Python 中的线程

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-26 12:32:15

Python 中的<a href= style=线程"/>

Python 中的线程




        线程是存在于进程内并共享相同内存空间的轻量级执行单元。通过使用多个线程,您可以同时执行多个任务,这可以提高某些情况下的性能和响应能力。Python 提供了一个内置threading模块。

        线程由全局解释器锁 (GIL) 管理,即使在多核系统上,一次也只允许一个线程执行 Python 字节码。这意味着线程可以在多个 CPU 核心上并发运行,但不能真正并行。然而,线程对于涉及等待外部资源(例如网络请求)的 I/O 密集型任务仍然有益,因为它允许其他线程在等待期间继续执行。



        作为示例,让我们从公共 API 中提取数据。JSONPlaceholder免费提供假 REST API。get_data函数采用索引号并使用包从 API 检索数据requests

import requests
import randomdef get_data(idx: int) -> str:url = f"/{idx}"response = requests.get(url)return response.json()["title"]
def main():idx = random.randint(1, 100)text = get_data(idx)print(text)return textif __name__ == "__main__":main()"""
cum debitis quis accusamus doloremque ipsa natus sapiente omnis

现在,让我们稍微修改一下并运行它 50 次并测量我们所花费的时间。

import threading
import requests
import time
import randomresults = []def get_data(idx: int) -> str:url = f"/{idx}"response = requests.get(url)results.append(response)returndef main() -> None:idx = random.randint(1, 100)start = time.time()for _ in range(50):get_data(idx)end = time.time()print(f"Time: {end-start}")returnif __name__ == "__main__":main()"""
Time: 6.154262065887451

        我们有一个results收集每个响应数据的全局列表。get_data我们在 for 循环中调用该函数 50 次。连续拉取数据 50 次大约需要 6 秒。


def main():idx = random.randint(1, 100)start = time.time()threads = []for _ in range(50):thread = threading.Thread(target=get_data, args=(idx,))thread.start()threads.append(thread)for thread in threads:thread.join()end = time.time()print(f"Time: {end-start}")return"""
Time: 0.5561661720275879





class threading.Thread(group=None, target=None, name=None, args=(), kwargs={}, *, daemon=None)

  group保留供将来使用,目前尚未实施。建议保留为None. 线程组是一种将多个线程逻辑分组在一起的方法。然而,在Pythonthreading模块的当前实现中,线程组没有任何重要的功能或影响。它们可能会在该语言的未来版本或基于threading.






  • start通过内部调用该方法来启动线程的执行run()。它创建一个新的操作系统级线程并开​​始执行该线程的代码。
  • run包含将在线程中执行的代码。您可以在 的子类中重写此方法Thread来定义线程的特定行为。
  • join阻塞调用线程,直到调用它的线程完成执行。默认情况下,join()无限期地阻塞,直到连接的线程完成。但是,您可以指定超时值作为join()方法的参数来限制等待时间。该join()方法通常用于确保主程序等待所有线程完成,然后再根据连接线程的结果执行进一步的操作或计算。
import threading
import timedef foo():print("Thread started")time.sleep(2)print("Thread finished")# create a Thread object
t = threading.Thread(target=foo)# start the thread
t.start()# wait for the thread to finish
t.join()print("Main program continues")"""
Thread started
Thread finished
Main program continues
  • is_alive返回一个布尔值,指示线程当前是否正在执行 ( True) 还是已完成执行 ( False)。








   shared在下面的示例中,三个线程在临界区中递增共享变量 ( ),并由锁对象 ( lock) 保护。该threading.get_ident()函数用于检索每个线程的 ID。

import threading
import timelock = threading.Lock()# Shared resource
shared = 0def foo():global sharedthread_id = threading.get_ident()# Acquire the lockprint(f"Thread {thread_id} is trying to acquire the lock")lock.acquire()print(f"Thread {thread_id} has acquired the lock")try:# Critical sectionprint(f"Thread {thread_id} is inside the critical section")for _ in range(5):shared += 1time.sleep(0.1)finally:# Release the locklock.release()print(f"Thread {thread_id} has released the lock")# Create multiple threads that increment the shared variable
threads = []
for _ in range(3):thread = threading.Thread(target=foo)threads.append(thread)thread.start()# Wait for all threads to finish
for thread in threads:thread.join()# Print the final value of the shared variable
print("Final value of the shared variable:", shared)"""
Thread 12993007616 is trying to acquire the lock
Thread 12993007616 has acquired the lock
Thread 12993007616 is inside the critical section
Thread 13009797120 is trying to acquire the lock
Thread 13026586624 is trying to acquire the lock
Thread 12993007616 has released the lock
Thread 13009797120 has acquired the lock
Thread 13009797120 is inside the critical section
Thread 13009797120 has released the lock
Thread 13026586624 has acquired the lock
Thread 13026586624 is inside the critical section
Thread 13026586624 has released the lock
Final value of the shared variable: 15

