
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-07 00:13:39
本文介绍了uWSGI作为进程工作,但不作为守护进程的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 对于我目前的烧瓶部署,我不得不建立一个uwsgi服务器。 这就是我创建uwsgi守护进程的方式: $ b $ sudo vim /etc/init/uwsgi.conf #file: 启动运行级别[2345] 运行级别停止[!2345] respawn exec / myproject / myproject-env / bin / uwsgi --uid www- data --gid www-data --home / myproject / myproject-env / site / F11 / Engineering / --socket /tmp/uwsgi.sock --chmod-socket --module F11 --callable app --pythonpath / myproject / myproject-env / site / F11 / Engineering / -H / myproject / myproject-env

然而,成功运行: sudo start uwsgi

uwsgi start / running,process 1286


我得到一个 502 Bad Gateway

和nginx error.log中的错误条目:

2013/06/13 23:47:28 [error ] 743#0:* 296上游提前关闭连接,同时从上游读取响应头,客户端: xx.161.xx.228,server:myproject,request:GET / show_records / 2013 / 6 HTTP / 1.1,上游:uwsgi:// unix:///tmp/uwsgi.sock:,主机:myproject

但是sock文件具有它所需要的权限: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ srw-rw-rw - 1 www-data www-data 0 Jun 13 23:46 /tmp/uwsgi.sock

如果我从命令行上面运行 exec 命令作为一个进程,它工作得很好。为什么这个守护进程不能正常工作?请问, btw Nginx运行的是 vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

user www-data;

和 vim / etc / nginx / sites-available / default location / { uwsgi_pass unix:///tmp/uwsgi.sock; 包含uwsgi_params;

开始为 sudo service nginx start

我正在 Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 上运行。 b 我希望我已经提供了所有必要的数据,希望有人能指引我进入正确的方向。感谢。


最后我在工作了近2天后解决了这个问题。我希望这个解决方案能够帮助其他正在遇到类似问题的flask / uwsgi用户。


1)用守护进程查找问题的最好方法显然是一个日志文件和一个更干净的结构。 $ p code $> sudo vim /etc/init/uwsgi.conf


#file:/etc/init/uwsgi.conf 描述uWSGI服务器 运行级别开始[2345] stop on runlevel [!2345] respawn exec /home/ubuntu/uwsgi-1.9.12/uwsgi -c /myproject/uwsgi.ini

vim /myproject/uwsgi.ini

[uwsgi] socket = /tmp/uwsgi.sock master = true enable-threads = true processes = 5 chdir = / myproject / F11 / Engineering module = F11:app virtualenv = / myproject / myproject-env / uid = www-data gid = www -data logto = / myproject / er ror.log

这是设置守护进程的更简洁的方法。另外注意最后一行如何设置日志文件。最初我把日志文件设置为 /var/log/uwsgi/error.log 。经过大量的汗水和泪水,我意识到守护进程正在以 www-data 运行,因此无法访问 / var / log / uwsgi / error .log ,因为error.log属于 root:root 。这使uwsgi默默地失败。

我发现将日志文件指向我自己的 / myproject 效率更高,守护进程保证访问为 www-data 。另外,不要忘记让整个项目可以被 www-data 访问,否则守护进程将会失败,并且出现内部服务器错误信息。 - >

sudo chown www-data:www-data -R / myproject / sudo服务

uwsgi restart


  • tail -f /var/log/upstart/uwsgi.log - >显示问题你的守护进程开始

  • tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log - >当wsgi访问被拒绝时显示权限问题,通常是因为 /tmp/uwsgi.sock 文件归属于 root www-data 。在这种情况下,只需删除sock文件 sudo rm /tmp/uwsgi.sock

  • tail -f /myproject/error.log - >显示uwsgi在应用程序中抛出的错误


文件/myproject/F11/Engineering/f11_app/templates/show_records.html,第25行,在块body中< td> {{record.record_date | format_date}}< / td> 文件./f11_app/filters.py,第7行,在format_date day = babel_dates.format_date(value,EE)文件/ myproject / myproject-env / local /lib/python2.7/site-packages/babel/dates.py,第459行,在format_date 返回pattern.apply(date,locale)文件/ myproject / myproject-env / local /lib/python2.7/site-packages/babel/dates.py,第702行,申请返回self%DateTimeFormat(datetime,locale)文件/ myproject / myproject-env / local /lib/python2.7/site-packages/babel/dates.py,第699行,在__mod__ 中返回self.format%other 文件/ myproject / myproject-env / local / lib / / myproject / myproject-env / local / lib / python2.7 / site-packages / babel / dates.py python2.7 / site-packages / babel / dates.py,第821行,在format_weekday 返回get_day_names(width,context,self.locale)[weekday] 文件/ myproject / myproject-env /local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bab el / dates.py,第69行,在get_day_names 返回Locale.parse(locale).days [context] [width] AttributeError:'NoneType'对象没有属性'days'


import babel.dates as babel_dates $ b $ app_template_filter('format_date') def format_date(value): day =格式(day.upper(),affix(value.day)) babel_dates.format_date(value,EE)返回{0} {1}



from flask.ext.babel import format_date @ app.template_filter( 'format_date1') def format_date1(value): day = format_date(value,EE)返回{0} {1}。因此,在使用Eclipse / Aptana Studio的时候要小心,因为它会试图挑选一个或者多个字符串代码中的类的正确命名空间。它可以变成丑陋的。

