
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-09 12:33:05
本文介绍了创建django管理员喜欢非管理员前端用户的操作 - 如何的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 我想在管理员之外创建一个管理类动作。因此,用户应该能够使用复选框来选择对象,并且在所有选定对象上选择所选操作的下拉列表选择操作后。



< td>< input type =checkboxclass =action-selectvalue =24name =_ selected_action/>< / td>


< div class =actions> < label>动作:< select name =action> < option value =selected =selected> ---------< / option> < option value =delete_selected>删除所选联系人< / option> < / select>< / label> < button type =submitclass =buttontitle =运行所选动作name =indexvalue =0> Go< / button> < / div>



下一个点将是如何检查这个函数哪些对象被选中。 当我发现这是如何工作的,我可以使用这个对象并返回一个HttpResponse。




我创建了一个名为action_handler的函数,该函数接收请求及其将执行的模型。从post querydicts我得到所选动作(request.POST。 getitem ('action'))和所选对象(request.POST.getlist('_ selected_for_action'))。


@login_required def action_handler(request,model): PARAMETERS model =执行操作的django模型 返回值 0 - POST参数动作不可用 - 没有定义POST参数selected_action - selected_ids为空 - object_list为空 1 - 成功执行delete_selected操作 2 - 成功执行new_selection操作 描述处理任意模型的所有操作操作:删除选择 - 调用通用删除m方法,delete_objects(request,model,selected_ids) try: selected_action = request.POST .__ getitem __('action') selected_ids = request.POST.getlist ('_selected_for_action') object_list = model.objects.filter(pk__in = selected_ids)如果object_list.count()< 1: request.user.message_set.create(message ='请至少选择一个项目!')返回0 如果selected_action =='delete_selected': try: action_approved = request.POST .__ getitem __('action_approved')如果action_approved =='1': delete_objects(request,model,selected_ids) return 1 除了KeyError: #action_approved param不可用 #show对象检查页面删除批准 context = {'action_name':selected_action,'object_list':object_list,} return render_to_response(crm / object_delete_check.html,context, context_instance = RequestContext(request)) 如果选择_action =='new_selection':#将所选对象添加到新的cs选择 now = datetime.now() stamp = now.strftime(%Y-%m-% d /%H:%M) cs_name ='cs_auto_created_'+ str(stamp) cs = ContactSelection(id = None,name = cs_name) cs.created_by = request.user cs.save() object_list中的对象: cs.contacts.add(object) request.user.message_set.create(message ='成功创建%s选择'%cs.name) return 2 request.user.message_set.create(message ='此操作不可用!')返回0 除了KeyError: request.user.message_set.create(message ='请选择一个动作!')返回0


以这种方式,我可以为不同的视图包含这个action_handler,并且封装了一个独立于该函数所执行的模型的删除函数。 p>  


这是动态表单的完美之地。一般的想法是制作一个表单,列出用户的所有项目和操作的下拉菜单。所以这很容易映射到一个 ModelMultipleChoiceField 和 ChoiceField 。

从django导入表单 def action_formset(qset,actions):一个表单工厂,返回一个允许用户选择一个特定的动作到对从查询器中选定的项目子集执行 class _ActionForm(forms.Form): items = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(queryset = qset) actions = forms.ChoiceField(choices = zip(actions,actions)) 返回_ActionForm #在你的views.py def action_view(request): qset = Item.objects.all()#some方式获取你的项目 actions =('tuple','of',' action','names') formclass = action_formset(qset,actions) if request.method =='POST': #deal with selected items form = formclass(request.POST) selected_acti on = form.cleaned_data ['action'] selected_qset = form.cleaned_data ['items'] #do与项目有关的东西 return ... #处理GET请求 form = formclass() return ...


I`m thinking of creating an admin action-like behaviour outside the admin. Thus the user should be able to select objects with a checkbox and after selecting an action with the dropdown the selected action is conducted on all selected objects.

I thought of the following approach.

