
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-21 09:29:38
本文介绍了如何在Ruby中一个世界杯小组表进行排序的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述


[   {ID:1,home_team:洪都拉斯,away_team:智利,home_score:0,away_score:1},   {ID:2,home_team:西班牙,away_team:瑞士,home_score:0,away_score:1},   {ID:3,home_team:智利,away_team:瑞士,home_score:1,away_score:0},   {ID:4,home_team:西班牙,away_team:洪都拉斯,home_score:2,away_score:0},   {ID:5,home_team:智利,away_team:西班牙,home_score:1,away_score:2},   {ID:6,home_team:洪都拉斯,away_team:瑞士,home_score:0,away_score:0} ]


[{goals_for:4,goals_against:2,goal_diff:2,积分:6,名称:西班牙},  {goals_for:3,goals_against:2,goal_diff:1,积分:6,名称:智利},  {goals_for:1,goals_against:1,goal_diff:0分:4,名称:瑞士},  {goals_for:0,goals_against:3,goal_diff:-3,要点:1,名称:洪都拉斯}]


  • 在最大点数
  • 在最大的目标差异
  • 最伟大的进球
    • 如果有一搭下面是使用
  • 在尽可能多的点,从比赛追平球队之间
  • 从并列队之间的比赛最大的目标差异
  • 最伟大的进球得分,从比赛追平球队之间
  • 在抽签
  • 问题


    高清排序     teams.sort_by!做|团队|       [队[:分],团队[:goal_diff],团队[:goals_for]     end.reverse!   结束


    [   {ID:1,home_team:阿尔及利亚,away_team:斯洛文尼亚,home_score:2,away_score:1},   {ID:2,home_team:USA,away_team:斯洛文尼亚,home_score:5,away_score:1},   {ID:3,home_team:英格兰队,away_team:斯洛文尼亚,home_score:4,away_score:0},   {ID:4,home_team:阿尔及利亚,away_team:USA,home_score:3,away_score:0},   {ID:5,home_team:USA,away_team:英格兰队,home_score:2,away_score:0},   {ID:6,home_team:英格兰队,away_team:阿尔及利亚,home_score:3,away_score:2} ]




    | POS机| TEAM | GF | GA | GD |点| | 1 |阿尔及利亚| 5 | 3 | 2 | 3 | | 3 |英格兰| 3 | 4 | -1 | 3 | | 2 |美国| 2 | 3 | -1 | 3 |



    [{goals_for:7,goals_against:4,goal_diff:3,积分:6,名称:英格兰队},   {goals_for:7,goals_against:4,goal_diff:3,积分:6,名称:阿尔及利亚},   {goals_for:7,goals_against:4,goal_diff:3,积分:6,名称:USA},   {goals_for:2,goals_against:11,goal_diff:-9分:0,名称:斯洛文尼亚}]


    类计算器   attr_reader:游戏:团队   高清初始化(游戏)     默认值= {goals_for:0,goals_against:0,goal_diff:0分:0}     @games =游戏     @teams = games.each_with_object([])做|游戏,编曲|       arr.push({名称:游戏[:home_team]}!.merge(默认))       arr.push({名称:游戏[:away_team]}!.merge(默认))     end.uniq   结束   高清build_table     建立     分类     返回球队   结束 私人   DEF建设     games.each做|游戏|       如果游戏[:home_score]。present? &功放;&安培;游戏[:away_score]。present?         home_team = teams.detect {|团队|团队[:名称] ==游戏[:home_team]}         away_team = teams.detect {|团队|团队[:名称] ==游戏[:away_team]}         home_team [:goals_for] + =游戏[:home_score]         home_team [:goals_against] + =游戏[:away_score]         away_team [:goals_for] + =游戏[:away_score]         away_team [:goals_against] + =游戏[:home_score]         home_team [:goal_diff] = home_team [:goals_for] - home_team [:goals_against]         away_team [:goal_diff] = away_team [:goals_for] - away_team [:goals_against]         如果游戏[:home_score]>游戏[:away_score]           home_team [:分] + = 3         ELSIF游戏[:home_score]<游戏[:away_score]           away_team [:分] + = 3         其他           home_team [:分] + = 1           away_team [:分] + = 1         结束       结束     结束   结束   高清排序     teams.sort_by! {|团队| [队[:分],团队[:goal_diff],团队[:goals_for]} .reverse!   结束 结束



    高清compare_points(A,B)   一个[:分]< => B〔:分] 结束 高清compare_goal_diff(A,B)   一个[:goal_diff]< => B〔:goal_diff] 结束 高清compare_teams(A,B)   比较= compare_points(A,B)   返回的比较除非comparison.zero?   比较= compare_goal_diff(A,B)   返回的比较除非comparison.zero?   每种类型的比较#重复   #...   comparison.zero? ? flip_coin:比较 结束 teams.sort! {| A,B | compare_teams(A,B)} .reverse!

