
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-24 04:51:42
本文介绍了事件处理程序在中心的圆环图使用chart.js的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述

我已经在中心有一些文本的页面上创建了4个圆环图,我知道这可以通过在中心放置一个DIV来完成,但我不能使用,因为文本没有得到导出,当图表下载为PNG :

演示: jsfiddle/cmyker/ooxdL2vj/

我需要跟踪中心文本的点击,我试过使用pageX ,pageY以确定是否在中心部分上进行点击。


jQuery('#canvas')。on('click',function(e){ var pageX = e.pageX; var pageY = e.pageY; if((pageY> = 379&& pageY&= 571)&& amp;&< pageon> = 440&& ; pageX <= 629)){//坐标是具有在圆环图中心内的文本的矩形区域。 //做某事} });

但是如果屏幕的分辨率不同, >


我试图使用raphael.js使中心可点击,但不太确定这次尝试。 我试图使用容器方法在可以附加点击处理程序的甜甜圈的中心孔中创建一个圆。

使用 Raphael JS 代码信息

Chart.pluginService.register ({ beforeDraw:function(chart){ if(chart ['data'] ['midNum']){ var width = chart.chart.width, height = chart.chart.height, ctx = chart.chart.ctx; ctx.restore(); var fontSize =(height / 114).toFixed(2) ; ctx.font = fontSize +em sans-serif; ctx.textBaseline =middle; var text = chart ['data'] ['midNum '], textX = Math.round((width - ctx.measureText(text).width)/ 2), textY = height / 2.5; var chartID = chart ['chart'] ['canvas'] ['id']; //创建这个甜甜圈的元素的ID var paper = Raphael(chartID,textX,textY); //试图使用容器方法 var circle = paper.circle(textX,textY,10); circle.attr(fill,#f00); //ctx.clearRect(0,0,width,height); //ctx.fillText(text,textX,textY); //ctx.save(); } } })


这是关于此代码的原始问题的答案。因为它被发布的问题已经改变了几次 - 要求保存为PNG添加,图表的数量从原来的代码中的1更改为4和使用的框架从Chart.js在HTML画布上的渲染更改Raphaël在SVG上呈现。






你在画布上的任何其他地方都不存在可以猜测坐标 - 或者计算它们,更精确 - 知道它是如何绘制的。看起来,大圆圈在较小的维度(在这种情况下是整个高度)上占据整个空间,并且在另一个轴上居中(在这种情况下,它是水平居中的)。


查找画布的宽度或高度较小,并将其用作基数。将它除以2将给你 R - 大圆的半径。划分 R / 2 将粗略地给出 r - 小的内部白色圆圈的半径。计算 x 和 y - 画布中心的坐标 - x = width / 2 和 y = height / 2 。

文本将是。它可以是如下:对于左边缘和右边缘, x - 0.7 * r 和 x + 0.7 * r 底部和顶部边缘的code> y - 0.4 * r 和 y + 0.4 * r 。这些只是例子,你可以调整这些数字,你的满意。




$ b $

更改您的pluginService $ 如果您的图表已重新绘制不同尺寸,您必须重新计算这些尺寸。 b $ b

另一种想法是改变 pluginService 的 beforeDraw 函数,以便它保存数字


textX = Math.round((width - ctx.measureText(text).width)/ 2), textY = height / 2;


var measured = ctx.measureText(text); textX = Math.round((width-measured.width)/ 2), textY = height / 2;


只需 textX 和 textY 和 measured.width 和 measured.height 或者可能是具有以下属性的对象:

var textPos = { x1:textX, y1:textY, x2:textX + measured.width, y2:textY + measured.height }

如果需要,请务必使用四舍五入。您可以将该对象存储在某些全局对象中,或作为某些HTML元素的 data - * 属性(如画布本身)。


缺点是你需要修改你的 pluginService 。





< div id =chart ; < canvas id =myChart>< / canvas> < div class =chart-textid =text1>< / div> < / div>


< div id =chart> < canvas id =myChart>< / canvas> < div class =chart-textid =text1>< / div> < div class =chart-textid =text2>< / div> < / div>


#chart {position:relative; } .chart-text {position:absolute; }

现在你将你的文本添加到内部div,而不是在画布上绘制: p>

var text1 = document.getElementById('text1'); text1.addEventListener(click,function(e){ alert(CLICKED!); }); Chart.pluginService.register({ beforeDraw:function(chart){ var width = chart.chart.width, height = chart.chart.height ; var fontSize =(height / 114).toFixed(2); text1.style.font = fontSize +em sans-serif; var text =75%; text1.innerText = text; var r = text1.getBoundingClientRect(); text1.style.left =((width-r.width)/ 2)+px; text1.style.top =((height-r.height)/ 2)+px; } }

