
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-28 03:19:58
本文介绍了为大型项目选择PHP的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述

我将开始一个大型的网络项目。我还在研究 使用哪种语言 - PHP或Perl。 有人可以在链接中清除PHP的一些不良宣传吗? /> 以下?他们是非常有意义的点。这些观点在PHP5中是不是很有用? www.bitstorm/edwin/en/php-sucks/ www.ukuug/events/linux200...php/index.html www.webkreator/php/commun .. 。-and-hate.html 谢谢!

I will be embarking on a large web project. I am still researching as to which language use - PHP or Perl. Can someone clear up some of the bad publicity with PHP in the links below? They are very interestiing points. Are these points moot in PHP5? www.bitstorm/edwin/en/php-sucks/ www.ukuug/events/linux200...php/index.html www.webkreator/php/commun...-and-hate.html THanks!


在文章< 10*************@news.supernews> ;, Deke< De ** @ nospam> 写道: In article <10*************@news.supernews>, Deke <De**@nospam> wrote: 我将开始一个大型的Web项目。我还在研究使用哪种语言 - PHP或Perl。 有人可以在下面的链接中清除PHP的一些不良宣传吗?他们是非常有意义的点。这些观点在PHP5中是不是很有用? www.bitstorm/edwin/en/php-sucks/ www.ukuug/events/linux200...php/index.html www.webkreator/php/commun .. 。-and-hate.html 谢谢! I will be embarking on a large web project. I am still researching as to which language use - PHP or Perl. Can someone clear up some of the bad publicity with PHP in the links below? They are very interestiing points. Are these points moot in PHP5? www.bitstorm/edwin/en/php-sucks/ www.ukuug/events/linux200...php/index.html www.webkreator/php/commun...-and-hate.html THanks!

哈欠!这闻起来就像一个巨魔,我几乎不能把自己带到 给海报带来怀疑的好处。这就好像他出现在一个 Mac新闻组中并发布了MACS SUCK! PC RULE。如果这是在perl组中发布的,那么我可以想象他们的反应。 Perl黑客这些组中的可能是残酷的。 上面发布的网址都是关于 摘要的所有内容php'的实现。所以呢?第二个链接更多地讨论了建立一个大型网站所带来的陷阱,并且比php和perl 一般非常有用。你可以很容易地插入Java / Tomcat。对于 php在第二篇网址的文章中。 无论如何,为什么不退后一步,甚至不考虑语言 你现在要用吗?为什么不只是做一个 网站的故事板,记录信息流,并弄清楚你想要先做什么?b $ b? > 找出你将在哪个机器上运行该网站(PC运行 Windows / IIS或Linux / Apache或其他东西)。该系统是所有 你的或者它将与ISP上的其他用户和站点共享?任何 限制允许在主机上安装什么(一些ISP 不会为你安装软件 - 你拿走他们提供的东西或去 其他地方。 现在,如果你必须在一天之内设计出所有这些东西,那么 语言会你用? Perl还是php?哪个最舒服 with? 我个人喜欢庞大的perl CPAN存储库,它有很多人年 of背后的经验。我喜欢在perl调试器中逐步调试 调试的能力。 php还没有到那里(是的,我知道 关于PEAR和ZEND'的内置php调试器编辑器)。 然而,我不想只使用perl重新编码我的网站。 php只是 足以在共享机器上执行单独的页面。对于CGI脚本,我使用perl和CGIwrap 。这些限制是由我的ISP强加的,但是我可以和他们一起工作。 - DeeDee,不要按下那个按钮!迪迪!没有! Dee ...

