
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-27 07:25:32
本文介绍了对java集合进行排序和分组的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述



(a,3) (a,9) (b,7) (b,10) (c,8) (c,3)


(b,10) (b,7) (a,9) (a,3) (c,8) (c,3)






使用Java 8

编辑:由于我写了这个答案,Java 8已经问世,这简化了问题很多:

import java.util。*; import static java.util.Comparator。*; import static java.util.stream.Collectors。*;

List< ;记录> result = records.stream() .sorted(comparisonInt(Record :: getScore).reversed()) .collect(groupingBy(Record :: getName,LinkedHashMap :: new,toList())) .values()。stream() .flatMap(Collection :: stream) .collect(toList());

首先我们按分数排序,然后我们使用 LinkedHashMap进行分组/ code>,这将保留密钥的插入顺序,因此分数较高的密钥将首先出现。




比较<记录和GT; highestScoreFirst = comparisonInt(Record :: getScore).reversed(); 列表<记录> result = records.stream() .collect(groupingBy(Record :: getName, toCollection(() - > new TreeSet<>(highestScoreFirst)))) .values( ).stream() .sorted(比较(SortedSet :: first,highestScoreFirst)) .flatMap(Collection :: stream) .collect(toList());

将记录分组为已排序的 TreeSet s,而不是将值排序为流的第一个操作,然后按照第一个最高值对这些集进行排序。




公共类记录实现Comparable< Record> { @Override public int compareTo(Record other){ //最高返回-Integerpare(getScore(),other.getScore()); / *或等价:返回Integerpare(other.getScore(),getScore()); * / } ... }

List< Record> result = records.stream() .collect(groupingBy(Record :: getName,toCollection(TreeSet :: new))) .values()。stream() .sorted(比较(SortedSet :: first)) .flatMap(Collection :: stream) .collect(toList());

在Java 8之前


这样的东西在Java中很痛苦,我通常会使用 Google Guava 。

import org.junit.Test; import java.util。*; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; 公共类GroupSortTest { @Test public void testGroupSort(){ List< Record> records = asList( new Record(a,3), new Record(a,9), new Record(b,7),新记录(b,10),新记录(c,8),新记录(c,3)); 列表< SortedMap<整数,记录>> recordsGroupedByName = groupRecordsByNameAndSortedByScoreDescending(records); Collections.sort(recordsGroupedByName,byHighestScoreInGroupDescending()); 列表<记录> result = flattenGroups(recordsGroupedByName); 列表<记录> expected = asList( new Record(b,10), new Record(b,7), new Record(a,9),新记录(a,3),新记录(c,8),新记录(c,3)); assertEquals(预期,结果); } private List< Record> flattenGroups(List< SortedMap< Integer,Record>> recordGroups){ List< Record> result = new ArrayList< Record>(); for(SortedMap< Integer,Record> group:recordGroups){ result.addAll(group.values()); } 返回结果; } private List< SortedMap< Integer,Record>> groupRecordsByNameAndSortedByScoreDescending(List< Record> records){ Map< String,SortedMap< Integer,Record>> groupsByName = new HashMap< String,SortedMap< Integer,Record>>(); for(记录记录:记录){ SortedMap<整数,记录> group = groupsByName.get(record.getName()); if(null == group){ group = new TreeMap< Integer,Record>(descending()); groupsByName.put(record.getName(),group); } group.put(record.getScore(),record); } 返回新的ArrayList< SortedMap< Integer,Record>>(groupsByName.values()); } private DescendingSortComparator descending(){返回新的DescendingSortComparator(); } private ByFirstKeyDescending byHhesthestScoreInGroupDescending(){ return new ByFirstKeyDescending(); } 私有静态类ByFirstKeyDescending实现Comparator< SortedMap< Integer,Record>> { public int compare(SortedMap< Integer,Record> o1,SortedMap< Integer,Record> o2){ return o2.firstKey()。compareTo(o1.firstKey()); } } 私有静态类DescendingSortComparator实现Comparator< Comparable> { public int compare(Comparable o1,Comparable o2){ return o2pareTo(o1); } } }

I have an object which has a name and a score. I would like to sort a collection of such objects so that they are grouped by name and sorted by maximum score in each group (and within the group by descending score as well).

let me demonstrate what I intend to achieve. assume I have these objects(name, score):

(a, 3) (a, 9) (b, 7) (b, 10) (c, 8) (c, 3)

then I would like them to be sorted like this:

(b, 10) (b, 7) (a, 9) (a, 3) (c, 8) (c, 3)

is this feasible with a Comparator? I can't figure it out, so any hints would be appreciated.


