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本文介绍了在Lucene中将来自多个文档的匹配合并为单个匹配的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述


我的文章被编入索引,因此 以便可以对其进行搜索.每个 文章还具有多个属性 与之相关的 索引和可搜索.当用户 搜索,他们都可以在其中找到匹配 主要文章或相关文章 特性.不管在哪里打 实现,返回文章 作为搜索命中(即属性 永远不会受到打击).


每个属性都具有安全性, 这意味着对于任何给定的用户, 他们可能会或可能不会看到 财产.如果用户看不到 财产,他们显然没有得到 搜索命中.此安全检查 是专有的,不能做 使用典型的存储机制 在索引中与 文档中的其他字段.


最初为实现此目的,对Lucene v1.3进行了修改,以通过更改BooleanQuery使其具有自定义记分器来实现,该记分器可以应用安全检查的逻辑并将不同文档中两个命中的组合归类为命中在一个文档中.我正在尝试将此版本升级到最新版本(v2.3.2-我正在使用Lucene.Net),但理想情况下无需进行任何修改.

如果我执行AND搜索,则会出现另一个问题.如果文章包含单词 foo ,并且其属性之一包含单词 bar ,则搜索"foo AND bar"将返回该文章作为匹配.我当前的代码在自定义记分器中处理此问题.


我正在考虑使用自定义的HitCollector并将其传递到搜索中,但是当执行布尔搜索"foo AND bar"时,执行永远都不会到达我的HitCollector,因为ConjunctionScorer会过滤掉所有结果在到达子查询之前从子查询中获取.



+---------+------------+------------+ | Article | Property 1 | Property 2 | +---------+------------+------------+ | A | X | J | | B | Y | K | | C | Z | L | +---------+------------+------------+





现在已经实现了此功能(经过大量的努力和逐步完成Lucene搜索之后),我想我应该回过头来介绍如何实现它. /p>

因为我对所有结果都感兴趣(即一次不一页),所以我可以避免使用Hits对象(无论如何在更高版本的Lucene中已弃用).这意味着我可以使用IndexSearcher的Search(Weight, Filter, HitCollector)方法进行自己的匹配集合,遍历所有可能的结果,并适当地组合文档匹配.为此,我必须加入Lucene的查询机制,但前提是必须存在AND和NOT子句.这可以通过以下方式实现:

  • 创建自定义QueryParser并覆盖GetBooleanQuery(ArrayList, bool)以返回我自己的实现.
  • 创建自定义BooleanQuery(从自定义QueryParser返回)并覆盖CreateWeight(Searcher)以返回我自己的实现.
  • 创建自定义Weight(从自定义BooleanQuery返回)并覆盖Scorer(IndexReader)以返回我自己的实现.
  • 创建自定义BooleanScorer2(从自定义Weight返回)并覆盖Score(HitCollector)方法.这就是处理自定义逻辑的方法.
  • 这似乎是很多类,但是其中大多数是从Lucene类派生的,并且只是重写了一个方法.



    在所有这些操作的最后,我将命中设置在传递给BooleanScorer2.Score(HitCollector)方法的HitCollector上.这是一个自定义的HitCollector,我将其传递给IndexSearcher.Search(Query, HitCollector)方法来最初执行搜索.当此方法返回时,我的自定义HitCollector现在包含我想要的搜索结果.

    希望这些信息对遇到相同问题的其他人很有用.这听起来很费力,但实际上是微不足道的.大多数工作都是通过将ConjunctionScorer中的命中组合在一起来完成的.请注意,这是针对Lucene v2.3.2的,在以后的版本中可能会有所不同.

    I am trying to get a particular search to work and it is proving problematic. The actual source data is quite complex but can be summarised by the following example:

    I have articles that are indexed so that they can be searched. Each article also has multiple properties associated with it which are also indexed and searchable. When users search, they can get hits in either the main article or the associated properties. Regardless of where a hit is achieved, the article is returned as a search hit (ie. the properties are never a hit in their own right).

    Now for the complexity:

    Each property has security on it, which means that for any given user, they may or may not be able to see the property. If a user cannot see a property, they obviously do not get a search hit in it. This security check is proprietary and cannot be done using the typical mechanism of storing a role in the index alongside the other fields in the document.

