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Minio多节点多驱动<a href= style=分布式部署官网文档翻译"/>



Deploy MinIO: Multi-Node Multi-Drive — MinIO Object Storage for Linux

The procedures on this page cover deploying MinIO in a Multi-Node Multi-Drive (MNMD) or “Distributed” configuration. MNMD deployments provide enterprise-grade performance, availability, and scalability and are the recommended topology for all production workloads.

MNMD deployments support erasure coding configurations which tolerate the loss of up to half the nodes or drives in the deployment while continuing to serve read operations. Use the MinIO Erasure Code Calculator when planning and designing your MinIO deployment to explore the effect of erasure code settings on your intended topology.



1.Prerequisites 环境准备

Networking and Firewalls

Each node should have full bidirectional network access to every other node in the deployment. For containerized or orchestrated infrastructures, this may require specific configuration of networking and routing components such as ingress or load balancers. Certain operating systems may also require setting firewall rules. For example, the following command explicitly opens the default MinIO server API port 9000 for servers running firewalld : :




firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=9000/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload

All MinIO servers in the deployment must use the same listen port.

If you set a static MinIO Console port (e.g. :9001) you must also grant access to that port to ensure connectivity from external clients.

MinIO strongly recomends using a load balancer to manage connectivity to the cluster. The Load Balancer should use a “Least Connections” algorithm for routing requests to the MinIO deployment, since any MinIO node in the deployment can receive, route, or process client requests.

The following load balancers are known to work well with MinIO:


  • HAProxy

Configuring firewalls or load balancers to support MinIO is out of scope for this procedure. The Configure NGINX Proxy for MinIO Server reference provides a baseline configuration for using NGINX as a reverse proxy with basic load balancing configured.







配置防火墙或负载平衡器以支持MinIO超出了此教程的范围。“为MinIO Server配置NGINX代理”参考提供了使用NGINX作为反向代理的基线配置,并配置了基本负载平衡。

NGINX配置官网翻译:为MinIO Server配置NGINX代理官网文档翻译-CSDN博客

2.Sequential Hostnames 顺序主机名

MinIO requires using expansion notation {x...y} to denote a sequential series of MinIO hosts when creating a server pool. MinIO supports using either a sequential series of hostnames or IP addresses to represent each minio server process in the deployment.

This procedure assumes use of sequential hostnames due to the lower overhead of management, especially in larger distributed clusters.

Create the necessary DNS hostname mappings prior to starting this procedure. For example, the following hostnames would support a 4-node distributed deployment:




  • minio-01.example
  • minio-02.example
  • minio-03.example
  • minio-04.example

You can specify the entire range of hostnames using the expansion notation minio-0{1...4}.example.


3.non-sequential hostnames or IP addresses 非顺序主机名或IP地址

MinIO does not support non-sequential hostnames or IP addresses for distributed deployments. You can instead use /etc/hosts on each node to set a simple DNS scheme that supports expansion notation. For example:

# /etc/hosts198.0.2.10    minio-01.example  minio-02.example    minio-03.example minio-04.example


4.Local JBOD Storage with Sequential Mounts 具有顺序安装的本地JBOD存储

MinIO strongly recommends direct-attached JBOD arrays with XFS-formatted disks for best performance.

Direct-Attached Storage (DAS) has significant performance and consistency advantages over networked storage (NAS, SAN, NFS).

Deployments using non-XFS filesystems (ext4, btrfs, zfs) tend to have lower performance while exhibiting unexpected or undesired behavior.

RAID or similar technologies do not provide additional resilience or availability benefits when used with distributed MinIO deployments, and typically reduce system performance.

Ensure all nodes in the deployment use the same type (NVMe, SSD, or HDD) of drive with identical capacity (e.g. N TB) . MinIO does not distinguish drive types and does not benefit from mixed storage types. Additionally. MinIO limits the size used per drive to the smallest drive in the deployment. For example, if the deployment has 15 10TB drives and 1 1TB drive, MinIO limits the per-drive capacity to 1TB.

