
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-15 20:20:05
本文介绍了批次限制-浏览菜单时的最大递归的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述


I have come across a big problem while testing my code. And this problem is the annoying message ... "Maximum recursion depth exceeded". Look how it works:

@echo off REM ---------- MAIN MENU ---------- :Main echo 1.Supermarket echo 2.Exit Batch setlocal for /f %%A in ('"prompt $H & echo on & for %%B in (1) do rem"') do set "BS=%%A" set /p Menu=%BS% Type in your option {1,2} followed by ENTER: if not '%Menu%'=='' set Menu=%Menu:~0,1% if %Menu% EQU 1 ENDLOCAL & goto Super if %Menu% EQU 2 goto EOF REM ---------- SECONDARY MENU ---------- :Super echo 1.Supermarket echo a.Apple echo b.Banana setlocal for /f %%A in ('"prompt $H & echo on & for %%B in (1) do rem"') do set "BS=%%A" set /p Menu=%BS% Type in your option {1,a,b} followed by ENTER: if not '%Menu%'=='' set Menu=%Menu:~0,1% if %Menu% EQU 1 ENDLOCAL & goto Main if %Menu% EQU a ENDLOCAL & goto App if %Menu% EQU b ENDLOCAL & goto Ban :App setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set /a cnt=0 for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (*.apple) do (set /a cnt+=1) if %cnt% EQU 0 ( echo There are %cnt% apples & pause>nul & ENDLOCAL & goto Main ) else ( echo There are %cnt% apples [... do many things and after 200 lines] echo The total number of apples was %cnt% & pause>nul & ENDLOCAL & goto Main :Ban echo This is Banana & pause>nul & goto Main :EOF


Let's suppose that the user follows this sequence in a row :

1-> a(第一次)-> 1-> a(第二次)-> 1-> a(第三次)等 1-> a(第八次)-> 1-> a(第九次),此时,您将收到超出最大递归深度".消息.如果您只是忽略此消息,则代码的内部计算将开始表现出奇怪的行为,即使显然"坚称它似乎一直在产生良好的结果

1 --> a (First time) --> 1 --> a (second time) --> 1 --> a (third time) etc etc etc 1 --> a (eighth time) --> 1 --> a (ninith time) and, at this moment, you will get the "Maximum recursion depth exceeded". message. If you just keep ignoring this message, the internal calculations of your code will start to behave strangely, even tough it "apparently" seems to have been yielding good results


In fact, the order does not matter. The same thing happens if you keep varying between letter "a" and "b" or more "a" than "b" as:

1-> b(第一次)-> 1-> a(第二次)-> 1-> a(第三次)... 1-> a(第八次)-> 1-> b(第九次).再次出现超出最大递归深度".消息

1 --> b (First time) --> 1 --> a (second time) --> 1 --> a (third time) ... 1 --> a (eighth time) --> 1 --> b (ninth time). Again the "Maximum recursion depth exceeded". message

此外,如果用户不停地输入选项1(始终只停留在MAIN MENU(主菜单)),则在第十二次尝试后会弹出错误消息.

In addition, if the user types in the option 1 relentlessly (invariably staying at MAIN MENU only) the error message pops out after the twelfth trial.


How to keep the same code structure as above but avoid this error? I am simplifying here but I am talking about a batch of several hundred lines of code and several secondary, tertiary, quaternary etc submenus.

谢谢, 马莱克

Thanks, Maleck



I don't see any recursion in the code you posted, and not surprisingly, I can't get the code to fail.


You must have recursion in code that you are not showing that is causing the problem.


I am aware of two types of fatal recursion errors with batch files:


1) SETLOCAL is limited to a maximum of 32 levels. Attempting to use SETLOCAL a 33rd time without issuing an ENDLOCAL will result in the following fatal error message:

Maximum setlocal recursion level reached.


I suspect this is the recursion limit you are reaching.

