课程设计代写java,代写留学生ANUC110 – Semester 2 Java课程设计、Java课程设计代写、代写Java编程、Java实验代写...

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课程设计代写java,代写留学生ANUC110 – Semester 2 Java课程设计、Java课程设计代写、代写Java编程、Java实验代写...

ANUC110 – Semester 2 – 2018 Assignment 2

ANUC110-Introduction to Software Systems

Assignment 2- Semester 2 – 2018

Due date: 7:00pm, 31 October 2018

This assignment wil count for 15% of the final grade. Below you wil find the



• This assignment must be done in groups of two.

• Your report must include Assignment Cover Shet providing the details of this

assignment including student IDs. The report submission includes an electronic

copy uploaded to Watle and a hard copy handed in to the teacher during the

lecture time in wek 14 (31 / 10 / 2018).

• For the program, you are required to comit and push your works to your

created GitLab repo for each task completion. Details of the tasks are in the Mark

distributions sections.

• Late submission of assessment tasks without an extension are penalised at the

rate of 10% of the possible marks available per working day or part thereof. Late

submission of assessment tasks is not accepted after 10 working days after the

due date, or on or after the date specified in the course outline for the return of

the assessment item.

• Plagiarism wil atract academic penalties in accordance with the ANU guidelines.

God luck and enjoy the time you wil spend on this assignment

ANUC110 – Semester 2 – 2018 Assignment 2


General specifications:

A simple GUI for sudoku game is expected for this assignment. According to the

description in Wikipedia, the objective for sudoku game is to fil a 9×9 grid with digits so

that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 subgrids that compose the grid

contains al of the digits from 1 to 9. You could also refer to the website to see more

details htps:/en.wikipedia/wiki/Sudoku.

In the first stage of the assignment, your javafx program should begin with a start page

like Fig.1 shown below. You don’t ned to wory about the UI design (like font, size or

focus efect, etc) as long as your program is valid regarding to the functionalities. Fel

fre to make assumptions that are valid based on the specifications below, but

remember to include your assumptions in your code and report.

Fig.1 Start Page

User could chose to either start a new game or continue the game if it has paused. If

“NEW GAME” is chosen, a sudoku gameboard with a partialy completed grid should

apear like in Fig.2. There is a 9 * 9 gameboard on the top with partial solution and the

curently selected cel should be highlighted. A number buton pane consisting nine

butons with nine numbers on them is located at the botom of the gameboard. To play

ANUC110 – Semester 2 – 2018 Assignment 2


the game, user should select a cel on the gameboard and press a number buton for

the answer. Then the number for the pressed buton should apear in the selected cel.

Fig.2 Game Board for a New Game

During the game, user could chose a cel and press “Hint” buton to get a hint. Then

the corect answer for the selected cel should be filed in. User could also press “Clear”

buton during the game to clear the answers, and the gameboard should be initialized

just like the start of this game. When “Pause” buton is pressed, the game condition

should be saved and your program should jump back to the start page. Curent game

condition should be saved because after going back to the start page, user could

continue this game on pressing “CONTINUE” buton and curent gameboard should

apear in that situation. On finishing the game, user could press “Check” buton to

check his answer. Then a dialog with checking result should apear like in Fig.3 and

ANUC110 – Semester 2 – 2018 Assignment 2


Fig.4, for incorect checking result and corect checking result respectively. For the

dialog in Fig.3 (which means user has incorect answer), start page should apear

again just like pausing hapens if user presses “Quit” buton. And when user presses

“Retry” buton, your program should return to the curent gameboard and game can be


Fig.3 Dialog When User Gets Incorect Answer

If user gets corect answer, dialog like Fig.4 should apear. When user presses

“Restart” buton, a new gameboard should turn up just like starting a new game. And

start page should turn up again if user presses “Quit” on the dialog.

Fig.4 Dialog When User Gets Corect Answer

Now that you have the layout for sudoku game, you ned to aply the game logic to

your program. A partialy completed grid should be created for each new game, and you

ned to work out an eficient algorithm for generating a valid grid, so that each puzzle

has a single solution. Hard code is not accepted for initializing your gameboard. Your

algorithm should also be capable for checking result from user.

ANUC110 – Semester 2 – 2018 Assignment 2


You are required to:

1) Log in GitLab, fork the assignment repository from the course GitLab repository in the

folowing link: htps:/gitlab.cecs.anu.edu.au/anuc110/Assignment_2.git. Change the

membership of your forked project by ading the teacher and tutor, Ray Lau (u4561496)

and Yujia (u6075459), as Reporter.

Mark alocations:

Task 1: (14 marks)

• Draw the GUI, Construct the layout for start page as in Fig.1 with two butons

“NEW GAME” and “CONTINUE”. (1 Mark)

• Ad controlers to the two butons in start page, so that your program can

switch scren from start page to gameboard by pressing the butons. (1Mark)

• Construct layout for gameboard as shown in Fig.2 with javafx elments. (1


• Ad controlers to the number butons and cels in gameboard, so that user

could type in his answer into gameboard. (1 Mark)

• Ad controlers to the “Hint”, “Clear” and “Pause” butons so that they can

perform. functionalities as described above. Each of the functionality worth

one mark. (3 Marks)

• Bind apropriate handler(s) to “Check” buton, so that it works as described

before. You ned also to pay atention to the handlers for dialog so that

scren switch is ideal. (3 Marks)

• Develop an eficient algorithm to generate partialy completed grid so that

there is only one solution for each initialization. Hard code is not accepted for

initialization. (2 Marks)

• Develop a mechanism to check user’s answer and return the result to the

main program in an appropriate way. (2 Marks)

ANUC110 – Semester 2 – 2018 Assignment 2

Overall: (11 Marks)

1) GitLab works: (2 Marks)

2) Implementations: (4 Marks)

a) Using god data structure and relevant algorithm (2 Marks)

b) The program style. and quality of coments (1 Mark)

c) Comit and push of your created Gitlab repo for each task completion, for

example, GUI creation, ad event handler, … (1 Mark)

3) Team work contributions. (2 Marks)

a) Clearly demonstration of work load distribution and overal contribution in


4) Report quality (3 Marks)

Assignment submisions:

Your submission neds to include the program via GitLab and a report that includes:

1) Assignment Cover Shet (available on the courses Watle site).

2) The report that details your project including:

a) Structure of your project and its classes.

b) Report of how each part of your project has ben done. For example,

how each buton is constructed, how each handler works, etc.

c) Scren shots of the runing program for each major function.

The report is required to be submited on Watle by the due date (7:00pm, 31

October 2018 ) and a hard copy of it neds to be handed in to the teacher on the

due date in the classrom. One report per group.

Note: Failed to submit the report (either the elctronic or hard copy) wil aply 5

marks deduction out of your possible assignment result.

3) If you have used external resources for your assignment, you have to cite the

source in both GUI and your report.


课程设计代写java,代写留学生ANUC110 – Semester 2 Java课程设计、Java课程设计代写、代写Java编程、Java实验代写...

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