SQL Server 计数来自父类别和所有子类别的记录

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本文介绍了SQL Server 计数来自父类别和所有子类别的记录的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述

目前我有一个存储过程,我在其中创建一个表并查询该表以获得我想要的结果,结果是一个无限分层的子/父表,允许我在基于 ASP Classic 的网页上显示数据.


SET NOCOUNT ON;声明@类别表(CatID INT 不为空,CatName VARCHAR(200) 非空,家长 ID INT)插入@Categories从类别中选择 CatID、CatName、ParentID = NULL猫名不在 (SELECT CatName FROM Categories cINNER JOIN CategoriesRel r ON c.CatID = r.ChildID)联盟从类别中选择 CatID、CatName、cr.ParentIDINNER JOIN CategoriesRel cr ON cr.ChildID = Categories.CatID按 CatID 订购;与 r AS (SELECT CatID, CatName, ParentID, depth=0 ,Sort=CAST(CatName As VARCHAR(MAX))从 @Categories 哪里 ParentID 为 NULL联合所有SELECT c.CatID, c.CatName, c.ParentID, Depth=r.Depth+1 ,Sort=r.Sort+CAST(c.CatName AS VARCHAR(200))FROM r INNER JOIN @Categories c ON r.CatID=c.ParentID WHERE r.Depth<32767)SELECT CatID, CatName=replicate('-',r.Depth*3)+r.CatName,(SELECT COUNT(BsnID) FROM Businesses WHERE Businesses.CatID = r.CatID) AS CatCountFROM r ORDER BY Sort OPTION(maxrecursion 32767);


(SELECT COUNT(BsnID) FROM Businesses WHERE Businesses.CatID = r.CatID) AS CatCount

如果我使用这段特定的代码,我只会得到为特定类别 ID 返回的行数.例如,这是当前的结果:

CatID |猫名 |猫数______|______________________|_________1016 |古董 |11021 |汽车 |11024 |---维修|11026 |------发动机维修|1第1035章---轮胎 |11002 |建筑 |0


CatID |猫名 |猫数______|______________________|_________1016 |古董 |11021 |汽车 |41024 |---维修|21026 |------发动机维修|1第1035章---轮胎 |11002 |建筑 |0


包括一些用于测试目的的 SQL

CREATE TABLE Categories(CatID int NOT NULL,CatName nvarchar(100) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (CatID));CREATE TABLE CategoriesRel(CatLinkID int NOT NULL,ParentID int NOT NULL,ChildID int NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (CatLinkID),FOREIGN KEY (ParentID) REFERENCES Categories(CatID),FOREIGN KEY (ChildID) REFERENCES Categories(CatID);CREATE TABLE Businesses(BsnID int NOT NULL,BsnName nvarchar(100) NOT NULL,CatID int NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (BsnID),FOREIGN KEY (CatID) REFERENCES Categories(CatID);INSERT INTO Categories VALUES ('1','Antique'),('2','Automotive'),('3','Building'),('4','Tyres'),('5','修理'),('6','发动机修理');INSERT INTO CategoriesRel VALUES ('1', '2','4'),('1','2','5'),('1','5','6');INSERT INTO Businesses VALUES ('1','Test1','2'),('2','Test2','4'),('3','Test3','5'),('4','Test4','6');


去掉 CTE 的 WHERE ParentID IS NULL 部分,并添加一个 RootId 字段.这将让您找到每个父级的子级数.

;with r AS (SELECT CatID, CatName, ParentID, CatID RootId, depth=0 ,Sort=CAST(CatName As VARCHAR(MAX))来自@Categories--父ID为空的地方联合所有SELECT c.CatID, c.CatName, c.ParentID, RootId, Depth=r.Depth+1 ,Sort=r.Sort+CAST(c.CatName AS VARCHAR(200))从 r内部连接@Categories c ON r.CatID=c.ParentIDWHERE r.Depth<32767)

这会为层次结构的每个级别提供一行.父类别出现多次,但具有不同的 RootId.这将使我们在层次结构的每个级别获得计数:

