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本文介绍了访问的未来?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述

嗨 vs 2005 / sql 2005发布后访问的未来是什么? MS 最近似乎并没有做任何重要的访问,大概是希望每个人都迁移到vs / sql。 有任何意见吗? 谢谢 问候

Hi What future does access have after the release of vs 2005/sql 2005? MS doesn''t seem to have done anything major with access lately and presumably hoping that everyone migrates to vs/sql. Any comments? Thanks Regards


2005年5月28日星期六19:18:20 +0100,John < Jo ** @ nospam.infovis.co.uk> 写道: 点评这个;然后让我们再说一遍。 msaccessadvisor/doc/ 14978 -Tom。 On Sat, 28 May 2005 19:18:20 +0100, "John" <Jo**@nospam.infovis.co.uk> wrote: Review this; then let''s talk again. msaccessadvisor/doc/14978 -Tom. 嗨 访问发布后的未来是什么vs 2005 / sql 2005? MS 似乎最近没有做任何重要的访问,大概希望每个人都迁移到vs / sql。 任何评论? 谢谢 问候 HiWhat future does access have after the release of vs 2005/sql 2005? MSdoesn''t seem to have done anything major with access lately and presumablyhoping that everyone migrates to vs/sql.Any comments?ThanksRegards

请参阅以下链接以提供一些信息: [来自Access Advisor的报价] Microsoft Access主管项目经理Clint Covington说,你会找到一个战略承诺,从根本上升级 质量的Access应用程序通过改进核心表单和报告 经验,使用Jet作为查询处理器。 [/ quote] msaccessadvisor/doc/ 14978 msaccessadvisor/doc/16480 - Ken Snell < MS ACCESS MVP> " John" <乔** @ nospam.infovis.co.uk>在留言中写道 新闻:eb ************** @ TK2MSFTNGP14.phx.gbl ... See these links to provide some info: [quote from Access Advisor] Microsoft Access lead program manager Clint Covington says, "You''ll find a strategic commitment to radically upgrade the quality of Access applications by improving the core forms and reports experience, using Jet as the query processor." [/quote] msaccessadvisor/doc/14978 msaccessadvisor/doc/16480 -- Ken Snell <MS ACCESS MVP> "John" <Jo**@nospam.infovis.co.uk> wrote in message news:eb**************@TK2MSFTNGP14.phx.gbl... 嗨 vs 2005 / sql 2005发布之后访问的未来是什么? MS 似乎最近没有做任何重要的访问,大概希望每个人都迁移到vs / sql。 任何评论? 谢谢 关于 Hi What future does access have after the release of vs 2005/sql 2005? MS doesn''t seem to have done anything major with access lately and presumably hoping that everyone migrates to vs/sql. Any comments? Thanks Regards

" John" <乔** @ nospam.infovis.co.uk>在消息中写道 新闻:eb ************** @ TK2MSFTNGP14.phx.gbl ... "John" <Jo**@nospam.infovis.co.uk> wrote in message news:eb**************@TK2MSFTNGP14.phx.gbl... 什么在vs 2005 / sql 2005发布后,未来是否有访问权限? MS 似乎最近没有做任何重要的访问,并且可能希望每个人都迁移到vs / sql。 任何评论? What future does access have after the release of vs 2005/sql 2005? MS doesn''t seem to have done anything major with access lately and presumably hoping that everyone migrates to vs/sql. Any comments?

