
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-25 10:33:07
本文介绍了刷新页面时,活动选项卡应保持不变的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述

我有一些标签,但我的问题是当任何标签数据被回发时活动标签变为默认值。我对javascript知之甚少,所以任何帮助都会受到赞赏。 这是我的代码:

Hi, I have some tabs but my problem is when any tab is data is posted back active tab get changed to default. I don't have much knowledge about javascript so any help would be appreciated. Here is my code:

<div id="tabco4" style="width:772px" > <ul> <li><a href="javascript:vd()">Profile Details</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:vd()">Personal Details</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:vd()">Saved Jobs</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:vd()">Applied Jobs</a></li> </ul>

我的尝试: javascript代码: window.onload = function(){ init() } var containercolor =#fffbd; 函数init(){ var border =#0f0e13 1px solid; var conbkcolor =#ftffcc; var tabbk =#ff7400; t4 = new Bindtabs(ta bco4,1,click,t,border,tabbk,conbkcolor,400px); t4.c(); } function vd(){ } function tabEvent(evt){ evt =(evt)? evt :((window.event)?window.event:); if(evt){ var elem = getTargetElement(evt); var actContainer =(elem.tagName =='A')? elem.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.id:elem.parentNode.parentNode.id; var tp = gettab(actContainer).position; var hvelem =(elem。 tagName =='A')? elem.parentNode:elem; var lielem =(elem.tagName =='A')? elem.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('li'):elem.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('li'); if((evt.type ==mouseover )||(evt.type ==click)){ actIndex = getIndex(lielem,hvelem); if(actIndex == undefined)return; showContent(actContainer,actIndex); } } } 函数getIndex(arry,elem){ for(var i = 0; i< arry.length; i ++){ 如果(arry [i] == elem){ 返回i; } } } 函数showContent(容器,行为){ var contDiv = new数组; var j = 0; var tab = gettab(容器); var tp = tab.position; var vborder = tab.border; var vboxwidth = tab.width; var vtabcolor = tab.tabcolor; var contDiv0 = $$($(容器),('div')); for(var i = 0;我< contDiv0.length; i ++){ if(contDiv0 [i] .parentNode.id == container){ contDiv [j] = contDiv0 [i]; j = j + 1; } } contDiv [act] .className =content ; var vbkcolor = getbkColor(contDiv [act]); var tagul = getUL(container,tp); var tagula = $$(tagul,('a')); var tagulli = $$(tagul,('li')); for(var i = 0; i< tagula.length; i ++){ tagula [i] .className =ula; } for(var i = 0; i< tagulli.length; i ++){ tagulli [i]。 className =ullifloat; } tagul.className =ulnofloat; $(容器).style.borderRight =(ie6()== true)? containercolor +0px solid:containercolor +2px solid; contDiv [act] .style.display =block; for(var i = 0; i< contDiv.length; i ++){ if(i!= act){ contDiv [i] .style.display =none; } } var actitem = tagulli [act]; var actitema = $$(actitem,('a'))[0]; actitema.style.top =1px; actitem.style.borderTop = vborder; actitema.style.backgroundColor = vbkcolor; var marginRight_li = getmarginRight(actitem); var marginBottom_li = getmarginBottom(actitem); for(var i = 0; i< tagulli.length; i ++){ if(marginRight_li == 0px){ tagulli [i] .style.borderLeft =(i == 0)? vborder:#ff 0px; } if (i!=行动){ var a = $$(tagulli [i],'a')[0]; a.style.top =0px; a.style.left =0px; a.style.backgroundColor = vtabcolor; tagulli [i] .style.borderTop = vborder; } } } 函数bindEvent(容器,e){ var tp = gettab(容器).position; var ele = $$(getUL(container,tp) ,'li'); for(var i = 0; i< ele.length; i ++){ if(e ==点击){ ele [i] .onmouseover =; ele [i] .onclick = tabEvent; 如果(e ==mouseover)$ ele [i] .onmouseover = tabEvent; } } } 函数Bindtabs(id,activetab1,eventType,position,border,tabcolor,bkcolor,width){ this.id = id; this.activetab1 = activetab1; this.eventType = eventType; this.position = position; this.border = border; this.tabcolor = tabcolor; this.bkcolor = bkcolor; this.width = width; this.c = function(){ showContent(this.id,this.activetab1); bindEvent(this.id,this.eventType); } } 函数getUL(id,ttp){ if((ttp ==t)|| (ttp ==l)|| (ttp ==p)){ var ul = $$($(id),('ul'))[0]; } else { var n = $$($(id),('ul'))。length; var ul = $$( $(id),('ul'))[n - 1]; } 返回ul; } 函数gettab(id){ return(id ==tabco4)? t4:t1; } 函数ie6(){ var appVer = navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase (); var iePos = appVer.indexOf('msie'); if(iePos!= -1){ is_minor = parseFloat(appVer.substring(iePos + 5,appVer.indexOf(';',iePos))) is_major = parseInt(is_minor); } var is_ie =((iePos!= -1)); var is_ie6 =(is_ie&& is_major == 6); 返回is_ie6; } 函数getmarginBottom(obj){ return( obj.currentStyle)? obj.currentStyle.marginBottom:getComputedStyle(obj,'')。getPropertyValue('margin-bottom'); } 函数getmarginRight (obj){ return(obj.currentStyle)? obj.currentStyle.marginRight:getComputedStyle(obj,'')。getPropertyValue('margin-right'); } 函数getbkColor (obj){ return(obj.currentStyle)? obj.currentStyle.backgroundColor:getComputedStyle(obj,'')。getPropertyValue('background-color'); } 函数getTargetElement (evt){ return(evt.target)? ((evt.target.nodeType == 3)?evt.target.parentNode:evt.target):evt.srcElement; } function $(id){return(document.getElementById(id)); } function $$(e,tag){return e.getElementsByTagName(tag); }

