
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-11 19:19:18
本文介绍了计算下一个主键-特定格式的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述


I have a table which holds a list of IDs, and various other columns such as IDName.


The Primary Key of the table is the ID itself, however it does not auto_increment. So, I want to be able to generate / calculate the next primary key, however there is a twist:

主键应采用特定格式,即8数字ID由三部分组成: < level><代码<序列#> ,例如< 2>< 777>< 0123> = 27770123

The primary key should be in a specific format, i.e. the 8 digit ID is made up of three parts: <the level><a code><a sequence #>, e.g. <2><777><0123> = 27770123

因此,当我为表创建新的ID时,我想要特定级别和代码的下一个序列号。例如。按照上面的示例,我可能想知道代码2的级别2的下一个序列号,结果应该是ID 27770124(0124是序列中的下一个)。

So, when I am creating a new ID for the table, I want the next sequence number for a specific level and code. E.g. following the example above I might want to know the next sequence number for level 2 with code 777, the result should be an ID 27770124 (0124 being the next in the sequence).





Gapless sequences have serious performance and concurrency problems.

很难思考一次插入多个插入时会发生什么。您必须准备好重试失败的插入,或者在 INSERT 之前以独占模式 LOCK TABLE myTable ,所以只有一个 INSERT 可以一次运行。

Think very hard about what will happen when multiple inserts happen at once. You have to be prepared to retry failed inserts, or LOCK TABLE myTable IN EXCLUSIVE MODE before the INSERT so only one INSERT can be in flight at a time.


What I'd do in this situation is:

CREATE TABLE sequence_numbers( level integer, code integer, next_value integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (level,code), CONSTRAINT level_must_be_one_digit CHECK (level BETWEEN 0 AND 9), CONSTRAINT code_must_be_three_digits CHECK (code BETWEEN 0 AND 999), CONSTRAINT value_must_be_four_digits CHECK (next_value BETWEEN 0 AND 9999) ); INSERT INTO sequence_numbers(level,code) VALUES (2,777); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_next_seqno(level integer, code integer) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE 'SQL' AS $$ UPDATE sequence_numbers SET next_value = next_value + 1 WHERE level = $1 AND code = $2 RETURNING (to_char(level,'FM9')||to_char(code,'FM000')||to_char(next_value,'FM0000'))::integer; $$;


INSERT INTO myTable (sequence_number, blah) VALUES (get_next_seqno(2,777), blah);


This approach means that only one transaction can ever be inserting a row with any given (level,mode) pair at a time, but I think it's race-free.


There's still a problem where two concurrent transactions can deadlock if they try to insert rows in a different order. There's no easy fix for this; you have to either order your inserts so that you always insert low level and mode before high, do one insert per transaction, or live with deadlocks and retry. Personally I'd do the latter.


Example of the problem, with two psql sessions. Setup is:

CREATE TABLE myTable(seq_no integer primary key); INSERT INTO sequence_numbers VALUES (1,666)


SESSION 1 SESSION 2 BEGIN; BEGIN; INSERT INTO myTable(seq_no) VALUES(get_next_seqno(2,777)); INSERT INTO myTable(seq_no) VALUES(get_next_seqno(1,666)); INSERT INTO myTable(seq_no) VALUES(get_next_seqno(2,777)); INSERT INTO myTable(seq_no) VALUES(get_next_seqno(1,666));


You'll notice that the second insert in session 2 will hang without returning, because it's waiting on a lock held by session 1. When session 1 goes on to try to get a lock held by session 2 in its second insert, it too will hang. No progress can be made, so after a second or two PostgreSQL will detect the deadlock and abort one of the transactions, allowing the other to proceed:

ERROR: deadlock detected DETAIL: Process 16723 waits for ShareLock on transaction 40450; blocked by process 18632. Process 18632 waits for ShareLock on transaction 40449; blocked by process 16723. HINT: See server log for query details. CONTEXT: SQL function "get_next_seqno" statement 1


Your code must either be prepared to handle this and retry the whole transaction, or it must avoid the deadlock using a single-insert transactions or careful ordering.

BTW,如果要使用 sequence_numbers 表格是首次使用时要创建的,由于它是提出问题。我将亲自修改 get_next_seqno 看起来像这样:

BTW, if you want (level,code) combinations that don't already exist in the sequence_numbers table to be created on first use, that's surprisingly complicated to get right as it's a variant of the upsert problem. I'd personally modify get_next_seqno to look like this:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_next_seqno(level integer, code integer) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE 'SQL' AS $$ -- add a (level,code) pair if it isn't present. -- Racey, can fail, so you have to be prepared to retry INSERT INTO sequence_numbers (level,code) SELECT $1, $2 WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sequence_numbers WHERE level = $1 AND code = $2); UPDATE sequence_numbers SET next_value = next_value + 1 WHERE level = $1 AND code = $2 RETURNING (to_char(level,'FM9')||to_char(code,'FM000')||to_char(next_value,'FM0000'))::integer; $$;


This code can fail, so you always have to be prepared to retry transactions. As that depesz article explains, more robust approaches are possible but usually not worth it. As written above, if two transactions concurrently try to add the same new (level,code) pair, one will fail with:

ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "sequence_numbers_pkey" DETAIL: Key (level, code)=(0, 555) already exists. CONTEXT: SQL function "get_next_seqno" statement 1



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