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<a href=https://www.elefans.com/category/jswz/34/1768980.html style=人工智能练习一"/>



一. 单选题(共6题,18分)

1. (单选题, 3分)Who organized the first formal instantiation of the Turing test?

A. Alan Turing
B. Hugh Loebner
C. Weizenbaum
D. All of the above

正确答案: B

2. (单选题, 3分)When did Alan Turing write a landmark paper that asked the question: Can machines think??

A. 1991
B. 1960
C. 1950
D. None of the above

正确答案: C

3. (单选题, 3分)Which of the following description is not right?

A. Strong AI would outperform humans at nearly every cognitive task.
B. Because AI has the potential to become more intelligent than any human, we have no surefire way of predicting how it will behave.
C. While some experts still guess that human-level AI is centuries away, some AI researchers guessed that it would happen before 2030.
D. In the long term, an important question is what will happen if the quest for strong AI succeeds and an AI system becomes better than humans at all cognitive tasks.

正确答案: C

4. (单选题, 3分)Which of the following description is right?

A. AI today can exhibit human emotions like love or hate.
B. AI today can exhibit human moral characters like benevolent or malevolent.
C. Strong AI might help us eradicate war, disease, and poverty.
D. All of the above

正确答案: C

5. (单选题, 3分)Which of the following is a task performed by weak AI?

A. Internet searches
B. Facial recognition
C. Driving a car
D. All of the above

正确答案: D

6. (单选题, 3分)Which of the following is based on whether a computer could fool a human to make him believe that the computer is another human?

B. Chatbot
D. Turing test

正确答案: D

二. 填空题(共10题,30分)

7. (填空题, 3分)翻译:强化学习:___________________。


(1) reinforcement learning;Reinforcement Learning;Reinforcement learning;

8. (填空题, 3分)翻译:图像处理:___________________。


(1) image processing;Image Processing;Image processing;

9. (填空题, 3分)翻译:专家系统:___________________。


(1) expert system;Expert system;Expert System;

10. (填空题, 3分)翻译:图像识别:___________________。


(1)image recognition;Image recognition;Image Recognition;

11. (填空题, 3分)翻译:人类智能:___________________。


(1) Human intelligence;human intelligence;Human Intelligence;

12. (填空题, 3分)翻译:监督学习:___________________。


(1) supervised learning;Supervised learning;Supervised Learning;

13. (填空题, 3分)翻译:自动驾驶:___________________。


(1) self driving;self-driving;Self driving;Self Driving;Self-driving;

14. (填空题, 3分)翻译:计算机科学:___________________。


(1) computer science;Computer Science;Computer science;

15. (填空题, 3分)翻译:语音识别:___________________。


(1) speech recognition;Speech recognition;Speech Recognition;

16. (填空题, 3分)翻译:深度学习:___________________。


(1) deep learning; Deep Learning; Deep learning;

三. 判断题(共10题,10分)

17. (判断题, 1分)The Turing test is based on whether a computer could tease a human to make him believe that the computer is another human.

A. 对
B. 错

正确答案: 对

18. (判断题, 1分)Artificial intelligence today is properly known as strong AI.

A. 对
B. 错

正确答案: 错

19. (判断题, 1分)Program DOCTOR was developed by Alan Turing.

A. 对
B. 错

正确答案: 错

20. (判断题, 1分)Human-level AI would happen before 2030.

A. 对
B. 错

正确答案: 错

21. (判断题, 1分)Alan Turing organized the first formal instantiation of the Turing test.

A. 对
B. 错

正确答案: 错

22. (判断题, 1分)AI (or weak AI) is designed to perform a narrow task like facial recognition.

A. 对
B. 错

正确答案: 对

23. (判断题, 1分)In 1965 Bill Gates point out that designing smarter AI systems is itself a cognitive task.

A. 对
B. 错

正确答案: 错

24. (判断题, 1分)In 1991, English mathematician Alan Turing wrote a landmark paper that asked the question: Can machines think?

A. 对
B. 错

正确答案: 错

25. (判断题, 1分)The concern about advanced AI isn’t malevolence but benevolent.

A. 对
B. 错

正确答案: 错

26. (判断题, 1分)After Alan Turing asked the question: Can machines think?, then he asked another question: How will we know when we’ve succeeded?

A. 对
B. 错

正确答案: 对

四. 其它(共7题,42分)

27. (其它, 6分)翻译:Thanks to detailed algorithms, AI systems are now able to perform mammoth computing tasks much faster and more efficiently than human minds, helping making big strides in research and development areas around the world.



28. (其它, 6分)翻译:Artificial Intelligence in the Palm of Your Hand

Artificial intelligence techniques are increasingly showing up in smartphone applications. For example, Google has developed Google Goggles, a smartphone application providing a visual search engine. Just take a picture of a book, landmark, or sign using a smartphone’s camera and Goggles will perform image processing, image analysis, and text recognition, and then initiate a Web search to identify the object. If you are an English speaker visiting in France, you can take a picture of a sign, menu, or other text and have it translated to English. Beyond Goggles, Google is actively working on voice-to-voice language translation. Soon you will be able to speak English into your phone and have your words spoken in Spanish, Chinese, or another language. Smartphones will undoubtedly get smarter as AI continues to be utilized in innovative ways.



智能手机应用中逐渐展现出了越来越多的人工智能技术。例如.谷歌研发了Google Goggles.它是一个提供虚拟搜索引擎的智能手机应用。只要用智能手机的摄像头拍摄一本书、某一地标或某一标记,Goggles就会执行图像处理、图像分析以及文本识别,然后启动Web搜索来识别对象。如果讲英语的你正处在法国,你可以拍摄一张地标、菜单或其他文本的照片,然后Goggles会将其翻译为英文。除了Goggles以外,谷歌正在积极地研究声音对声音的语言翻译,很快你就可以用英语对着手机说话,然后让手机将之用西班牙语、中文或其他语言翻译出来。随看不断以创新的方式使用AI,智能手机无疑会越来越智能。

29. (其它, 6分)翻译:AI systems are often hugely complex and powerful, with the ability to process unfathomable depths of information in an extremely quick time in order to come to an effective conclusion


人工智能系统通常非常复杂和强大,能够在极短的时间内处理深不可测的信息,以便得出有效的 结论。

30. (其它, 6分)翻译:For years, it was thought that computers would never be more powerful than the human brain, but as development has accelerated in modern times, this has proven to be not the case.



31. (其它, 6分)翻译:Artificial intelligence (AI), sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals. In computer science AI research is defined as the study of “intelligent agents”: any device that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of successfully achieving its goals. Colloquially, the term “artificial intelligence” is applied when a machine mimics “cognitive” functions that humans associate with other human minds, such as “learning” and “problem solving”.



32. (其它, 6分)翻译:Physical Agents

A physical agent (robot) is a programmable system that can be used to perform a variety of tasks. Simple robots can be used in manufacturing to do routine jobs such as assembling, welding, or painting. Some organizations use mobile robots that do delivery jobs such as distributing mail or correspondence to different rooms. There are mobile robots that are used underwater for prospecting for oil.

A humanoid robot is an autonomous mobile robot that is supposed to behave like a human. Although humanoid robots are prevalent in science fiction, there is still a lot of work to do before such robots will be able to interact properly with their surroundings and learn from events that occur there.





33. (其它, 6分)翻译:Whereas it may be little more than a minor nuisance if your laptop crashes or gets hacked, it becomes all the more important that an AI system does what you want it to do if it controls your car, your airplane, your pacemaker, your automated trading system or your power grid.





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