更改按钮颜色onPress(切换功能)React Native

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-08 10:49:36
本文介绍了更改按钮颜色onPress(切换功能)React Native的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 希望一切顺利。



'use strict'; var React = require('react-native'); var Dimensions = require('Dimensions'); var window = Dimensions.get('window'); var Icon = require('react-native-vector-icons / FontAwesome'); var { AppRegistry,样式表,文字,查看, NavigatorIOS,图片, TouchableHighlight, TextInput,} = React; 类LS1扩展React.Component { 构造函数(道具){ super(道具); this.state = { paleo:false,素食:假,素食:假, nutfree:false, dairyfree:false, healthy:false, glutenfree:false,} } SkipLogin(){ var num = window.height / 8.335; console.log(num); } render(){ return(< View style = {styles.container}> < Image source = {require ('image!LS1')} style = {styles.bgImage}> < Text style = {styles.icontext}>帮助我们了解您的饮食生活方式。< / Text> < View style = {styles.container}> < View style = {{flex:1,alignItems:'center',flexDirection:'row',justifyContent:'center', marginTop:-20}}> < TouchableHighlight underlayColor ='rgba(73,182,77,1,0.9)'style = {styles.bubblechoice}> < Image style = {styles。 bubblechoice} source = {require('image!vegan')}> < View style = {styles.overlay}> < Text style = {styles.choicetext}> Vegan< /文字> < /查看> < /图片> < / TouchableHighlight> & LT; TouchableHighlight underlayColor ='rgba(73,182,77,1,0.6)'style = {styles.bubblechoice}> < Image style = {styles.bubblechoice} source = {require('image!paleo')}> < View style = {styles.overlay}> < Text style = {styles.choicetext}> Paleo< / Text> < /查看> < / Image> < / TouchableHighlight> < TouchableHighlight underlayColor ='rgba(73,182,77,1,0.6)'style = {styles.bubblechoice}> < Image style = {styles.bubblechoice} source = {require('image!nutfree')}> < View style = {styles.overlay}> < Text style = {styles.choicetext}> Nut-Free< / Text> < /查看> < / Image> < / TouchableHighlight> < TouchableHighlight underlayColor ='rgba(73,182,77,1,0.6)'style = {styles.bubblechoice}> < Image style = {styles.bubblechoice} source = {require('image!glutenfree')}> < View style = {styles.overlay}> < Text style = {styles.choicetext}>无麸质< / Text> < /查看> < / Image> < / TouchableHighlight> < /查看> < View style = {{flex:1,alignItems:'center',flexDirection:'row',justifyContent:'center',marginTop:-50}}> < TouchableHighlight underlayColor ='rgba(73,182,77,1,0.6)'style = {styles.bubblechoice}> < Image style = {styles.bubblechoice} source = {require('image!dairyfree')}> < View style = {styles.overlay}> < Text style = {styles.choicetext}> Dairy-Free< / Text> < /查看> < / Image> < / TouchableHighlight> < TouchableHighlight underlayColor ='rgba(73,182,77,1,0.6)'style = {styles.bubblechoice}> < Image style = {styles.bubblechoice} source = {require('image!vegetarian')}> < View style = {styles.overlay}> < Text style = {styles.choicetext}>素食< / Text> < /查看> < / Image> < / TouchableHighlight> < TouchableHighlight underlayColor ='rgba(73,182,77,1,1)'style = {styles.bubblechoice}> < Image style = {styles.bubblechoice} source = {require('image!healthy')}> < View style = {styles.overlay}> < Text style = {styles.choicetext}> Healthy< / Text> < /查看> < / Image> < / TouchableHighlight> < /查看> < /查看> < Image source = {require('image!nextbtn')} style = {{resizeMode:'contains',width:200,height:50,alignSelf:'center',marginBottom:50 }} /> < TouchableHighlight onPress = {this.SkipLogin.bind(this)} underlayColor ='transparent'> < View style = {{backgroundColor:'transparent',alignItems:'center',marginBottom:8}}> <文字>跳过此步骤< / Text> < /查看> < / TouchableHighlight> < / Image> < /查看> ); } }; var styles = StyleSheet.create({容器:{ flex:1, justifyContent:'center', alignItems:'center' , backgroundColor:'transparent'}, bgImage:{ flex:1, width:window.width, resizeMode:'cover' ,}, icontext:{ color:'#5d5d5d', fontWeight:'400', fontSize:20, backgroundColor:'透明', paddingLeft:10, alignItems:'center', marginTop:window.height / 2.2, textAlign:'center', margin:10 ,}, bubblechoice_click:{ height:window.height / 8.335, borderRadius:(window.height / 8.3350)/ 2, marginRight:2, 宽度:window.height / 8.335,}, bubblechoice:{ height:window.height / 8.335, borderRadius:(window.height / 8.3350) / 2, marginRight:2,宽度:window.height / 8.335, },行:{ flex:1, alignItems:'center', flexDirection:'row', justifyContent:'center', marginTop:-30,}, choicetext:{ alignItems:'center', alignSelf:'center', color:'white', marginTop:35, fontWeight:'600', marginLeft:-18, fontSize:14, flex:1, textAlign:'center '}, overlay:{ backgroundColor:'rgba(80,94,104,0.7)',身高:100,宽度:100, alignItems:'center'}, }); module.exports = LS1;




