Unity 2020.1 beta版现已提供反馈

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Unity 2020.1 beta版现已提供<a href=https://www.elefans.com/category/jswz/34/1748046.html style=反馈"/>

Unity 2020.1 beta版现已提供反馈

Discover what’s new in profiling tools, graphics, Editor workflows and more. Try out the new features and let us know what you think on the Beta forum!

探索性能分析工具,图形,编辑器工作流等方面的新功能。 试用新功能,并在 Beta论坛 上告诉我们您的想法 !

The Unity 2020.1 beta is a milestone in the development cycle of the first TECH stream release this year, one of two 2020 TECH stream releases that lead up to the 2020 Long-Term Support (LTS) release next year.

Unity 2020.1 beta版是今年第一个TECH产品流的开发周期中的一个里程碑,这 是2020年2020年长期支持(LTS)发布 的 两个2020 TECH产品流 之一 。

As a token of our appreciation, everyone who tries out the 2020.1 beta and submits at least one bug report gets a chance to win one of four NVIDIA GeForce RTX™ 2080 graphic cards. See the end of this post for details on the prize draw.

为表示感谢,每个尝试2020.1 Beta并提交至少一个错误报告的人都有机会赢得四张NVIDIA GeForce RTX™2080图形卡之一。 有关抽奖的详细信息,请参见此帖子的末尾。

On April 20, we will be hosting a webinar for people interested in a guided tour of the features and updates in this beta. You can register here and find more information at the bottom of this post.

4月20日,我们将为感兴趣的人们举办一个网络研讨会,以指导您浏览此Beta的功能和更新。 您可以 在这里 注册 , 并在这篇文章的底部找到更多信息。

To get started, download the Unity 2020.1 beta from the Unity Hub or from our beta page. We recommend that you check out the beta to evaluate the technology while planning your future development, and don’t use it to work on projects that are live or in production. As always, make sure you back up existing projects before you test them with beta and Preview technology. Read our guide for more details. 

首先,请从Unity Hub或我们的 beta页面 下载Unity 2020.1 beta 。 我们建议您在计划将来的开发时签出Beta版以评估该技术,并且不要将其用于正在运行或正在生产的项目。 与往常一样,请确保在使用Beta和Preview技术测试现有项目之前先备份它们。 阅读我们的 指南 以获取更多详细信息。

Below are highlights of what we’ve added across the different feature areas. Stay tuned to the blog and the Beta forum for more information on features that are in this release or are in Preview as packages. 

以下是我们在不同功能区域中添加的内容的重点。 请继续关注博客和Beta论坛,以获取有关此版本中或打包预览中的功能的更多信息。

脚本和性能分析工具 (Scripting and Profiling tools)

Our Profiling tools help you get the most performance out of your applications by offering insightful views onto your performance and memory data. In this release, we’ve improved the stability, performance, and reliability of the tools.

我们的性能分析工具通过提供有关性能和内存数据的深入视图,可帮助您从应用程序中获得最大性能。 在此版本中,我们改进了工具的稳定性,性能和可靠性。

To start, the Profiler connection to a Player is more stable, particularly with low-end Android devices. You can now also run it as a Standalone Profiler desktop app, which significantly reduces overhead and provides cleaner data when you target the Editor or Play mode.

首先,Profiler与播放器的连接更加稳定,尤其是在低端Android设备上。 现在,您还可以将其作为 独立Profiler桌面应用程序运行 ,当您以“编辑器”或“播放”模式为目标时,可以显着减少开销并提供更干净的数据。

The Profiler now includes a Flow Event feature that visualizes your Job System dependencies. You can also add metadata to your profile markers, and an extension to the Recorder API allows you to get GPU counters at runtime by using the new Sampler API. We’ve also made many improvements to the Profile Analyzer. Furthermore, we’re refactoring the Memory Profiler’s back-end, for which we have already significantly cut down on capture memory overhead and capture times. The Memory Profiler is available as a Preview package.

现在,探查器包括 流事件功能 ,该 功能 可以可视化您的作业系统依赖性。 您还可以 将元数据添加到配置文件标记中 ,并且 Recorder API 的 扩展 允许您使用 新的Sampler API 在运行时获取GPU计数器 。 我们还对 Profile Analyzer 进行了许多改进 。 此外,我们正在重构 Memory Profiler的 后端,为此,我们已经大大减少了捕获内存开销和捕获时间。 Memory Profiler可以作为预览包使用。

To help you visualize how Unity schedules jobs across threads, you can use the Flow Events setting in Profiler.