MinIO requires using expansion notation {x...y} to denote a sequential series of drives when creating the new deployment, where all nodes in the deployment have an identical set of mounted drives. MinIO also requires that the ordering of physical drives remain constant across restarts, such that a given mount point always points to the same formatted drive. MinIO therefore strongly recommends using /etc/fstab or a similar file-based mount configuration to ensure that drive ordering cannot change after a reboot. For example:





确保部署中的所有节点使用相同类型(NVMe、SSD或HDD)、具有相同容量(例如N TB)的驱动器。MinIO不区分驱动器类型,也不会从混合存储类型中获益。此外。MinIO将每个驱动器使用的大小限制为部署中的最小驱动器。例如,如果部署有15个10TB驱动器和1个1TB驱动器,则MinIO将每个驱动器的容量限制为1TB。(ps:木桶的短板效应)


$ mkfs.xfs /dev/sdb -L DISK1
$ mkfs.xfs /dev/sdc -L DISK2
$ mkfs.xfs /dev/sdd -L DISK3
$ mkfs.xfs /dev/sde -L DISK4$ nano /etc/fstab# <file system>  <mount point>  <type>  <options>         <dump>  <pass>LABEL=DISK1      /mnt/disk1     xfs     defaults,noatime  0       2LABEL=DISK2      /mnt/disk2     xfs     defaults,noatime  0       2LABEL=DISK3      /mnt/disk3     xfs     defaults,noatime  0       2LABEL=DISK4      /mnt/disk4     xfs     defaults,noatime  0       2

 什么是JBOD: JBOD技术详解 – 成都千喜数据恢复中心  简言之将多个磁盘虚拟为一个磁盘。

You can then specify the entire range of drives using the expansion notation /mnt/disk{1...4}. If you want to use a specific subfolder on each drive, specify it as /mnt/disk{1...4}/minio.

MinIO does not support arbitrary migration of a drive with existing MinIO data to a new mount position, whether intentional or as the result of OS-level behavior.




Cloud environment instances which depend on mounted external storage may encounter boot failure if one or more of the remote file mounts return errors or failure. For example, an AWS ECS instances with mounted persistent EBS volumes may fail to boot with the standard /etc/fstab configuration if one or more EBS volumes fail to mount.

You can set the nofail option to silence error reporting at boot and allow the instance to boot with one or more mount issues.

You should not use this option on systems which have locally attached disks, as silencing drive errors prevents both MinIO and the OS from responding to those errors in a normal fashion.


如果一个或多个远程文件装载返回错误或失败,那么依赖于装载的外部存储的云环境实例可能会遇到引导失败。例如,如果一个或多个EBS卷无法装载,则具有已装载的持久EBS卷的AWS ECS实例可能无法使用标准/etc/fstab配置进行引导。



Network File System Volumes Break Consistency Guarantees

MinIO’s strict read-after-write and list-after-write consistency model requires local drive filesystems.

MinIO cannot provide consistency guarantees if the underlying storage volumes are NFS or a similar network-attached storage volume.

For deployments that require using network-attached storage, use NFSv4 for best results.





5.Time Synchronization

Multi-node systems must maintain synchronized time and date to maintain stable internode operations and interactions. Make sure all nodes sync to the same time server regularly. Operating systems vary for methods used to synchronize time and date, such as with ntp, timedatectl, or timesyncd.

Check the documentation for your operating system for how to set up and maintain accurate and identical system clock times across nodes



 ntp:服务器列表 - 全球可用的NTP服务器列表与解析服务 - ntp & ntpdate

6.Considerations 最佳实践

6.1 Homogeneous Node Configurations 同质节点配置

MinIO strongly recommends selecting substantially similar hardware configurations for all nodes in the deployment. Ensure the hardware (CPU, memory, motherboard, storage adapters) and software (operating system, kernel settings, system services) is consistent across all nodes.

Deployment may exhibit unpredictable performance if nodes have heterogeneous hardware or software configurations. Workloads that benefit from storing aged data on lower-cost hardware should instead deploy a dedicated “warm” or “cold” MinIO deployment and transition data to that tier.



6.2 Erasure Coding Parity 擦除编码奇偶校验

MinIO erasure coding is a data redundancy and availability feature that allows MinIO deployments to automatically reconstruct objects on-the-fly despite the loss of multiple drives or nodes in the cluster. Erasure Coding provides object-level healing with less overhead than adjacent technologies such as RAID or replication. Distributed deployments implicitly enable and rely on erasure coding for core functionality.

Erasure Coding splits objects into data and parity blocks, where parity blocks support reconstruction of missing or corrupted data blocks. The number of parity blocks in a deployment controls the deployment’s relative data redundancy. Higher levels of parity allow for higher tolerance of drive loss at the cost of total available storage.