我认为你应退后一步做一些基本的反应在深入研究React Native之前的教程 - 这是一个相当简单的问题要解决:)这里有一个解决方案:

'用严格'; var React = require('react-native'); var Dimensions = require('Dimensions'); var window = Dimensions.get('window'); var { AppRegistry,样式表,文本,查看, NavigatorIOS,图像, TouchableHighlight, TextInput,} = React; class ToggleButton扩展React.Component { render(){ return(< TouchableHighlight underlayColor ='rgba(73,182,77,1) ,0.9)'style = {styles.bubblechoice} onPress = {this.props.onPress}> < Image style = {styles.bubblechoice} source = {{uri:'https://facebook.github .io / react / img / logo_og.png'}}> < View style = {[styles.overlay,this.props.selected?{backgroundColor:'rgba(80,94,104,0)'} :{}]}> <文字样式= {styles.choicetext}> {this.props.label}< /文字> < / View> < / Image> < / TouchableHighlight> ); } } 类LS1扩展React.Component { 构造函数(道具){ super(道具) ; this.state = { paleo:false,素食主义者:假,素食:假,} } updateChoice(type){ let newState = {... this.state}; newState [type] =!newState [type]; this.setState(newState); } SkipLogin(){ var num = window.height / 8.335; console.log(num); } render(){ return(< View style = {styles.container}> < View style = {styles .bgImage}> < Text style = {styles.icontext}>帮助我们了解您的饮食生活方式。< / Text> < View style = {styles .container}> < View style = {{flex:1,alignItems:'center',flexDirection:'row',justifyContent:'center',marginTop:-20}}> < ToggleButton label ='Vegan'onPress = {()=> {this.updateChoice('vegan')}} selected = {this.state.vegan} /> < ToggleButton label ='Paleo 'onPress = {()=> {this.updateChoice('paleo')}} selected = {this.state.paleo} /> < ToggleButton label ='Vegetarian'onPress = {()= > {this.updateChoice('vegetarian')}} selected = {this.state.vegetarian} /> < / View> < / View> < TouchableHighli ght onPress = {this.SkipLogin.bind(this)} underlayColor ='transparent'> < View style = {{backgroundColor:'transparent',alignItems:'center',marginBottom:8}}> <文字>跳过此步骤< / Text> < /查看> < / TouchableHighlight> < / View> < /查看> ); } }; var styles = StyleSheet.create({容器:{ flex:1, justifyContent:'center', alignItems:'center' , backgroundColor:'transparent'}, bgImage:{ flex:1, width:window.width, resizeMode:'cover' ,}, icontext:{ color:'#5d5d5d', fontWeight:'400', fontSize:20, backgroundColor:'透明', paddingLeft:10, alignItems:'center', marginTop:window.height / 2.2, textAlign:'center', margin:10 ,}, bubblechoice_click:{ height:window.height / 8.335, borderRadius:(window.height / 8.3350)/ 2, marginRight:2, 宽度:window.height / 8.335,}, bubblechoice:{ height:window.height / 8.335, borderRadius:(window.height / 8.3350) / 2, marginRight:2,宽度:window.height / 8.335, },行:{ flex:1, alignItems:'center', flexDirection:'row', justifyContent:'center', marginTop:-30,}, choicetext:{ alignItems:'center', alignSelf:'center', color:'white', marginTop:35, fontWeight:'600', marginLeft:-18, fontSize:14, flex:1, textAlign:'center '}, overlay:{ backgroundColor:'rgba(80,94,104,0.7)',身高:100,宽度:100, alignItems:'center'}, }); module.exports = LS1; AppRegistry.registerComponent('main',()=> LS1);

您可以通过从exponentjs/ (app store或beta,无论你喜欢哪个)然后加载exp://exp.host/@brentvatne/button-color-exp

hope all is well.