+-------+---------------+----------+--------+-------+----------------------------------------------+|目录号 |猫名 |家长 ID |根 ID |深度|排序 |+-------+---------------+---------+--------+-------+--------------------------------+|1002 |建筑 |空 |1002 |0 |建筑 ||1016 |古董 |空 |1016 |0 |古董 ||1021 |汽车 |空 |1021 |0 |汽车 ||1024 |维修 |1021 |1024 |0 |维修 ||1026 |发动机维修 |1024 |1026 |0 |发动机维修 ||第1035章轮胎 |1021 |第1035章0 |轮胎 ||1026 |发动机维修 |1024 |1024 |1 |维修引擎维修 ||1024 |维修 |1021 |1021 |1 |汽车维修 ||第1035章轮胎 |1021 |1021 |1 |汽车轮胎 ||1026 |发动机维修 |1024 |1021 |2 |AutomotiveRepairEngine Repair |+-------+---------------+---------+--------+-------+--------------------------------+

如果您按 RootId 分组并获得 COUNT(),它会为您提供您要查找的数字:

select RootId, count(b.CatId) catCount从 rr.CatID = b.CatId 上的左外连接业务 b按rootid分组+--------+-----------+|根 ID |猫数 |+--------+-----------+|1002 |0 ||1016 |1 ||1021 |4 ||1024 |2 ||1026 |1 ||第1035章1 |+--------+-----------+

查询的其余部分只是获取排序和缩进的 CatName.你想得到每个类别最深的孩子:

select r.CatId, CatName, max(depth) MaxDepth从 r按 r.catId、CatName 分组


SELECT y.CatID,replica('-',y.MaxDepth*3)+y.CatName CatName,x.CatCountFROM (选择 RootId, count(b.CatId) catCount从 rr.CatID = b.CatId 上的左外连接业务 b按rootid分组)x加入 (选择 r.CatId, CatName, max(depth) MaxDepth从 rgroup by r.catId, CatName) y on y.CatID = x.RootId排序依据(选择从 r 排序,其中 r.CatID = x.RootId 和 r.depth = y.MaxDepth)选项(最大递归 32767);

Currently I have a stored procedure where I create a table and query the table to get my desired result, the result being an infinitely tiered child/parent table that allows me to display the data on my ASP Classic based webpage.

This procedure is:

SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @Categories TABLE( CatID INT NOT NULL, CatName VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, ParentID INT ) INSERT INTO @Categories SELECT CatID, CatName, ParentID = NULL FROM Categories WHERE CatName NOT IN ( SELECT CatName FROM Categories c INNER JOIN CategoriesRel r ON c.CatID = r.ChildID) UNION SELECT CatID, CatName, cr.ParentID FROM Categories INNER JOIN CategoriesRel cr ON cr.ChildID = Categories.CatID ORDER BY CatID; WITH r AS ( SELECT CatID, CatName, ParentID, depth=0 ,Sort=CAST(CatName As VARCHAR(MAX)) FROM @Categories WHERE ParentID IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT c.CatID, c.CatName, c.ParentID, Depth=r.Depth+1 ,Sort=r.Sort+CAST(c.CatName AS VARCHAR(200)) FROM r INNER JOIN @Categories c ON r.CatID=c.ParentID WHERE r.Depth<32767 ) SELECT CatID, CatName=replicate('-',r.Depth*3)+r.CatName, (SELECT COUNT(BsnID) FROM Businesses WHERE Businesses.CatID = r.CatID) AS CatCount FROM r ORDER BY Sort OPTION(maxrecursion 32767);

The problem with this is the count query at the bottom.

(SELECT COUNT(BsnID) FROM Businesses WHERE Businesses.CatID = r.CatID) AS CatCount

If I use this specific piece of code, I only get the count of rows returned for a specific Category ID. For example this is the current result:

CatID | CatName | CatCount ______|______________________|_________ 1016 | Antiques | 1 1021 | Automotive | 1 1024 | ---Repair | 1 1026 | ------Engine Repair | 1 1035 | ---Tyres | 1 1002 | Building | 0

I need the result to be something like this:

CatID | CatName | CatCount ______|______________________|_________ 1016 | Antiques | 1 1021 | Automotive | 4 1024 | ---Repair | 2 1026 | ------Engine Repair | 1 1035 | ---Tyres | 1 1002 | Building | 0

