
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-11 11:20:00
本文介绍了如何使用PyCharm启动远程调试?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 我试图在PyCharm(在Windows主机上)和运行我的django应用程序的debian虚拟主机之间进行调试。说明说要安装egg,添加import,然后调用一个命令。我假设这些事情需要在debian主机上完成?


从pydev导入pydevd pydevd.settrace('not.local',port = 21000,stdoutToServer = True,stderrToServer = True)


文件/django/conf/__init__.py,第87行,__init__ mod = importlib.import_module(self.SETTINGS_MODULE)文件/django/utils/importlib.py,第35行,import_module __import __(name)文件/settings.py,第10行,< module> pydevd.settrace('dan.local',port = 21000,stdoutToServer = True,stderrToServer = True)文件/pycharm-debug.egg/pydev/pydevd.py,第1079行, settrace debugger.connect(host,port)文件/pycharm-debug.egg/pydev/pydevd.py,第241行连接s = StartClient(host,port)文件/pycharm-debug.egg/pydev/pydevd_comm.py,行362,在StartClient sys.exit(1) SystemExit:1



PyCharm(或您的首选)充当服务器,您的应用程序是客户端;所以你首先启动服务器 - 告诉IDE调试 - 然后运行客户端 - 这是一些代码,其中包含 settrace 语句。当你的python代码点击 settrace 它连接到服务器 - pycharm - 并开始给它调试数据。

1。将 pydev 库复制到远程机器

所以我必须从 C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm 1.5.3\pycharm-debug.egg 到我的linux机器。我把它放在 /home/john/api-dependancies/pycharm-debug.egg



import sys sys。 path.append('/ home / john / app-dependancies / pycharm-debug.egg')




  • 运行 - > 编辑配置:打开运行/调试配置对话框
  • - >Python远程调试:是使用的模板
  • 填写本地主机名和端口,您可能想要使用路径映射,但更多
  • OK

    本地主机名:意思是服务器的名称 - 这是我的情况下的Windows主机,或实际上是Windows主机的IP地址,因为我的远程机器不知道主机名。所以虚拟(远程)机器必须能够到达主机。 ping 和 netstat 对此很有帮助。

    端口:可以是您喜欢的任何空闲的非特权端口。例如: 21000 不太可能被使用。

    现在不要担心路径映射。 / p>


  • 运行 - > 调试:start调试服务器 - 选择刚刚创建的配置。






from django.test import TestCase class APITestCase(TestCase): def test_remote_debug(self): import sys sys.path.append('/ home / john /dependancies/pycharm-debug.egg') from pydev import pydevd pydevd.settrace('',port = 21000,suspend = False) print foo

在django网络应用程序中,有一点关于你把它放在哪里 - 似乎工作只有在其他事情完成之后:

如果__name__ ==__main__: os.environ.setdefault( DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE,settings) from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line execute_from_command_line(sys.argv) sys.path.append('/ vagrant / pycharm-debug .egg') import pydevd pydevd.settrace('',port = 21000,su花费=假)

再次,IP地址是您运行Pycharm的框;您应该能够从运行代码/网站的框中ping该IP地址。该端口是您的选择,只需确保您已经告诉pycharm在同一个端口上侦听。而且我发现 suspend = False 比默认值更少的问题,不仅立即停止,所以你不知道它是否正常工作,但也试图流入stdin / out这可能会让你感到悲伤。


默认情况下,Windows 7防火墙将阻止您的传入连接。在远程主机上使用netstat,您可以看到SYN_SENT永远不会成为ESTABLISHED,至少直到您为应用程序pycharm的Windows防火墙添加异常。

OS / X和Ubuntu没有防火墙打倒(默认情况下,有人可能已经申请了一个)。


在所有这些之后,当一切都进行计划时,您可以设置一个断点 - 在settrace运行之后的某个地方 - pycharm控制台将显示

连接到pydev调试器(build 107.386)


的 8。映射


/ Users / john / code / app / / opt / bestprice / app / / Users / john / code / master / lib / opt / bestprice / lib / python2.7 / site-packages


I'm trying to get debugging up between PyCharm (on windows host) and a debian virtual host running my django application. The instructions say to install the egg, add the import, and then invoke a command. I assume these things need to be done on the debian host?

Ok, then, in what file should I put these two lines?

from pydev import pydevd pydevd.settrace('not.local', port=21000, stdoutToServer=True, stderrToServer=True)

I tried putting it into the settings.py but got this kind of thing...