What I have tried: javascript code: window.onload = function () { init() } var containercolor = "#ffffbd"; function init() { var border = "#0f0e13 1px solid"; var conbkcolor = "#ffffcc"; var tabbk = "#ff7400"; t4 = new Bindtabs("tabco4", 1, "click", "t", border, tabbk, conbkcolor, "400px"); t4.c(); } function vd() { } function tabEvent(evt) { evt = (evt) ? evt : ((window.event) ? window.event : ""); if (evt) { var elem = getTargetElement(evt); var actContainer = (elem.tagName == 'A') ? elem.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.id : elem.parentNode.parentNode.id; var tp = gettab(actContainer).position; var hvelem = (elem.tagName == 'A') ? elem.parentNode : elem; var lielem = (elem.tagName == 'A') ? elem.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('li') : elem.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('li'); if ((evt.type == "mouseover") || (evt.type == "click")) { actIndex = getIndex(lielem, hvelem); if (actIndex == undefined) return; showContent(actContainer, actIndex); } } } function getIndex(arry, elem) { for (var i = 0; i < arry.length; i++) { if (arry[i] == elem) { return i; } } } function showContent(container, act) { var contDiv = new Array; var j = 0; var tab = gettab(container); var tp = tab.position; var vborder = tab.border; var vboxwidth = tab.width; var vtabcolor = tab.tabcolor; var contDiv0 = $$($(container), ('div')); for (var i = 0; i < contDiv0.length; i++) { if (contDiv0[i].parentNode.id == container) { contDiv[j] = contDiv0[i]; j = j + 1; } } contDiv[act].className = "content"; var vbkcolor = getbkColor(contDiv[act]); var tagul = getUL(container, tp); var tagula = $$(tagul, ('a')); var tagulli = $$(tagul, ('li')); for (var i = 0; i < tagula.length; i++) { tagula[i].className = "ula"; } for (var i = 0; i < tagulli.length; i++) { tagulli[i].className = "ullifloat"; } tagul.className = "ulnofloat"; $(container).style.borderRight = (ie6() == true) ? containercolor + " 0px solid" : containercolor + " 2px solid"; contDiv[act].style.display = "block"; for (var i = 0; i < contDiv.length; i++) { if (i != act) { contDiv[i].style.display = "none"; } } var actitem = tagulli[act]; var actitema = $$(actitem, ('a'))[0]; actitema.style.top = "1px"; actitem.style.borderTop = vborder; actitema.style.backgroundColor = vbkcolor; var marginRight_li = getmarginRight(actitem); var marginBottom_li = getmarginBottom(actitem); for (var i = 0; i < tagulli.length; i++) { if (marginRight_li == "0px") { tagulli[i].style.borderLeft = (i == 0) ? vborder : "#fff 0px"; } if (i != act) { var a = $$(tagulli[i], 'a')[0]; a.style.top = "0px"; a.style.left = "0px"; a.style.backgroundColor = vtabcolor; tagulli[i].style.borderTop = vborder; } } } function