
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-08 00:26:41
本文介绍了如何使用pyglet播放流音频?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述


The goal of this question is trying to figure out how to play streaming audio using pyglet. The first is just making sure you're able to play mp3 files using pyglet, that's the purpose of this first snippet:

import sys import inspect import requests import pyglet from pyglet.media import * pyglet.lib.load_library('avbin') pyglet.have_avbin = True def url_to_filename(url): return url.split('/')[-1] def download_file(url, filename=None): filename = filename or url_to_filename(url) with open(filename, "wb") as f: print("Downloading %s" % filename) response = requests.get(url, stream=True) total_length = response.headers.get('content-length') if total_length is None: f.write(response.content) else: dl = 0 total_length = int(total_length) for data in response.iter_content(chunk_size=4096): dl += len(data) f.write(data) done = int(50 * dl / total_length) sys.stdout.write("\r[%s%s]" % ('=' * done, ' ' * (50 - done))) sys.stdout.flush() url = "freemusicarchive/file/music/ccCommunity/DASK/Abiogenesis/DASK_-_08_-_Protocell.mp3" filename = "mcve.mp3" download_file(url, filename) music = pyglet.media.load(filename) music.play() pyglet.app.run()

如果您已经安装了库pip install pyglet requests,并且还同时安装了 AVBin 要点,一旦下载了mp3,便应该能够收听.

If you've installed the libraries pip install pyglet requests and also installed AVBin at this point you should be able to listen the mp3 once it's been downloaded.

到达这一点后,我想弄清楚如何玩&使用pyglet + request以与大多数现有的网络视频/音频播放器类似的方式缓冲文件.这意味着无需等待文件完全下载即可播放文件.

Once we've reached this point, I'd like to figure out how to play & buffering the file in a similar way to mostly of the existing web video/audio players using pyglet+requests. This means playing the files without waiting till the file has been downloaded completely.


After reading the pyglet media docs you can see there are available these classes:

media sources base AudioData AudioFormat Source SourceGroup SourceInfo StaticSource StreamingSource VideoFormat player Player PlayerGroup


I've seen there are another similar SO questions but they haven't been solved properly and their content doesn't provide a lot of relevant details:

  • 使用pyglet播放流音频
  • 如何可以在不使用pyglet将音频流保存到文件的情况下播放音频流吗?
  • Play streaming audio using pyglet
  • How can I play audio stream without saving it into the file with pyglet?


That's why I've created a new question. How do you play streaming audio using pyglet? Could you provide a little example using the above mcve as a base?



Assuming you don't want to import a new package to do this for you - this can be done with a bit of effort.


First, let's head over to the Pyglet source code and have a look at media.load in media/__init__.py.

"""Load a Source from a file. All decoders that are registered for the filename extension are tried. If none succeed, the exception from the first decoder is raised. You can also specifically pass a decoder to use. :Parameters: `filename` : str Used to guess the media format, and to load the file if `file` is unspecified. `file` : file-like object or None Source of media data in any supported format. `streaming` : bool If `False`, a :class:`StaticSource` will be returned; otherwise (default) a :class:`~pyglet.media.StreamingSource` is created. `decoder` : MediaDecoder or None A specific decoder you wish to use, rather than relying on automatic detection. If specified, no other decoders are tried. :rtype: StreamingSource or Source """ if decoder: return decoder.decode(file, filename, streaming) else: first_exception = None for decoder in get_decoders(filename): try: loaded_source = decoder.decode(file, filename, streaming) return loaded_source except MediaDecodeException as e: if not first_exception or first_exception.exception_priority < e.exception_priority: first_exception = e # TODO: Review this: # The FFmpeg codec attempts to decode anything, so this codepath won't be reached. if not first_exception: raise MediaDecodeException('No decoders are available for this media format.') raise first_exception add_default_media_codecs()

此处的关键行是loaded_source = decoder.decode(...).本质上,要加载音频,Pyglet会获取一个文件并将其传输到媒体解码器(例如FFMPEG),然后媒体解码器会返回Pyglet可以使用内置Player类播放的帧"或数据包的列表.如果音频格式是压缩的(例如mp3或aac),则Pyglet将使用外部库(当前仅支持AVBin)将其转换为原始的解压缩音频.您可能已经知道其中一些.

The critical line here is loaded_source = decoder.decode(...). Essentially, to load audio Pyglet takes a file and hauls it over to a media decoder (eg. FFMPEG), which then returns a list of 'frames' or packets that Pyglet can play with a built-in Player class. If the audio format is compressed (eg. mp3 or aac), Pyglet will use an external library (currently only AVBin is supported) to convert it to raw, decompressed audio. You probably already know some of this.


