
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-26 04:28:30

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主要基于Linux 0.11系统展开




1. oslab

oslab是bochs和linux 0.11整合的一个包的名称

2. bochs

Bochs 是一个免费且开放源代码的 IA-32(x86)架构 PC 机模拟器(注意是模拟器,不是虚拟机)

3. gcc

gcc 是和 Linux 一起成长起来的编译器

4. Image


5. hdc-0.11.img

hdc-0.11.img 是文件的格式是 Minix 文件系统的镜像
Linux 所有版本都支持这种格式的文件系统,所以可以直接在宿主 Linux 上通过 mount 命令访问此文件内的文件,达到宿主系统和 bochs 内运行的 Linux 0.11 之间交换文件的效果。

hdc-0.11.img 内包含有:Bash shell;一些基本的 Linux 命令、工具,比如 cp、rm、mv、tar;vi 编辑器;gcc 1.4 编译器,可用来编译标准 C 程序;as86 和 ld86;Linux 0.11 的源代码,可在 0.11 下编译,然后覆盖现有的二进制内核。

6. 编译Linux 0.11

在linux 0.11文件夹中执行make clean && make all

7. 本地和模拟器环境文件交换

首先通过sudo ./mount-hdc进行挂载。
然后在 Ubuntu 的~/oslab/hdc/ 下即为linux 0.11环境下的文件
sudo umount hdc可以卸载


linux 0.11文件中 boot/bootsect.s、boot/setup.s,即为前文【操作系统启动过程】中提到的bootsectsetup模块。

1. bootsect.s

1.1 打印字符串

想要在操作系统启动时打印"Hello OS world, my name is MYM"需要如何修改bootsect.s

entry _start
_start:// 读取鼠标mov ah,#0x03xor bh,bhint 0x10// 显示字符  cx 字符长度 bx 显示属性 es:bp 字符串地址 ax 中断的一些设置...mov cx,#36mov bx,#0x0007mov bp,#msg1mov ax,#0x07c0mov es,axmov ax,#0x1301int 0x10// 无线循环,为了让显示的字符串停留在显示器上
inf_loop:jmp inf_loop
// 字符串长度30, msg1后三个换行+回车一共6个字符,因此 cx = 36
msg1:.byte   13,10.ascii  "Hello OS world, my name is MYM".byte   13,10,13,10
// 设置引导扇区标记 0xAA55 必须有它,才能引导
boot_flag:.word   0xAA55


$ as86 -0 -a -o bootsect.o bootsect.s
$ ld86 -0 -s -o bootsect bootsect.o

其中 -0(注意:这是数字 0,不是字母 O)表示生成 8086 的 16 位目标程序,-a 表示生成与 GNU as 和 ld 部分兼容的代码,-s 告诉链接器 ld86 去除最后生成的可执行文件中的符号信息

-rw--x--x    1  root  root  544  Jul  25  15:07   bootsect
-rw------    1  root  root  257  Jul  25  15:07   bootsect.o
-rw------    1  root  root  686  Jul  25  14:28   bootsect.s

从上述结果可以看到bootsect大小是544字节,而前文中我们说bootsect是占用一个扇区是512字节,造成多了 32 个字节的原因是ld86产生的是Minix可执行文件格式,这样的可执行文件除了文本段、数据段等部分以外,还包括一个Minix可执行文件头部。