MinIO defaults to EC:4 , or 4 parity blocks per erasure set. You can set a custom parity level by setting the appropriate MinIO Storage Class environment variable. Consider using the MinIO Erasure Code Calculator for guidance in selecting the appropriate erasure code parity level for your cluster.




6.3 Capacity-Based Planning 基于容量的规划

MinIO generally recommends planning capacity such that server pool expansion is only required after 2+ years of deployment uptime.

For example, consider an application suite that is estimated to produce 10TB of data per year. The MinIO deployment should provide at minimum:

10TB + 10TB + 10TB = 30TB

MinIO recommends adding buffer storage to account for potential growth in stored data (e.g. 40TB of total usable storage). As a rule-of-thumb, more capacity initially is preferred over frequent just-in-time expansion to meet capacity requirements.

Since MinIO erasure coding requires some storage for parity, the total raw storage must exceed the planned usable capacity. Consider using the MinIO Erasure Code Calculator for guidance in planning capacity around specific erasure code settings.






MinIO纠删码计算器:MinIO | Erasure Code Calculator

6.4 Recommended Operating Systems 推荐的操作系统

This tutorial assumes all hosts running MinIO use a recommended Linux operating system such as RHEL8+ or Ubuntu 18.04+.

 本教程假设所有运行MinIO的主机都使用推荐的Linux操作系统,如RHEL8+或Ubuntu 18.04+。

6.5 Pre-Existing Data. 数据迁移

When starting a new MinIO server in a distributed environment, the storage devices must not have existing data.

Once you start the MinIO server, all interactions with the data must be done through the S3 API. Use the MinIO Client, the MinIO Console, or one of the MinIO Software Development Kits to work with the buckets and objects.


一旦启动了MinIO服务器,所有与数据的交互都必须通过S3 API完成。使用MinIO客户端、MinIO控制台或其中一个MinIO软件开发工具包来处理存储桶和对象。


Modifying files on the backend drives can result in data corruption or data loss.


7.Deploy Distributed MinIO 部署分布式MinIO

The following procedure creates a new distributed MinIO deployment consisting of a single Server Pool.

All commands provided below use example values. Replace these values with those appropriate for your deployment.

Review the Prerequisites before starting this procedure.



在开始此过程之前,请查看 第一节->环境准备

7.1 Install the MinIO Binary on Each Node 在每个节点上安装MinIO二进制文件

 The following tabs provide examples of installing MinIO onto 64-bit Linux operating systems using RPM, DEB, or binary. The RPM and DEB packages automatically install MinIO to the necessary system paths and create a minio service for systemctl. MinIO strongly recommends using the RPM or DEB installation routes. To update deployments managed using systemctl, see Update systemctl-Managed MinIO Deployments.



Upgrade a MinIO Deployment — MinIO Object Storage for Linux。


7.1.1 amd64 (Intel or AMD 64-bit processors)

Use one of the following options to download the MinIO server installation file for a machine running Linux on an Intel or AMD 64-bit processor.

使用以下选项之一,为在英特尔或AMD 64位处理器上运行Linux的计算机下载MinIO服务器安装文件。


使用以下命令下载并安装最新稳定的MinIO RPM。

wget .0.0.x86_64.rpm -O minio.rpm
sudo dnf install minio.rpm


使用以下命令下载并安装最新稳定的MinIO DEB:

wget .0.0_amd64.deb -O minio.deb
sudo dpkg -i minio.deb



chmod +x minio
sudo mv minio /usr/local/bin/
7.1.2 arm64 (Apple M1/M2 or other ARM 64-bit processors)


使用以下命令下载并安装最新稳定的MinIO RPM。

wget .0.0.aarch64.rpm -O minio.rpm
sudo dnf install minio.rpm


使用以下命令下载并安装最新稳定的MinIO DEB:

wget .0.0_arm64.deb -O minio.deb
sudo dpkg -i minio.deb



chmod +x minio
MINIO_ROOT_USER=admin MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=password ./minio server /mnt/data --console-address ":9001"
7.1.3 Other Architectures 其他芯片架构

MinIO also supports additional architectures:

  • ppc64le

  • s390x

For instructions to download the binary, RPM, or DEB files for those architectures, see the MinIO download page.





MinIO download page.