请参阅 DEMO 。


.chart-text:hover {color:red; }


Empty div over canvas



< div id =chart> ; < canvas id =myChart>< / canvas> < div class =chart-textid =text1>< / div> < / div>



#chart {position:relative; } .chart-text {position:absolute; }


#chart {position:relative; } .chart-text {position:absolute; border:1px solid red; }


var text1 = document.getElementById('text1'); text1.addEventListener(click,function(e){ alert(CLICKED!); }); Chart.pluginService.register({ beforeDraw:function(chart){ var width = chart.chart.width, height = chart.chart.height , ctx = chart.chart.ctx; ctx.restore(); var fontSize =(height / 114).toFixed(2); ctx .font = fontSize +em sans-serif; ctx.textBaseline =middle; var text =75%,m = ctx.measureText ), textX = Math.round((width-m.width)/ 2), textY = height / 2; var emInPx = 16; text1.style.left = textX +px; text1.style.top =(textY - fontSize * emInPx / 2)+px; text1.style.width = m.width + px; text1.style.height = fontSize +em; ctx.fillText(text,textX,textY); ctx.save $ b} });

确保 emInPx 单位 px (CSS像素)每个 em 您在 em 单位中定义 fontSize ,我们需要像素来计算正确的位置。

请参阅 DEMO 它有一个红色边框,使div可见 - 只需从CSS中删除 border:1px solid red; ,使其消失)


另一个例子 - 此时div大于文本:

var text1 = document.getElementById('text1'); text1.addEventListener(click,function(e){ alert(CLICKED!); }); Chart.pluginService.register({ beforeDraw:function(chart){ var width = chart.chart.width, height = chart.chart.height , ctx = chart.chart.ctx; ctx.restore(); var fontSize =(height / 114).toFixed(2); ctx .font = fontSize +em sans-serif; ctx.textBaseline =middle; var text =75%,m = ctx.measureText ), textX = Math.round((width - m.width)/ 2), textY = height / 2; var d = Math.min height); var a = d / 2.5; text1.style.left =((width - a)/ 2)+px; text1.style。 top =((height - a)/ 2)+px; text1.style.width = a +px; text1.style.height = a +px; ctx.fillText(text,textX,textY); ctx.save(); } });

请参阅 DEMO 。 它不依赖于 px 中的 em 大小和文本大小。 此行更改正方形的大小:

var a = d / 2.5;



这是一个使用 border-radius


< div id =chart> < canvas id =myChart>< / canvas> < div class =chart-textid =text1>< / div> < / div>


code> #chart,#myChart,.chart-text {padding:0; margin:0; } #chart {position:relative; } .chart-text {position:absolute; border-radius:100%; }


var text1 = document.getElementById('text1'); text1.addEventListener(click,function(e){ alert(CLICKED!); }); Chart.pluginService.register({ beforeDraw:function(chart){ var width = chart.chart.width, height = chart.chart.height , ctx = chart.chart.ctx; ctx.restore(); var fontSize =(height / 114).toFixed(2); ctx .font = fontSize +em sans-serif; ctx.textBaseline =middle; var text =75%,m = ctx.measureText ), textX = Math.round((width - m.width)/ 2), textY = height / 2; var d = Math.min height); var a = d / 2; text1.style.left =((width-a)/ 2 - 1)| 0)+px; text1.style.top =(((height - a)/ 2 - 1)| 0)+px; text1.style.width = a +px; text1。 style.height = a +px; ctx.fillText(text,textX,textY); ctx.save(); } } ;

请参阅 DEMO 。

I have created 4 doughnut chart on a page which has some text in the center,I know this can be done by placing a DIV over the center but I cant use that as the text doesn't get exported when the chart is downloaded as PNG :


I need to track the click of the center text for this I tried using the pageX,pageY to determine if the click is made on the center section.

The coordinates are of the corners of the rectangular section which is inside the central hole of the doughnut chart & is likely to have the text within.

jQuery('#canvas').on('click',function(e){ var pageX = e.pageX; var pageY = e.pageY; if((pageY >= 379 && pageY <= 571) && (pageX >= 440 && pageX <= 629)){ //coordinates are of rectangular area which has text inside the center of doughnut chart. //do something } });

but this wont work if the resolution of the screen is different as the coordinates will vary.

Any Ideas please?

I tried to use raphael.js to make the center clickable but not very sure of this attempt. I am trying to use the container approach to create a circle in the center hole of donuts on which a click handler could be attached.