为了帮助您可视化Unity如何跨线程调度作业,您可以使用Profiler中的Flow Events设置。

The Code Coverage (Preview) package lets you see which lines of your code are executed when the tests run, in addition to whether the tests passed or failed. Let us know what you think about it on the forum.

通过 代码覆盖率 (预览)包, 您不仅 可以 查看测试通过还是失败,还 可以 查看运行测试时执行了哪些代码行。 在 论坛 上告诉我们您的想法 。

You can now get human-readable information from past build reports (Unity saves these each time you build a project) with Build Report Inspector (now a package). You can also see more details on project build times provided by the Build Report API, including a breakdown to the asset level.

现在,您可以使用 构建报告检查器 (现在是程序包) 从过去的构建报告中获取人类可读的信息(Unity会在每次构建项目时保存这些信息 )。 您还可以查看 Build Report API 提供的有关项目构建时间的更多详细信息 ,包括资产级别的细分。

The new C# debugging workflow makes the Editor run with C# code optimization in Release Mode by default, improving performance when running your project in Play Mode. In order to debug your project, you need to enable Debug Mode before entering Play Mode. You can switch between code optimization modes without restarting the Editor by selecting the Debug Button in the bottom right of the Unity Editor Status Bar.

在 新的C#调试工作流程 ,使与C#代码优化在释放模式默认情况下,编辑器中运行,运行在播放模式项目时提高性能。 为了调试您的项目,您需要在进入“播放模式”之前启用“调试模式”。 您可以在代码优化模式之间切换,而无需重新启动编辑器,方法是选择Unity编辑器状态栏右下方的“调试”按钮。

Visual Studio integration is moving into packages. The new Visual Studio Code Editor package is in Preview. All future development will happen in the package, with the built-in support switching to maintenance mode until we remove it in a future release. We’ve already added some new features and improvements to the package, such as faster startup.

Visual Studio集成正在迁移到软件包中。 新的Visual Studio代码编辑器包位于“预览”中。 软件包中将进行所有将来的开发,并且内置支持会切换到维护模式,直到我们在将来的版本中将其删除为止。 我们已经 在软件包中 添加了一些新功能和改进 ,例如更快的启动。

We improved support for serializing fields of generic types. In the past, if you had a generic type (such as class MyClass<T>), and you wanted to make a field using that type, you would have to define a non-generic subclass of it (like class MyClassInt : MyClass<int>). We’ve removed this limitation, so you no longer need to declare the generic subclass, and can just use the generic type directly.

我们改进了对通用类型的字段进行序列化的支持。 过去,如果您具有通用类型(例如 MyClass <T>类 ),并且想使用该类型创建字段,则必须定义该类型的非通用子类(例如 MyClassInt:MyClass < int> )。 我们消除了此限制,因此您不再需要声明泛型子类,而可以直接使用泛型类型。

编辑器和工作流程 (Editor and workflows)

Unity 2020.1 beta features many gradual improvements for your Editor workflows. These include: 

Unity 2020.1 Beta对您的编辑器工作流程进行了许多逐步改进。 这些包括:

  • The option to ignore gamma correction when importing PNG files (which can help with color consistency across different platforms)


  • New abilities for Presets (applying only a partial set of properties from a given Preset, and filtering in the Preset Manager based on a file’s path)

    预设的 新功能 (仅应用给定预设的部分属性,并根据文件路径在预设管理器中进行过滤)

  • Addressables user experience (UX) improvements

    可寻址 用户体验(UX)的改进

  • Runtime catalog updating and sub-object support


  • Support for importing asset files greater than 2 GB

    支持导入大于2 GB的资产文件

  • The new Directory Monitoring feature on Windows speeds up processing by only updating relevant assets. We will add support for macOS in a future release. 

    Windows上 新的 目录监视 功能通过仅更新相关资产来加快处理速度。 我们将在将来的版本中添加对macOS的支持。

  • A new public API and the background Progress window enable developers to expose long-running, asynchronous operations without blocking the Editor UI, and fewer user interruptions. 