$ dd bs=1 if=bootsect of=Image skip=32

1.2 载入setup.s


SETUPLEN=2 // 原版是读入4个扇区,此处不需要那么多
SETUPSEG=0x07e0 // setup 内存起始位置
entry _start
_start:mov ah,#0x03xor bh,bhint 0x10mov cx,#36mov bx,#0x0007mov bp,#msg1mov ax,#0x07c0mov es,axmov ax,#0x1301int 0x10
load_setup:// 设置驱动器和磁头(drive 0, head 0): 软盘 0 磁头mov dx,#0x0000// 设置扇区号和磁道(sector 2, track 0): 0 磁道、2 扇区mov cx,#0x0002// 设置读入的内存地址:BOOTSEG+address = 512,偏移512字节, ps:0x0200十进制是512mov bx,#0x0200// 设置读入的扇区个数(service 2, nr of sectors)mov ax,#0x0200+SETUPLEN// 应用 0x13 号 BIOS 中断读入 2 个 setup.s扇区int 0x13// 读入成功,跳转到 ok_load_setup: ok - continuejnc ok_load_setup// 软驱、软盘有问题才会执行到这里。我们的镜像文件比它们可靠多了mov dx,#0x0000//  否则复位软驱 reset the diskettemov ax,#0x0000int 0x13// 重新循环,再次尝试读取jmp load_setup
ok_load_setup:// 接下来要干什么?当然是跳到 setup 执行。// 要注意:我们没有将 bootsect 移到 0x9000,因此跳转后的段地址应该是 0x07e0// 因为BOOTSEG=0x07c0,物理地址为0x07c00,setup的物理地址相对bootsect偏移512字节,即0x07e00// 即我们要设置 SETUPSEG=0x07e0jmpi    0,SETUPSEG
msg1:.byte   13,10.ascii  "Hello OS world, my name is MYM".byte   13,10,13,10
boot_flag:.word   0xAA55


make BootImage


1.3 修改build.c

build.c 从命令行参数得到 bootsect、setupsystem 内核的文件名,将三者做简单的整理后一起写入 Image
其中 system 是第三个参数(argv[3])。当“make all”或者“makeall”的时候,这个参数传过来的是正确的文件名,build.c 会打开它,将内容写入 Image
“make BootImage” 时,传过来的是字符串 "none"。所以,改造build.c的思路就是当argv[3]"none"的时候,只写bootsectsetup,忽略所有与system有关的工作,或者在该写system的位置都写上 “0”


2. setup.s

2.1 获取硬件参数

通过setup.s获取硬件参数,setup.s 将获得硬件参数放在内存的 0x90000 处。原版setup.s中已经完成了光标位置、内存大小、显存大小、显卡参数、第一和第二硬盘参数的保存。
ah=#0x03 调用 0x10 中断可以读出光标的位置
ah=#0x88 调用 0x15 中断可以读出内存的大小
磁盘参数表的获取,在 PC 机中 BIOS 设定的中断向量表中 int 0x41 的中断向量位置(4*0x41 = 0x0000:0x0104)存放的并不是中断程序的地址,而是第一个硬盘的基本参数表。
第二个硬盘的基本参数表入口地址存于 int 0x46 中断向量位置处。每个硬盘参数表有 16 个字节大小。下表给出了硬盘基本参数表的内容:

mov    ax,#INITSEG  // INITSEG = 0x9000
// 设置 ds = 0x9000
mov    ds,ax
mov    ah,#0x03// 读入光标位置
xor    bh,bh
// 调用 0x10 中断
int    0x10
// 将光标位置写入 0x90000.
mov    [0],dx// 读入内存大小位置
mov    ah,#0x88
int    0x15
mov    [2],ax// 从 0x41 处拷贝 16 个字节(磁盘参数表)
mov    ax,#0x0000
mov    ds,ax // ds = 0x0000
lds    si,[4*0x41] 
mov    ax,#INITSEG
mov    es,ax // es = 0x9000
mov    di,#0x0004 // es:di=0x90004 表示磁盘参数放的地址
mov    cx,#0x10
// 重复16次 将磁盘参数表 16 字节移动到 0x90004