        当线程尝试使用 获取锁时lock.acquire(),它将打印“ Thread is attempts to acquire the lock ”。如果锁可用,线程将成功获取锁并打印“ Thread has acquire the lock ”。否则,线程将被阻塞并等待,直到锁变得可用。


        完成临界区后,线程使用释放锁lock.release()并打印“ Thread hasreleasethelock ”。释放锁允许其他等待获取锁的线程继续进行。


        Python 中的线程还有一个RLock(可重入锁)对象,它是允许重入行为的锁对象的变体。可重入锁是一种同步原语,同一线程可以多次获取而不会导致死锁。




import threading# Shared resource
shared_variable = 0# Create a lock and condition object
lock = threading.Lock()
condition = threading.Condition(lock)def consumer():global shared_variablewith condition:# Wait until the shared variable is positivewhile shared_variable <= 0:thread_id = threading.get_ident()print(f"Consumer ({thread_id}) is waiting...")condition.wait()# Consume the shared variablethread_id = threading.get_ident()print(f"Consumer ({thread_id}) consumed: {shared_variable}")shared_variable = 0def producer():global shared_variablewith condition:# Produce a positive value for the shared variableshared_variable = 42thread_id = threading.get_ident()print(f"Producer ({thread_id}) produced: {shared_variable}")# Notify the consumer that the condition is satisfiedcondition.notify()# Create consumer and producer threads
consumer_thread = threading.Thread(target=consumer)
producer_thread = threading.Thread(target=producer)# Start the threads
producer_thread.start()# Wait for the threads to finish
Consumer (13067112448) is waiting...
Producer (13083901952) produced: 42
Consumer (13067112448) consumed: 42




import threading
import time
import random
# Create a semaphore with an initial value of 2
semaphore = threading.Semaphore(2)def worker():semaphore.acquire()thread_id = threading.get_ident()print(f"Thread {thread_id} acquired the semaphore.")time.sleep(random.randint(1, 3))# Perform some task hereprint(f"Thread {thread_id} releasing the semaphore.")semaphore.release()# Create worker threads
threads = []
for _ in range(5):t = threading.Thread(target=worker)threads.append(t)t.start()# Wait for the threads to finish
for t in threads:t.join()"""
Thread 13018976256 acquired the semaphore.
Thread 13035765760 acquired the semaphore.
Thread 13018976256 releasing the semaphore.
Thread 13035765760 releasing the semaphore.
Thread 13052555264 acquired the semaphore.
Thread 13069344768 acquired the semaphore.
Thread 13052555264 releasing the semaphore.
Thread 13086134272 acquired the semaphore.
Thread 13069344768 releasing the semaphore.
Thread 13086134272 releasing the semaphore.




import threading
import time# Create an event
event = threading.Event()def worker():thread_id = threading.get_ident()print(f"Worker {thread_id} is waiting for the event.")event.wait()print(f"Worker {thread_id} has been notified of the event.")# Create worker threads
threads = []
for _ in range(3):t = threading.Thread(target=worker)threads.append(t)t.start()# Sleep for some time
time.sleep(2)# Set the event
print("Event has been set.")# Wait for the threads to finish
for t in threads:t.join()"""
Worker 12987469824 is waiting for the event.
Worker 13004259328 is waiting for the event.
Worker 13021048832 is waiting for the event.
Event has been set.
Worker 13004259328 has been notified of the event.
Worker 12987469824 has been notified of the event.
Worker 13021048832 has been notified of the event.



import threadingdef print_message(message):print("Timer message:", message)# Create a timer that prints a message after 5 seconds
timer = threading.Timer(5, print_message, args=("Hello, world!",))# Start the timer
timer.start()# Wait for the timer to finish
Timer message: Hello, world!"""



import threadingdef worker():print("Worker thread is waiting at the barrier.")barrier.wait()print("Worker thread has passed the barrier and can proceed.")# Create a barrier for 3 threads
barrier = threading.Barrier(3)# Create worker threads
threads = []
for _ in range(3):t = threading.Thread(target=worker)threads.append(t)t.start()# Wait for the threads to finish
for t in threads:t.join()"""
Worker thread is waiting at the barrier.
Worker thread is waiting at the barrier.
Worker thread is waiting at the barrier.
Worker thread has passed the barrier and can proceed.
Worker thread has passed the barrier and can proceed.
Worker thread has passed the barrier and can proceed.

        Python 中的线程为并发编程提供了强大的机制,允许多个线程在单个进程中并发执行。它在各种场景中提供了多种好处和用例。线程在处理 I/O 密集型任务(例如网络请求或文件操作)时特别有用,因为它允许程序在等待 I/O 操作完成时有效利用空闲 CPU 时间。


Threading in Python. Essential Parts of Threading in Python | by Okan Yenigün | Dev Genius


Python 中的线程

本文发布于:2023-12-03 11:03:42,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:线程   Python


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