如何在MongoDB聚合查询中使用$ hint?

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-28 01:16:41
本文介绍了如何在MongoDB聚合查询中使用$ hint?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述

我在ubuntu机器上使用mongo v3.0.1.我收藏了3亿行.我根据查询首选项创建了两个索引.



  • "Host_-1_SiteType_-1"

  • "VisitTime_-1_AccountId_-1_Host_-1_SiteType_-1_Extension_-1_LifeTime_-1"

  • 和我的$match管道就像:

    { "$match" : { "AccountId": accID, "VisitTime": { "$lte" : today, "$gte" : last365Days }, "$or": [ { "$and": [ { "Extension":{ "$in": ["chrome_0","firefox_0"] }}, { "LifeTime": 0 } ]}, { "LifeTime": { "$gt": 1000 }} ], "Host": { "$ne": "localhost" }, "SiteType" : { "$exists": true }, }



    { "_id" : "2bc1143c-07e4-4c37-a020-a7485b2802a3", "CreatedDate" : ISODate("2015-07-22T04:05:06.802+0000"), "UpdatedDate" : ISODate("2015-07-22T05:28:26.469+0000"), "AccountId" : accID, "Url" : "www.test/test.html", "Host" : "test", "VisitTime" : ISODate("2014-08-12T18:08:25.813+0000"), "LifeTime" : 789546.01, "Status" : "closed", "LocalTime" : ISODate("2014-08-12T18:08:25.813+0000"), "DeviceId" : "123456789", "Extension" : "firefox_0", "SubSiteType" : "TestSubSite", "SiteType" : "TestSite", "Flag" : "1" }


    { "stages" : [ { "$cursor" : { "query" : { "AccountId" : "accID", "VisitTime" : { "$lte" : "2015-07-25T18:30:00Z", "$gte" : "2014-07-25T18:30:00Z" }, "Host" : { "$ne" : "localhost" }, "SiteType" : { "$exists" : true }, "$or" : [ { "$and" : [ { "Extension" : { "$in" : [ "chrome_0", "firefox_0" ] } }, { "LifeTime" : 0 } ] }, { "LifeTime" : { "$gt" : 1000 } } ] }, "fields" : { "Host" : 1, "_id" : 0 }, "queryPlanner" : { "plannerVersion" : 1, "namespace" : "Test", "indexFilterSet" : false, "parsedQuery" : { "$and" : [ { "$or" : [ { "$and" : [ { "LifeTime" : { "$eq" : 0 } }, { "Extension" : { "$in" : [ "chrome_0", "firefox_0" ] } } ] }, { "LifeTime" : { "$gt" : 1000 } } ] }, { "$not" : { "Host" : { "$eq" : "localhost" } } }, { "VisitTime" : { "$lte" : "2015-07-25T18:30:00Z" } }, { "AccountId" : { "$eq" : "accID" } }, { "VisitTime" :"2014-07-25T18:30:00Z" }, { "SiteType" : { "$exists" : true } } ] }, "winningPlan" : { "stage" : "FETCH", "filter" : { "$and" : [ { "SiteType" : { "$exists" : true } }, { "$or" : [ { "$and" : [ { "LifeTime" : { "$eq" : 0 } }, { "Extension" : { "$in" : [ "chrome_0", "firefox_0" ] } } ] }, { "LifeTime" : { "$gt" : 1000 } } ] }, { "VisitTime" : { "$lte" : "2015-07-25T18:30:00Z" } }, { "AccountId" : { "$eq" : "accID" } }, { "VisitTime" : { "$gte" : "2014-07-25T18:30:00Z" } } ] }, "inputStage" : { "stage" : "IXSCAN", "keyPattern" : { "Host" : -1, "SiteType" : -1 }, "indexName" : "Host_-1_SiteType_-1", "isMultiKey" : false, "direction" : "forward", "indexBounds" : { "Host" : [ "[MaxKey, \"localhost\")", "(\"localhost\", MinKey]" ], "SiteType" : [ "[MaxKey, MinKey]" ] } } }, "rejectedPlans" : [ { "stage" : "FETCH", "filter" : { "$and" : [ { "SiteType" : { "$exists" : true } }, { "$or" : [ { "$and" : [ { "LifeTime" : { "$eq" : 0 } }, { "Extension" : { "$in" : [ "chrome_0", "firefox_0" ] } } ] }, { "LifeTime" : { "$gt" : 1000 } } ] } ] }, "inputStage" : { "stage" : "IXSCAN", "keyPattern" : { "VisitTime" : -1, "AccountId" : -1, "Host" : -1, "SiteType" : -1, "Extension" : -1, "LifeTime" : -1 }, "indexName" : "VisitTime_-1_AccountId_-1_Host_-1_SiteType_-1_Extension_-1_LifeTime_-1", "isMultiKey" : false, "direction" : "forward", "indexBounds" : { "VisitTime" : [ "[new Date(1437849000000), new Date(1406313000000)]" ], "AccountId" : [ "[\"accID\", \"accID\"]" ], "Host" : [ "[MaxKey, \"localhost\")", "(\"localhost\", MinKey]" ], "SiteType" : [ "[MaxKey, MinKey]" ], "Extension" : [ "[MaxKey, MinKey]" ], "LifeTime" : [ "[MaxKey, MinKey]" ] } } } ] } } }, { "$group" : { "_id" : "$Host", "Count" : { "$sum" : { "$const" : 1 } } } }, { "$sort" : { "sortKey" : { "Count" : -1 }, "limit" : 5 } }, { "$project" : { "_id" : false, "Host" : "$_id", "TotalVisit" : "$Count" } } ], "ok" : 1 }





