【ZYNQ】裸机 PS + PL 双网口实现之 SDK 程序设计

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-23 22:29:03

【ZYNQ】<a href=https://www.elefans.com/category/jswz/34/1762357.html style=裸机 PS + PL 双网口实现之 SDK 程序设计"/>

【ZYNQ】裸机 PS + PL 双网口实现之 SDK 程序设计

涉及 lwip 库文件及 ZYNQ 配置相关可参考以下文章:

【ZYNQ】裸机 PS + PL 双网口实现之 LWIP 库文件修改

【ZYNQ】裸机 PS + PL 双网口实现之 ZYNQ 配置


  • 启动 SDK ,创建模板工程,配置 BSP。

  • 勾选 lwip141 库。

  • 对 lwip 做如下配置,如没有此选项请先参考【ZYNQ】裸机 PS + PL 双网口实现之 lwip 库文件修改。

use_axieth_on_zynquse_emaclite_on_zynq 设为 0。将 use_gmii2rgmii_core_on_eth1 设置为 true,GMII to RGMII IP 核对应的 PHY 地址为 8,即 gmii2rgmii_core_address_on_eth1 设为 8。ETH0 不使用 EMIO,因此 use_gmii2rgmii_core_on_eth0falsegmii2rgmii_core_address_on_eth0 无需进行设置。


  • 添加定时器,用来调用 tcp 服务,其中,250ms 和 500ms 是必须的。相关代码如下:

  • main.c

/*** Copyright (c) 2022-2023,HelloAlpha* * Change Logs:* Date           Author       Notes*/
#include "platform_config.h"
#include "service/timer/app_timer.h"#define USING_ULOG
#include "ulog.h"#define _EXPORT_FUNC(function)     \do                             \{                              \extern int function(void); \function();                \} while (0)int lwip_tcp_init(void);
int app_timer_init(void);int func_doing_always(void)
{static timer_flag_t *_timer_flag = &g_timer_flag;#ifdef USING_ETHERNET_TCP_EXPORT_FUNC(tcp_func_always);
#endifif(_timer_flag->timer_flag_250ms == 1){_timer_flag->timer_flag_250ms = 0;
#ifdef USING_ETHERNET_TCP_EXPORT_FUNC(tcp_func_per_250ms);
#endif}if(_timer_flag->timer_flag_500ms){_timer_flag->timer_flag_500ms = 0;
#ifdef USING_ETHERNET_TCP_EXPORT_FUNC(tcp_func_per_500ms);
#endif}if(_timer_flag->timer_flag_1s == 1){_timer_flag->timer_flag_1s = 0;
#ifdef USING_ETHERNET_TCP_EXPORT_FUNC(tcp_func_per_1s);
#endif}return 0;
}int main(void)
{ULOG("\r\n------ Main Function Running ------\r\n");app_timer_init();#ifdef USING_ETHERNET_TCP_EXPORT_FUNC(lwip_tcp_init);
#endifwhile(1){func_doing_always();}return 0;
  • 基于 LWIP 创建网卡,这里配置为静态 IP,代码如下:

  • lwip_tcp.c

/*** Copyright (c) 2022-2023,HelloAlpha* * Change Logs:* Date           Author       Notes*/
#include "tcp_config.h"
#ifdef USING_ETHERNET_TCP#include "lwip/init.h"
#include "lwip/err.h"
#include "netif/xadapter.h"#define USING_ULOG
#include "ulog.h"err_t accept_callback(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *newpcb, err_t err);static void print_ip(char *msg, struct ip_addr *ip)
{kprintf(msg);kprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d\r\n", ip4_addr1(ip), ip4_addr2(ip),ip4_addr3(ip), ip4_addr4(ip));
}void tcp_node_printf(char *tcp_node_name, tcp_node_t *tcp_node)
{kprintf("------------- %s -------------\r\n", tcp_node_name);print_ip("local addr: ", &(tcp_node->local_addr));kprintf("local port: %d \r\n" ,tcp_node->local_port);print_ip("target addr: ", &(tcp_node->target_addr));kprintf("remote port: %d \r\n", tcp_node->remote_port);kprintf("-------------------------------------\r\n");
}static void print_app_header()
{kprintf("\n\r----- lwIP TCP ------\r\n");
}/*** @brief** @return err_t*/
err_t start_tcp_application(tcp_node_t *tcp_node)
{err_t err;if(!tcp_node){ULOG("TCP node is empty!\r\n");return ERR_ARG;}/* create pcb */tcp_node->pcb_obj = tcp_new();if (!tcp_node->pcb_obj){ULOG("Error creating PCB. Out of Memory!\r\n");return ERR_MEM;}/* bind to specified @port */err = tcp_bind(tcp_node->pcb_obj, &(tcp_node->local_addr), tcp_node->local_port);if (err != ERR_OK){ULOG("Unable to bind to port %d: err = %d!\r\n", tcp_node->local_port, err);return ERR_ABRT;}/* we do not need any arguments to callback functions */tcp_arg(tcp_node->pcb_obj, NULL);/* listen for connections */tcp_node->pcb_obj = tcp_listen(tcp_node->pcb_obj);if (!tcp_node->pcb_obj){ULOG("Out of memory while tcp_listen!\r\n");return ERR_MEM;}/* specify callback to use for incoming connections */tcp_accept(tcp_node->pcb_obj, accept_callback);return err;
static int ethernet0_init(void)
{err_t err;struct netif *echo_netif0 = &server_netif0;struct ip_addr ipaddr0, netmask0, gw0;/* the mac address of the board. this should be unique per board */unsigned char mac_ethernet_address0[] = { 0x00, 0x0a, 0x35, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02 };/* initliaze IP addresses to be used */IP4_ADDR(&ipaddr0,  192, 168,   6, 10);IP4_ADDR(&netmask0, 255, 255, 255,  0);IP4_ADDR(&gw0,      192, 168,   1,  1);/* Add network interface to the netif_list, and set it as default */if (!xemac_add(echo_netif0, &ipaddr0, &netmask0,&gw0, mac_ethernet_address0,PLATFORM_EMAC_BASEADDR)){kprintf("ENET0 Error adding N/W interface!\r\n");return -1;}netif_set_default(echo_netif0);/* specify that the network if is up */netif_set_up(echo_netif0);/* initialize TCP0 node */tcp_node_t *tcp0_node = &g_tcp0_node;/* local IP */tcp0_node->local_addr.addr = ipaddr0.addr;/* local port */tcp0_node->local_port = DEFAULT_PORT0;/* target IP */IP4_ADDR(&(tcp0_node->target_addr), 192,168,6,81);/* target port */tcp0_node->remote_port = 8080;/* clear the connection flag */tcp0_node->connected_flag = 0;/* start the application */err = start_tcp_application(tcp0_node);if(err != ERR_OK){kprintf("Start TCP0 application failed!\r\n");return -1;}else{tcp_node_printf("TCP0 Node", tcp0_node);}return 0;
#endif#ifdef USING_ETHERNET1
static int ethernet1_init(void)
{err_t err;struct netif *echo_netif1 = &server_netif1;struct ip_addr ipaddr1, netmask1, gw1;/* the mac address of the board. this should be unique per board */unsigned char mac_ethernet_address1[] =	{ 0x00, 0x0a, 0x35, 0x00, 0x01, 0x03 };/* initliaze IP addresses to be used */IP4_ADDR(&ipaddr1,  192, 168,   6, 20);IP4_ADDR(&netmask1, 255, 255, 255,  0);IP4_ADDR(&gw1,      192, 168,   1,  1);if (!xemac_add(echo_netif1, &ipaddr1, &netmask1,&gw1, mac_ethernet_address1,PLATFORM_EMAC1_BASEADDR)){kprintf("ENET1 Error adding N/W interface!\r\n");return -1;}netif_set_default(echo_netif1);/* specify that the network if is up */netif_set_up(echo_netif1);/* initialize TCP1 node */tcp_node_t *tcp1_node = &g_tcp1_node;/* local IP */tcp1_node->local_addr.addr = ipaddr1.addr;/* local port */tcp1_node->local_port = DEFAULT_PORT1;/* target IP */IP4_ADDR(&(tcp1_node->target_addr), 192,168,6,81);/* target port */tcp1_node->remote_port = 8081;/* clear the connection flag */tcp1_node->connected_flag = 0;/* start the application */err = start_tcp_application(tcp1_node);if(err != ERR_OK){kprintf("Start TCP1 application failed!\r\n");return -1;}else{tcp_node_printf("TCP1 Node", tcp1_node);}return 0;
#endifint lwip_tcp_init(void)
{print_app_header();lwip_init();#ifdef USING_ETHERNET0ethernet0_init();
#endif#ifdef USING_ETHERNET1ethernet1_init();
#endifreturn 0;
  • tcp_service.c 主要实现一些功能服务。