首先,ms-access是sql server的一个很好的前端。所以,你有点想要使用c ++,VB或vb这样的开发者工具来访问它们。 请记住,使用sql server或者oracle,你不能创建一个表单,甚至是一个 的用户界面。那么,如果你转移到sql server,你将用什么表格制作 ? ms-access主要是一个开发人员工具,可以让你构建一个接口。你可以建立这个界面,并连接到JET引擎,或连接到sql 服务器。因此,就用户而言,你真的不能超过ms-access。它将视为数据库的ms-access(它不是​​)是错误的。 Ms-access是 一个工具,可以让你构建应用程序,并让你连接到数据库 你选择的引擎。所以,如果你有一个oracle数据库,ms-access仍然是一个很好的工具,可以使用,并连接到那个数据库。 新功能?好吧,ms-access的每个版本都会带给我们微软的技术支持。当类对象在 编程圈中变得风靡一时,我们将这个功能添加到访问97. 您可以阅读有关类对象以及为什么要使用它他们在这里: http://www.members .shaw.ca / AlbertKal ... / WhyClass.html 当微软推出ADO(活动数据对象),然后访问 2000,我们加入了ms-access。当ms-access 2002出现时,XML风靡一时,我们在访问2003中获得了更好的XML支持。而且, access 2003也让你使用分享点服务。 此外,虽然你不能用ms-access编写web服务,但你肯定可以获得 CONSUME网络服务。您可以这样做的原因是Microsoft 发布了用于ms-access的soap添加工具包。所以,如果你想通过SOAP使用 服务,或者使用像XML这样的东西......你现在可以。因此,您可以使用ms-access消耗.b $ b消耗 Web服务。因此,从开发人员的角度来看,ms-access获得了微软推出的大部分新技术。在过去的10年里,他们一直在为使用它们构建软件的ms访问添加新技术 。 如果你看一下上面添加的内容对于ms-access,你可以清楚地看到,随着微软推出新技术,他们一直将它们添加到 ms-access。而且,如果您考虑上述功能,MOST并不是实际的数据库功能,而只是添加到开发人员期望的开发人员工具中。 hand永远不会真正改变你可以使用ms-access和你选择的 数据库的事实。 如果你想选择oracle作为你的数据库,你可以。但是,你不能使用oracle数据库构建一个表单。你可以使用ms访问。 所以,你肯定是 可以使用ms-access来构建应用程序,并使用oracle作为这个ms-access应用程序的数据库 。因此,ms-access是一个访问一个 数据库的工具,但是ms-access实际上不是一个数据库。 至于其他新的我喜欢和使用的2003年的功能?那么,您可以在sql视图中更改字体大小(我非常喜欢该功能)。另一个功能 是ms-access现在支持主题控件。这使你的旧软件 看起来很新。这是一些旧的和新的屏幕截图。 (唯一的事情是完成主题)。 www.members.shaw.ca/AlbertKal...heme/index.htm 这里有更多的屏幕截图: www.members.shaw.ca/AlbertKal...erFriendly.htm 另一项功能是自动的 错误检查表单和报告中的常见错误。 错误检查指出错误,例如两个控件 使用相同的键盘快捷键,以及报告的宽度 大于它将打印的页面。 启用错误检查可以帮助您识别错误并且 更正它们。 重新设计中出现的智能标记帮助也很不错。 当你改变一个字段属性时在表格设计中,您可以使用 更改prorogate考虑应用程序(表单和报告将更新以反映此更改)。 还有很多我不在乎的其他功能......也没有在2003年使用过。然而, 微软继续研究下一个伟大版本,如果以上 历史记录是产品路径的任何迹象,那么我们将继续 看到新功能......以及新推出的MS集成到 开发者产品中。 - Albert D. Kallal(访问MVP) 加拿大艾伯塔省埃德蒙顿 pl ***************** @ msn www.members.shaw.ca/AlbertKallal

First, ms-access makes a great front end to sql server. So, you kind of have to consider ms-access a developers tool like c++, or VB, or vb. Remember, with sql server, or oracle, you can''t create a form, or even a user interface. So, if you move to sql server, what will you make the forms with? ms-access is primarily a developer tool that lets you build a interface. You can build this interface, and connect to the JET engine, or connect to sql server. Thus, you really can''t outgrow ms-access in terms of users. It would be wrong to think as ms-access as a database (it is not). Ms-access is a tool that lets you build applications, and lets you CONNECT to a database engine of your choice. So, if you got a oracle database, ms-access is still a great tool to use, and connect to that database. As for new features? Well, each version of ms-access tends to bring us along for the Microsoft ride for technology. When class objects became all rage in programming circles, we got that feature added to access 97. You can read about class objects and why you would use them here: www.members.shaw.ca/AlbertKal.../WhyClass.html When Microsoft came out with ADO (active data objects), then for access 2000, we got ado added to ms-access. When ms-access 2002 came along, XML was all the rage, and we got even better support for XML in access 2003. And, access 2003 also let you use share point services. Further, while you can''t write web services in ms-access, you can certainly CONSUME web services. The reason why you can do this is that Microsoft released the soap add in tool kit for ms-access. So, if you want to use services via SOAP, or use things like XML...you now can. Hence, you can consume web services with ms-access. So, from a developers point of view, ms-access gets most of the new technologies that Microsoft comes out with. They have consistently for the last 10 years added new technologies to ms-access that they are using for building software. If you look at the above additions to ms-access, you can clearly see that as Microsoft comes out with new technologies, they have been adding them to ms-access. And, if you think about the above features, MOST are not actual database features, but simply additions to what developers would expect with a developers tool. So, I never really thought of ms-access as a database, and the fact that you can (and should) choose the appropriate database engine for your task at hand never really changed the fact that you can use ms-access with your database of choice. If you want to pick oracle as your database, you can. However, you can''t build a form with a oracle database..and you can with ms-access. So, you most certainly can use ms-access to build the application, and use oracle as the database for this ms-access application. ms-access is thus a tool to ''access'' a database, but ms-access is not really a database. As for other new features in a2003 that I like and use? Well, you can change the font size in the sql view (I really like that feature). Another feature is ms-access now supports themed controls. This makes your "old" software kind of look new. Here is some screen shots of old vs new. (the only thing done was turn on themes). www.members.shaw.ca/AlbertKal...heme/index.htm There is some more screen shots here: www.members.shaw.ca/AlbertKal...erFriendly.htm Another feature is automatic error checking for common errors in forms and reports. Error checking points out errors, such as two controls using the same keyboard shortcut, and the width of a report being greater than the page it will be printed on. Enabling error checking helps you identify errors and correct them. The Smart tag help appears in reprot desing also is nice. And, when you change a field property in the table design, you can have that change prorogate thought out the application (forms and reports will be updated to reflect this change). There is a bunch of other features I don''t care...nor use in a2003. However Microsoft continues to work on the next great version, and if the above history is any indication of the path of the product, then we will continue to see new features..and new that MS comes out with integrated into that developers product. -- Albert D. Kallal (Access MVP) Edmonton, Alberta Canada pl*****************@msn www.members.shaw.ca/AlbertKallal



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