2.2 显示硬件参数

显示硬件参数主要使用INT 0x10 BIOS中断

INITSEG  = 0x9000
entry _start
// Print "NOW we are in SETUP"mov ah,#0x03xor bh,bhint 0x10 // 获取鼠标mov cx,#25mov bx,#0x0007mov bp,#msg2mov ax,csmov es,axmov ax,#0x1301int 0x10 // 显示字符mov ax,csmov es,ax
// 初始化堆栈 init ss:sp : 0x9FF00mov ax,#INITSEGmov ss,axmov sp,#0xFF00// Get Params 放到内存0x90000位置// 获取鼠标位置mov ax,#INITSEGmov ds,axmov ah,#0x03xor bh,bhint 0x10 // 获取内存参数mov [0],dxmov ah,#0x88int 0x15 // 获取磁盘表mov [2],axmov ax,#0x0000mov ds,axlds si,[4*0x41]mov ax,#INITSEGmov es,axmov di,#0x0004mov cx,#0x10repmovsb// Be Ready to Print 设置段寄存器mov ax,csmov es,axmov ax,#INITSEGmov ds,ax// Cursor Position mov ah,#0x03xor bh,bhint 0x10mov cx,#18mov bx,#0x0007mov bp,#msg_cursormov ax,#0x1301int 0x10 // 显示msg_cursormov dx,[0]call    print_hex // 输出dx:[0]鼠标位置// Memory Sizemov ah,#0x03xor bh,bhint 0x10 mov cx,#14mov bx,#0x0007mov bp,#msg_memory mov ax,#0x1301int 0x10 // 显示 msg_memorymov dx,[2]call    print_hex // 显示dx:[2]处的数字
// Add KBmov ah,#0x03xor bh,bhint 0x10mov cx,#2mov bx,#0x0007mov bp,#msg_kb mov ax,#0x1301int 0x10 // 显示kb  单位
//  Cylesmov ah,#0x03xor bh,bhint 0x10mov cx,#7mov bx,#0x0007mov bp,#msg_cyles mov ax,#0x1301int 0x10 // cyles: 磁道mov dx,[4]call    print_hex // 显示cyles的参数 dx:[4]
// Headsmov ah,#0x03xor bh,bhint 0x10mov cx,#8mov bx,#0x0007mov bp,#msg_heads mov ax,#0x1301int 0x10 mov dx,[6]call    print_hex // 显示磁头参数 dx:[6]
// Secotrsmov ah,#0x03xor bh,bhint 0x10mov cx,#10mov bx,#0x0007mov bp,#msg_sectorsmov ax,#0x1301int 0x10mov dx,[12]call    print_hex // 显示扇区参数 dx:[12]inf_loop: // 无限循环,界面停留在参数显示jmp inf_loop print_hex: // 显示参数段mov    cx,#4
print_digit:rol    dx,#4mov    ax,#0xe0f  // AH = 0x0E 在Teletype模式下显示字符and    al,dl add    al,#0x30 // 0x30对应ASCII码的0cmp    al,#0x3a // 判断al是否大于10, a=#10jl     outp // al小于10跳转add    al,#0x07 // al大于等于10, 比如 al=0x0C=#12,al+0x30=0x3C,0x3C+0x07=0x43 对应ASCII码是“C”
outp:int    0x10loop   print_digit // 循环CX - 1ret
print_nl: // 打印换行  回车mov    ax,#0xe0d     ! CRint    0x10mov    al,#0xa     ! LFint    0x10retmsg2:.byte 13,10.ascii "NOW we are in SETUP".byte 13,10,13,10
msg_cursor:.byte 13,10.ascii "Cursor position:"
msg_memory:.byte 13,10.ascii "Memory Size:"
msg_cyles:.byte 13,10.ascii "Cyls:"
msg_heads:.byte 13,10.ascii "Heads:"
msg_sectors:.byte 13,10.ascii "Sectors:"
msg_kb:.ascii "KB" 510
boot_flag:.word 0xAA55