  • tcp_service.c

/*** Copyright (c) 2022-2023,HelloAlpha* * Change Logs:* Date           Author       Notes*/
#include "tcp_config.h"
#ifdef USING_ETHERNET_TCP#include "lwip/err.h"
#include <string.h>#define USING_ULOG
#include "ulog.h"#ifdef USING_ETHERNET0
static tcp_node_t *tcp0_node = &g_tcp0_node;
static tcp_node_t *tcp1_node = &g_tcp1_node;
#endif/*** @brief TCP data sending function* * @return err_t */
err_t tcp_transfer_data(struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, const uint8_t *pData, int plen)
{err_t err;static struct pbuf *tcp_pbuf = NULL;static int tcp_len = 0;/* If parameter length bigger than tcp_len, reallocate memory space */if(plen > tcp_len){if(tcp_pbuf){/* free pbuf */pbuf_free(tcp_pbuf);}tcp_len = plen;/* allocate memory space to pbuf */tcp_pbuf = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_TRANSPORT, tcp_len, PBUF_RAM);if(!tcp_pbuf){ULOG("pbuf_alloc %d fail!\r\n", tcp_len);tcp_len = 0;return ERR_BUF;}}/* copy data to pbuf payload */memcpy(tcp_pbuf->payload, pData, plen);tcp_pbuf->len = plen;tcp_pbuf->tot_len = plen;/* Start to send udp data */err = tcp_write(tpcb, (tcp_pbuf->payload), (tcp_pbuf->len), TCP_WRITE_FLAG_COPY | TCP_WRITE_FLAG_MORE);if (err != ERR_OK){ULOG("Error on tcp_write: %d!\r\n", err);return err;}err = tcp_output(tpcb);if (err != ERR_OK){ULOG("Error on tcp_output: %d!\r\n", err);return err;}return err;
}/*** @brief TCP data sending function* * @return err_t */
err_t tcp_send(tcp_node_t *tcp_node, tcp_msg_t *tcp_msg)
{err_t err;if(!tcp_node){ULOG("Empty TCP node!\r\n");return ERR_ARG;}else if(!tcp_msg){ULOG("Empty TCP message!\r\n");return ERR_ARG;}else if(!tcp_node->connected_flag){ULOG("TCP%d is not currently connected!\r\n",(tcp_node->local_port == DEFAULT_PORT0) ? 0 : 1);tcp_msg->tx_vflag = 0;return ERR_CONN;}else if(!tcp_msg->tx_vflag){ULOG("Flag indicates message is not ready!\r\n");return ERR_ARG;}else{err = tcp_transfer_data(tcp_node->pcb_obj,(uint8_t *)tcp_msg->tx_pdata, tcp_msg->tx_plen);tcp_msg->tx_vflag = 0;}return err;
}/*** @brief close the TCP connection** @return int*/
static int tcp_connection_close(struct tcp_pcb *tpcb)
{tcp_close(tpcb);tcp_arg(tpcb, NULL);tcp_recv(tpcb, NULL);tcp_sent(tpcb, NULL);tcp_poll(tpcb, NULL, 0);tcp_err(tpcb, NULL);#ifdef USING_ETHERNET0if(tpcb->local_port == DEFAULT_PORT0){if(tcp0_node->connected_flag == 1){/* reset the connection flag */tcp0_node->connected_flag = 0;}}
#endif#ifdef USING_ETHERNET1if (tpcb->local_port == DEFAULT_PORT1){if(tcp1_node->connected_flag == 1){/* reset the connection flag */tcp1_node->connected_flag = 0;}}
#endifreturn ERR_OK;
}/*** @brief TCP data receiving callback function* * @return err_t */
static err_t recv_callback(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb,struct pbuf *p_rx, err_t err)
{/* do not read the packet if we are not in ESTABLISHED state */if (!p_rx){tcp_connection_close(tpcb);return ERR_OK;}/* indicate that the packet has been received */tcp_recved(tpcb, p_rx->len);/* the data is processed here. */{
#ifndef USING_TCP_LOOKBACK#ifdef USING_ETHERNET0static tcp_msg_t *tcp0_msg = &g_tcp0_msg;if(tpcb->local_port == DEFAULT_PORT0){if(!tcp0_msg->rx_vflag){tcp0_msg->rx_pdata = tcp0_msg->rx_pdata_buf;memcpy(tcp0_msg->rx_pdata, (char *) p_rx->payload, p_rx->len);tcp0_msg->rx_plen = p_rx->len;tcp0_msg->rx_vflag = 1;}}
#endif#ifdef USING_ETHERNET1static tcp_msg_t *tcp1_msg = &g_tcp1_msg;if(tpcb->local_port == DEFAULT_PORT1){if(!tcp1_msg->rx_vflag){tcp1_msg->rx_pdata = tcp1_msg->rx_pdata_buf;memcpy(tcp1_msg->rx_pdata, (char *) p_rx->payload, p_rx->len);tcp1_msg->rx_plen = p_rx->len;tcp1_msg->rx_vflag = 1;}}
#endif#elsechar TcpSend[] = "> LookBack Test Running... \r\n> Rec Data: ";tcp_transfer_data(tpcb, (uint8_t *)TcpSend, strlen(TcpSend));/* echo back the payload *//* in this case, we assume that the payload is < TCP_SND_BUF */if (tcp_sndbuf(tpcb) > p_rx->len){err = tcp_write(tpcb, p_rx->payload, p_rx->len, 1);}else{ULOG("No space in tcp_sndbuf...\n\r");}