Code info using Raphael JS

Chart.pluginService.register({ beforeDraw: function(chart) { if(chart['data']['midNum']){ var width = chart.chart.width, height = chart.chart.height, ctx = chart.chart.ctx; ctx.restore(); var fontSize = (height / 114).toFixed(2); ctx.font = fontSize + "em sans-serif"; ctx.textBaseline = "middle"; var text = chart['data']['midNum'], textX = Math.round((width - ctx.measureText(text).width) / 2), textY = height / 2.5; var chartID = chart['chart']['canvas']['id']; //the ID of element on which this donut was created var paper = Raphael(chartID,textX,textY); //trying to use the container approach var circle = paper.circle(textX, textY, 10); circle.attr("fill", "#f00"); //ctx.clearRect(0,0,width,height); //ctx.fillText(text, textX, textY); //ctx.save(); } } })


This is an answer to the original question about this code. Since it was posted the question has been changed several times - the requirement to save as PNG was added, the number of charts was changed from 1 in the original code to 4 and the framework used was changed from Chart.js rendering on HTML Canvas to Raphaël rendering on SVG. I am leaving the solutions that I posted in hope that it will be useful to someone in the future.

I have few ideas here:

Finding pixels

A slower but a sure way: knowing that you are interested in black pixels, you can iterate over all pixels of the canvas and remember 4 numbers: the smallest and biggest x and y coordinates of any black pixel that you find. You can add some margin to that and you'll have a rectangle that is always spot on, even when the library starts to write the text in a different place in future versions.

You'll have to recalculate it every time a window is resized, after the canvas is redrawn.

For that to work your text will have to be in a color that is not present anywhere else on the canvas (which is currently the case).

Guess coordinates

You can guess the coordinates - or calculate them, to be more precise - knowing how it is drawn. It seems that the big circle is taking the entire space on the smaller dimension (the entire height in this case) and is centered in the other axis (in this case it's centered horizontally).

Using that knowledge you can calculate the size and position of the inner (white) circle having only the canvas dimension in a way similar to this:

Find which width or height of the canvas is smaller and use it as a base number. Dividing it by 2 will give you R - the radius of the big circle. Dividing R/2 will roughly give you r - the radius of the small, internal white circle. Calculate x and y - coordinates of the center of the canvas - x = width/2 and y = height /2.

Now you can experiment with the rectangle where the text will be. It may be something like: x - 0.7*r and x + 0.7*r for left and right edges and y - 0.4*r and y + 0.4*r for the bottom and top edges. Those are just examples, you can tweek those numbers to your satisfaction.

Those numbers don't have to be perfect because you should have a few pixels of margin around the text anyway.

Here it may not work when the library starts to draw it completely differently in the future, but it probably won't for a simple chart like this.

The good thing is that you don't have to look for specific colors and that calculation will be faster that examining every pixel.

Again, you have to recalculate those dimensions if the chart ever gets redrawn with a different size.

Change your pluginService

Another idea would be to change you pluginService's beforeDraw function so that it saves the numbers that it already has.

In particular, you already have:

textX = Math.round((width - ctx.measureText(text).width) / 2), textY = height / 2;

If you change it to:

var measured = ctx.measureText(text); textX = Math.round((width - measured.width) / 2), textY = height / 2;

(just to avoid recalculating the text measurement later) then you can store somewhere the following numbers:

Either just textX and textY together with measured.width and measured.height or maybe an object with following properties:

var textPos = { x1: textX, y1: textY, x2: textX + measured.width, y2: textY + measured.height }

Make sure to use rounding if you need to. You can store that object for example in some global object, or as a data-* attribute of some HTML element (like on the canvas itself).

This last solution is nice because you don't have to worry about color, you don't have to guess where the text will be put because you know that exactly, and you don't have to worry about recalculation of this on resize because that code runs every time the text itself is drawn.

The drawback is that you need to modify your pluginService.

A div over canvas

Another way is putting a div over your canvas and putting your text in that div instead of in the canvas. That way you have all the convenience of adding event listeners etc.

You can do something like this:

Put your canvas and and empty div (or more divs) inside a bigger div:

<div id="chart"> <canvas id="myChart"></canvas> <div class="chart-text" id="text1"></div> </div>

You can add more divs like the text1 for more circles/charts, like this:

<div id="chart"> <canvas id="myChart"></canvas> <div class="chart-text" id="text1"></div> <div class="chart-text" id="text2"></div> </div>

Add this CSS to have them stack properly:

#chart { position: relative; } .chart-text { position: absolute; }

And now you add your text to that inner div instead of drawing it on the canvas:

var text1 = document.getElementById('text1'); text1.addEventListener("click", function (e) { alert("CLICKED!"); }); Chart.pluginService.register({ beforeDraw: function(chart) { var width = chart.chart.width, height = chart.chart.height; var fontSize = (height / 114).toFixed(2); text1.style.font = fontSize + "em sans-serif"; var text = "75%"; text1.innerText = text; var r = text1.getBoundingClientRect(); text1.style.left = ((width-r.width)/2)+"px"; text1.style.top = ((height-r.height)/2)+"px"; } });


It can probably be simplified but it is probably simpler that putting the text inside of the canvas, and you can have event listeners or easy CSS styling. For example adding:

.chart-text:hover { color: red; }

will make it red on hover.