3. 代码


! SYS_SIZE is the number of clicks (16 bytes) to be loaded.
! 0x3000 is 0x30000 bytes = 196kB, more than enough for current
! versions of linux
SYSSIZE = 0x3000
!	bootsect.s		(C) 1991 Linus Torvalds
! bootsect.s is loaded at 0x7c00 by the bios-startup routines, and moves
! iself out of the way to address 0x90000, and jumps there.
! It then loads 'setup' directly after itself (0x90200), and the system
! at 0x10000, using BIOS interrupts. 
! NOTE! currently system is at most 8*65536 bytes long. This should be no
! problem, even in the future. I want to keep it simple. This 512 kB
! kernel size should be enough, especially as this doesn't contain the
! buffer cache as in minix
! The loader has been made as simple as possible, and continuos
! read errors will result in a unbreakable loop. Reboot by hand. It
! loads pretty fast by getting whole sectors at a time whenever possible..globl begtext, begdata, begbss, endtext, enddata, endbss
.textSETUPLEN = 4				! nr of setup-sectors
BOOTSEG  = 0x07c0			! original address of boot-sector
INITSEG  = 0x9000			! we move boot here - out of the way
SETUPSEG = 0x9020			! setup starts here
SYSSEG   = 0x1000			! system loaded at 0x10000 (65536).
ENDSEG   = SYSSEG + SYSSIZE		! where to stop loading! ROOT_DEV:	0x000 - same type of floppy as boot.
!		0x301 - first partition on first drive etc
ROOT_DEV = 0x306entry _start
_start:mov	ax,#BOOTSEGmov	ds,axmov	ax,#INITSEGmov	es,axmov	cx,#256sub	si,sisub	di,direpmovwjmpi	go,INITSEG
go:	mov	ax,csmov	ds,axmov	es,ax
! put stack at 0x9ff00.mov	ss,axmov	sp,#0xFF00		! arbitrary value >>512! load the setup-sectors directly after the bootblock.
! Note that 'es' is already set up.load_setup:mov	dx,#0x0000		! drive 0, head 0mov	cx,#0x0002		! sector 2, track 0mov	bx,#0x0200		! address = 512, in INITSEGmov	ax,#0x0200+SETUPLEN	! service 2, nr of sectorsint	0x13			! read itjnc	ok_load_setup		! ok - continuemov	dx,#0x0000mov	ax,#0x0000		! reset the disketteint	0x13j	load_setupok_load_setup:! Get disk drive parameters, specifically nr of sectors/trackmov	dl,#0x00mov	ax,#0x0800		! AH=8 is get drive parametersint	0x13mov	ch,#0x00seg csmov	sectors,cxmov	ax,#INITSEGmov	es,ax! Print some inane messagemov	ah,#0x03		! read cursor posxor	bh,bhint	0x10mov	cx,#24mov	bx,#0x0007		! page 0, attribute 7 (normal)mov	bp,#msg1mov	ax,#0x1301		! write string, move cursorint	0x10! ok, we've written the message, now
! we want to load the system (at 0x10000)mov	ax,#SYSSEGmov	es,ax		! segment of 0x010000call	read_itcall	kill_motor! After that we check which root-device to use. If the device is
! defined (!= 0), nothing is done and the given device is used.
! Otherwise, either /dev/PS0 (2,28) or /dev/at0 (2,8), depending
! on the number of sectors that the BIOS reports currently.seg csmov	ax,root_devcmp	ax,#0jne	root_definedseg csmov	bx,sectorsmov	ax,#0x0208		! /dev/ps0 - 1.2Mbcmp	bx,#15je	root_definedmov	ax,#0x021c		! /dev/PS0 - 1.44Mbcmp	bx,#18je	root_defined
undef_root:jmp undef_root
root_defined:seg csmov	root_dev,ax! after that (everyting loaded), we jump to
! the setup-routine loaded directly after
! the bootblock:jmpi	0,SETUPSEG! This routine loads the system at address 0x10000, making sure
! no 64kB boundaries are crossed. We try to load it as fast as
! possible, loading whole tracks whenever we can.
! in:	es - starting address segment (normally 0x1000)
sread:	.word 1+SETUPLEN	! sectors read of current track
head:	.word 0			! current head
track:	.word 0			! current trackread_it:mov ax,estest ax,#0x0fff
die:	jne die			! es must be at 64kB boundaryxor bx,bx		! bx is starting address within segment
rp_read:mov ax,escmp ax,#ENDSEG		! have we loaded all yet?jb ok1_readret
ok1_read:seg csmov ax,sectorssub ax,sreadmov cx,axshl cx,#9add cx,bxjnc ok2_readje ok2_readxor ax,axsub ax,bxshr ax,#9
ok2_read:call read_trackmov cx,axadd ax,sreadseg cscmp ax,sectorsjne ok3_readmov ax,#1sub ax,headjne ok4_readinc track
ok4_read:mov head,axxor ax,ax
ok3_read:mov sread,axshl cx,#9add bx,cxjnc rp_readmov ax,esadd ax,#0x1000mov es,axxor bx,bxjmp rp_readread_track:push axpush bxpush cxpush dxmov dx,trackmov cx,sreadinc cxmov ch,dlmov dx,headmov dh,dlmov dl,#0and dx,#0x0100mov ah,#2int 0x13jc bad_rtpop dxpop cxpop bxpop axret
bad_rt:	mov ax,#0mov dx,#0int 0x13pop dxpop cxpop bxpop axjmp read_track!/*
! * This procedure turns off the floppy drive motor, so
! * that we enter the kernel in a known state, and
! * don't have to worry about it later.
! */
kill_motor:push dxmov dx,#0x3f2mov al,#0outbpop dxretsectors:.word 0msg1:.byte 13,10.ascii "Loading system ...".byte 13,10,13,10 508
root_dev:.word ROOT_DEV
boot_flag:.word 0xAA55.text

setup.s 原版代码:

!	setup.s		(C) 1991 Linus Torvalds
! setup.s is responsible for getting the system data from the BIOS,
! and putting them into the appropriate places in system memory.
! both setup.s and system has been loaded by the bootblock.
! This code asks the bios for memory/disk/other parameters, and
! puts them in a "safe" place: 0x90000-0x901FF, ie where the
! boot-block used to be. It is then up to the protected mode
! system to read them from there before the area is overwritten
! for buffer-blocks.
!! NOTE! These had better be the same as in bootsect.s!INITSEG  = 0x9000	! we move boot here - out of the way
SYSSEG   = 0x1000	! system loaded at 0x10000 (65536).
SETUPSEG = 0x9020	! this is the current segment.globl begtext, begdata, begbss, endtext, enddata, endbss
.textentry start
start:! ok, the read went well so we get current cursor position and save it for
! posterity.mov	ax,#INITSEG	! this is done in bootsect already, but...mov	ds,axmov	ah,#0x03	! read cursor posxor	bh,bhint	0x10		! save it in known place, con_init fetchesmov	[0],dx		! it from 0x90000.
! Get memory size (extended mem, kB)mov	ah,#0x88int	0x15mov	[2],ax! Get video-card data:mov	ah,#0x0fint	0x10mov	[4],bx		! bh = display pagemov	[6],ax		! al = video mode, ah = window width! check for EGA/VGA and some config parametersmov	ah,#0x12mov	bl,#0x10int	0x10mov	[8],axmov	[10],bxmov	[12],cx! Get hd0 datamov	ax,#0x0000mov	ds,axlds	si,[4*0x41]mov	ax,#INITSEGmov	es,axmov	di,#0x0080mov	cx,#0x10repmovsb! Get hd1 datamov	ax,#0x0000mov	ds,axlds	si,[4*0x46]mov	ax,#INITSEGmov	es,axmov	di,#0x0090mov	cx,#0x10repmovsb! Check that there IS a hd1 :-)mov	ax,#0x01500mov	dl,#0x81int	0x13jc	no_disk1cmp	ah,#3je	is_disk1
no_disk1:mov	ax,#INITSEGmov	es,axmov	di,#0x0090mov	cx,#0x10mov	ax,#0x00repstosb
is_disk1:! now we want to move to protected mode ...cli			! no interrupts allowed !! first we move the system to it's rightful placemov	ax,#0x0000cld			! 'direction'=0, movs moves forward
do_move:mov	es,ax		! destination segmentadd	ax,#0x1000cmp	ax,#0x9000jz	end_movemov	ds,ax		! source segmentsub	di,disub	si,simov 	cx,#0x8000repmovswjmp	do_move! then we load the segment descriptorsend_move:mov	ax,#SETUPSEG	! right, forgot this at first. didn't work :-)mov	ds,axlidt	idt_48		! load idt with 0,0lgdt	gdt_48		! load gdt with whatever appropriate! that was painless, now we enable A20call	empty_8042mov	al,#0xD1		! command writeout	#0x64,alcall	empty_8042mov	al,#0xDF		! A20 onout	#0x60,alcall	empty_8042! well, that went ok, I hope. Now we have to reprogram the interrupts :-(
! we put them right after the intel-reserved hardware interrupts, at
! int 0x20-0x2F. There they won't mess up anything. Sadly IBM really
! messed this up with the original PC, and they haven't been able to
! rectify it afterwards. Thus the bios puts interrupts at 0x08-0x0f,
! which is used for the internal hardware interrupts as well. We just
! have to reprogram the 8259's, and it isn't fun.mov	al,#0x11		! initialization sequenceout	#0x20,al		! send it to 8259A-1.word	0x00eb,0x00eb		! jmp $+2, jmp $+2out	#0xA0,al		! and to 8259A-2.word	0x00eb,0x00ebmov	al,#0x20		! start of hardware int's (0x20)out	#0x21,al.word	0x00eb,0x00ebmov	al,#0x28		! start of hardware int's 2 (0x28)out	#0xA1,al.word	0x00eb,0x00ebmov	al,#0x04		! 8259-1 is masterout	#0x21,al.word	0x00eb,0x00ebmov	al,#0x02		! 8259-2 is slaveout	#0xA1,al.word	0x00eb,0x00ebmov	al,#0x01		! 8086 mode for bothout	#0x21,al.word	0x00eb,0x00ebout	#0xA1,al.word	0x00eb,0x00ebmov	al,#0xFF		! mask off all interrupts for nowout	#0x21,al.word	0x00eb,0x00ebout	#0xA1,al! well, that certainly wasn't fun :-(. Hopefully it works, and we don't
! need no steenking BIOS anyway (except for the initial loading :-).
! The BIOS-routine wants lots of unnecessary data, and it's less
! "interesting" anyway. This is how REAL programmers do it.
! Well, now's the time to actually move into protected mode. To make
! things as simple as possible, we do no register set-up or anything,
! we let the gnu-compiled 32-bit programs do that. We just jump to
! absolute address 0x00000, in 32-bit protected mode.mov	ax,#0x0001	! protected mode (PE) bitlmsw	ax		! This is it!jmpi	0,8		! jmp offset 0 of segment 8 (cs)! This routine checks that the keyboard command queue is empty
! No timeout is used - if this hangs there is something wrong with
! the machine, and we probably couldn't proceed anyway.
empty_8042:.word	0x00eb,0x00ebin	al,#0x64	! 8042 status porttest	al,#2		! is input buffer full?jnz	empty_8042	! yes - loopretgdt:.word	0,0,0,0		! dummy.word	0x07FF		! 8Mb - limit=2047 (2048*4096=8Mb).word	0x0000		! base address=0.word	0x9A00		! code read/exec.word	0x00C0		! granularity=4096, 386.word	0x07FF		! 8Mb - limit=2047 (2048*4096=8Mb).word	0x0000		! base address=0.word	0x9200		! data read/write.word	0x00C0		! granularity=4096, 386idt_48:.word	0			! idt limit=0.word	0,0			! idt base=0Lgdt_48:.word	0x800		! gdt limit=2048, 256 GDT entries.word	512+gdt,0x9	! gdt base = 0X9xxxx.text