    在比较单一的值(如分),比较操作符< => 就足够了。对于更复杂的比较,你需要深入到 @games 数组来决定胜负,如:

    高清compare_points_from_matches_between(A,B)     #挥手如下     # 外壳     #当A队比在他们的会议B队少点     #-1     #当B队比在他们的会议A队少点     #1     # 其他     #0     # 结束   结束


    I'm writing an algorithm to create and sort a World Cup group table based on match data. So, given the following match data:

    [ { id: 1, home_team: "Honduras", away_team: "Chile", home_score: 0, away_score: 1 }, { id: 2, home_team: "Spain", away_team: "Switzerland", home_score: 0, away_score: 1 }, { id: 3, home_team: "Chile", away_team: "Switzerland", home_score: 1, away_score: 0 }, { id: 4, home_team: "Spain", away_team: "Honduras", home_score: 2, away_score: 0 }, { id: 5, home_team: "Chile", away_team: "Spain", home_score: 1, away_score: 2 }, { id: 6, home_team: "Honduras", away_team: "Switzerland", home_score: 0, away_score: 0 } ]

    My program will produce this (order is important):

    [{ goals_for: 4, goals_against: 2, goal_diff: 2, points: 6, name: "Spain" }, { goals_for: 3, goals_against: 2, goal_diff: 1, points: 6, name: "Chile" }, { goals_for: 1, goals_against: 1, goal_diff: 0, points: 4, name: "Switzerland" }, { goals_for: 0, goals_against: 3, goal_diff: -3, points: 1, name: "Honduras" }]

    This is great, unless there is a two-way or a three-way tie. Then the criteria becomes complex. Here it is in order of precedence:

  • Greatest number of points
  • Greatest goal diff
  • Greatest goals for
    • IF there is a tie the following is used
  • Greatest number of points from matches between tied teams
  • Greatest goal diff from matches between tied teams
  • Greatest goals score from matches between tied teams
  • Draw lots
  • Question

    My sorting function satisfies the first three criteria. How can I change it to account for cases where there is a two-way or a three-way tie?

    def sort teams.sort_by! do |team| [ team[:points], team[:goal_diff], team[:goals_for] ] end.reverse! end

    Example of 3-way tie

    [ { id: 1, home_team: "Algeria", away_team: "Slovenia", home_score: 2, away_score: 1 }, { id: 2, home_team: "USA", away_team: "Slovenia", home_score: 5, away_score: 1 }, { id: 3, home_team: "England", away_team: "Slovenia", home_score: 4, away_score: 0 }, { id: 4, home_team: "Algeria", away_team: "USA", home_score: 3, away_score: 0 }, { id: 5, home_team: "USA", away_team: "England", home_score: 2, away_score: 0 }, { id: 6, home_team: "England", away_team: "Algeria", home_score: 3, away_score: 2 } ]

    This example would eliminate Slovenia based on criteria 1 (points).

    The ranks of the remaining three teams are then calculated based on a subset of the match data. This subset should only include matches between the tied teams. In this case, we would rebuild the table using all matches that include Algeria, England, and the USA. We exclude matches involving Slovenia.

    The table should look like this:

    | POS | TEAM | GF | GA | GD | POINTS | | 1 | Algeria | 5 | 3 | 2 | 3 | | 3 | England | 3 | 4 | -1 | 3 | | 2 | USA | 2 | 3 | -1 | 3 |

    Algeria wins on goal difference (criteria 5). England takes second spot because its goals for is greater than that of the USA (criteria 6).

    My program actually outputs this, which is not correct, as it does not do anything about ties, and stops at criteria 3.

    [ { goals_for: 7, goals_against: 4, goal_diff: 3, points: 6, name: "England" }, { goals_for: 7, goals_against: 4, goal_diff: 3, points: 6, name: "Algeria" }, { goals_for: 7, goals_against: 4, goal_diff: 3, points: 6, name: "USA" }, { goals_for: 2, goals_against: 11, goal_diff: -9, points: 0, name: "Slovenia" }]

    Here is the full program:

    class Calculator attr_reader :games, :teams def initialize(games) defaults = { goals_for: 0, goals_against: 0, goal_diff: 0, points: 0 } @games = games @teams = games.each_with_object([]) do |game, arr| arr.push({ name: game[:home_team] }.merge!(defaults)) arr.push({ name: game[:away_team] }.merge!(defaults)) end.uniq end def build_table build sort return teams end private def build games.each do |game| if game[:home_score].present? && game[:away_score].present? home_team = teams.detect { |team| team[:name] == game[:home_team] } away_team = teams.detect { |team| team[:name] == game[:away_team] } home_team[:goals_for] += game[:home_score] home_team[:goals_against] += game[:away_score] away_team[:goals_for] += game[:away_score] away_team[:goals_against] += game[:home_score] home_team[:goal_diff] = home_team[:goals_for] - home_team[:goals_against] away_team[:goal_diff] = away_team[:goals_for] - away_team[:goals_against] if game[:home_score] > game[:away_score] home_team[:points] += 3 elsif game[:home_score] < game[:away_score] away_team[:points] += 3 else home_team[:points] += 1 away_team[:points] += 1 end end end end def sort teams.sort_by! { |team| [ team[:points], team[:goal_diff], team[:goals_for] ] }.reverse! end end


    You have a set of well-defined rules to determine how the teams should be ordered. One approach is to write a sort routine that implements those rules one at a time, and short-circuits when it finds a winner:

    def compare_points(a, b) a[:points] <=> b[:points] end def compare_goal_diff(a, b) a[:goal_diff] <=> b[:goal_diff] end def compare_teams(a, b) comparison = compare_points(a, b) return comparison unless comparison.zero? comparison = compare_goal_diff(a, b) return comparison unless comparison.zero? # Repeat for each type of comparison # ... comparison.zero? ? flip_coin : comparison end teams.sort! { |a, b| compare_teams(a, b) }.reverse!

    When comparing single values (like points), the comparison operator <=> is enough. For the more complex comparisons you'll need to dig into the @games array to determine the winner, e.g.:

    def compare_points_from_matches_between(a, b) # Hand-waving follows # case # when team A has fewer points than team B in their meetings # -1 # when team B has fewer points than team A in their meetings # 1 # else # 0 # end end

    Apply each comparison according to your rules. At each step if the comparison is non-zero you return that value; otherwise you move on the the next step. At the end if the comparison is still zero you flip a coin.



    本文发布于:2023-11-22 05:41:49,感谢您对本站的认可!
    本文标签:世界杯   小组   如何在   Ruby


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