#endif}/* free the received pbuf */pbuf_free(p_rx);return ERR_OK;
}/*** @brief TCP Callback function for successful TCP data sending** @return err_t*/
static err_t tcp_sent_callback(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, u16_t len)
#ifdef USING_ETHERNET0static uint32_t tcp0_trans_cnt = 0;if(tpcb->local_port == DEFAULT_PORT0){ULOG("TCP0 Send Success Count: %d \r\n", tcp0_trans_cnt++);}
#endif#ifdef USING_ETHERNET1static uint32_t tcp1_trans_cnt = 0;if (tpcb->local_port == DEFAULT_PORT1){ULOG("TCP1 Send Success Count: %d \r\n", tcp1_trans_cnt++);}
#endifreturn ERR_OK;
}static err_t tcp_poll_callback(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb)
{/* it is executed every 500ms */
#ifdef USING_ETHERNET0if(tpcb->local_port == DEFAULT_PORT0){tcp0_node->connected_count++;}
#endif#ifdef USING_ETHERNET1if(tpcb->local_port == DEFAULT_PORT1){tcp1_node->connected_count++;}
#endifreturn ERR_OK;
}static void tcp_err_callback(void *arg, err_t err)
{LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(err);ULOG("TCP error: %x \r\n", (uint32_t)arg);if(NULL != arg){}
}/*** @brief When TCP is in LISTEN state, listen for a new connection * 		  and execute this function** @return err_t */
err_t accept_callback(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *newpcb, err_t err)
{static int connection = 1;/* set the receive callback for this connection */tcp_recv(newpcb, recv_callback);/* set the sent callback for this connection */tcp_sent(newpcb, tcp_sent_callback);tcp_poll(newpcb, tcp_poll_callback, 1);tcp_err(newpcb, tcp_err_callback);{ULOG("\r\n----- TCP Connection -----\r\n");ULOG(" Local IP: %d.%d.%d.%d, Local Port: %d \r\n",(newpcb->local_ip.addr) & 0xff, (newpcb->local_ip.addr >> 8) & 0xff,(newpcb->local_ip.addr >> 16) & 0xff, (newpcb->local_ip.addr >> 24) & 0xff,newpcb->local_port);ULOG(" Remote IP: %d.%d.%d.%d, Remote Port: %d \r\n",(newpcb->remote_ip.addr) & 0xff, (newpcb->remote_ip.addr >> 8) & 0xff,(newpcb->remote_ip.addr >> 16) & 0xff, (newpcb->remote_ip.addr >> 24) & 0xff,newpcb->remote_port);#ifdef USING_ETHERNET0if(newpcb->local_port == DEFAULT_PORT0){if(tcp0_node->connected_flag == 0){/* set the connection flag */tcp0_node->connected_flag = 1;tcp0_node->pcb_obj = newpcb;}}
#endif#ifdef USING_ETHERNET1if (newpcb->local_port == DEFAULT_PORT1){if(tcp1_node->connected_flag == 0){/* set the connection flag */tcp1_node->connected_flag = 1;tcp1_node->pcb_obj = newpcb;}}
#endif}/* just use an integer number indicating the connection id as thecallback argument */tcp_arg(newpcb, (void*)(UINTPTR)connection);/* increment for subsequent accepted connections */connection++;return ERR_OK;
static int tcp0_check_connect_status(void)
{static uint32_t last_tcp0_count = 0;static uint8_t tcp0_status = 0;if(tcp0_node->connected_count > last_tcp0_count){if(tcp0_status == 0){tcp0_status = 1;ULOG("Tcp0 Connected!\r\n");}if(tcp0_node->connected_count > 65530){tcp0_node->connected_count = 1;}last_tcp0_count = tcp0_node->connected_count;}else{tcp0_node->connected_flag = 0;if(tcp0_status == 1){tcp0_status = 0;ULOG("Tcp0 Disconnected!\r\n");}}return 0;
#endif#ifdef USING_ETHERNET1
static int tcp1_check_connect_status(void)
{static uint32_t last_tcp1_count = 0;static uint8_t tcp1_status = 0;if(tcp1_node->connected_count > last_tcp1_count){if(tcp1_status == 0){tcp1_status = 1;ULOG("Tcp1 Connected!\r\n");}if(tcp1_node->connected_count > 65530){tcp1_node->connected_count = 1;}last_tcp1_count = tcp1_node->connected_count;}else{tcp1_node->connected_flag = 0;if(tcp1_status == 1){tcp1_status = 0;ULOG("Tcp1 Disconnected!\r\n");}}return 0;
#endif/*** @brief Check TCP connect status**/
int tcp_check_connect_status(void)
#ifdef USING_ETHERNET0tcp0_check_connect_status();
#endif#ifdef USING_ETHERNET1tcp1_check_connect_status();
#endifreturn 0;
  • tcp_config.h 实现了一些定义及配置。

