
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-24 14:28:04
本文介绍了寻找六角形结构的边界的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述


I have a code for generating hexagonal structure in a cellular network, its input is number of tiers required and radius.. when the input to a number of tiers is 1, it will generate 7 hexagonal cells when it is 2 it will generate 19 cells. Now I need to extract only the outer boundary of my hexagonal structure without any inner hexagonal cells.How can I generate only the outer boundary of the hexagonal network?

enter code here d = input('Enter the distance') radius = d/sqrt(3);% radius of each hexagon tier = input('Enter the tier value'); %num = input('enter the value 0 or 1 : n_los=1 or los=0') ; G = ((2*2*d)/10)+1; % value required to rearrange the matrix in 3 dim di = 0; global expected_bs; expected_bs = (tier)^2 + (tier+1)^2 + (tier*(tier+1)); display(expected_bs); global bs_cord; %base station co-ordinates %bs_cord = zeros(expected_bs, 2); bs_cord = [0 0]; t = linspace(0,2*pi,7); % X and Y co-ordinates of 7 vertices for plotting hexagon. : TIER 1 x_ = [ 0 0 ((sqrt(3)/2)*d) ((sqrt(3)/2)*d) 0 -((sqrt(3)/2)*d) -((sqrt(3)/2)*d) ]; y_ = [ 0 d (d/2) (-d/2) -d (-d/2) (d/2) ]; % Hexagonal cells generation for u=1:tier g_ = u*x_;% to get first hexagon structure : x coordinate h_ = u*y_;% to get first hexagon : y coordinate bs = plot_cluster(g_ , h_ , t, radius ,bs );% function defined to plot the hexagon if u > 1 m_ = u* [ 0 ((sqrt(3)/2)*d) ((sqrt(3)/2)*d) 0 -((sqrt(3)/2)*d) -((sqrt(3)/2)*d) 0 ];% to get hexagon in inclined direction n_ = u* [ d (d/2) (-d/2) -d (-d/2) (d/2) d ]; for i=1:(u-1) for k=1:6 inner_cell_x = (((i * m_(k))+ ((u-i) * m_(k+1)))/(u)); % ratio method to obtain the coordinates of hexagon inner_cell_y = ((i * n_(k))+ ((u-i) * n_(k+1)))/(u); bs = plot_cell(inner_cell_x , inner_cell_y , t, radius, bs); end end end end bs_cord = unique(bs_cord,'rows'); % base station coordinates unique func is for eliminating the replicated coordinates




I spent an embarrassingly long amount of time working on this. I hope it works well.


The secret is you need to get rid of any duplicate hexagons then only count those that have vertices with only zero or one overlap.