Yawn! This smells so much like a troll, I can''t barely bring myself to give the poster the benefit of the doubt. It''s as if he showed up in a Mac newsgroup and posted "MACS SUCK! PCs RULE". If this were cross posted in the perl groups, I can imagine their reaction. Perl hackers in those groups can be brutal. The URLs you posted above are all nits mostly about the abstracts of php''s implementation. So what? The second link talks more about the pitfalls of building a large site and is quite useful than php vs. perl in general. You could just as easily have inserted "Java/Tomcat" for php in the 2nd URL''s article. Anyway, why not take a step back and not even think about the language you''re going to use at this point? Why not just do a story board of the site, document on the flow of information, and figure out what you''re trying to do first? Find out what sort of machine you''ll be running the site on (PC running Windows/IIS or Linux/Apache or something else). Is the system "all yours" or will it be shared with other users and sites on an ISP? Any restrictions on what''s allowed to be installed on the host (some ISPs won''t install software for you--you take what they offer or go elsewhere). Now, if you had to design something from all this in a single day, which language would you use? Perl or php? Which are you most comfortable with? I personally like the huge perl CPAN repository which has many man-years of experience behind it. I like the ability to do step-by-step debugging in the perl debugger. php isn''t quite there yet (yes, I know about PEAR and ZEND''s editor with built-in php debugger). Yet, I wouldn''t want to recode my site using only perl. php is just enough to do individual pages on the shared machine. For CGI scripts, I use perl and CGIwrap. These constraints are imposed by my ISP but I can work with them. -- DeeDee, don''t press that button! DeeDee! NO! Dee...

感谢您的回答。顺便说一句,这不是一个巨魔。任何人有任何 好​​的perl vs php链接?谢谢 Michael Vilain写道: Thanks for the answer. This is not a troll, by the way. Anyone have any good perl vs php links? Thanks Michael Vilain wrote: 文章< 10 ************* @ news.supernews> ,Deke< De ** @ nospam> 写道: In article <10*************@news.supernews>, Deke <De**@nospam> wrote: 我将开始一个大型的网络项目。我还在研究使用哪种语言 - PHP或Perl。 有人可以在下面的链接中清除PHP的一些不良宣传吗?他们是非常有意义的点。这些观点在PHP5中是不是很有用? www.bitstorm/edwin/en/php-sucks/ www.ukuug/events/linux200...php/index.html www.webkreator/php/commun .. 。-and-hate.html 谢谢! I will be embarking on a large web project. I am still researching as towhich language use - PHP or Perl.Can someone clear up some of the bad publicity with PHP in the linksbelow? They are very interestiing points. Are these points moot in PHP5?www.bitstorm/edwin/en/php-sucks/www.ukuug/events/linux200...php/index.htmlwww.webkreator/php/commun...-and-hate.htmlTHanks!

哈欠!这闻起来就像一个巨魔,我几乎不能让自己给海报带来怀疑的好处。就好像他出现在一个 Mac新闻组中并发布了MACS SUCK! PC RULE。如果这是在perl组中发布的,我可以想象他们的反应。这些群体中的Perl黑客可能是残酷的。 您在上面发布的网址都是关于 php实现的摘要。所以呢?第二个链接更多地讨论了构建大型站点的缺陷,并且总体上比php和perl 非常有用。你可以很容易地插入Java / Tomcat。对于 php在第二个URL的文章中。 无论如何,为什么不退后一步,甚至不去想你将要使用的语言这点?为什么不只是做一个网站的故事板,记录信息流,并弄清楚你想先做什么? 找出什么你将在网站上运行的那种机器(运行Windows / IIS或Linux / Apache或其他东西的PC)。系统是全部是你的吗?或者它将与ISP上的其他用户和站点共享?对主机上允许安装的内容有任何限制(某些ISP不会为您安装软件 - 您可以使用他们提供的功能或在其他地方使用。) 现在,如果你必须在一天之内设计出所有这些东西,你会使用哪种语言? Perl还是php?你觉得哪个最舒服? 我个人喜欢庞大的perl CPAN存储库,它背后有很多人年的经验。我喜欢在perl调试器中逐步调试的能力。 php还没有完全存在(是的,我知道关于PEAR和ZEND'的内置php调试器的编辑器。) 然而,我不想仅使用perl重新编码我的网站。 php只是足以在共享机器上执行单独的页面。对于CGI脚本,我使用perl和CGIwrap。这些限制是由我的ISP强加的,但我可以和他们一起工作。

