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MXHR减少HTTP请求的<a href= style=技术"/>







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通过php文件可以知道,这里的[version]等于1;[boundary]则为 \u0001 ,对于客户端来说 \u0001 的length等于1;[payload]则作为我们的重点要提取的内容。





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Pulled from YUI Connection 2.6.0.          // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------                    createXhrObject: function () {              var  req;              try  {                  req = new  XMLHttpRequest();              }              catch (e) {                  for  ( var  i = 0, len = this ._msxml_progid.length; i < len; ++i) {                      try  {                          req = new  ActiveXObject( this ._msxml_progid[i]);                          break ;                      }                      catch (e2) {  }                  }              }              finally {                  return  req;              }          },                     // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------          // readyStateHandler()          // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------          // Start polling on state 3; stop polling and fire off oncomplete event on state 4.          // 这个是一个重要的函数,处理返回状态等,在readyState为3时开始不断地轮询,直到为4,会暂停轮询,并且激活oncomplete事件          // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------          readyStateHandler: function () {              if  ( this .req.readyState === 3 && this .getLatestPacketInterval === null ) {                                        // Start polling.(开始轮询)                  var  that = this ;                                     this .getLatestPacketInterval = window.setInterval( function () { that.getLatestPacket(); }, 15);              }              if  ( this .req.readyState == 4) {                  // Stop polling.                  clearInterval( this .getLatestPacketInterval);                  // Get the last packet.                  this .getLatestPacket();                  // Fire the oncomplete event.                  // 激活oncomplete函数                  if  ( this .listenersplete && this .listenersplete.length) {                      var  that = this ;                      for  ( var  n = 0, len = this .listenersplete.length; n < len; n++) {                          this .listenersplete[n].apply(that);                      }                  }              }          },                    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------          // getLatestPacket()          // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------          // Get all of the responseText downloaded since the last time this was executed.          // 此函数得到调用此函数之时的所有响应(responseText)          // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------                    getLatestPacket: function () {              //获取响应字符串的总长度              var  length = this .req.responseText.length;              //获取此次调用之时,服务器的增量响应              var  packet = this .req.responseText.substring( this .lastLength, length);              this .processPacket(packet);              this .lastLength = length;          },               // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------          // processPacket()          // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------          // Keep track of incoming chunks of text; pass them on to processPayload() once          // we have a complete payload.          // 一个packet里面不一定就会有一个整数倍的payload(在这里,一个payload才是一个可以解析的单元)          // 这个函数会不断地跟踪响应数据,如果获取到了一个完整的payload,那么就会将这个payload交予processPayload          // 函数处理          // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------             processPacket: function (packet) {              if  (packet.length < 1) return ;              // Find the beginning and the end of the payload. (找到一个payload的开始和结尾)              // boundary 作为每个payload的分割符(一个payload的边界线)chr(3)              // 一个整体的响应的结构可以看成:              // [version][boundary][payload][boundary][payload][boundary][payload]........[payload][boundary]              // 参照上面的结构,有助于理解下面的逻辑              var  startPos = packet.indexOf( this .boundary),                  endPos = -1;              if  (startPos > -1) {                  if  ( this .currentStream) {                      // If there's an open stream, that's an end marker.                      endPos = startPos;                      startPos = -1;                  }                  else  {                      endPos = packet.indexOf( this .boundary, startPos + this .boundary.length);                  }              }              // Using the position markers, process the payload.              if  (! this .currentStream) {                  // Start a new stream.                  this .currentStream = '' ;                  if  (startPos > -1) {                      if  (endPos > -1) {                          // Use the end marker to grab the entire payload in one swoop                          // 当确认了一个payload的开始和结束位置的时候,就把它截取出来                          var  payload = packet.substring(startPos, endPos);                          this .currentStream += payload;                          // Remove the payload from this chunk                          packet = packet.slice(endPos);                          this .processPayload();                          // Start over on the remainder of this packet                          try  {                              this .processPacket(packet);                          }                          catch (e) {  }                          // This catches the "Maximum call stack size reached" error in Safari (which has a                          // really low call stack limit, either 100 or 500 depending on the version).                          //这里主要说明,在老版本的Safari下,可能会引起一个调用栈大小限制的错误(这里使用递归算法),根据不同的版本而情况各异                      }                      else  {                          // Grab from the start of the start marker to the end of the chunk.                          this .currentStream += packet.substr(startPos);                          // Leave this.currentStream set and wait for another packet.                      }                  }              }              else  {                  // There is an open stream.                  if  (endPos > -1) {                      // Use the end marker to grab the rest of the payload.                      var  chunk = packet.substring(0, endPos);                      this .currentStream += chunk;                      // Remove the rest of the payload from this chunk.                      packet = packet.slice(endPos);                      this .processPayload();                      //Start over on the remainder of this packet.                      this .processPacket(packet);                  }                  else  {                      // Put this whole packet into this.currentStream.                      this .currentStream += packet;                      // Wait for another packet...                  }              }          },          // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------          // processPayload()          // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------          // Extract the mime-type and pass the payload on to its listeners.          // 提取出一个payload的mime-type,并且把待处理的payload交予它的监听器          // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------                processPayload: function () {              // Get rid of the boundary.                            this .currentStream = this .currentStream.replace( this .boundary, '' );              // Perform some string acrobatics to separate the mime-type and id from the payload.              // This could be customized to allow other pieces of data to be passed in as well,              // such as image height & width.              // 把图片的相关信息从一个payload中提取出来,除去测试中的数据,还可以自定义一些其他的图片信息,作为              // payload的字段,字段之间使用chr(1)来分割('\u0001')              var  pieces = this .currentStream.split( this .fieldDelimiter);              var  mime = pieces[0]              var  payloadId = pieces[1];              //payload即为图片的data              var  payload = pieces[2];              // Fire the listeners for this mime-type.(开始执行这个mime type下的监听函数)              var  that = this ;              if  ( typeof  this .listeners[mime] != 'undefined' ) {                  for  ( var  n = 0, len = this .listeners[mime].length; n < len; n++) {                      this .listeners[mime][n].call(that, payload, payloadId);                  }              }              //删除此次的currentStream              delete  this .currentStream;          },                    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------          // listen()          // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------          // Registers mime-type listeners. Will probably rip this out and use YUI custom          // events at some point. For now, it's good enough.          // 使用listen函数来主次mime type监听器          // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------                    listen: function (mime, callback) {              if  ( typeof  this .listeners[mime] == 'undefined ') {                  this.listeners[mime] = [];              }              if (typeof callback === ' function ') {                  this .listeners[mime].push(callback);              }          }      }; })();