本节需要在linux 0.11上自定义系统调用函数,实现内核态和用户态字符串的交换。

int iam(const char * name);

功能是将字符串参数 name 的内容拷贝到内核中保存下来。要求name的长度不能超过23个字符。返回值是拷贝的字符数。如果 name 的字符个数超过了 23,则返回 “-1”,并置errnoEINVAL

int whoami(char* name, unsigned int size);

将内核中由 iam() 保存的名字拷贝到name指向的用户地址空间中,同时确保不会对name越界访存(name 的大小由 size 说明)。返回值是拷贝的字符数。如果size小于需要的空间,则返回“-1”,并置errnoEINVAL

上述函数在 kernal/who.c 中实现

1. 系统调用流程


  1. 应用程序调用库函数(API): _syscall1(int, close, int, fd) 即为close()函数的API
  2. API 将系统调用号存入 EAX,然后通过中断调用使系统进入内核态:__asm__ volatile ("int $0x80" : "=a" (__res) : "0" (__NR_close),"b" ((long)(fd))) 使用内嵌汇编将__NR_close存入EAX然后触发中断INT 0x80
  3. 内核中的中断处理函数根据系统调用号,调用对应的内核函数(系统调用)kernel/system_call.scall sys_call_table(,%eax,4)
  4. 系统调用完成相应功能,将返回值存入 EAX,返回到中断处理函数
  5. 中断处理函数返回到 API 中
  6. API 将 EAX 返回给应用程序