    新的 公共API 和后台的“ 进度”窗口 使开发人员可以公开运行长时间的异步操作,而不会阻塞编辑器UI,并且减少了用户中断。

The Unity Accelerator lets you coordinate asset sharing when your team is working on the same local network. In this release we’ve added a local administrator dashboard for the Accelerator that enables you to configure the tool for your team’s needs. 

当团队在同一本地网络上工作时, 使用 Unity Accelerator 可以协调资产共享。 在此版本中,我们为Accelerator添加了本地管理员仪表板,使您可以根据团队的需要配置该工具。

You can now open a Prefab in context. When you open Prefab Mode this way, you can see the context of the Prefab instance in the Scene view (but locked for editing) even though you are not editing the instance but rather the Prefab Asset itself. Learn more about this in the Prefabs forum.

您现在可以在上下文中打开Prefab。 当您以这种方式打开“预制模式”时,即使您不是在编辑实例,而是在预制资产本身中,也可以在“场景”视图中看到预制实例的上下文(但已锁定以进行编辑)。 在Prefabs论坛中了解有关此内容的更多信息。

The in-Editor Asset Store is powered by the CEF (Chromium Editor Framework), an older technology that can’t offer the performance you expect from a modern browser. In this release, we’ve removed the CEF. This means we’ve refactored the Services window and removed in-Editor Asset Store browsing. Instead, when you’re signed in and visit the Asset Store website to locate and get new assets, the My Assets menu is available in the Package Manager window. You can download and import your assets from there. This window also contains functionality for authoring packages.

编辑器内资产商店由CEF(Chrome编辑器框架)提供支持,CEF是一种较旧的技术,无法提供您希望通过现代浏览器获得的性能。 在此版本中,我们删除了CEF。 这意味着我们已经重构了“服务”窗口,并删除了“编辑器中的资产商店”浏览。 而是当您登录并访问 Asset Store 网站以查找和获取新资产时,“包管理器”窗口中的“我的资产”菜单可用。 您可以从那里下载和导入资产。 该窗口还包含创作软件包的功能。

We’ve also updated the Hub template for new 2D projects. This includes all verified and precompiled 2D packages and default settings optimal for 2D projects. It also loads faster than installing all the packages manually. We want to refine this to fit your needs, so please share your thoughts with us in the Improved 2D Template thread in the forums.

我们还为新的2D项目更新了中心模板。 这包括所有经过验证和预编译的2D软件包以及最适合2D项目的默认设置。 与手动安装所有软件包相比,它的加载速度也更快。 我们希望改进此方法以适合您的需求,因此请 在论坛 的“ 改进的2D模板”主题 中 与我们分享您的想法 。

This release features many updates to 2D physics, including improvements to Rigidbody2D XY Position Constraint, which makes a Rigidbody completely solid under any force and has almost zero runtime cost. This feature resulted from changes to Box2D physics and was ported back to 2019.2. Per-frame Auto-Simulation enables Physics to refresh at the same rate as the rendering cycle, providing smoother physics and visuals. As well, EdgeCollider2D now lets you control the start and end points to allow overlapped edges with other colliders to maintain a continuous surface.

此版本对 2D物理进行了 许多更新 ,包括对 Rigidbody2D XY位置约束的 改进 ,这使Rigidbody在任何力下都完全牢固,运行时成本几乎为零。 此功能来自Box2D物理更改,并已移植回2019.2。 每帧自动仿真 使Physics以与渲染周期相同的速率刷新,从而提供了更流畅的物理效果和视觉效果。 同样, EdgeCollider2D 现在允许您控制起点和终点,以允许与其他对撞机重叠的边缘保持连续的表面。

The team’s 2D Physics project has been updated with many Scenes to demonstrate all 2D physics features. Get it on GitHub, and let us know what you think on the 2D beta forum.

该团队的2D物理项目已更新,其中包含许多场景,以演示所有2D物理功能。 在 GitHub上 获取它 ,并在 2D beta论坛 上告诉我们您的想法 。

The new Sprite Packer Version 2 allows you to create Sprite Atlas from textures or sprites using the Scripted Importer workflow, which provides access to AssetDatabase v2 features and the Cache Server.

新的 Sprite Packer版本2 允许您使用脚本导入器工作流从纹理或精灵创建Sprite Atlas,该工作流提供对AssetDatabase v2功能和缓存服务器的访问。


美工工具 (Artist tools)

The Animation Rigging (Preview) package now comes with Bidirectional Motion Transfer, a workflow that lets you transfer existing motion onto active constraints and more.

