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本文介绍了预定的工作的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述

对这篇文章赞不绝口: www.aspfaq/show.asp?id=2143 ,这篇文章引发了关于使用 SQL Server作业的文章: www.aspfaq/show.asp?id=2403 这是我的问题:我有一个内联网应用程序跟踪科技支票支持。老板想要这样,根据票的严重程度,我们进入数据库并每隔15分钟左右检查一下,看看票是否是处理。如果在接受的时间内没有检测到任何活动, 则会自动将电子邮件发送给某些经理, 上面引用的第一篇文章提供了4个选项,在我的情况下,最后两个不是的可能性。我倾向于选择2,这是SQL 的工作,但会接受建议。 这里有人知道更好的解决方案吗? /> 我应该补充说存储过程不是一个选项。长篇故事。


存储过程不是一种选择,但调度工作是什么?这很奇怪。 我会亲自使用SQL解决方案。或者,或者我只是购买 www.helpstar 和完成它。它是为数不多的非MS 应用程序之一,我每次使用它时都不会讨厌。这不是很糟糕,而且它已经为我的部门服务多年了。但是,我很遗憾 说我们放弃它而转向支持基于AS / 400的解决方案。 雷在工作 " middletree" < MI ******** @ htomail>在消息中写道 新闻:eo ************** @ TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl ...

只是对这篇文章进行了评论: http://www.aspfaq / show.asp?id = 2143 ,这导致本文使用a SQL Server作业: www.aspfaq/show.asp?id=2403 这是我的问题:我有一个内部网应用程序跟踪技术支持的门票。老板想要这样,根据票的严重程度,我们进入数据库并每隔15分钟左右检查一下,看看票是否正在处理。如果在接受的时间内未检测到任何活动,则会自动将电子邮件发送给某些管理员, 上面引用的第一篇文章提供了4个选项,最后两个不是'' t 在我的情况下的可能性。我倾向于选择2,这是SQL的工作,但会接受建议。 任何人都知道更好的解决方案吗? 我应该添加存储过程不是一个选项。长篇故事。

>这里的任何人都知道一个更好的解决方案吗? 这取决于为什么有些解决方案不是选项,而不是b $ b b?b />


哦,请扩展。我喜欢听到使用ad hoc SQL的借口。并且 显示任何禁止存储过程的人,本文: www.aspfaq/2201

" Aaron Bertrand - MVP" < AA *** @ TRASHaspfaq>在消息中写道 news:e5 ************** @ TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl ...


这取决于为什么有些解决方案不是选项,不是吗? 选项3以如果它是一个高流量网站开头,而且这个应用不符合符合IF条件。 选项4是使用META刷新使网页全天候打开。嗯,我需要解释为什么这不会发生吗?


哦,请扩展。我喜欢听到使用ad hoc SQL的借口。并且显示任何禁止存储过程的人,本文: http: //www.aspfaq/2201

我没有任何借口。我不能用SP,期间。我试图说服数据库的 所有者,但他并没有动摇。这是他的内联网,我的 票证跟踪应用程序只是捎带它。我需要使用他的 数据库,因为客户和员工信息已经在那里,并且没有 指向将它放在两个地方,所以我解决了他的规则。即使我想要创建我赢得的数据库,我的老板已经下令我使用 现有的内部网。他是老板。我让孩子们吃饭。我做的就是我要告诉你的b $ b。 所以我对数据库有一些权限,但不是很多。例如,如果我需要创建一个 新字段,我必须通过电子邮件向拥有它的人发送电子邮件,并且他会在一两天内完成它。 。不能做任何事情。 现在,我已经确定了,我打算写一个ASP页面,这将是b $ b检查这些东西,然后根据需要发送电子邮件,然后有一些其他的 程序,也许是一个定制的exe,它会每15分钟调用一次这个ASP文件。然后我读了这篇文章,并想,也许这个VBScript的东西可能会更好,或者一个SQL工作会更好(如果我可以把 内联网的人说成它)。

Just rand across this article: www.aspfaq/show.asp?id=2143, which led to this article on using a SQL Server job: www.aspfaq/show.asp?id=2403 Here''s my question: I have an intranet app which tracks tickets for tech support. The boss wants it so that, depending on the severity of the ticket, we go into the DB and check every 15 minutes or so to see if the ticket is being handled. If no activity is detected in an accepted amount of time, then an email gets sent automatically to certain managers, The first article cited above gives 4 options, and the last two aren''t possibilities in my case. I''m leaning toward option 2, which is the SQL job, but will take advice. Anyone here know of a better solution? I should add that stored procedures are not an option. Long story.


Stored procedures aren''t an option but scheduling jobs is? That''s odd. I''d go with the SQL solution, personally. Either that, or I''d just buy www.helpstar and be done with it. It''s one of the few non-MS applications that I don''t bitch about every single time I use it. It''s not bad, and it has served my department well for many years. But, I regret to say that we''re dropping it in favor of an AS/400 based solution. Ray at work "middletree" <mi********@htomail> wrote in message news:eo**************@TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl...

Just rand across this article: www.aspfaq/show.asp?id=2143, which led to this article on using a SQL Server job: www.aspfaq/show.asp?id=2403 Here''s my question: I have an intranet app which tracks tickets for tech support. The boss wants it so that, depending on the severity of the ticket, we go into the DB and check every 15 minutes or so to see if the ticket is being handled. If no activity is detected in an accepted amount of time, then an email gets sent automatically to certain managers, The first article cited above gives 4 options, and the last two aren''t possibilities in my case. I''m leaning toward option 2, which is the SQL job, but will take advice. Anyone here know of a better solution? I should add that stored procedures are not an option. Long story.

> Anyone here know of a better solution? That kind of depends on why some of the solutions are not options, doesn''t it?

I should add that stored procedures are not an option. Long story.

Oh, please expand. I love to hear the excuses for using ad hoc SQL. And show anyone who is forbidding stored procedures, this article: www.aspfaq/2201

"Aaron Bertrand - MVP" <aa***@TRASHaspfaq> wrote in message news:e5**************@TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl...

Anyone here know of a better solution?

That kind of depends on why some of the solutions are not options, doesn''t it?

Option 3 starts with, "If it''s a high-traffic site", and this app does not fit that IF condition. Option 4 is to have the web page open 24/7 using META refresh. Um, do I need to explain why this isn''t gonna happen?

I should add that stored procedures are not an option. Long story.

Oh, please expand. I love to hear the excuses for using ad hoc SQL. And show anyone who is forbidding stored procedures, this article: www.aspfaq/2201

I offer no excuses. I can''t use SP, period. I have tried to convince the owner of the database, but he ain''t budging. It''s his Intranet, and my ticket tracking app simply does a piggy-back onto that. I need to use his database because customer and employee info is already in there, and no point in having it in two places, so I work around his rules. Even if I wanted to create my won DB, my boss has already decreed that I use the existing intranet one. He''s the boss. I got kids to feed. I do what I''m told. So I have some permissions on the DB, but not a lot. If I need to create a new field, for example, I have to email the guy who owns it, and he gets it done in a day or two. Can''t do anything about it. Now, having established that, I was going to write an ASP page which would check these things, then send the emails as needed, and then have some other program, maybe a custom-built exe, which would call this ASP file every 15 minutes. Then I read the article, and thought, maybe this VBScript thing woudl be better, or maybe a SQL job would be better (If I can talk the Intranet guy into it).



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