自从2天以来,它在Amazon Ec2(Ubuntu 12.04)上作为uwsgi守护进程工作得非常好。我希望这个经验可以帮助Python开发者。

For my current flask deployment, I had to set up a uwsgi server. This is how I have created the uwsgi daemon:

sudo vim /etc/init/uwsgi.conf

# file: /etc/init/uwsgi.conf description "uWSGI server" start on runlevel [2345] stop on runlevel [!2345] respawn exec /myproject/myproject-env/bin/uwsgi --uid www-data --gid www-data --home /myproject/myproject-env/site/F11/Engineering/ --socket /tmp/uwsgi.sock --chmod-socket --module F11 --callable app --pythonpath /myproject/myproject-env/site/F11/Engineering/ -H /myproject/myproject-env

However after running this successfully: sudo start uwsgi

uwsgi start/running, process 1286

And trying to access the application via browser:

I get a 502 Bad Gateway

and an error entry in nginx error.log:

2013/06/13 23:47:28 [error] 743#0: *296 upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream, client: xx.161.xx.228, server: myproject, request: "GET /show_records/2013/6 HTTP/1.1", upstream: "uwsgi://unix:///tmp/uwsgi.sock:", host: "myproject"

But the sock file has the permission it needs:

srw-rw-rw- 1 www-data www-data 0 Jun 13 23:46 /tmp/uwsgi.sock

If I run the exec command from above in the command line as a process, it works perfectly fine. Why is the daemon not working correctly please?

btw Nginx is running as vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

user www-data;

and vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/default

location / { uwsgi_pass unix:///tmp/uwsgi.sock; include uwsgi_params; }

and it is started as sudo service nginx start

I am running this on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

I hope I have provided all the necessary data, hope someone can guide me into the right direction. Thanks.


Finally I have solved this problem after working nearly 2 days on it. I hope this solution will help other flask/uwsgi users that are experiencing a similar problem.

I had two major issues that caused this.

1) The best way to find the problems with a daemon is obviously a log file and a cleaner structure.

sudo vim /etc/init/uwsgi.conf

Change the daemon script to the following:

# file: /etc/init/uwsgi.conf description "uWSGI server" start on runlevel [2345] stop on runlevel [!2345] respawn exec /home/ubuntu/uwsgi-1.9.12/uwsgi -c /myproject/uwsgi.ini

vim /myproject/uwsgi.ini

[uwsgi] socket = /tmp/uwsgi.sock master = true enable-threads = true processes = 5 chdir= /myproject/F11/Engineering module=F11:app virtualenv = /myproject/myproject-env/ uid = www-data gid = www-data logto = /myproject/error.log

This is much cleaner way of setting up the daemon. Also notice the last line how to setup the log file. Initially I had set the log file to /var/log/uwsgi/error.log. After a lot of sweat and tears I realized the daemon is running as www-data and hence can not access the /var/log/uwsgi/error.log since the error.log was owned by root:root. This made the uwsgi fail silently.

I found it much more efficient to just point the log file to my own /myproject, where the daemon has guaranteed access as www-data. And also don't forget to make the whole project accessible to www-data or the daemon will fail with an Internal Server error message. -->

sudo chown www-data:www-data -R /myproject/

Restart uwsgi daemon:

sudo service uwsgi restart

2) Now you have three log files to lookout for:

  • tail -f /var/log/upstart/uwsgi.log --> Shows problems with your daemon upon start

  • tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log --> Shows permission problems when wsgi access is refused, often because /tmp/uwsgi.sock file is owned by root instead of www-data. In that case simply delete the sock file sudo rm /tmp/uwsgi.sock

  • tail -f /myproject/error.log --> Shows errors thrown by uwsgi in your application

This combination of log files helped me to figure out that I also had a bad import with Flask-Babel in my Flask application. Bad in that sense, that the way I utilized the library was falling back to the system's locale to determine the datetime format.

File "/myproject/F11/Engineering/f11_app/templates/show_records.html", line 25, in block "body" <td>{{ record.record_date|format_date }}</td> File "./f11_app/filters.py", line 7, in format_date day = babel_dates.format_date(value, "EE") File "/myproject/myproject-env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/babel/dates.py", line 459, in format_date return pattern.apply(date, locale) File "/myproject/myproject-env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/babel/dates.py", line 702, in apply return self % DateTimeFormat(datetime, locale) File "/myproject/myproject-env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/babel/dates.py", line 699, in __mod__ return self.format % other File "/myproject/myproject-env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/babel/dates.py", line 734, in __getitem__ return self.format_weekday(char, num) File "/myproject/myproject-env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/babel/dates.py", line 821, in format_weekday return get_day_names(width, context, self.locale)[weekday] File "/myproject/myproject-env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/babel/dates.py", line 69, in get_day_names return Locale.parse(locale).days[context][width] AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'days'

This is the way I was using the Flask filter:

import babel.dates as babel_dates @app.template_filter('format_date') def format_date(value): day = babel_dates.format_date(value, "EE") return '{0} {1}'.format(day.upper(), affix(value.day))

The strangest part is that this code is working perfectly fine within the dev environment (!). It works even fine when running the uwsgi as a root process from the command line. But it fails when ran by the www-data daemon. This must have something to do with how the locale is set, which Flask-Babel is trying to fall back to.

When I changed the import like this, it all worked finally with the daemon:

from flask.ext.babel import format_date @app.template_filter('format_date1') def format_date1(value): day = format_date(value, "EE") return '{0} {1}'.format(day.upper(), affix(value.day))

Hence be careful when using Eclipse/Aptana Studio that is trying to pick the right namespace for your classes in code. It can really turn ugly.

It is now working perfectly fine as a uwsgi daemon on an Amazon Ec2 (Ubuntu 12.04) since 2 days. I hope this experience helps fellow python developers.



本文发布于:2023-11-23 22:04:04,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:进程   但不   工作   uWSGI


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