现在,“动画索具(预览)”包随附了“ 双向运动传递” ,该工作流使您可以将现有运动传递到活动约束等上。

Improvements are coming to our Particle System, such as the Freeform Stretching mode and Lifetime by Emitter speed module. This is useful for effects such as liquid drops or moving fire. We’ve also improved sticky notes in Shader Graph.

我们的 粒子系统 有了一些 改进 ,例如自由形式拉伸模式和“发射器寿命”速度模块。 这对于液滴或着火等效果很有用。 我们还改进了 Shader Graph中的 便签 。

We are renaming UIElements to UI Toolkit. The new name better describes the set of features and functionality that the UI Toolkit contains. UI Toolkit now lets you create runtime UI with the same tools you can use to create Unity Editor extensions. We are also moving UI Toolkit to a package, which will be available in Preview later in the Unity 2020.1 beta cycle. For updates, keep an eye on the UI Toolkit forum.

我们正在将UIElement重命名为UI Toolkit。 新名称更好地描述了UI Toolkit包含的一组功能。 现在,UI Toolkit允许您使用可用于创建Unity Editor扩展的相同工具来创建运行时UI。 我们还将UI工具包移至一个软件包,该软件包将在Unity 2020.1 beta周期的稍后版本的Preview中提供。 有关更新,请关注 UI Toolkit 论坛。

图形工具 (Graphics tools)

In the Universal Render Pipeline you can now use Camera Stacking to layer the output of multiple Cameras and create a single combined output.

现在,在“ 通用渲染管线”中, 您可以使用“ 摄影机堆栈” 对多个“摄影机”的输出进行分层,并创建单个组合的输出。

Camera Stacking allows you to create effects such as a 3D model in a 2D UI, or the cockpit of a vehicle. Currently, Camera Stacking is not supported when you use the 2D Renderer or VR Multi Pass mode. Support for these will be added in upcoming versions of the Universal Render Pipeline package. 

通过“相机堆叠”, 可以创建诸如2D UI中的3D模型或车辆驾驶舱之类的效果。 当前,当您使用2D渲染器或VR Multi Pass模式时,不支持Camera Stacking。 在即将发布的Universal Render Pipeline软件包版本中将添加对这些功能的支持。

Unity 2020.1 beta also includes updates to our Ray Tracing feature (in Preview) set for the High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP). You can now do animation in Ray Tracing via the Skinned Mesh Renderer component. Alembic Vertex Cache and Meshes with dynamic contents (see example below) are now supported via the Dynamic Geometry Ray Tracing Mode option in the Renderers menu. Join us in the HDRP Ray Tracing forum if you’re interested in trying out these features. We also have a blog article that focuses specifically on the Ray Tracing features in HDRP. You can learn more here.

Unity 2020.1 beta版还包括针对高清晰度渲染管线(HDRP)设置的“射线追踪”功能(在预览中)的更新。 现在,您可以通过“ 蒙皮的网格渲染器”组件在“光线跟踪”中进行动画处理。 现在,通过“渲染器”菜单中的“动态几何体光线跟踪模式”选项,支持具有动态内容的Alembic顶点缓存和网格(请参见下面的示例)。 如果您有兴趣尝试这些功能,请 加入 HDRP Ray Tracing论坛 。 我们也有一篇博客文章,专门讨论HDRP中的光线跟踪功能。 您可以 在此处 了解更多 信息 。


Streaming Virtual Texturing technology is also included in this release. It will be supported in the High Definition Render Pipeline (9.x-Preview and later) for use with Shader Graph. Streaming Virtual Texturing is a feature that reduces GPU memory usage and texture loading times when you have many high-resolution textures in your Scene. You can preview the work-in-progress package in this sample project. Get our User Guide to learn more and let us know what you think on the forum.

此版本中还包括流虚拟纹理化技术。 高清晰度渲染管线(9.x-Preview和更高版本)将支持它与Shader Graph一起使用。 当场景中有许多高分辨率纹理时,流虚拟纹理化功能可减少GPU内存使用和纹理加载时间。 您可以在此 示例项目中 预览正在进行的软件包 。 获取我们的 用户指南 以了解更多信息,并让我们知道您 在论坛上的 想法 。

This beta release also includes a number of improvements and fixes for lighting. For example, the new Light Setting Asset enables you to change settings on multiple scenes and have more control in multi-bake scenarios.