I seem to be having difficulty with a basic button functionality. All I need is the state of the class to change and the button style to change every-time the button is pressed. Unlike TouchableHighlight, I need to color change to stay until the button is pressed again (to go back to the original color).

I have tried to use SwitchIOS but it doesn't seem to be easily styled into a circular button, and therefore doesn't really work out. I am a novice so still learning and would greatly appreciate your help. Here is what I have so far:

'use strict'; var React = require('react-native'); var Dimensions = require('Dimensions'); var window = Dimensions.get('window'); var Icon = require('react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome'); var { AppRegistry, StyleSheet, Text, View, NavigatorIOS, Image, TouchableHighlight, TextInput, } = React; class LS1 extends React.Component{ constructor(props){ super(props); this.state = { paleo: false, vegan: false, vegetarian: false, nutfree: false, dairyfree: false, healthy: false, glutenfree: false, } } SkipLogin() { var num = window.height/8.335; console.log(num); } render() { return ( <View style={styles.container}> <Image source={require('image!LS1')} style={styles.bgImage}> <Text style={styles.icontext}>Help us get to know your dietary lifestyle.</Text> <View style={styles.container}> <View style={{flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', flexDirection: 'row',justifyContent: 'center',marginTop:-20}}> <TouchableHighlight underlayColor='rgba(73,182,77,1,0.9)' style={styles.bubblechoice}> <Image style={styles.bubblechoice} source={require('image!vegan')}> <View style={styles.overlay}> <Text style={styles.choicetext}>Vegan</Text> </View> </Image> </TouchableHighlight> <TouchableHighlight underlayColor='rgba(73,182,77,1,0.6)' style={styles.bubblechoice} > <Image style={styles.bubblechoice} source={require('image!paleo')}> <View style={styles.overlay}> <Text style={styles.choicetext}>Paleo</Text> </View> </Image> </TouchableHighlight> <TouchableHighlight underlayColor='rgba(73,182,77,1,0.6)' style={styles.bubblechoice} > <Image style={styles.bubblechoice} source={require('image!nutfree')}> <View style={styles.overlay}> <Text style={styles.choicetext}>Nut-Free</Text> </View> </Image> </TouchableHighlight> <TouchableHighlight underlayColor='rgba(73,182,77,1,0.6)' style={styles.bubblechoice} > <Image style={styles.bubblechoice} source={require('image!glutenfree')}> <View style={styles.overlay}> <Text style={styles.choicetext}>Gluten-Free</Text> </View> </Image> </TouchableHighlight> </View> <View style={{flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', flexDirection: 'row',justifyContent: 'center',marginTop:-50}}> <TouchableHighlight underlayColor='rgba(73,182,77,1,0.6)' style={styles.bubblechoice} > <Image style={styles.bubblechoice} source={require('image!dairyfree')}> <View style={styles.overlay}> <Text style={styles.choicetext}>Dairy-Free</Text> </View> </Image> </TouchableHighlight> <TouchableHighlight underlayColor='rgba(73,182,77,1,0.6)' style={styles.bubblechoice} > <Image style={styles.bubblechoice} source={require('image!vegetarian')}> <View style={styles.overlay}> <Text style={styles.choicetext}>Vegetarian</Text> </View> </Image> </TouchableHighlight> <TouchableHighlight underlayColor='rgba(73,182,77,1,1)' style={styles.bubblechoice} > <Image style={styles.bubblechoice} source={require('image!healthy')}> <View style={styles.overlay}> <Text style={styles.choicetext}>Healthy</Text> </View> </Image> </TouchableHighlight> </View> </View> <Image source={require('image!nextbtn')} style={{resizeMode: 'contain', width:200, height:50, alignSelf: 'center', marginBottom: 50}}/> <TouchableHighlight onPress={this.SkipLogin.bind(this)} underlayColor='transparent'> <View style={{backgroundColor: 'transparent', alignItems: 'center', marginBottom: 8}}> <Text>skip this step</Text> </View> </TouchableHighlight> </Image> </View> ); } }; var styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', backgroundColor: 'transparent' }, bgImage: { flex: 1, width: window.width, resizeMode: 'cover', }, icontext: { color: '#5d5d5d', fontWeight: '400', fontSize: 20, backgroundColor: 'transparent', paddingLeft: 10, alignItems: 'center', marginTop: window.height/2.2, textAlign: 'center', margin: 10, }, bubblechoice_click: { height: window.height/8.335, borderRadius: (window.height/8.3350)/2, marginRight: 2, width: window.height/8.335, }, bubblechoice: { height: window.height/8.335, borderRadius: (window.height/8.3350)/2, marginRight: 2, width: window.height/8.335, }, row: { flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'center', marginTop: -30, }, choicetext: { alignItems: 'center', alignSelf: 'center', color: 'white', marginTop: 35, fontWeight: '600', marginLeft: -18, fontSize: 14, flex: 1, textAlign: 'center' }, overlay: { backgroundColor:'rgba(80,94,104,0.7)', height: 100, width: 100, alignItems:'center' }, }); module.exports = LS1;