So if we want to see how we can stuff a stream of bytes into Pyglet's audio engine rather than a file, we'll need to take a look at one of the decoders. For this example, let's use FFMPEG as it's the easiest to access.


class FFmpegDecoder(object): def get_file_extensions(self): return ['.mp3', '.ogg'] def decode(self, file, filename, streaming): if streaming: return FFmpegSource(filename, file) else: return StaticSource(FFmpegSource(filename, file))

它继承的对象"是在media/codecs/__init__.py中找到的MediaDecoder.回到media/__init__.py中的load函数,您将看到pyglet将基于文件扩展名选择MediaDecoder,然后以文件作为参数返回其decode函数,以以数据包流的形式获取音频.该数据包流是一个Source对象.每个解码器都有自己的风格,形式为StaticSource或StreamingSource.前者用于将音频存储在内存中,后者用于立即播放. FFmpeg的解码器仅支持StreamingSource.

The 'object' it inherits from is MediaDecoder, found in media/codecs/__init__.py. Back at the load function in media/__init__.py, you'll see pyglet will choose a MediaDecoder based on file extension, then return its decode function with the file as a parameter to get the audio in the form of a packet stream. That packet stream is a Source object; each decoder has its own flavor, in the form of StaticSource or StreamingSource. The former is used to store audio in memory, and the latter to play it immediately. FFmpeg's decoder only supports StreamingSource.


We can see that FFMPEG's is FFmpegSource, also located in media/codecs/ffmpeg.py. We find this Goliath of a class:

class FFmpegSource(StreamingSource): # Max increase/decrease of original sample size SAMPLE_CORRECTION_PERCENT_MAX = 10 def __init__(self, filename, file=None): if file is not None: raise NotImplementedError('Loading from file stream is not supported') self._file = ffmpeg_open_filename(asbytes_filename(filename)) if not self._file: raise FFmpegException('Could not open "{0}"'.format(filename)) self._video_stream = None self._video_stream_index = None self._audio_stream = None self._audio_stream_index = None self._audio_format = None self.img_convert_ctx = POINTER(SwsContext)() self.audio_convert_ctx = POINTER(SwrContext)() file_info = ffmpeg_file_info(self._file) self.info = SourceInfo() self.info.title = file_info.title self.info.author = file_info.author self.info.copyright = file_info.copyright self.infoment = file_infoment self.info.album = file_info.album self.info.year = file_info.year self.info.track = file_info.track self.info.genre = file_info.genre # Pick the first video and audio streams found, ignore others. for i in range(file_info.n_streams): info = ffmpeg_stream_info(self._file, i) if isinstance(info, StreamVideoInfo) and self._video_stream is None: stream = ffmpeg_open_stream(self._file, i) self.video_format = VideoFormat( width=info.width, height=info.height) if info.sample_aspect_num != 0: self.video_format.sample_aspect = ( float(info.sample_aspect_num) / info.sample_aspect_den) self.video_format.frame_rate = ( float(info.frame_rate_num) / info.frame_rate_den) self._video_stream = stream self._video_stream_index = i elif (isinstance(info, StreamAudioInfo) and info.sample_bits in (8, 16) and self._audio_stream is None): stream = ffmpeg_open_stream(self._file, i) self.audio_format = AudioFormat( channels=min(2, info.channels), sample_size=info.sample_bits, sample_rate=info.sample_rate) self._audio_stream = stream self._audio_stream_index = i channel_input = avutil.av_get_default_channel_layout(info.channels) channels_out = min(2, info.channels) channel_output = avutil.av_get_default_channel_layout(channels_out) sample_rate = stream.codec_context.contents.sample_rate sample_format = stream.codec_context.contents.sample_fmt if sample_format in (AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8P): self.tgt_format = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8 elif sample_format in (AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16P): self.tgt_format = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16 elif sample_format in (AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32P): self.tgt_format = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32 elif sample_format in (AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLTP): self.tgt_format = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16 else: raise FFmpegException('Audio format not supported.') self.audio_convert_ctx = swresample.swr_alloc_set_opts(None, channel_output, self.tgt_format, sample_rate, channel_input, sample_format, sample_rate, 0, None) if (not self.audio_convert_ctx or swresample.swr_init(self.audio_convert_ctx) < 0): swresample.swr_free(self.audio_convert_ctx) raise FFmpegException('Cannot create sample rate converter.') self._packet = ffmpeg_init_packet() self._events = [] # They don't seem to be used! self.audioq = deque() # Make queue big enough to accomodate 1.2 sec? self._max_len_audioq = 50 # Need to figure out a correct amount if self.audio_format: # Buffer 1 sec worth of audio self._audio_buffer = \ (c_uint8 * ffmpeg_get_audio_buffer_size(self.audio_format))() self.videoq = deque() self._max_len_videoq = 50 # Need to figure out a correct amount self.start_time = self._get_start_time() self._duration = timestamp_from_ffmpeg(file_info.duration) self._duration -= self.start_time # Flag to determine if the _fillq method was already scheduled self._fillq_scheduled = False self._fillq() # Don't understand why, but some files show that seeking without # reading the first few packets results in a seeking where we lose # many packets at the beginning. # We only seek back to 0 for media which have a start_time > 0 if self.start_time > 0: self.seek(0.0) --- [A few hundred lines more...] --- def get_next_video_timestamp(self): if not self.video_format: return if self.videoq: while True: # We skip video packets which are not video frames # This happens in mkv files for the first few frames. video_packet = self.videoq[0] if video_packet.image == 0: self._decode_video_packet(video_packet) if video_packet.image is not None: break self._get_video_packet() ts = video_packet.timestamp else: ts = None if _debug: print('Next video timestamp is', ts) return ts def get_next_video_frame(self, skip_empty_frame=True): if not self.video_format: return while True: # We skip video packets which are not video frames # This happens in mkv files for the first few frames. video_packet = self._get_video_packet() if video_packet.image == 0: self._decode_video_packet(video_packet) if video_packet.image is not None or not skip_empty_frame: break if _debug: print('Returning', video_packet) return video_packet.image def _get_start_time(self): def streams(): format_context = self._file.context for idx in (self._video_stream_index, self._audio_stream_index): if idx is None: continue stream = format_context.contents.streams[idx].contents yield stream def start_times(streams): yield 0 for stream in streams: start = stream.start_time if start == AV_NOPTS_VALUE: yield 0 start_time = avutil.av_rescale_q(start, stream.time_base, AV_TIME_BASE_Q) start_time = timestamp_from_ffmpeg(start_time) yield start_time return max(start_times(streams())) @property def audio_format(self): return self._audio_format @audio_format.setter def audio_format(self, value): self._audio_format = value if value is None: self.audioq.clear()

