
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-25 14:34:23
本文介绍了查询超时6小时后,如何优化?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述

我有两个表,分别是 shapes 和 squares ,这些表是根据 GEOGRAHPY 列的交集加入的.

I have two tables, shapes and squares, that I'm joining based on intersections of GEOGRAHPY columns.

shapes 表包含车辆的行驶路线:

The shapes table contains travel routes for vehicles:

shape_key STRING identifier for the shape shape_lines ARRAY<GEOGRAPHY> consecutive line segments making up the shape shape_geography GEOGRAPHY the union of all shape_lines shape_length_km FLOAT64 length of the shape in kilometers Rows: 65k Size: 718 MB

我们将 shape_lines 分隔在 ARRAY 中,因为形状有时会自身重返,我们希望将这些线段分隔开,而不是将它们重复数据消除.

We keep shape_lines separated out in an ARRAY because shapes sometimes double back on themselves, and we want to keep those line segments separate instead of deduplicating them.

squares 表包含1×1 km正方形的网格:

The squares table contains a grid of 1×1 km squares:

square_key INT64 identifier of the grid square square_geography GEOGRAPHY four-cornered polygon describing the grid square Rows: 102k Size: 15 MB


The shapes represent travel routes for vehicles. For each shape, we have computed emissions of harmful substances in a separate table. The aim is to calculate the emissions per grid square, assuming that they are evenly distributed along the route. To that end, we need to know what portion of the route shape intersects with each grid cell.


Here's the query to compute that:

SELECT shape_key, square_key, SAFE_DIVIDE( ( SELECT SUM(ST_LENGTH(ST_INTERSECTION(line, square_geography))) / 1000 FROM UNNEST(shape_lines) AS line ), shape_length_km) AS square_portion FROM shapes, squares WHERE ST_INTERSECTS(shape_geography, square_geography)


Sadly, this query times out after 6 hours instead of producing a useful result.

在最坏的情况下,查询可以产生66亿行,但实际上不会发生.我估计每个形状通常相交可能是50个网格正方形,因此输出应为65k * 50 = 3.3M行;BigQuery不应该处理的所有内容.

In the worst case, the query can produce 6.6 billion rows, but that will not happen in practice. I estimate that each shape typically intersects maybe 50 grid squares, so the output should be around 65k * 50 = 3.3M rows; nothing that BigQuery shouldn't be able to handle.


I have considered the geographic join optimizations performed by BigQuery:

空间联接是 WHERE 子句中具有谓词地理功能的两个表的联接.

Spatial JOINs are joins of two tables with a predicate geographic function in the WHERE clause.

检查.我什至将我的 INNER JOIN 重写为上面所示的等效逗号"联接.

Check. I even rewrote my INNER JOIN to the equivalent "comma" join shown above.


Spatial joins perform better when your geography data is persisted.

检查. shape_geography 和 square_geography 都直接来自现有表格.

Check. Both shape_geography and square_geography come straight from existing tables.

BigQuery使用以下标准SQL谓词函数为INNER JOIN和CROSS JOIN运算符实现了优化的空间JOIN:[...] ST_Intersects

检查.只需一个 ST_Intersect 调用,没有其他条件.

Check. Just a single ST_Intersect call, no other conditions.

空间连接未优化:对于LEFT,RIGHT或FULL OUTER连接;如果涉及到ANTI联接;当空间谓词取反时.

Spatial joins are not optimized: for LEFT, RIGHT or FULL OUTER joins; in cases involving ANTI joins; when the spatial predicate is negated.


Check. None of these cases apply.


So I think BigQuery should be able to optimize this join using whatever spatial indexing data structures it uses.



Avoid joins that generate more outputs than inputs.


This query definitely generates more outputs than inputs; that's in its nature and cannot be avoided.

当需要 CROSS JOIN 时,请预先汇总您的数据.

When a CROSS JOIN is required, pre-aggregate your data.


To avoid performance issues associated with joins that generate more outputs than inputs:

  • 使用GROUP BY子句预聚合数据.

检查.我已经预先汇总了按形状分组的排放数据,以便 shapes 表中的每个形状都是唯一且不同的.

Check. I already pre-aggregated the emissions data grouped by shapes, so that each shape in the shapes table is unique and distinct.

  • 使用窗口功能.窗口功能通常比使用交叉联接更有效.有关更多信息,请参见分析函数.
  • 我认为无法在此查询中使用窗口函数.

    I don't think it's possible to use a window function for this query.


    I suspect that BigQuery allocates resources based on the number of input rows, not on the size of the intermediate tables or output. That would explain the pathological behaviour I'm seeing.


    How can I make this query run in reasonable time?


    我认为 squares 被倒置,导致地球多边形几乎满了.

    I think the squares got inverted, resulting in almost-full Earth polygons:

    select st_area(square_geography), * from `open-transport-data.public.squares`

    打印结果,如 5.1E14 -完整的地球仪区域.因此,任何一条线都几乎与所有正方形相交.有关详细信息,请参见BigQuery文档: cloud.google/bigquery/docs/gis-data#polygon_orientation

    Prints results like 5.1E14 - which is full globe area. So any line intersects almost all the squares. See BigQuery doc for details : cloud.google/bigquery/docs/gis-data#polygon_orientation

    您可以通过运行 ST_GeogFromText(wkt,FALSE)反转它们-选择较小的多边形,而忽略多边形的方向,这相当快:

    You can invert them by running ST_GeogFromText(wkt, FALSE) - which chooses smaller polygon, ignoring polygon orientation, this works reasonably fast:

    SELECT shape_key, square_key, SAFE_DIVIDE( ( SELECT SUM(ST_LENGTH(ST_INTERSECTION(line, square_geography))) / 1000 FROM UNNEST(shape_lines) AS line ), shape_length_km) AS square_portion FROM `open-transport-data.public.shapes`, (select square_key, st_geogfromtext(st_astext(square_geography), FALSE) as square_geography, from `open-transport-data.public.squares`) squares WHERE ST_INTERSECTS(shape_geography, square_geography)



本文发布于:2023-11-27 01:52:55,感谢您对本站的认可!


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