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rsyslog配置文件<a href= style=详解(常用的详解,很少用的翻官网罢)"/>



    • 配置语言格式
    • 数据格式化:template(自定义路径/文件名也是这个)
    • 简单过滤:filter
    • 数据处理:action
    • 复杂数据过滤:rulesets
    • 数据来源:input
    • 其他
    • 更新
    • 附录:property ( in English)



#### MODULES ####             #定义日志的模块,远程日志的配置也在这(我个人习惯,在配置服务器的时候用于接受日志的template,rulesets,input和allowsender都是写在这个模块下的,测试可用)$ModLoad imuxsock             #imuxsock模块,支持本地系统日志的模块
$ModLoad imjournal            #imjournal模块,支持对系统日志的访问(此模块与上一模块默认启用)
#$ModLoad imklog              #imklog模块,支持内核日志的模块
#$ModLoad immark              #immark模块,支持日志标记# Provides UDP syslog reception    #提供远程rsyslog日志的udp协议的接收支持
# $ModLoad imudp                   #imudp模块,用于支持udp协议
# $UDPServerRun 514                #允许通过514端口接收使用udp协议的远程日志
# Provides TCP syslog reception    #提供远程rsyslog日志的tcp协议的接收支持
# $ModLoad imtcp                   #imtcp模块,用于支持tcp协议
# $InputTCPServerRun 514           #允许通过514端口接收使用tcp协议的远程日志#### GLOBAL DIRECTIVES ####    #定义全局日志格式的指令# Where to place auxiliary files
$WorkDirectory /var/lib/rsyslog       #工作目录# Use default timestamp format
$ActionFileDefaultTemplate RSYSLOG_TraditionalFileFormat   #定义日志格式默认模板(可以自行设定,参看template部分)# $ActionFileEnableSync on                             #文件同步功能,很少用,默认禁止# Include all conifig files in /etc/rsyslog.d/
$IncludeConfig /etc/rsyslog.d/*.conf                   #需要引入的自定义配置文件的路径$OmitLocalLogging on                                      #关闭通过本地日志接口接收消息,现使用imjournal模块作为替代# File to store the position in the journal
$IMJournalStateFile imjournal.state                   #见英文注释,用的不多,暂时不管#### RULES ##### 内核消息,默认不启用
# kern.*                                  /dev/console# 记录所有日志类型的,信息等级大于等于info级别的信息到messages文件(mail邮件信息,authpriv验证信息和corn时间和任务信息除外)
*.info;mail.none;authpriv.none;cron.none      /var/log/messages# authpriv验证相关的所有信息存放在/var/log/secure
authpriv.*                                /var/log/secure# 邮件的所有信息存在/var/log/maillog;这里有一个“-”符号表示是使用异步的方式记录
mail.*                                   -/var/log/maillog# 任务计划有关的信息存放在/var/log/cron
cron.*                                   /var/log/cron# 记录所有的≥emerg级别信息,发送给每个登录到系统的日志
*.emerg                                 :omusrmsg:*# 记录uucp,news.crit等存放在/var/log/spooler
uucp,news.crit                            /var/log/spooler# 本地服务器的启动的所有日志存放在/var/log/boot.log
local7.*                                  /var/log/boot.log#### begin forwarding rule ####               #远程转发的配置,只要去除转发配置前面的注释就可使用。不用去除modules部分imtcp/imudp的注释,不必修改上面的任何配置。
#*.* @@remote-host:514
#### end of the forwarding rule ####



# 邮件的所有信息存在/var/log/maillog;这里有一个“-”符号表示是使用异步的方式记录
mail.*                                   -/var/log/maillog
# 邮件的错误信息转发到server.example,使用tcp连接(@@)
mail.error                                @@server.example


# 邮件的所有信息存在/var/log/maillog;这里有一个“-”符号表示是使用异步的方式记录
mail.* action(type="omfile" File="/var/log/maillog")
# 邮件的错误信息转发到server.example,使用tcp连接(@@)
mail.error  action(type="omfwd" Target="server.example" Port="10514" Protocol="tcp")