您将在此处感兴趣的行是self._file = ffmpeg_open_filename(asbytes_filename(filename)).这使我们再次来到media/codecs/ffmpeg.py:

The line you'll be interested in here is self._file = ffmpeg_open_filename(asbytes_filename(filename)). This brings us here, once again in media/codecs/ffmpeg.py:

def ffmpeg_open_filename(filename): """Open the media file. :rtype: FFmpegFile :return: The structure containing all the information for the media. """ file = FFmpegFile() # TODO: delete this structure and use directly AVFormatContext result = avformat.avformat_open_input(byref(file.context), filename, None, None) if result != 0: raise FFmpegException('Error opening file ' + filename.decode("utf8")) result = avformat.avformat_find_stream_info(file.context, None) if result < 0: raise FFmpegException('Could not find stream info') return file


and this is where things get messy: it calls to a ctypes function (avformat_open_input) that when given a file, will grab its details and fill out all the information it needs for our FFmpegSource class. With some work, you should be able to get avformat_open_input to take a bytes object rather than a path to a file which it will open to get the same information. I'd love to do this and include a working example, but I don't have the time right now. You'd then need to make a new ffmpeg_open_filename function utilizing the new avformat_open_input function, and then a new FFmpegSource class utilizing the new ffmpeg_open_filename function. All you need now is a new FFmpegDecoder class utilizing the new FFmpegSource class.


You could then implement this by adding it to your pyglet package directly. After, you'd want to add support for a byte object argument in the load() function (located in media/__init__.py and override the decoder to your new one. And there, you would now be able to stream audio without saving it.

或者,您可以简单地使用已经支持它的软件包. Python-vlc 可以.您可以使用示例在这里播放链接中想要的任何音频.如果您不只是为了挑战而这样做,我强烈建议您使用其他软件包.否则:祝你好运.

Or, you could simply use a package that already supports it. Python-vlc does. You could use the example here to play whatever audio you'd like from a link. If you aren't doing this just for a challenge, I would strongly recommend you use another package. Otherwise: good luck.



本文发布于:2023-11-28 08:05:36,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:流音   如何使用   pyglet


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