该Beta版本还包括许多针对照明的改进和修复。 例如,新的“灯光设置资产”使您可以更改多个场景的设置,并在多重烘焙场景中拥有更多控制权。

Lighting settings are no longer a part of the Unity Scene file; instead, they’re now located in an independent file that stores all the settings related to pre-computed GI. This gives you the ability to share, change or reuse lighting settings across scenes and teams.

照明设置 不再是Unity Scene文件的一部分; 相反,它们现在位于一个独立文件中,该文件存储与预先计算的GI相关的所有设置。 这使您能够在场景和团队之间共享,更改或重用照明设置。

The new Calculated Pack Margin feature adds settings to the Mesh Importer. It makes it easy to avoid UV overlapping artifacts and to get clean and correct lightmaps.

新的“ 计算包装边距” 功能可将设置添加到网格导入器。 它可以轻松避免UV重叠的伪影,并获得清洁和正确的光照贴图。

The GPU Lightmapper is getting closer to feature parity with the CPU Progressive Lightmapper, as it now supports A-Trous filtering, Baked LOD Support, Sky Occlusion Baking and includes memory improvements.

GPU Lightmapper与CPU渐进式Lightmapper的功能越来越接近,因为它现在支持A-Trous过滤,Baked LOD支持,Sky Occlusion Baking并包括内存改进。

Baked Light Cookies support in HDRP will be available very soon. In the meantime, you can try the feature with the Built-in Render Pipeline.

HDRP中的Baked Light Cookies支持将很快推出。 同时,您可以尝试使用内置渲染管道功能。

Russian Roulette is a new method that reduces the total bake times when calculating Global Illumination. Be aware that using aggressive Russian Roulette values will likely introduce noise in your lightmaps. For more information on what’s new for lighting in Unity 2020.1, join the Global Illumination forum.

俄罗斯轮盘赌 是一种新方法,可在计算全局照度时减少总烘烤时间。 请注意,使用激进的俄罗斯轮盘赌值可能会在光照贴图中引入噪点。 有关Unity 2020.1中照明的新功能的更多信息,请加入“ 全球照明”论坛 。

Russian Roulette benchmark sample scene. Enter The Room project courtesy of Nedd.

俄罗斯轮盘基准示例场景。 输入Nedd提供的Room项目。

平台类 (Platforms)

Unity Runtime for iOS devices now requires iOS 11 as a minimum version, and 32-bit builds are no longer supported. Support for OpenGL ES on iOS is deprecated (since 2019.3) and we plan to remove it in Unity 2020.2.

iOS设备的Unity Runtime现在要求最低版本为iOS 11,并且不再支持32位版本。 自2019.3起,不再支持iOS上的OpenGL ES,我们计划在Unity 2020.2中将其删除。

Advanced developers can now implement their own conversion process for output to High Dynamic Range (HDR) displays for both the legacy render and Scriptable Render Pipelines across PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and desktop platforms with a single API.

高级开发人员现在可以实施自己的转换过程,以通过单个API跨PlayStation 4,Xbox One和台式机平台将旧式渲染和脚本化渲染管道输出到高动态范围(HDR)显示。

Our Device Simulator (Preview) package now comes with more devices and the option to search and filter the list of devices.

我们的 设备模拟器 (预览版)软件包现在随附了更多设备,并提供了搜索和过滤设备列表的选项。

The new Caching Shader Preprocessor provides improved shader import/build performance (up to 25% lower shader compilation time) by caching the result of preprocessing the files. It applies across all platforms and render pipelines, and is Experimental in this release. You can switch it on in the Shader Compilation section of Editor Settings.

通过缓存文件预处理的结果,新的“缓存着色器预处理器”提供了改进的着色器导入/构建性能(最多减少了25%的着色器编译时间)。 它适用于所有平台和渲染管道,并且在此版本中处于试验阶段。 您可以在“编辑器设置”的“着色器编译”部分中将其打开。

We made a number of improvements to our WebGL loader and templates. In order to improve loading performance, Unity 2020.1 will now generate a WebGL loader that is specific to the build. Unused code will be stripped from the loader, and the most efficient loading scheme will be chosen based on the selected Player settings.