No, you can't do it with a single sort with a single Comparator.

You have to group by name, and sort the groups, by highest score in group.

Then you need to flatten the groups back to a list.

With Java 8

Edit: Since i wrote this answer, Java 8 has come out, which simplifies the problem a lot:

import java.util.*; import static java.util.Comparator.*; import static java.util.stream.Collectors.*;

List<Record> result = records.stream() .sorted(comparingInt(Record::getScore).reversed()) .collect(groupingBy(Record::getName, LinkedHashMap::new, toList())) .values().stream() .flatMap(Collection::stream) .collect(toList());

First we sort by score reversed, and then we group using a LinkedHashMap, which will preserve the insertion order for the keys, so keys with higher score will come first.

Sorting first is OK if the groups are small, so the redundant compares between objects in different groups don't hurt so much.

Also, with this method, duplicates are preserved.

Alternatively, if you don't care about preserving duplicates, you can:

Comparator<Record> highestScoreFirst = comparingInt(Record::getScore).reversed(); List<Record> result = records.stream() .collect(groupingBy(Record::getName, toCollection(() -> new TreeSet<>(highestScoreFirst)))) .values().stream() .sorted(comparing(SortedSet::first, highestScoreFirst)) .flatMap(Collection::stream) .collect(toList());

Where the records are grouped into sorted TreeSets, instead of sorting the values as the first operation of the stream, and then the sets are sorted by their first, highest value.

Grouping before sorting is appropriate if the groups are big, to cut down on redundant compares.

Implementing Comparable:

And you can make it shorter by having your record implement Comparable

public class Record implements Comparable<Record> { @Override public int compareTo(Record other) { // Highest first return -Integerpare(getScore(), other.getScore()); /* Or equivalently: return Integerpare(other.getScore(), getScore()); */ } ... }

List<Record> result = records.stream() .collect(groupingBy(Record::getName, toCollection(TreeSet::new))) .values().stream() .sorted(comparing(SortedSet::first)) .flatMap(Collection::stream) .collect(toList());

Before Java 8

Edit: Here is a really rough unit test that demonstrates one way to do it. I haven't cleaned it up as much as i would have liked.

Stuff like this is painful in Java, and i would normally use Google Guava for this.

import org.junit.Test; import java.util.*; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; public class GroupSortTest { @Test public void testGroupSort() { List<Record> records = asList( new Record("a", 3), new Record("a", 9), new Record("b", 7), new Record("b", 10), new Record("c", 8), new Record("c", 3)); List<SortedMap<Integer, Record>> recordsGroupedByName = groupRecordsByNameAndSortedByScoreDescending(records); Collections.sort(recordsGroupedByName, byHighestScoreInGroupDescending()); List<Record> result = flattenGroups(recordsGroupedByName); List<Record> expected = asList( new Record("b", 10), new Record("b", 7), new Record("a", 9), new Record("a", 3), new Record("c", 8), new Record("c", 3)); assertEquals(expected, result); } private List<Record> flattenGroups(List<SortedMap<Integer, Record>> recordGroups) { List<Record> result = new ArrayList<Record>(); for (SortedMap<Integer, Record> group : recordGroups) { result.addAll(group.values()); } return result; } private List<SortedMap<Integer, Record>> groupRecordsByNameAndSortedByScoreDescending(List<Record> records) { Map<String, SortedMap<Integer, Record>> groupsByName = new HashMap<String, SortedMap<Integer, Record>>(); for (Record record : records) { SortedMap<Integer, Record> group = groupsByName.get(record.getName()); if (null == group) { group = new TreeMap<Integer, Record>(descending()); groupsByName.put(record.getName(), group); } group.put(record.getScore(), record); } return new ArrayList<SortedMap<Integer, Record>>(groupsByName.values()); } private DescendingSortComparator descending() { return new DescendingSortComparator(); } private ByFirstKeyDescending byHighestScoreInGroupDescending() { return new ByFirstKeyDescending(); } private static class ByFirstKeyDescending implements Comparator<SortedMap<Integer, Record>> { public int compare(SortedMap<Integer, Record> o1, SortedMap<Integer, Record> o2) { return o2.firstKey()pareTo(o1.firstKey()); } } private static class DescendingSortComparator implements Comparator<Comparable> { public int compare(Comparable o1, Comparable o2) { return o2pareTo(o1); } } }



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