时间编辑过该文件。 选择“修改日期”,您将可以使用鼠标选择日期范围。

Yes, I searched for modified files from midnight to several days into the future. Sometimes, you just want to be sure.

是的,我搜索了从午夜到未来几天的修改文件。 有时,您只是想确定一下。

Alternatively, you could also use the following syntax instead of using the mouse:


search terms >mm/dd/yy

搜索字词> mm / dd / yy

search terms datemodified:mm/dd/yy..mm/dd/yy

日期已修改的搜索字词:mm / dd / yy..mm / dd / yy

search terms date:past month


As you can see, AQS accepts a very diverse set of operators and mathematical and natural language cues.


You can search for size in a similar fashion:


search terms size: gigantic


search terms size:>= 128mb

搜索字词大小:> = 128mb

The “size” operator has a list of properties that correspond with specific file size ranges.


  • Empty: 0kb files

  • Tiny: 0-10kb

  • Small: 10-100kb

  • Medium: 100kb-1mb

  • Large: 1mb-16mb

  • Huge: 16mb-128mb

  • Gigantic: larger than 128mb


These can come in handy if you know that you resized a pic, for example, and it wasn’t the huge 6 MB JPEG it was originally. You can search with “size:medium” for the smaller file.

例如,如果您知道调整图片的大小,这些便会派上用场,而它并不是原来的6 MB JPEG。 您可以使用“ size:medium”搜索较小的文件。

用自然语言搜索 (Searching with Natural Language)

As mentioned, a huge (64mb) advantage is that if you know the operators, you can use normal words as properties. This makes AQS fairly easy to learn and use daily. There’s such a wide plethora of options out there for you search with. Here are a few more examples:

如前所述,一个巨大的优势(64mb)是,如果您知道运算符,则可以将普通单词用作属性。 这使得AQS每天都非常容易学习和使用。 您可以使用各种各样的选项进行搜索。 以下是一些示例:

size:>=3mb <=9mb

大小:> = 3mb <= 9mb

author:(Yatri OR Geek)

作者:(Yatri OR Geek)



type:music bitrate:>=160kbps

类型:音乐比特率:> = 160kbps

Pretty amazing, isn’t it? Because AQS has this crazy range of input, here are a few guidelines you should follow, in general:

太神奇了,不是吗? 由于AQS拥有如此疯狂的输入范围,因此通常应遵循以下准则:

  • Operators that use multiple words should not have a space. “datemodified” instead of “date modified”

    使用多个单词的运算符不应有空格。 “修改日期”而不是“修改日期”
  • The operator should have a colon directly after it, and no empty space following. “size:>10mb” and NOT ”size: >10mb” or “size :>10mb”

    操作员应在其后直接有一个冒号,并且后面不能有空格。 “大小:> 10mb”而不是“大小:> 10mb”或“大小:> 10mb”

While your results may seem unaffected for some searches, they may not work properly with others. It’s best to stick to the scheme outlined above.

虽然您的搜索结果似乎对某些搜索没有影响,但它们可能无法与其他搜索正常配合使用。 最好坚持上述方案。

Oh, and of course, you can stack multiple operators together:


For more information about what operators you can use with AQS and what properties they take, check out Microsoft’s article on Windows Search AQS.

有关可以与AQS一起使用的运算符以及它们具有哪些属性的更多信息,请查看Microsoft在Windows Search AQS上的文章。

Have you found any neat tricks with AQS? Share your search prowess in the comments!

您是否发现AQS有任何巧妙的窍门? 在评论中分享您的搜索能力!

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了解如何使用Windows 7的高级搜索运算符

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