我们对 WebGL加载器和模板 进行了许多改进 。 为了提高加载性能,Unity 2020.1现在将生成特定于构建的WebGL加载器。 未使用的代码将从加载程序中剥离,并且将根据所选的Player设置选择最有效的加载方案。

We have added HDR display support for the Editor, allowing developers who use displays that support HDR to take advantage of it. This change supports DX12 and Metal.

我们为编辑器添加了HDR显示支持,使使用支持HDR的显示的开发人员可以利用它。 此更改支持DX12和Metal。

We have also introduced a new C# API for HDR support in the Player that allows developers to overwrite the default Unity tonemapping algorithm. This enables you to create custom tonemapping and activate/deactivate HDR settings if desired.

我们还在播放器中引入了新的HDR支持C#API,使开发人员可以覆盖默认的Unity色调映射算法。 这使您可以创建自定义色调映射并根据需要激活/停用HDR设置。

有机会赢得NVIDIA GeForce RTX™2080 GPU (Get a chance to win an NVIDIA GeForce RTX™ 2080 GPU)

By participating in the 2020.1 beta, you have a chance to win one of four GPUs that we’re giving away in partnership with NVIDIA.

通过参加2020.1 Beta,您有机会赢得我们与NVIDIA合作提供的四个GPU之一。

To enter the draw, all you have to do is identify and report at least one unique bug during the 2020.1 beta cycle and add “#Beta2020Win_NVIDIA” in the report description (the “Submission”). The contest opens at 00:01 am PT on March 17 and the submission period ends at 23:59 pm PT on May 15. 

要进入抽奖,您要做的就是在2020.1 Beta周期内识别并报告至少一个独特的错误,并 在报告说明中 添加“ #Beta2020Win_NVIDIA ”(“提交”)。 比赛于3月17日太平洋时间凌晨00:01开始,提交期限于5月15日太平洋时间下午23:59结束。

A unique bug is one that has not yet been reported at the time of submission and has been reproduced and acknowledged by Unity as a bug.


No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. See the full rules here. We will contact the winners directly.

无需购买。 禁止的地方无效。 请在 此处 查看完整规则 。 我们将直接与获奖者联系。

Get a chance to win a NVIDIA GeForce RTX™ 2080 GPU by participating in the 2020.1 beta

通过参加2020.1 Beta,有机会赢得NVIDIA GeForce RTX™2080 GPU

关于Unity Beta程序 (About the Unity Beta program)

By joining our open beta, you will be able to try and provide feedback on the new features coming in the next TECH stream release. You’re also helping the entire community by improving the quality of our software.

通过加入我们的公开测试版,您将能够尝试就下一TECH版本发布的新功能提供反馈。 您还可以通过提高我们的软件质量来帮助整个社区。

If you aren’t sure how to get started, have a look at this guide to being an effective beta tester.

如果您不确定如何入门,请查看此 指南 ,了解如何 成为有效的Beta测试人员。

Watch the following video to learn more about what beta program means for us and what our beta users think.



观看2020.1 Beta网络研讨会 (Watch the 2020.1 beta webinar)

As part of Unite Now we hosted a webinar led by Ashley Alicea, Games Evangelist. Ashley explains and demos a number of the major new features in this release. Together with Unity R&D teams, they answered questions about the new tools and technology. You can watch the webinar below.

作为Unite Now的一部分,我们举办了一场由游戏布道者Ashley Alicea领导的网络研讨会。 Ashley解释并演示了此版本中的许多主要新功能。 他们与Unity研发团队一起回答了有关新工具和技术的问题。 您可以观看下面的网络研讨会。


阅读发行说明 (Read the release notes)

As always, refer to the release notes for the full list of new features, improvements, and fixes. Please provide feedback on them in our forums as well.

与往常一样,请参阅 发行说明 以获取新功能,改进和修复的完整列表。 也请 在 我们的论坛中 提供 有关它们的 反馈 。

Beta版程序通讯 (Beta program newsletter)

Subscribe to the Beta newsletter to receive news on upcoming technology and exclusive activities that we organize for our Beta users. Sign up for our Beta Newsletter below:

订阅Beta新闻, 以接收有关我们为Beta用户组织的即将到来的技术和独家活动的新闻。 在下面注册我们的Beta新闻:

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Unity 2020.1 beta版现已提供反馈

本文发布于:2024-02-08 20:49:38,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:反馈   Unity   beta


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