  • tcp_config.h

/*** Copyright (c) 2022-2023,HelloAlpha* * Change Logs:* Date           Author       Notes*/
#ifndef __TCP_CONFIG_H__
#define __TCP_CONFIG_H__#include "xparameters.h"/*** TCP config begin* @{*/
#endif#ifdef USING_ETHERNET0
#endif#ifdef USING_ETHERNET1
/**@}*/#ifdef USING_ETHERNET_TCP#include "lwip/tcp.h"/* default IP port */
#define DEFAULT_PORT0       7
#define DEFAULT_PORT1       8#define MAX_SEND_LEN 		64
#define TCP_MSG_MSG_LEN     256struct tcp_msg
{char rx_pdata_buf[TCP_MSG_MSG_LEN];char *rx_pdata;uint16_t rx_plen;uint8_t rx_vflag;char tx_pdata_buf[TCP_MSG_MSG_LEN];char *tx_pdata;uint16_t tx_plen;uint8_t tx_vflag;
};typedef struct tcp_msg tcp_msg_t;struct tcp_node
{struct tcp_pcb *pcb_obj;struct ip_addr local_addr;uint16_t local_port;struct ip_addr target_addr;uint16_t remote_port;uint8_t connected_flag;struct tcp_msg *msg;uint32_t connected_count;
};typedef struct tcp_node tcp_node_t;#ifdef USING_ETHERNET0
struct netif server_netif0;
/* definition TCP node */
tcp_node_t g_tcp0_node;
/* definition TCP message node*/
tcp_msg_t g_tcp0_msg;
#endif#ifdef USING_ETHERNET1
struct netif server_netif1;
/* definition TCP node */
tcp_node_t g_tcp1_node;
/* definition TCP message node*/
tcp_msg_t g_tcp1_msg;
#endiferr_t tcp_transfer_data(struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, const uint8_t *pData, int plen);
err_t tcp_send(tcp_node_t *tcp_node, tcp_msg_t *tcp_msg);
void tcp_node_printf(char *tcp_node_name, tcp_node_t *tcp_node);
int lwip_tcp_init(void);#endif
  • tcp_cmd.c 实现了 tcp 的功能调用等。