bindEvent(container, e) { var tp = gettab(container).position; var ele = $$(getUL(container, tp), 'li'); for (var i = 0; i < ele.length; i++) { if (e == "click") { ele[i].onmouseover = ""; ele[i].onclick = tabEvent; } if (e == "mouseover") { ele[i].onmouseover = tabEvent; } } } function Bindtabs(id, activetab1, eventType, position, border, tabcolor, bkcolor, width) { this.id = id; this.activetab1 = activetab1; this.eventType = eventType; this.position = position; this.border = border; this.tabcolor = tabcolor; this.bkcolor = bkcolor; this.width = width; this.c = function () { showContent(this.id, this.activetab1); bindEvent(this.id, this.eventType); } } function getUL(id, ttp) { if ((ttp == "t") || (ttp == "l") || (ttp == "p")) { var ul = $$($(id), ('ul'))[0]; } else { var n = $$($(id), ('ul')).length; var ul = $$($(id), ('ul'))[n - 1]; } return ul; } function gettab(id) { return (id == "tabco4") ? t4 : t1; } function ie6() { var appVer = navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase(); var iePos = appVer.indexOf('msie'); if (iePos != -1) { is_minor = parseFloat(appVer.substring(iePos + 5, appVer.indexOf(';', iePos))) is_major = parseInt(is_minor); } var is_ie = ((iePos != -1)); var is_ie6 = (is_ie && is_major == 6); return is_ie6; } function getmarginBottom(obj) { return (obj.currentStyle) ? obj.currentStyle.marginBottom : getComputedStyle(obj, '').getPropertyValue('margin-bottom'); } function getmarginRight(obj) { return (obj.currentStyle) ? obj.currentStyle.marginRight : getComputedStyle(obj, '').getPropertyValue('margin-right'); } function getbkColor(obj) { return (obj.currentStyle) ? obj.currentStyle.backgroundColor : getComputedStyle(obj, '').getPropertyValue('background-color'); } function getTargetElement(evt) { return (evt.target) ? ((evt.target.nodeType == 3) ? evt.target.parentNode : evt.target) : evt.srcElement; } function $(id) { return (document.getElementById(id)); } function $$(e, tag) { return e.getElementsByTagName(tag); }


(container),('div')); < (b =(var i = 0; i< contDiv0.length; i ++){ if(contDiv0 [i] .parentNode.id) ==容器)​​{ contDiv [j] = contDiv0 [i]; j = j + 1; } } contDiv [act] .className =content; var vbkcolor = getbkColor(contDiv [act]); var tagul = getUL(container,tp); var tagula = (container), ('div')); for (var i = 0; i < contDiv0.length; i++) { if (contDiv0[i].parentNode.id == container) { contDiv[j] = contDiv0[i]; j = j + 1; } } contDiv[act].className = "content"; var vbkcolor = getbkColor(contDiv[act]); var tagul = getUL(container, tp); var tagula =

(tagul ,('a')); var tagulli = (tagul, ('a')); var tagulli =



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本文标签:选项卡   页面


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