    I currently have an index that contains the articles and properties indexed separately (ie. an article is indexed as a document, and each property has its own document). When a search happens, a hit in article A or a hit in any of the properties of article A should be classed as hit for article A alone, with the scores combined.

    To achieve this originally, Lucene v1.3 was modified to allow this to happen by changing BooleanQuery to have a custom Scorer that could apply the logic of the security check and the combination of two hits in different documents being classed as a hit in a single document. I am trying to upgrade this version to the latest (v2.3.2 - I am using Lucene.Net), but ideally without having to modify Lucene in any way.

    An additional problem occurs if I do an AND search. If an article contains the word foo and one of its properties contains the word bar, then searching for "foo AND bar" will return the article as a hit. My current code deals with this inside the custom Scorer.

    Any ideas how/if this can be done?

    I am thinking along the lines of using a custom HitCollector and passing that into the search, but when doing the boolean search "foo AND bar", execution never reaches my HitCollector as the ConjunctionScorer filters out all of the results from the sub-queries before getting there.


    Whether or not a user can see a property is not based on the property itself, but on the value of the property. I cannot therefore put the extra security conditions into the query upfront as I don't know the value to filter by.

    As an example:

    +---------+------------+------------+ | Article | Property 1 | Property 2 | +---------+------------+------------+ | A | X | J | | B | Y | K | | C | Z | L | +---------+------------+------------+

    If a user can see everything, then searching for "B and Y" will return a single search result for article B.

    If another user cannot see a property if its value contains Y, then searching for "B and Y" will return no hits.

    I have no way of knowing what values a user can and cannot see upfront. They only way to tell is to perform the security check (currently done at the time of filtering a hit from a field in the document), which I obviously cannot do for every possible data value for each user.


    Having now implemented this (after a lot of head-scratching and stepping through Lucene searches), I thought I'd post back on how I achieved it.

    Because I am interested in all of the results (ie. not a page at a time), I can avoid using the Hits object (which has been deprecated in later versions of Lucene anyway). This means I can do my own hit collection using the Search(Weight, Filter, HitCollector) method of IndexSearcher, iterating over all possible results and combining document hits as appropriate. To do this, I had to hook into Lucene's querying mechanism, but only when AND and NOT clauses are present. This is achieved by:

  • Creating a custom QueryParser and overriding GetBooleanQuery(ArrayList, bool) to return my own implementation.
  • Creating a custom BooleanQuery (returned from the custom QueryParser) and overriding CreateWeight(Searcher) to return my own implementation.
  • Creating a custom Weight (returned from the custom BooleanQuery) and overriding Scorer(IndexReader) to return my own implementation.
  • Creating a custom BooleanScorer2 (returned from the custom Weight) and overriding the Score(HitCollector) method. This is what deals with the custom logic.
  • This might seem like a lot of classes, but most of them derive from a Lucene class and just override a single method.

    The implementation of the Score(HitCollector) method in the custom BooleanScorer2 class now has the responsibility of doing the custom logic. If there are no required sub-scorers, the scoring can be passed to the base Score method and run as normal. If there are required sub-scorers, it means there was a NOT or an AND clause in the query. In this case, the special combination logic mentioned in the question comes into play. I have a class called ConjunctionScorer that does this (this is not related to the ConjunctionScorer in Lucene).

    The ConjunctionScorer takes a list of scorers and iterates over them. For each one, I extract the hits and their scores (using the Doc() and Score() methods) and create my own search hits collection containing only those hits that the current user can see after performing the relevant security checks. If a hit has already been found by another scorer, I combine them together (using the mean of their scores for their new score). If a hit is from a prohibited scorer, I remove the hit if it was already found.

    At the end of all of this, I set the hits onto the HitCollector passed into the BooleanScorer2.Score(HitCollector) method. This is a custom HitCollector that I passed into the IndexSearcher.Search(Query, HitCollector) method to originally perform the search. When this method returns, my custom HitCollector now contains my search results combined together as I wanted.

    Hopefully this information will be useful to someone else faced with the same problem. It sounds like a lot of effort, but it is actually pretty trivial. Most of the work is done in combining the hits together in the ConjunctionScorer. Note that this is for Lucene v2.3.2, and may be different in later versions.



    本文发布于:2023-11-22 19:26:15,感谢您对本站的认可!
    本文标签:多个   并为   中将   文档   Lucene


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