Empty div over canvas

Here is yet another update after posting another requirements in the comments that were not included in the question.

You can have this HTML as in the version above:

<div id="chart"> <canvas id="myChart"></canvas> <div class="chart-text" id="text1"></div> </div>

But this time you can add an empty div over your canvas, so that way the text is included in the canvas and saving will it will include the text.

Here is CSS that is needed:

#chart { position: relative; } .chart-text { position: absolute; }

Here is CSS that will show you the position of the invisible div:

#chart { position: relative; } .chart-text { position: absolute; border: 1px solid red; }

And now the code to put the div where it should be:

var text1 = document.getElementById('text1'); text1.addEventListener("click", function (e) { alert("CLICKED!"); }); Chart.pluginService.register({ beforeDraw: function(chart) { var width = chart.chart.width, height = chart.chart.height, ctx = chart.chart.ctx; ctx.restore(); var fontSize = (height / 114).toFixed(2); ctx.font = fontSize + "em sans-serif"; ctx.textBaseline = "middle"; var text = "75%", m = ctx.measureText(text), textX = Math.round((width - m.width) / 2), textY = height / 2; var emInPx = 16; text1.style.left = textX + "px"; text1.style.top = (textY - fontSize*emInPx/2) + "px"; text1.style.width = m.width + "px"; text1.style.height = fontSize+"em"; ctx.fillText(text, textX, textY); ctx.save(); } });

Make sure that the emInPx has the correct numper of px (CSS pixels) per one em unit. You define the fontSize in em units and we need pixels to calculate the correct position.

See DEMO (it has a red border to make the div visible - just remove border: 1px solid red; from CSS to make it disappear)

Big empty div over canvas

Another example - this time the div is bigger than the text:

var text1 = document.getElementById('text1'); text1.addEventListener("click", function (e) { alert("CLICKED!"); }); Chart.pluginService.register({ beforeDraw: function(chart) { var width = chart.chart.width, height = chart.chart.height, ctx = chart.chart.ctx; ctx.restore(); var fontSize = (height / 114).toFixed(2); ctx.font = fontSize + "em sans-serif"; ctx.textBaseline = "middle"; var text = "75%", m = ctx.measureText(text), textX = Math.round((width - m.width) / 2), textY = height / 2; var d = Math.min(width, height); var a = d/2.5; text1.style.left = ((width - a) / 2) + "px"; text1.style.top = ((height - a) / 2) + "px"; text1.style.width = a + "px"; text1.style.height = a + "px"; ctx.fillText(text, textX, textY); ctx.save(); } });

See DEMO. It doesn't depend on the em size in px and on the text size. This line changes the size of the square:

var a = d / 2.5;

You can try changing the 2.5 to 2 or 3 or something else.

Round empty div over canvas

This is a variant that uses border-radius to make a round div instead of rectangular and seems to fill up the inner white circle perfectly.


<div id="chart"> <canvas id="myChart"></canvas> <div class="chart-text" id="text1"></div> </div>


#chart, #myChart, .chart-text { padding: 0; margin: 0; } #chart { position: relative; } .chart-text { position: absolute; border-radius: 100%; }


var text1 = document.getElementById('text1'); text1.addEventListener("click", function (e) { alert("CLICKED!"); }); Chart.pluginService.register({ beforeDraw: function(chart) { var width = chart.chart.width, height = chart.chart.height, ctx = chart.chart.ctx; ctx.restore(); var fontSize = (height / 114).toFixed(2); ctx.font = fontSize + "em sans-serif"; ctx.textBaseline = "middle"; var text = "75%", m = ctx.measureText(text), textX = Math.round((width - m.width) / 2), textY = height / 2; var d = Math.min(width, height); var a = d / 2; text1.style.left = (((width - a) / 2 - 1)|0) + "px"; text1.style.top = (((height - a) / 2 - 1)|0) + "px"; text1.style.width = a + "px"; text1.style.height = a + "px"; ctx.fillText(text, textX, textY); ctx.save(); } });




本文发布于:2023-11-30 03:07:58,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:圆环   事件   程序   中心   js


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