And here is a visual of what that produces:

Here's what the button should look like after being selected:


I think you should take a step back and do some basic React tutorials before digging too much into React Native - this is a fairly straightforward problem to solve :) Here's a solution for you:

'use strict'; var React = require('react-native'); var Dimensions = require('Dimensions'); var window = Dimensions.get('window'); var { AppRegistry, StyleSheet, Text, View, NavigatorIOS, Image, TouchableHighlight, TextInput, } = React; class ToggleButton extends React.Component { render() { return ( <TouchableHighlight underlayColor='rgba(73,182,77,1,0.9)' style={styles.bubblechoice} onPress={this.props.onPress}> <Image style={styles.bubblechoice} source={{uri: 'facebook.github.io/react/img/logo_og.png'}}> <View style={[styles.overlay, this.props.selected ? {backgroundColor: 'rgba(80,94,104,0)'} : {}]}> <Text style={styles.choicetext}>{this.props.label}</Text> </View> </Image> </TouchableHighlight> ); } } class LS1 extends React.Component{ constructor(props){ super(props); this.state = { paleo: false, vegan: false, vegetarian: false, } } updateChoice(type) { let newState = {...this.state}; newState[type] = !newState[type]; this.setState(newState); } SkipLogin() { var num = window.height/8.335; console.log(num); } render() { return ( <View style={styles.container}> <View style={styles.bgImage}> <Text style={styles.icontext}>Help us get to know your dietary lifestyle.</Text> <View style={styles.container}> <View style={{flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', flexDirection: 'row',justifyContent: 'center',marginTop:-20}}> <ToggleButton label='Vegan' onPress={() => { this.updateChoice('vegan') }} selected={this.state.vegan} /> <ToggleButton label='Paleo' onPress={() => { this.updateChoice('paleo') }} selected={this.state.paleo} /> <ToggleButton label='Vegetarian' onPress={() => { this.updateChoice('vegetarian') }} selected={this.state.vegetarian} /> </View> </View> <TouchableHighlight onPress={this.SkipLogin.bind(this)} underlayColor='transparent'> <View style={{backgroundColor: 'transparent', alignItems: 'center', marginBottom: 8}}> <Text>skip this step</Text> </View> </TouchableHighlight> </View> </View> ); } }; var styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', backgroundColor: 'transparent' }, bgImage: { flex: 1, width: window.width, resizeMode: 'cover', }, icontext: { color: '#5d5d5d', fontWeight: '400', fontSize: 20, backgroundColor: 'transparent', paddingLeft: 10, alignItems: 'center', marginTop: window.height/2.2, textAlign: 'center', margin: 10, }, bubblechoice_click: { height: window.height/8.335, borderRadius: (window.height/8.3350)/2, marginRight: 2, width: window.height/8.335, }, bubblechoice: { height: window.height/8.335, borderRadius: (window.height/8.3350)/2, marginRight: 2, width: window.height/8.335, }, row: { flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'center', marginTop: -30, }, choicetext: { alignItems: 'center', alignSelf: 'center', color: 'white', marginTop: 35, fontWeight: '600', marginLeft: -18, fontSize: 14, flex: 1, textAlign: 'center' }, overlay: { backgroundColor:'rgba(80,94,104,0.7)', height: 100, width: 100, alignItems:'center' }, }); module.exports = LS1; AppRegistry.registerComponent('main', () => LS1);

You can try it out by downloading Exponent to your phone from exponentjs/ (app store or beta, whichever you prefer) then loading up exp://exp.host/@brentvatne/button-color-exp


更改按钮颜色onPress(切换功能)React Native

本文发布于:2023-11-27 21:27:36,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:按钮   颜色   功能   onPress   React


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