2. 具体实现步骤


2.1 添加系统调用号

首先需要在/usr/include/unistd.h 头文件中添加__NR_iam 72 __NR_whoami 73

2.2 修改系统调用总数

修改kernel/system_call.s中系统调用总数 nr_system_calls = 74

2.3 添加系统调用函数

include/linux/sys.h中添加系统调用函数 ( 位置要和__NR_xxx 系统调用数对应 )

extern int sys_whoami();
extern int sys_iam();

2.4 实现系统调用函数


extern inline unsigned char get_fs_byte(const char * addr) // 将用户态的字存入内核态
{unsigned register char _v;__asm__ ("movb %%fs:%1,%0":"=r" (_v):"m" (*addr));return _v;
extern inline void put_fs_byte(char val,char *addr) // 将内核态的字存入用户态
{__asm__ ("movb %0,%%fs:%1"::"r" (val),"m" (*addr));

上述函数可用于实现系统调用函数,下面在 kernal/who.c 中实现系统调用函数

#include<asm/segment.h> // 包含get_fs_byte、put_fs_byte 函数所在的头文件
#include<string.h> // 使用了string.h中定义的strlen()函数
char username[24]=""; // 在内核态中分配一段内存,建立字符串数组
int sys_iam(const char *name)
{int n=0, i;char temp[32]; // 这里只要大于等于24就行 不必一定是32for(i=0;i<32;i++){temp[i]=get_fs_byte(&name[i]); // 将函数调用传入的name 放入内核态if(temp[i]!='\0')n++;elsebreak;}if(n<24)strcpy(username, temp);elsen=-EINVAL;//仔细阅读文件unistd.h//格外注意系统调用函数是如何处理errno的值的return n;
int sys_whoami(char *name, unsigned int size)
{int n=strlen(username), i;if(n<size){for(i=0;i<n;i++){put_fs_byte(username[i], &name[i]);}}elsen=-EINVAL;return n;

2.5 修改 Makefile

OBJS中添加 who.o

OBJS  = sched.o system_call.o traps.o asm.o fork.o \panic.o printk.o vsprintf.o sys.o exit.o \signal.o mktime.o who.o


### Dependencies:
who.s who.o: who.c  ..include/asm/segment.h ../include/string.h ../include/errno.h //因为who只用到这三个头文件
exit.s exit.o: exit.c ../include/errno.h ../include/signal.h \../include/sys/types.h ../include/sys/wait.h ../include/linux/sched.h \../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/linux/mm.h \../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/linux/tty.h ../include/termios.h \../include/asm/segment.h


2.6 挂载linux 0.11

在oslab中执行 ./mount-hdc ,进入hdc中重新执行下步骤2.1-2.3

2.7 编写测试程序

在挂载的linux 0.11系统中编写我们的测试程序,因为测试程序是运行在用户态的
linux 0.11系统的/root 目录下创建程序iam.cwhoami.c

#include<stdio.h> // c标准库
#define __LIBRARY__ // 系统调用号的定义_syscall1(int,iam,const char*,name) // apiint main(int argc, char *argv[])
{int r;if(argc!=2) // 判断参数数目{puts("Argument Error!");r=-1;}else{r=iam(argv[1]); // 将字符串放入内核态内存地址,地址在系统调用函数中定义分配if(r!=-1)   r=0;}return r;
#define __LIBRARY___syscall2(int,whoami,char*,name,unsigned int,size) // apiint main(void)
{char name[24]; // 分配用户态内存int r=whoami(name, 24); // 内核态取数据到name所在地址if(r!=-1)puts(name); // 输出字符return r;
gcc iam.c -Wall -o iam
gcc whoami.c  -Wall -o whoami./iam NZGHDYTY

2.8 问题

(1) 从Linux 0.11现在的机制看,它的系统调用最多能传递几个参数?你能想出办法来扩大这个限制吗?

(2) 用文字简要描述向Linux 0.11添加一个系统调用foo()的步骤。
答:根据Linux 0.11的系统调用机制,先添加一个系统调用库函数foo(),同时增加其系统调用号,然后system_call.s中扩大系统调用函数的数量,随后将内核函数加入到内核函数表中,随后在内核中添加内核函数sys_foo()的定义(即具体实现),特别注意用户态的系统调用函数是如何处理变量errno以传递错误信息的。



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