7.2 Create the systemd Service File 创建systemd服务文件

 The .deb or .rpm packages install the following systemd service file to /usr/lib/systemd/system/minio.service. For binary installations, create this file manually on all MinIO hosts.


Note 提示

systemd checks the /etc/systemd/... path before checking the /usr/lib/systemd/... path and uses the first file it finds. To avoid conflicting or unexpected configuration options, check that the file only exists at the /usr/lib/systemd/system/minio.service path.

Refer to the man page for systemd.unit for details on the file path search order.



systemd.unit(5) - Linux manual page


ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c "if [ -z \"${MINIO_VOLUMES}\" ]; then echo \"Variable MINIO_VOLUMES not set in /etc/default/minio\"; exit 1; fi"
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/minio server $MINIO_OPTS $MINIO_VOLUMES# MinIO RELEASE.2023-05-04T21-44-30Z adds support for Type=notify (.service.html#Type=)
# This may improve systemctl setups where other services use `After=minio.server`
# 这可能会改进其他服务使用`After=minio.server的systemctl设置`
# Uncomment the line to enable the functionality
# 取消注释行以启用功能# Type=notify# Let systemd restart this service always
# 让systemd始终重新启动此服务
Restart=always# Specifies the maximum file descriptor number that can be opened by this process
# 指定此进程可以打开的最大文件描述符编号
LimitNOFILE=65536# Specifies the maximum number of threads this process can create
# 指定此进程可以创建的最大线程数
TasksMax=infinity# Disable timeout logic and wait until process is stopped
# 禁用超时逻辑并等待进程停止
SendSIGKILL=no[Install] Built for ${}-${project.version} (${})

The minio.service file runs as the minio-user User and Group by default. You can create the user and group using the groupadd and useradd commands. The following example creates the user, group, and sets permissions to access the folder paths intended for use by MinIO. These commands typically require root (sudo) permissions.


groupadd -r minio-user
useradd -M -r -g minio-user minio-user
chown minio-user:minio-user /mnt/disk1 /mnt/disk2 /mnt/disk3 /mnt/disk4

The specified drive paths are provided as an example. Change them to match the path to those drives intended for use by MinIO.

Alternatively, change the User and Group values to another user and group on the system host with the necessary access and permissions.

MinIO publishes additional startup script examples on GitHub - minio/minio-service: Collection of MinIO server scripts for upstart, systemd, sysvinit, launchd.

To update deployments managed using systemctl, see Update systemctl-Managed MinIO Deployments.

Upgrade a MinIO Deployment — MinIO Object Storage for Linux



MinIO在github/MinIO/MinIO-service:GitHub - minio/minio-service: Collection of MinIO server scripts for upstart, systemd, sysvinit, launchd.上发布了其他启动脚本示例。


Upgrade a MinIO Deployment — MinIO Object Storage for Linux

7.3 Create the Service Environment File 创建服务环境文件

Create an environment file at /etc/default/minio. The MinIO service uses this file as the source of all environment variables used by MinIO and the minio.service file.


The following examples assumes that: 以下示例假设:

  • The deployment has a single server pool consisting of four MinIO server hosts with sequential hostnames.


minio1.example   minio3.example
minio2.example   minio4.example
  • All hosts have four locally-attached drives with sequential mount-points:


/mnt/disk1/minio   /mnt/disk3/minio
/mnt/disk2/minio   /mnt/disk4/minio
  • The deployment has a load balancer running at that manages connections across all four MinIO hosts.


Modify the example to reflect your deployment topology:



# Set the hosts and volumes MinIO uses at startup
# The command uses MinIO expansion notation {x...y} to denote a
# sequential series.
# The following example covers four MinIO hosts
# with 4 drives each at the specified hostname and drive locations.
# The command includes the port that each MinIO server listens on
# (default 9000)
# 设置MinIO在启动时使用的主机和卷,该命令使用MinIO扩展符号{x…y}来表示顺序序列。
# 以下示例介绍了四个MinIO主机,每个主机都指定了主机名和4个驱动器位置。该命令包括每个MinIO
# 服务器侦听的端口(默认值为9000MINIO_VOLUMES="https://minio{1...4}.example:9000/mnt/disk{1...4}/minio"# Set all MinIO server options
# The following explicitly sets the MinIO Console listen address to
# port 9001 on all network interfaces. The default behavior is dynamic
# port selection.
# 以下内容明确地将MinIO控制台监听地址设置9001。默认行为是动态端口MINIO_OPTS="--console-address :9001"# Set the root username. This user has unrestricted permissions to
# perform S3 and administrative API operations on any resource in the
# deployment.
# 设置root用户名。此用户具有对部署中的任何资源执行S3和管理API操作的不受限制的权限。
# Defer to your organizations requirements for superadmin user name.
# 根据您的组织对超级管理员用户名的要求设置。MINIO_ROOT_USER=minioadmin# Set the root password
# Use a long, random, unique string that meets your organizations
# requirements for passwords.
# 使用符合组织密码要求的长、随机、唯一字符串
MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=minio-secret-key-CHANGE-ME# Set to the URL of the load balancer for the MinIO deployment
# This value *must* match across all MinIO servers. If you do
# not have a load balancer, set this value to to any *one* of the
# MinIO hosts in the deployment as a temporary measure.
# 设置为MinIO部署的负载平衡器的URL
# 此值*必须*在所有MinIO服务器中匹配。如果您没有负载均衡器,请将此值设置为部署中的任何一个MinIO主
# 机,作为临时措施。。。。。。。。

 You may specify other environment variables or server commandline options as required by your deployment. All MinIO nodes in the deployment should include the same environment variables with the same values for each variable.


7.4 Add TLS/SSL Certificates 添加TLS/SSL证书

MinIO enables Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2+ automatically upon detecting a valid x.509 certificate (.crt) and private key (.key) in the MinIO ${HOME}/.minio/certs directory.

For systemd-managed deployments, use the $HOME directory for the user which runs the MinIO server process. The provided minio.service file runs the process as minio-user. The previous step includes instructions for creating this user with a home directory /home/minio-user.



  • Place TLS certificates into /home/minio-user/.minio/certs on each host.

  • If any MinIO server or client uses certificates signed by an unknown Certificate Authority (self-signed or internal CA), you must place the CA certs in the /home/minio-user/.minio/certs/CAs on all MinIO hosts in the deployment. MinIO rejects invalid certificates (untrusted, expired, or malformed).

  • 将TLS证书放入每个主机上的/home/minio-user/.mino/certs中。
  • 如果任何MinIO服务器或客户端使用了由未知证书颁发机构(自签名或内部CA)签名的证书,则必须将CA证书放置在部署中所有MinIO主机上的/home/MinIO user/.mino/certs/CA中。MinIO拒绝无效证书(不受信任、过期或格式错误)。

If the minio.service file specifies a different user account, use the $HOME directory for that account. Alternatively, specify a custom certificate directory using the minio server --certs-dir commandline argument. Modify the MINIO_OPTS variable in /etc/defaults/minio to set this option. The systemd user which runs the MinIO server process must have read and listing permissions for the specified directory.

For more specific guidance on configuring MinIO for TLS, including multi-domain support via Server Name Indication (SNI), see Network Encryption (TLS). You can optionally skip this step to deploy without TLS enabled. MinIO strongly recommends against non-TLS deployments outside of early development.



7.5 Run the MinIO Server Process 运行MinIO服务器进程

Issue the following commands on each node in the deployment to start the MinIO service:


sudo systemctl start minio.service

Use the following commands to confirm the service is online and functional:


sudo systemctl status minio.service
journalctl -f -u minio.service

MinIO may log an increased number of non-critical warnings while the server processes connect and synchronize. These warnings are typically transient and should resolve as the deployment comes online.

Changed in version RELEASE.2023-02-09T05-16-53Z: MinIO starts if it detects enough drives to meet the write quorum for the deployment.

If any drives remain offline after starting MinIO, check and cure any issues blocking their functionality before starting production workloads.

The MinIO service does not automatically start on host reboot. You must use systemctl enable minio.service to start the process as part of the host boot.




MinIO服务不会在主机重新启动时自动启动。作为主机引导的一部分,您必须使用systemctl-enable minio.service来启动该进程

sudo systemctl enable minio.service
7.6 Open the MinIO Console 打开MinIO后台

Open your browser and access any of the MinIO hostnames at port :9001 to open the MinIO Console login page. For example, :9001.

Log in with the MINIO_ROOT_USER and MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD from the previous step.



You can use the MinIO Console for general administration tasks like Identity and Access Management, Metrics and Log Monitoring, or Server Configuration. Each MinIO server includes its own embedded MinIO Console.




本文发布于:2023-11-17 12:49:46,感谢您对本站的认可!
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