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

EDIT: Included is some SQL for testing purposes

CREATE TABLE Categories(CatID int NOT NULL,CatName nvarchar(100) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (CatID)); CREATE TABLE CategoriesRel(CatLinkID int NOT NULL,ParentID int NOT NULL,ChildID int NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (CatLinkID),FOREIGN KEY (ParentID) REFERENCES Categories(CatID),FOREIGN KEY (ChildID) REFERENCES Categories(CatID); CREATE TABLE Businesses(BsnID int NOT NULL,BsnName nvarchar(100) NOT NULL,CatID int NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (BsnID),FOREIGN KEY (CatID) REFERENCES Categories(CatID); INSERT INTO Categories VALUES ('1','Antique'),('2','Automotive'),('3','Building'),('4','Tyres'),('5','Repair'),('6','Engine Repairs'); INSERT INTO CategoriesRel VALUES ('1', '2','4'),('1','2','5'),('1','5','6'); INSERT INTO Businesses VALUES ('1','Test1','2'),('2','Test2','4'),('3','Test3','5'),('4','Test4','6');


Take out the WHERE ParentID IS NULL part of the CTE, and add a RootId field. This will let you find the count of the children for each level of parent.

;WITH r AS ( SELECT CatID, CatName, ParentID, CatID RootId, depth=0 ,Sort=CAST(CatName As VARCHAR(MAX)) FROM @Categories --WHERE ParentID IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT c.CatID, c.CatName, c.ParentID, RootId, Depth=r.Depth+1 ,Sort=r.Sort+CAST(c.CatName AS VARCHAR(200)) FROM r INNER JOIN @Categories c ON r.CatID=c.ParentID WHERE r.Depth<32767 )

This gives you a row for each level of the hierarchy. Parent categories appear multiple times, but with different RootIds. This will let us get a count at each level of the hierarcy:

+-------+---------------+----------+--------+-------+-------------------------------+ | CatID | CatName | ParentID | RootId | depth | Sort | +-------+---------------+----------+--------+-------+-------------------------------+ | 1002 | Building | NULL | 1002 | 0 | Building | | 1016 | Antiques | NULL | 1016 | 0 | Antiques | | 1021 | Automotive | NULL | 1021 | 0 | Automotive | | 1024 | Repair | 1021 | 1024 | 0 | Repair | | 1026 | Engine Repair | 1024 | 1026 | 0 | Engine Repair | | 1035 | Tyres | 1021 | 1035 | 0 | Tyres | | 1026 | Engine Repair | 1024 | 1024 | 1 | RepairEngine Repair | | 1024 | Repair | 1021 | 1021 | 1 | AutomotiveRepair | | 1035 | Tyres | 1021 | 1021 | 1 | AutomotiveTyres | | 1026 | Engine Repair | 1024 | 1021 | 2 | AutomotiveRepairEngine Repair | +-------+---------------+----------+--------+-------+-------------------------------+

If you group by RootId and get the COUNT(), it gives you the numbers you're looking for:

select RootId, count(b.CatId) catCount from r left outer join Businesses b on r.CatID = b.CatId group by rootid +--------+----------+ | RootId | CatCount | +--------+----------+ | 1002 | 0 | | 1016 | 1 | | 1021 | 4 | | 1024 | 2 | | 1026 | 1 | | 1035 | 1 | +--------+----------+

The rest of the query is just getting the Sort and indented CatName. You want to get the deepest child for each category:

select r.CatId, CatName, max(depth) MaxDepth from r group by r.catId, CatName

The final query is:

SELECT y.CatID, replicate('-',y.MaxDepth*3)+y.CatName CatName, x.CatCount FROM (select RootId, count(b.CatId) catCount from r left outer join Businesses b on r.CatID = b.CatId group by rootid) x join (select r.CatId, CatName, max(depth) MaxDepth from r group by r.catId, CatName) y on y.CatID = x.RootId order by (select Sort from r where r.CatID = x.RootId and r.depth = y.MaxDepth) OPTION(maxrecursion 32767);


SQL Server 计数来自父类别和所有子类别的记录

本文发布于:2023-11-22 05:55:25,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:子类   类别   SQL   Server


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