function [X, Y, xe, ye, X0, Y0, outerCenter] = hexagon(varargin) %% hexagon: A hexagon cell generating function % Possible inputs % hexagon % Will assume a new figure is not wanted. Using this option will call % up inputs in the command window to get information about the cells. % hexagon(newFigure) % Where newFigure is a logical, if true the cell will be shown on a % new figure. If false the cell will be shown on an old figure (if % available). Using this option will call up inputs in the command % window to get information about the cells. % hexagon(D, tiers) % Where newFigure is a logical, if true the cell will be shown on a % new figure. If false the cell will be shown on an old figure (if % available). % hexagon(D, tiers, newFigure) % Where newFigure is a logical, if true the cell will be shown on a % new figure. If false the cell will be shown on an old figure (if % available). % % Outputs % X - cell arrays of the x-coordinates of the hexagons % Y - cell arrays of the y-coordinates of the hexagons % xe - matrix of the x-coordinates of the verticies of the edge % ye - matrix of the y-coordinates of the verticies of the edge % X - cell arrays of the x-coordinates of the hexagons on the edge % Y - cell arrays of the y-coordinates of the hexagons on the edge %% Input parsing global centers %These are the centers of the hexagons, with the current tier. %Having this in allows the program to check if there is already a %higher tier hexagon in the same space centers = [0, 0, -1]; if nargin == 0 newFigure = 0; D = input('Enter the circumscribed diameter: '); tiers = input('Enter the tier value: '); elseif nargin == 1 newFigure = varargin{1}; D = input('Enter the circumscribed diameter: '); tiers = input('Enter the tier value: '); elseif nargin == 2 newFigure = 0; D = varargin{1}; tiers = varargin{2}; elseif nargin == 3 D = varargin{1}; tiers = varargin{2}; newFigure = varargin{3}; elseif nargin > 3 error('Too many input arguements entered!') end x0 = input('Enter x0: '); y0 = input('Enter y0: '); %% Call first hexagon at origin [X, Y] = makeHexagon(x0, y0, D, tiers); %% Find edge of cell [xe, ye] = findEdge(X, Y, x0, y0); %% Find hexagons on edge [X0, Y0] = findEdgeHexagons(X, Y, xe, ye); %% Outside center outerCenter = centers(:, [1,2]); outerCenter(centers(:, 3) == 0) = []; %% Output and Plot disp(['A ', num2str(tiers), ' tier network of hexagons has ', num2str(numel(X)), ' elements.']) if newFigure fig = figure; else fig = gcf; figure(fig.Number); end T = [X; Y]; %Prepare to plot the hexagons plot(T{:},'LineWidth',2) hold on T = [X0; Y0]; %Prepare to plot the hexagons plot( T{:},'k','LineWidth',4) %Plot the edge plot( xe, ye,'k','LineWidth',4) %Plot the edge axis equal end %% Make the hexagons function [X, Y] = makeHexagon(x0, y0, D, tiers) global centers X = {}; Y = {}; %% Find out if the center has already been claimed by a higher tier [~, ib] = ismembertol([x0, y0], centers(:, [1,2]),'ByRows',true); if any(ib) && (tiers > centers(ib, 3)) %If it's higher tiered than a previous hexagon, then update the list centers(ib, 3) = tiers; elseif any(ib) && (tiers <= centers(ib, 3)) %If it's equal or lower tiered than a previous hexagon, then any space %it could explore is already claimed %this returns an empty cell array return else %It's in completely new space centers = [centers; x0, y0, tiers]; end %% Make the hexagon and its children %Get the verticies of the hexagon, note that there are 7 verticies to %close the shape [x, y] = hexCoords(x0, y0, D); %if it's not at the bottom, the hexagon needs to spawn its children if tiers > 0 %The centers will alway be at 30, 90, 150, 210, 270 and 330. theta = linspace(0, 5*pi/3, 6)' - pi/6; centerX = sqrt(3)*D/2*cos(theta) + x0; centerY = sqrt(3)*D/2*sin(theta) + y0; %Call for each child, they will be one level lower [X, Y] = arrayfun(@(X, Y) makeHexagon(X, Y, D, tiers - 1), centerX, centerY, 'uni', 0); %Flatten the cell arrays this combines generations 0 to tiers - 1 X = flatten(X); Y = flatten(Y); end %Combine previous generations with this generation X = horzcat(x, X{:}); Y = horzcat(y, Y{:}); %Remove any shapes that are in the same spot [~, i, ~] = uniquetol([X', Y'], 'ByRows', true); X = num2cell(X(:, i),1); Y = num2cell(Y(:, i),1); end %% Find the edge of the cell function [X0, Y0] = findEdge(X, Y, x0, y0) %Remove the extra vertex for the closed shape XY = cellfun(@(x, y) uniquetol([x(:), y(:)], 'ByRows', true), X, Y, 'uni', 0); %convert the cell array into a matrix of x and y XY = vertcat(XY{:}); %Find how many times each vertex is used [~, uniqueVerticies, MappingIndicies] = uniquetol(XY, 'ByRows', true); [n, ~, ~] = histcounts(MappingIndicies, length(uniqueVerticies)); %If it is once or twice it's on an edge XY = XY(uniqueVerticies(n <= 2), :); %Arrange the verticies angularly data = sortrows([atan2(XY(:,2) - y0, XY(:,1) - x0), XY]); %Finally, seperate them and put a final curl on it X0 = [data(:,2); data(1,2)]; Y0 = [data(:,3); data(1,3)]; end %% Find the hexagons on the edge of the cell function [X0, Y0] = findEdgeHexagons(X, Y, xe, ye) i = cellfun(@(x, y) any(ismembertol([xe(:), ye(:)], [x(:), y(:)],'ByRows',true)) , X, Y); X0 = X(i); Y0 = Y(i); end %% Map the verticies of the hexagon function [x, y] = hexCoords(x0, y0, D) %The centers will alway be at 0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300 and 360 %(to close the figure). theta = linspace(0, 2*pi, 7)'; %Convert from polar to Cartesian coordinates x = D/2 * cos(theta) + x0; y = D/2 * sin(theta) + y0; end %% Flatten the cell array and remove empty elements function X = flatten(X) X = X(~cellfun(@isempty, X)); i = cellfun(@iscell, X); if any(i) X = horzcat(X{~i}, flatten(horzcat(X{i}))); end end



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