  • 按创作日期包含库中的书籍,使您可以根据日期选择指向书籍的卡片

  • 包含书籍作者的姓名以及图书馆中的位置.

  • 现在,考虑到您知道要查找过去十年来撰写的作者的书,那么您选择哪种索引系统?那么,您是否浏览了10年的日期并寻找其中包含的作者?或者,您宁愿先查找作者,然后再缩小过去十年中写过哪些书?





    I am using mongo v3.0.1 on a ubuntu machine. And I have a collection of 300million rows. I have created two indexes based on my query preference.

    When I am trying to run aggregation with explain, It is taking the inefficient index, and that is why it's taking 20-25 secs more time. Is there any way to put $hint, so that my aggregation query use the appropriate index.

    $match is in my first pipeline stage. I have two indexes:

  • "Host_-1_SiteType_-1"

  • "VisitTime_-1_AccountId_-1_Host_-1_SiteType_-1_Extension_-1_LifeTime_-1"

  • and my $match pipeline is like :

    { "$match" : { "AccountId": accID, "VisitTime": { "$lte" : today, "$gte" : last365Days }, "$or": [ { "$and": [ { "Extension":{ "$in": ["chrome_0","firefox_0"] }}, { "LifeTime": 0 } ]}, { "LifeTime": { "$gt": 1000 }} ], "Host": { "$ne": "localhost" }, "SiteType" : { "$exists": true }, }

    and it is using first index, instead of second index. and the time taken by the first index in 50 secs where as using second index only it is taking only 18 secs.

    Here is my one of the document sample:

    { "_id" : "2bc1143c-07e4-4c37-a020-a7485b2802a3", "CreatedDate" : ISODate("2015-07-22T04:05:06.802+0000"), "UpdatedDate" : ISODate("2015-07-22T05:28:26.469+0000"), "AccountId" : accID, "Url" : "www.test/test.html", "Host" : "test", "VisitTime" : ISODate("2014-08-12T18:08:25.813+0000"), "LifeTime" : 789546.01, "Status" : "closed", "LocalTime" : ISODate("2014-08-12T18:08:25.813+0000"), "DeviceId" : "123456789", "Extension" : "firefox_0", "SubSiteType" : "TestSubSite", "SiteType" : "TestSite", "Flag" : "1" }

    and here is my aggregation explanation:

    { "stages" : [ { "$cursor" : { "query" : { "AccountId" : "accID", "VisitTime" : { "$lte" : "2015-07-25T18:30:00Z", "$gte" : "2014-07-25T18:30:00Z" }, "Host" : { "$ne" : "localhost" }, "SiteType" : { "$exists" : true }, "$or" : [ { "$and" : [ { "Extension" : { "$in" : [ "chrome_0", "firefox_0" ] } }, { "LifeTime" : 0 } ] }, { "LifeTime" : { "$gt" : 1000 } } ] }, "fields" : { "Host" : 1, "_id" : 0 }, "queryPlanner" : { "plannerVersion" : 1, "namespace" : "Test", "indexFilterSet" : false, "parsedQuery" : { "$and" : [ { "$or" : [ { "$and" : [ { "LifeTime" : { "$eq" : 0 } }, { "Extension" : { "$in" : [ "chrome_0", "firefox_0" ] } } ] }, { "LifeTime" : { "$gt" : 1000 } } ] }, { "$not" : { "Host" : { "$eq" : "localhost" } } }, { "VisitTime" : { "$lte" : "2015-07-25T18:30:00Z" } }, { "AccountId" : { "$eq" : "accID" } }, { "VisitTime" :"2014-07-25T18:30:00Z" }, { "SiteType" : { "$exists" : true } } ] }, "winningPlan" : { "stage" : "FETCH", "filter" : { "$and" : [ { "SiteType" : { "$exists" : true } }, { "$or" : [ { "$and" : [ { "LifeTime" : { "$eq" : 0 } }, { "Extension" : { "$in" : [ "chrome_0", "firefox_0" ] } } ] }, { "LifeTime" : { "$gt" : 1000 } } ] }, { "VisitTime" : { "$lte" : "2015-07-25T18:30:00Z" } }, { "AccountId" : { "$eq" : "accID" } }, { "VisitTime" : { "$gte" : "2014-07-25T18:30:00Z" } } ] }, "inputStage" : { "stage" : "IXSCAN", "keyPattern" : { "Host" : -1, "SiteType" : -1 }, "indexName" : "Host_-1_SiteType_-1", "isMultiKey" : false, "direction" : "forward", "indexBounds" : { "Host" : [ "[MaxKey, \"localhost\")", "(\"localhost\", MinKey]" ], "SiteType" : [ "[MaxKey, MinKey]" ] } } }, "rejectedPlans" : [ { "stage" : "FETCH", "filter" : { "$and" : [ { "SiteType" : { "$exists" : true } }, { "$or" : [ { "$and" : [ { "LifeTime" : { "$eq" : 0 } }, { "Extension" : { "$in" : [ "chrome_0", "firefox_0" ] } } ] }, { "LifeTime" : { "$gt" : 1000 } } ] } ] }, "inputStage" : { "stage" : "IXSCAN", "keyPattern" : { "VisitTime" : -1, "AccountId" : -1, "Host" : -1, "SiteType" : -1, "Extension" : -1, "LifeTime" : -1 }, "indexName" : "VisitTime_-1_AccountId_-1_Host_-1_SiteType_-1_Extension_-1_LifeTime_-1", "isMultiKey" : false, "direction" : "forward", "indexBounds" : { "VisitTime" : [ "[new Date(1437849000000), new Date(1406313000000)]" ], "AccountId" : [ "[\"accID\", \"accID\"]" ], "Host" : [ "[MaxKey, \"localhost\")", "(\"localhost\", MinKey]" ], "SiteType" : [ "[MaxKey, MinKey]" ], "Extension" : [ "[MaxKey, MinKey]" ], "LifeTime" : [ "[MaxKey, MinKey]" ] } } } ] } } }, { "$group" : { "_id" : "$Host", "Count" : { "$sum" : { "$const" : 1 } } } }, { "$sort" : { "sortKey" : { "Count" : -1 }, "limit" : 5 } }, { "$project" : { "_id" : false, "Host" : "$_id", "TotalVisit" : "$Count" } } ], "ok" : 1 }


    Index definition can be very subjective, and not something you just idly say "index this stuff" and then hope for the best. It actually requires some thought about the search process to which it applies.

    Your query here appears to be made up of these main elements, which are mostly the "Account" and "Lifetime" values. Sure there are other things in there like the "VisitTime" notably, but taking the old library and card index analogy then think about the process.

    So when you walk through the library door you are presented with two card index systems:

  • Contains the books in the libary by the date they were authored, allowing you to get a selection of the cards pointing to the books based on the date

  • Contains the names of the authors of the books and there locations in the library.

  • Now considering that you know you want to look for books from an author written in the last 10 years, then which index system do you pick? So do you look through the dates of 10 years and look for the author contained within? Or do you rather first look up the author, and then narrow down to which books have been written in the last 10 years?

    Chances are that the last 10 years has a lot more content that just that from a single author. Therefore 2 is the better choice because once you have all books for that author, then going through the cards to find those within 10 years should be a much smaller task.

    This is why the order of keys in an index is important to the query patterns you are using. Clearly "Account" should be the thing that narrows the selection the most and then other details to help further narrow that down.

    Anything that puts something like a "VisitTime" before that, means you need to sift through all of the things you likely don't want within that period before you actually get to the things you need.

    Ordering is important, and you need to always consider that with index design.


    如何在MongoDB聚合查询中使用$ hint?

    本文发布于:2023-11-22 07:10:13,感谢您对本站的认可!
    本文标签:如何在   MongoDB   hint


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