Yawn! This smells so much like a troll, I can''t barely bring myself to give the poster the benefit of the doubt. It''s as if he showed up in a Mac newsgroup and posted "MACS SUCK! PCs RULE". If this were cross posted in the perl groups, I can imagine their reaction. Perl hackers in those groups can be brutal. The URLs you posted above are all nits mostly about the abstracts of php''s implementation. So what? The second link talks more about the pitfalls of building a large site and is quite useful than php vs. perl in general. You could just as easily have inserted "Java/Tomcat" for php in the 2nd URL''s article. Anyway, why not take a step back and not even think about the language you''re going to use at this point? Why not just do a story board of the site, document on the flow of information, and figure out what you''re trying to do first? Find out what sort of machine you''ll be running the site on (PC running Windows/IIS or Linux/Apache or something else). Is the system "all yours" or will it be shared with other users and sites on an ISP? Any restrictions on what''s allowed to be installed on the host (some ISPs won''t install software for you--you take what they offer or go elsewhere). Now, if you had to design something from all this in a single day, which language would you use? Perl or php? Which are you most comfortable with? I personally like the huge perl CPAN repository which has many man-years of experience behind it. I like the ability to do step-by-step debugging in the perl debugger. php isn''t quite there yet (yes, I know about PEAR and ZEND''s editor with built-in php debugger). Yet, I wouldn''t want to recode my site using only perl. php is just enough to do individual pages on the shared machine. For CGI scripts, I use perl and CGIwrap. These constraints are imposed by my ISP but I can work with them.

Deke写道: 我会开始一个大型的网络项目。我还在研究使用哪种语言 - PHP或Perl。 有人可以在下面的链接中清除PHP的一些不良宣传吗?他们是非常有意义的点。这些观点在PHP5中是不是很有用? www.bitstorm/edwin/en/php-sucks/ 看起来有点偏颇。从列出的点来看,就项目的大小而言,唯一能够产生差异的是命名空间缺少的b $ b。如果项目是从头开始编写的(即不仅仅是收集一堆原型或单独项目的b $ b),那么你计划提前 ,并严格遵守命名约定(正确的 前缀),那么它就不是问题了,如果有的话。 如果你包含多个命名空间,那么你仍然可以得到名字 碰撞。 如果不包括但明确说明,那么你可能会写 " fooNS:fooFunc() "而不是fooNS_fooFunc()。 (whoop dee doo) 除此之外,他们可以很高兴。如果你有一些你想要导入的旧代码 ,你可以打一个命名空间,然后你就可以了。另一方面,在意识到缺少命名空间的情况下,人们通常会在他们的函数和类前面添加前缀,如果它是值得重复使用的话。 www.ukuug/events/ linux200 ... php / index.html 与上面几乎相同,在3中有一个点。使用 开发人员团队。但开发人员意识到命名空间污染的可能性将相应地起作用。我不认为这是一个真正的问题。 www.webkreator/php/commun...-and-hate.html I will be embarking on a large web project. I am still researching as to which language use - PHP or Perl. Can someone clear up some of the bad publicity with PHP in the links below? They are very interestiing points. Are these points moot in PHP5? www.bitstorm/edwin/en/php-sucks/ Looks a little biased. From the points listed, the only thing that would make a difference, with regards to the size of the project, is the lack of namespace. If the project is written from scratch (i.e. not just gathering up a bunch of prototypes or separate projects), you plan ahead, and you are strict with your naming conventions (proper prefixing), then it is less of a problem, if at all. If you include more than one namespace, then you can still get name collisions. If not included but explicitly stated, then you would perhaps write "fooNS:fooFunc()" instead of "fooNS_fooFunc()". (whoop dee doo) But apart from that, they can be nice to have. If you have some old code that you want imported, you can just slap on a namespace, and there you go. On the other hand, in awareness of the lack of namespace, people usually prefix their functions and classes, if it is something worth reusing. www.ukuug/events/linux200...php/index.html Pretty much same as above, has a point in "3. Using a Team of Developers". But developers aware of the possibility of namespace pollution will act accordingly. I wouldn''t consider it a real problem. www.webkreator/php/commun...-and-hate.html

嗯,心烦意乱关于一个需要register_globals的教程,由一些随机的grrl写的b ,他们(Zend)不会从他们的 网站上删除。好。不同意网上的一些文章。好。结论是 PHP直接陷入地狱。嗯...什么? 也许你应该在一些(更大的)开源项目中查看 php和perl,并判断你最满意的是什么。 /> / Bent

Hmm, upset about a tutorial that requires register_globals, written years ago by some random grrl, that they (Zend) don''t remove from their site. Ok. Disagreeing with some articles on the net. Ok. Concluding that PHP is headed straight to hell. Uhm... what? Perhaps you should peek in some (larger) opensource projects both for php and perl, and judge what you are most comfortable with. /Bent



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