File "/django/conf/__init__.py", line 87, in __init__ mod = importlib.import_module(self.SETTINGS_MODULE) File "/django/utils/importlib.py", line 35, in import_module __import__(name) File "/settings.py", line 10, in <module> pydevd.settrace('dan.local', port=21000, stdoutToServer=True, stderrToServer=True) File "/pycharm-debug.egg/pydev/pydevd.py", line 1079, in settrace debugger.connect(host, port) File "/pycharm-debug.egg/pydev/pydevd.py", line 241, in connect s = StartClient(host, port) File "/pycharm-debug.egg/pydev/pydevd_comm.py", line 362, in StartClient sys.exit(1) SystemExit: 1

Whilst pycharm just sat there "waiting for connection"


PyCharm (or your ide of choice) acts as the "server" and your application is the "client"; so you start the server first - tell the IDE to 'debug' - then run the client - which is some code with the settrace statement in it. When your python code hits the settrace it connects to the server - pycharm - and starts feeding it the debug data.

To make this happen:

1. copy the pydev library to the remote machine

So I had to copy the file from C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm 1.5.3\pycharm-debug.egg to my linux machine. I put it at /home/john/api-dependancies/pycharm-debug.egg

2. Put the egg in the PYTHONPATH

Hopefully you appreciate that you're not going to be able to use the egg unless python can find it. I guess most people use easy_install but in my instance I added it explicitly by putting this:

import sys sys.path.append('/home/john/app-dependancies/pycharm-debug.egg')

This is only necessary because I've still had no success installing an egg. This is my workaround.

3. setup the debug server config

In PyCharm you can configure the debug server via:

  • Run-> Edit Configurations: opens the 'Run/Debug Configurations' dialog
  • Defaults -> "Python Remote Debug": is the template to use
  • fill out the local host name and port and you'll probably want to 'use path mapping' but more on all this below...
  • "OK"

    Local host name: means the name of the server - that's the windows host machine in my case - or actually the IP Address of the windows host machine since the hostname is not known to my remote machine. So the virtual (remote) machine has to be able to reach the host. ping and netstat are good for this.

    Port: can be any vacant non-priviledged port you like. eg: 21000 is unlikely to be in use.

    Don't worry about the path mappings for now.

4. Start the debug server

  • Run-> Debug : start the debug server - choose the configuration you just created.

The debug console tab will appear and you should get

Starting debug server at port 21000

in the console which means that the ide debug server is waiting for your code to open a connection to it.

5. Insert the code

This works inside a unit test:

from django.test import TestCase class APITestCase(TestCase): def test_remote_debug(self): import sys sys.path.append('/home/john/dependancies/pycharm-debug.egg') from pydev import pydevd pydevd.settrace('', port=21000, suspend=False) print "foo"

And in a django web application it's a bit finicky about where you put it - seems to work only after everything else is done:

if __name__ == "__main__": os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "settings") from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line execute_from_command_line(sys.argv) sys.path.append('/vagrant/pycharm-debug.egg') import pydevd pydevd.settrace('', port=21000, suspend=False)

Again that the IP address is the box where you're running Pycharm on; you should be able to ping that ip address from the box running your code/website. The port is your choice, just make sure you've told pycharm to listen on the same port. And I found the suspend=False less problematic than the defaults of, not only immediately halting so you're not sure if it's working, but also trying to stream to stdin/out which might give you grief also.

6. Open the firewall

Windows 7 firewall will, by default, block your incoming connection. Using netstat on the remote host you'll be able to see that SYN_SENT never becomes ESTABLISHED, at least not until you add an exception to the windows firewall for the application 'pycharm'.

OS/X and Ubuntu do not have firewalls to punch threw (by default, someone may have applied one later).

7. Set a breakpoint and run the code

After all that, when everything goes to plan, you can set a breakpoint - somewhere after the settrace has run - and pycharm console will show

Connected to pydev debugger (build 107.386)

and under the 'Debugger' tab the variables stack will start working and you can step through the code.

8. Mappings

Mapping tell pycharm where it can find the source code. So when the debugger says "i'm running line 393 of file /foo/bar/nang.py, Pycharm can translate that remote absolute path into an absolute local path... and show you the source code.

/Users/john/code/app/ /opt/bestprice/app/ /Users/john/code/master/lib /opt/bestprice/lib/python2.7/site-packages




本文发布于:2023-11-25 20:29:19,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:如何使用   PyCharm


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