  • tcp_cmd.c

/*** Copyright (c) 2022-2023,HelloAlpha* * Change Logs:* Date           Author       Notes*/
#include "tcp_config.h"
#ifdef USING_ETHERNET_TCP#include "netif/xadapter.h"#define USING_ULOG
#include "ulog.h"/* defined by each RAW mode application */
void tcp_fasttmr(void);
void tcp_slowtmr(void);#ifdef USING_TCP_STATUSint tcp_check_connect_status(void);
#endif#ifdef USING_TCP_PRINT_MSG
void tcp_print_msg(void)
#ifdef USING_ETHERNET0static tcp_msg_t *tcp0_msg = &g_tcp0_msg;if(tcp0_msg->rx_vflag == 1){kprintf("> Eth0 Rec: \r\n");kprintf("> Data: %s\r\n", tcp0_msg->rx_pdata);kprintf("> Size: %d\r\n", tcp0_msg->rx_plen);tcp0_msg->rx_vflag = 0;}
#endif#ifdef USING_ETHERNET1static tcp_msg_t *tcp1_msg = &g_tcp1_msg;if(tcp1_msg->rx_vflag == 1){kprintf("> Eth1 Rec: \r\n");kprintf("> Data: %s\r\n", tcp1_msg->rx_pdata);kprintf("> Size: %d\r\n", tcp1_msg->rx_plen);tcp1_msg->rx_vflag = 0;}
#endif#ifdef USING_TCP_TEST_CMD
int tcp_test_cmd(void)
{static uint16_t count = 0;static char tcp_buff[32];count++;sprintf(tcp_buff, "Hello! TCP Count: %d \r\n", count);kprintf("size: %d  data: %s", strlen(tcp_buff), tcp_buff);#ifdef USING_ETHERNET0static tcp_node_t *tcp0_node = &g_tcp0_node;static tcp_msg_t *tcp0_msg = &g_tcp0_msg;if(tcp0_msg->tx_vflag == 0){tcp0_msg->tx_pdata = tcp_buff;tcp0_msg->tx_plen = strlen(tcp_buff);tcp0_msg->tx_vflag = 1;kprintf("TCP0 tcp_send: %d \r\n", tcp_send(tcp0_node, tcp0_msg));}
#endif#ifdef USING_ETHERNET1static tcp_node_t *tcp1_node = &g_tcp1_node;static tcp_msg_t *tcp1_msg = &g_tcp1_msg;if(tcp1_msg->tx_vflag == 0){tcp1_msg->tx_pdata = tcp_buff;tcp1_msg->tx_plen = strlen(tcp_buff);tcp1_msg->tx_vflag = 1;kprintf("TCP1 tcp_send: %d \r\n", tcp_send(tcp1_node, tcp1_msg));}
#endifreturn 0;
#endifint tcp_func_per_250ms(void)
{tcp_fasttmr();return 0;
}int tcp_func_per_500ms(void)
{tcp_slowtmr();return 0;
}int tcp_func_per_1s(void)
#ifdef USING_TCP_STATUStcp_check_connect_status();
#endif#ifdef USING_TCP_TEST_CMDtcp_test_cmd();
#endifreturn 0;
}int tcp_func_always(void)
{/* receive and process packets */
#ifdef USING_ETHERNET0static struct netif *echo_netif0 = &server_netif0;xemacif_input(echo_netif0);
#endif#ifdef USING_ETHERNET1static struct netif *echo_netif1 = &server_netif1;xemacif_input(echo_netif1);
#endif#ifdef USING_TCP_PRINT_MSGtcp_print_msg();
#endifreturn 0;


  • 创建网卡

  • ping 指令测试

  • 回环测试

tcp_config.h 中定义使用 tcp 回环测试




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【ZYNQ】裸机 PS + PL 双网口实现之 SDK 程序设计

本文发布于:2023-11-15 17:59:23,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:裸机   口实   程序设计   ZYNQ   PS


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