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64      < div  id="bd">          <!-- 作为mxhr输出的展示区 -->          < div  id="mxhr-output">              < div  id="mxhr-timing"></ div >          </ div >          <!-- 作为normal输出的展示区 -->          < div  id="normal-output">              < div  id="normal-timing"></ div >          </ div >          < script  src="mxhr.js"></ script >          < script >              // --------------------------------------              // Test code              // --------------------------------------              var totalImages = 0;              F.mxhr.listen('image/png', function(payload, payloadId) {                  var img = document.createElement('img');                  img.src = 'data:image/png;base64,' + payload;                  document.getElementById('mxhr-output').appendChild(img);                  totalImages++;              }); /*          F.mxhr.listen('text/html', function(payload, payloadId) {                  console.log('Found text/html payload:', payload, payloadId);              });              F.mxhr.listen('text/javascript', function(payload, payloadId) {                  eval(payload);              });*/              F.mxhr.listen('complete', function() {                  var time = (new Date).getTime() - streamStart;                  document.getElementById('mxhr-timing').innerHTML = '< p >' + totalImages + ' images in a multipart stream took: < strong >' + time + 'ms</ strong > (' + (Math.round(100 * (time / totalImages)) / 100) + 'ms per image)</ p >';                            var normalStart = (new Date).getTime();                  var img;                  for (var i = 0, last = 300; i < last ; i++) {                      img = document.createElement('img');                      img.src = 'icon_check.png?nocache=' + (new Date).getTime() * Math.random();                      img.width = 28;                      img.height = 22;                      document.getElementById('normal-output').appendChild(img);                      var count = 0;                      img.onload = function() {                          count++;                          if (count === last) {                              var time = (new Date).getTime() - normalStart;                              document.getElementById('normal-timing').innerHTML = '<p>' + last + ' normal, uncached images took: < strong >' + time + 'ms</ strong > (' + (Math.round(100 * (time / count)) / 100) + 'ms per image)</ p >';                          }                      };                  }              });              var streamStart = (new Date).getTime();              F.mxhr.load('mxhr_test.php?send_stream=1');          </ script >      </ div >



300 images in a multipart stream took: 178ms (0.59ms per image)

300 normal, uncached images took: 3066ms (10.22ms per image)


300 images in a multipart stream took: 78ms (0.26ms per image)

300 normal, uncached images took: 5822ms (19.41ms per image)

Firefox 9.0.1:

300 images in a multipart stream took: 129ms (0.43ms per image)

300 normal, uncached images took: 10278ms (34.26ms per image)

Chrome 16:

300 images in a multipart stream took: 499ms (1.66ms per image)

300 normal, uncached images took: 2593ms (8.64ms per image)

Safari 5.1.2:

300 images in a multipart stream took: 50ms (0.17ms per image)

300 normal, uncached images took: 2504ms (8.35ms per image)

Opera 11.60:

300 images in a multipart stream took: 75ms (0.25ms per image)

300 normal, uncached images took: 1060ms (3.53ms per image)


要是对mxhr感兴趣,可以猛击这里跳至官网:Multipart XHR,也可以直接下载,然后在本地测试(需要php环境的支持)。


img.src = 'data:image/png;base64,' + imageData;






本文发布于:2024-02-11 20:40:10,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:技术   MXHR   HTTP


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