        注意:基础格式和高级格式可以混合使用。但是在使用中,存在很多过时的语法参数等内容(尤其是网上查找到的资料中使用基础格式的时候),一般不建议使用这些过时的配置,但是这些格式仍可被识别(为了兼容性和稳定性考虑),但会在执行中出现一些关于配置格式的提醒。关于哪些东西是被视为过时的内容,请查找参考官网 legacy的部分。


template(name="MyFormat" type="list") {                  # 类型有list,subtree,string,plugin四种,list最常用,string也可以,其余少见constant(value="Syslog MSG is: '")          # constant是日志文本的静态部分property(name="msg")                        # property用来引入日志信息中的特定属性的部分,例如此处会自动获取每条日志的msg部分并填入日志文本中constant(value="', ")property(name="timereported" dateFormat="rfc3339" caseConversion="lower")    # 时间属性,在文本中加入时间信息,后面的两个参数是用于该属性的参数,根据前面的属性填写property(name="timereported" dateformat="year")    # 单独提取年月日写入文本constant(value="-")property(name="timereported" dateformat="month")constant(value="-")property(name="timereported" dateformat="day")constant(value="\n")}


template(name="tpl3" type="string"string="%TIMESTAMP:::date-rfc3339% %HOSTNAME% %syslogtag%%msg:::sp-if-no-1st-sp%%msg:::drop-last-lf%\n")


action(type="omfwd" target="server1.example" template=“TemplateName”)
mail.*  /var/log/maillog;TemplateName         # 使用;分割,后接定义好的template  
*.*     @@remote-host;TemplateName


$template DynaFileName,”/var/log/%fromhost-ip%/%programname%_%$YEAR%-%$MONTH%-%$DAY%.log”

        实际上这是一种 过时的 string类型的Template(并且只支持string类型),因此相应的也可以更改成高级格式。里面的%property%同高级格式的Template一样根据需要自由引入,使用方法如下:

*.*    -?DynaFileName                # 所有日志发送到DynaFileName定义的文件中,注意自定义文件名(的Template名字)前需要有?符号
:fromhost-ip, !isequal, ""    ?DynaFileName           # 所有来源非本机的日志发送到DynaFileName定义的文件中,注意自定义文件名(的Template名字)前需要有?符号


*.*    -?DynaFileName;MyTemplate      # 所有日志发送到DynaFileName定义的路径文件中,使用MyTemplate进行格式处理 




:property, [!]compare-operation, "value"


containsChecks if the string provided in value is contained in the property. There must be an exact match, wildcards are not supported.isequalCompares the “value” string provided and the property contents. These two values must be exactly equal to match. The difference to contains is that contains searches for the value anywhere inside the property value, whereas all characters must be identical for isequal. As such, isequal is most useful for fields like syslogtag or FROMHOST, where you probably know the exact contents.startswithChecks if the value is found exactly at the beginning of the property value. For example, if you search for “val” with:msg, startswith, "val"it will be a match if msg contains “values are in this message” but it won’t match if the msg contains “There are values in this message” (in the later case, “contains” would match). Please note that “startswith” is by far faster than regular expressions. So even once they are implemented, it can make very much sense (performance-wise) to use “startswith”.regexCompares the property against the provided POSIX BRE regular expression.ereregexCompares the property against the provided POSIX ERE regular expression.


if expr then action-part-of-selector-line


if $syslogfacility-text == 'local0' and $msg startswith 'DEVNAME' and not ($msg contains 'error1' or $msg contains 'error0') then /var/log/somelog



action(type="omfwd" target="server1.example" ...)          #  将数据转发到server1.example去,默认端口514,后面根据需要添加其他参数

        其中type定义了处理数据所使用的模块,有多个模块可选择,具体模块和参数介绍可以在官网output module:.html找到。后面的target等均为模块所用参数,可自行查找。

$actionResumeRetryCount 10     # 参数配置,连接重试次数为10
action(type="omfwd" target="server1.example")  # 前面的参数对action不生效,因为action内部没有该参数,只有action内指定的参数有效
@@server2.example          # 将数据转发到server2.example去,默认端口514,前面指定的10次重试次数对该配置有效



ruleset(name="Remote"){if prifilt("mail.*") then {action(type="omfile" file="/var/log/remotefile")stop             #此处的stop在之前版本里是“~”,代表抛弃数据不进行下一步处理,在老版本语法里写为“&~”,&为命令连接符号。v7/v8也可以这么用,但是会有一个警告说语法已经更新,请上官网查看,这个不会影响正常运行可以忽略# note that the stop-command will prevent this message from# being written to the remotefile - as usual...}if $programname == "sshd" and prifilt("*.err") then {:fromhost-ip, !isequal, "" ?DynFileName}




input(type="imptcp" port="514" ruleset="Remote")