更新:实际上,每个CALL级别限制为32 SETLOCAL.有关更多信息,请阅读 ss64/viewtopic.php?id= 1778

UPDATE: Actually, the limit is 32 SETLOCAL per CALL level. For more information, read the entire thread at ss64/viewtopic.php?id=1778

2)如果在任何一个CALL返回之前都发出太多的CALL,则CALL递归可能会失败.每当批处理到达脚本,EXIT/B或GOTO:EOF末尾时,它都会从CALL返回.递归CALL的最大数量取决于计算机. (可能取决于代码吗?)错误消息将类似于以下内容:

2) CALL recursion can fail if you issue too many CALLs before any of them return. Batch returns from a CALL whenever it reaches the end of the script, EXIT /B, or GOTO :EOF. The maximum number of recursive CALLs is machine dependent. (Perhaps code dependent?) The error message will look something like this:

****** B A T C H R E C U R S I O N exceeds STACK limits ****** Recursion Count=600, Stack Usage=90 percent ****** B A T C H PROCESSING IS A B O R T E D ******


There may be some system configuration that could increase the number of recursive CALLs you can make, but there will always be some upper limit.


If you are reaching a recursion limit, then you really don't have much choice other than to restructure your code. But unless you show your recursive code, it is difficult (nigh impossible as far as I'm concerned) for us to suggest a way for you to work around the problem.



Here is a general rule that you need to follow: If you have a code loop then every SETLOCAL must be paired with an ENDLOCAL. The loop could be created by GOTO, or it could be a FOR loop.


You are making heavy use of GOTO loops. You successfully identified that after issuing SETLOCAL you must issue ENDLOCAL before you execute a GOTO that loops back. It looks to me like you solved that problem.



It is a pain to keep track of exactly where and how many times you must issue ENDLOCAL when you loop with a GOTO. The logic is much simpler if you use CALL instead, and the code is more structured as well.


All SETLOCAL statements that were issued during execution of a CALLed subroutine are implicitly ended once the routine ends. There is no need to explicitly use ENDLOCAL when using CALL.


Below I've shown how your code could be restructured to use CALL. Study all of the code - I've made a number of subtle changes that I think simplify and/or improve other aspects of your logic.

@echo off setlocal :: Define the BS variable just once at the beginning for /f %%A in ('"prompt $H & echo on & for %%B in (1) do rem"') do set "BS=%%A" :Main ---------- MAIN MENU ---------- :: ECHO( echoes a blank line echo( echo Main Menu echo 1.Supermarket echo 2.Exit Batch :: If user hits ENTER without entering anything then current value remains. :: So clear the value to make sure we don't accidently take action based :: on prior value. set "Menu=" set /p Menu=%BS% Type in your option {1,2} followed by ENTER: if defined Menu set "Menu=%Menu:~0,1%" if "%Menu%" EQU "1" call :Super if "%Menu%" EQU "2" exit /b goto :Main :Super ---------- SECONDARY MENU ---------- setlocal echo( echo Supermarket echo a.Apple echo b.Banana echo 1.Retutn to Main set "Menu=" set /p Menu=%BS% Type in your option {1,a,b} followed by ENTER: if defined Menu set "Menu=%Menu:~0,1%" :: Use IF /I option so case does not matter if /i "%Menu%" EQU "1" exit /b :: Note that :App and :Ban are still logially part of this subroutine :: because I used GOTO instead of CALL. When either :App or :Ban ends, then :: control will return to the Main menu if /i "%Menu%" EQU "a" goto :App if /i "%Menu%" EQU "b" goto :Ban goto :Super :App setlocal enableDelayedExpansion set /a cnt=0 for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (*.apple) do (set /a cnt+=1) echo There are %cnt% apples if %cnt% GTR 0 ( REM ... do many things and after 200 lines echo The total number of apples was %cnt% ) pause>nul exit /b :: The EXIT /B above returns to the Main menu (ends the CALL to :Super) :: Note that the SETLOCAL at the start of :Super and the one at the :: start of :App are implicitly ended. No need to explictly issue :: ENDLOCAL. :Ban echo This is Banana pause>nul exit /b :: The EXIT /B above returns to the Main menu (ends the CALL to :Super) :: Note that the SETLOCAL at the start of :Super is implicitly ended. :: No need to explictly issue ENDLOCAL.



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