Create a checkbox for each object in the .html template. Result would be this (i took it from the admin):

<td><input type="checkbox" class="action-select" value="24" name="_selected_action" /></td>

Then create the action dropdown (took it also from the admin):

<div class="actions"> <label>Action: <select name="action"> <option value="" selected="selected">---------</option> <option value="delete_selected">Delete selected contacts</option> </select></label> <button type="submit" class="button" title="Run the selected action" name="index" value="0">Go</button> </div>

Now i m asking myself how i can map this action dropdown to a python function. Probably a function which i would place inside the model object which i want to apply this action to.

I hope somebody can tell it to me.

The next point would be how i can check in this function which objects have been selected. When i found out how this works, i can work with this objects and return a HttpResponse.

I think that should be everything to create an action like behaviour. Is this correct or is something missing?

Edit: My Solution

Finally I came up with the following solution:

I created a function called action_handler, which takes the request and the model it will act upon. From the post querydicts I get the selected action (request.POST.getitem('action')) and the selected objects (request.POST.getlist('_selected_for_action')).

Based on the input and the process the function returns some values, which tells the calling view what happened in the action_handler.

@login_required def action_handler(request, model): """ PARAMETERS model = the django model upon which the actions are executed RETURN VALUES 0 - POST param action is not available - POST param selected_action is not defined - selected_ids is empty - object_list is empty 1 - Successfully conducted the delete_selected action 2 - Successfully conducted the new_selection action DESCRIPTION handles all actions for arbitrary models Action: "delete selected" - calls the generic delete method, delete_objects(request, model, selected_ids) """ try: selected_action = request.POST.__getitem__('action') selected_ids = request.POST.getlist('_selected_for_action') object_list = model.objects.filter(pk__in=selected_ids) if object_list.count() < 1: request.user.message_set.create(message='Please select at least one item!') return 0 if selected_action == 'delete_selected': try: action_approved = request.POST.__getitem__('action_approved') if action_approved == '1': delete_objects(request, model, selected_ids) return 1 except KeyError: #action_approved param is not available #show the objects check page for delete approval context = { 'action_name' : selected_action, 'object_list' : object_list, } return render_to_response("crm/object_delete_check.html", context, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) if selected_action == 'new_selection': #add the selected objects to a new cs selection now = datetime.now() stamp = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d/%H:%M") cs_name = 'cs_auto_created_' + str(stamp) cs = ContactSelection(id=None, name=cs_name) cs.created_by = request.user cs.save() for object in object_list: cs.contacts.add(object) request.user.message_set.create(message='Successfully created the %s selection' % cs.name) return 2 request.user.message_set.create(message='This action is not available!') return 0 except KeyError: request.user.message_set.create(message='Please select an action!') return 0

The delete delete_objects(request, model, selected_ids) looks like this:

@login_required def delete_objects(request, model, selected_ids): ''' capsulate a bulk delete method delete all objects found for the given model fails silently since model.delete() always fails silently ''' object_list = model.objects.filter(pk__in=selected_ids) count = object_list.count() if count == 1: name = model._meta.verbose_name.title() else: name = model._meta.verbose_name_plural.title() object_list.delete() request.user.message_set.create(message='Successfully deleted %s %s' % (count,name)) return

This way I'm able to include this action_handler for different views and encapsulate a delete function independend from the model on which the function is acting upon.


This is a perfect spot for a dynamic form. The general idea is to make a form which lists all of the items to the user and a dropdown menu of actions. So this easily maps to a ModelMultipleChoiceField and a ChoiceField.

from django import forms def action_formset(qset, actions): """A form factory which returns a form which allows the user to pick a specific action to perform on a chosen subset of items from a queryset. """ class _ActionForm(forms.Form): items = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(queryset = qset) actions = forms.ChoiceField(choices = zip(actions, actions)) return _ActionForm #in your views.py def action_view(request): qset = Item.objects.all() #some way to get your items actions = ('tuple', 'of', 'action', 'names') formclass = action_formset(qset, actions) if request.method == 'POST': #deal with chosen items form = formclass(request.POST) chosen_action = form.cleaned_data['action'] chosen_qset = form.cleaned_data['items'] #do something with items return ... #deal with a GET request form = formclass() return ...

Then just display this form in a template like you would any other. Hope that helps.



本文发布于:2023-11-28 18:06:17,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:管理员   操作   喜欢   用户   django


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