其中type为使用的数据来源模块,port等为模块参数,ruleset为所使用的ruleset。type中的模块有多种,可在官网input module:.html找到相关简介和参数说明。





        其他的版本在 官网 > HELP > Documentation > vX-stable下面,进去自己找吧

附录:property ( in English)

Message Properties:
        These are extracted by rsyslog parsers from the original message. All message properties start with a letter.

The following message properties exist:

        the MSG part of the message (aka “the message” ; ))

        the message excactly as it was received from the socket. Should be useful for debugging.

        hostname from the message

        alias for HOSTNAME

        hostname of the system the message was received from (in a relay chain, this is the system immediately in front of us and not necessarily the original sender). This is a DNS-resolved name, except if that is not possible or DNS resolution has been disabled.

        The same as fromhost, but alsways as an IP address. Local inputs (like imklog) use in this property.

        TAG from the message

        the “static” part of the tag, as defined by BSD syslogd. For example, when TAG is “named[12345]”, programname is “named”.

        PRI part of the message - undecoded (single value)

        the PRI part of the message in a textual form with the numerical PRI appended in brackes (e.g. “local0.err<133>”)

        the monitorware InfoUnitType - used when talking to a MonitorWare backend (also for Adiscon LogAnalyzer)

        the facility from the message - in numerical form

        the facility from the message - in text form

        severity from the message - in numerical form

        severity from the message - in text form

        an alias for syslogseverity - included for historical reasons (be careful: it still is the severity, not PRI!)

        an alias for syslogseverity-text

        timestamp when the message was RECEIVED. Always in high resolution

        timestamp from the message. Resolution depends on what was provided in the message (in most cases, only seconds)

        alias for timereported

        The contents of the PROTCOL-VERSION field from IETF draft draft-ietf-syslog-protcol

        The contents of the STRUCTURED-DATA field from IETF draft draft-ietf-syslog-protocol

        The contents of the APP-NAME field from IETF draft draft-ietf-syslog-protocol

        The contents of the PROCID field from IETF draft draft-ietf-syslog-protocol

        The contents of the MSGID field from IETF draft draft-ietf-syslog-protocol

        The name of the input module that generated the message (e.g. “imuxsock”, “imudp”). Note that not all modules necessarily provide this property. If not provided, it is an empty string. Also note that the input module may provide any value of its liking. Most importantly, it is not necessarily the module input name. Internal sources can also provide inputnames. Currently, “rsyslogd” is defined as inputname for messages internally generated by rsyslogd, for example startup and shutdown and error messages. This property is considered useful when trying to filter messages based on where they originated - e.g. locally generated messages (“rsyslogd”, “imuxsock”, “imklog”) should go to a different place than messages generated somewhere.

System Properties:
        These properties are provided by the rsyslog core engine. They are not related to the message. All system properties start with a dollar-sign.
        For example, timereported contains the timestamp from the message. Depending on how long the message was in the relay chain, this can be quite old. In contrast, $now is the system time when the message is being processed. Depending on your needs, you need one or the other. Usually, the message-based timestamp is the more important one, but that really depdends on the use case.

The following system properties exist:

        The UTF-8 encoded Unicode byte-order mask (BOM). This may be useful in templates for RFC5424 support, when the character set is know to be Unicode.

        The current date stamp in the format YYYY-MM-DD

        The current year (4-digit)

        The current month (2-digit)

        The current day of the month (2-digit)

        The current hour in military (24 hour) time (2-digit)

        The current half hour we are in. From minute 0 to 29, this is always 0 while from 30 to 59 it is always 1.

        The current quarter hour we are in. Much like $HHOUR, but values range from 0 to 3 (for the four quater hours that are in each hour)

        The current minute (2-digit)

        The name of the current host as it knows itself (probably useful for filtering in a generic way)



本文发布于:2024-02-10 20:15:03,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:详解   配置文件   官网   常用   rsyslog


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