【李群李代数】【manif 】基于固定信标的2D机器人定位 (Error State Kalman Filter)...

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【李群李<a href=https://www.elefans.com/category/jswz/34/1757778.html style=代数】【manif 】基于固定信标的2D机器人定位 (Error State Kalman Filter)..."/>

【李群李代数】【manif 】基于固定信标的2D机器人定位 (Error State Kalman Filter)...



我们考虑一个机器人在平面上被少量的准时地标或_信标 包围。


机器人位姿 X 在 SE(2) 中,信标位置 b_k 在 R^2 中,

        | cos th  -sin th  x |

*      X = | sin th   cos th   y | //位置和方向

                    |  0     0   1 |

*     b_k = (bx_k, by_k)           // 世界坐标系中的lmk坐标 

控制信号 u 是 se(2) 中的旋量,包括纵向速度 v 和角速度 w,没有横向速度分量,在采样时间 dt 上积分。

*      u = (v*dt, 0, w*dt)

控制被带有协方差的加性高斯噪声 u_noise 破坏

*    Q = diagonal(sigma_v^2, sigma_s^2, sigma_w^2).

此噪声解释了通过 sigma_s 非零值可能出现的横向滑移 u_s,

*当控制 u 到达时,机器人位姿更新为 X <-- X * Exp(u) = X + u。


它们的噪声 n 是零均值高斯分布,并用协方差矩阵 R 指定。

我们注意到刚性运动动作 y = h(X,b) = X^-1 * b

*     y_k = (brx_k, bry_k)       // 机器人坐标系中的lmk坐标

 我们考虑位于已知位置的信标 b_k。

我们将要估计的位姿定义为 SE(2) 中的 X。

估计误差 dx 及其协方差 P 在 X 处的切线空间中表示。


* * X : 机器人位姿,SE(2)

* u :机器人控制量,(v*dt ; 0 ; w*dt) in se(2)

* Q : 控制扰动协方差

* b_k : 第 k 个地标位置,R^2

* y :机器人坐标系中的笛卡尔地标测量,R^2

* R : 测量噪声的协方差

*  The motion and measurement models are运动和测量模型是

*   X_(t+1) = f(X_t, u) = X_t * Exp ( w )    //运动方程 

*   y_k     = h(X, b_k) = X^-1 * b_k          //测量方程


#include "manif/SE2.h"#include <vector>#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>using std::cout;
using std::endl;using namespace Eigen;typedef Array<double, 2, 1> Array2d;
typedef Array<double, 3, 1> Array3d;int main()
{std::srand((unsigned int) time(0));// START CONFIGURATION////const int NUMBER_OF_LMKS_TO_MEASURE = 3;// Define the robot pose element and its covariancemanif::SE2d X, X_simulation, X_unfiltered;Matrix3d    P;X_simulation.setIdentity();X.setIdentity();X_unfiltered.setIdentity();P.setZero();// Define a control vector and its noise and covariancemanif::SE2Tangentd  u_simu, u_est, u_unfilt;Vector3d            u_nom, u_noisy, u_noise;Array3d             u_sigmas;Matrix3d            U;u_nom    << 0.1, 0.0, 0.05;u_sigmas << 0.1, 0.1, 0.1;U        = (u_sigmas * u_sigmas).matrix().asDiagonal();// Declare the Jacobians of the motion wrt robot and controlmanif::SE2d::Jacobian J_x, J_u;// Define three landmarks in R^2Eigen::Vector2d b0, b1, b2, b;b0 << 2.0,  0.0;b1 << 2.0,  1.0;b2 << 2.0, -1.0;std::vector<Eigen::Vector2d> landmarks;landmarks.push_back(b0);landmarks.push_back(b1);landmarks.push_back(b2);// Define the beacon's measurementsVector2d                y, y_noise;Array2d                 y_sigmas;Matrix2d                R;std::vector<Vector2d>   measurements(landmarks.size());y_sigmas << 0.01, 0.01;R        = (y_sigmas * y_sigmas).matrix().asDiagonal();// Declare the Jacobian of the measurements wrt the robot poseMatrix<double, 2, 3>    H;      // H = J_e_x// Declare some temporariesVector2d                e, z;   // expectation, innovationMatrix2d                E, Z;   // covariances of the aboveMatrix<double, 3, 2>    K;      // Kalman gainmanif::SE2Tangentd      dx;     // optimal update step, or error-statemanif::SE2d::Jacobian   J_xi_x; // Jacobian is typedef MatrixMatrix<double, 2, 3>    J_e_xi; // Jacobian////// CONFIGURATION DONE// DEBUGcout << std::fixed   << std::setprecision(3) << std::showpos << endl;cout << "X STATE     :    X      Y    THETA" << endl;cout << "----------------------------------" << endl;cout << "X initial   : " << X_simulation.log().coeffs().transpose() << endl;cout << "----------------------------------" << endl;// END DEBUG// START TEMPORAL LOOP////// Make 10 steps. Measure up to three landmarks each time.for (int t = 0; t < 10; t++){I. Simulation ###############################################################################/// simulate noiseu_noise = u_sigmas * Array3d::Random();             // control noiseu_noisy = u_nom + u_noise;                          // noisy controlu_simu   = u_nom;u_est    = u_noisy;u_unfilt = u_noisy;/// first we move - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -X_simulation = X_simulation + u_simu;               // overloaded X.rplus(u) = X * exp(u)/// then we measure all landmarks - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -for (std::size_t i = 0; i < landmarks.size(); i++){b = landmarks[i];                               // lmk coordinates in world frame/// simulate noisey_noise = y_sigmas * Array2d::Random();         // measurement noisey = X_simulation.inverse().act(b);              // landmark measurement, before adding noisey = y + y_noise;                                // landmark measurement, noisymeasurements[i] = y;                            // store for the estimator just below}II. Estimation ###############################################################################/// First we move - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -X = X.plus(u_est, J_x, J_u);                        // X * exp(u), with JacobiansP = J_x * P * J_x.transpose() + J_u * U * J_u.transpose();/// Then we correct using the measurements of each lmk - - - - - - - - -for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_LMKS_TO_MEASURE; i++){// landmarkb = landmarks[i];                               // lmk coordinates in world frame// measurementy = measurements[i];                            // lmk measurement, noisy// expectatione = X.inverse(J_xi_x).act(b, J_e_xi);           // note: e = R.tr * ( b - t ), for X = (R,t).H = J_e_xi * J_xi_x;                            // note: H = J_e_x = J_e_xi * J_xi_xE = H * P * H.transpose();// innovationz = y - e;Z = E + R;// Kalman gainK = P * H.transpose() * Z.inverse();            // K = P * H.tr * ( H * P * H.tr + R).inv// Correction stepdx = K * z;                                     // dx is in the tangent space at X// UpdateX = X + dx;                                     // overloaded X.rplus(dx) = X * exp(dx)P = P - K * Z * K.transpose();}III. Unfiltered ##############################################################################// move also an unfiltered version for comparison purposesX_unfiltered = X_unfiltered + u_unfilt;IV. Results ##############################################################################// DEBUGcout << "X simulated : " << X_simulation.log().coeffs().transpose() << endl;cout << "X estimated : " << X.log().coeffs().transpose() << endl;cout << "X unfilterd : " << X_unfiltered.log().coeffs().transpose() << endl;cout << "----------------------------------" << endl;// END DEBUG}////// END OF TEMPORAL LOOP. DONE.return 0;

The End


【李群李代数】【manif 】基于固定信标的2D机器人定位 (Error State Kalman Filter)...

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本文标签:代数   标的   机器人   manif   李群


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