
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-09 16:26:12
本文介绍了nHibernate在查询中对bool的处理方式不同?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述


I just updated nHibernate from version to As soon as I did that many of my queries started failing. One such query is this:

var items = (from b in session.Query<InvoiceDetail>() where b.Customer == AddressedToCustomer && b.IsCreditNote == !addInvoices orderby b.DueDate , b.InvoiceNumber select b).ToList();


SQL Generated in

2011-02-17 15:55:43,612调试选择 invoicedet0_.Id为Id3_, invoicedet0_.InvoiceNumber为 发票N2_3_, invoicedet0_.DocumentNumber为 Document3_3_, invoicedet0_.DocumentDate为 Document4_3_,发票金额为0_.DueDate,格式为 DueDate3_, invoicedet0_.DivisionDetails作为 发票6_3_,发票0_.Is发票 作为IsInvoice3_, invoicedet0_.IsCreditNote为 IsCredit8_3_, invoicedet0_.OriginalAmount as Original9_3_,invoicedet0_.金额为 Amount3_,invoicedet0_.LRNo作为LRNo3_, invoicedet0_.LRDate作为LRDate3_, invoicedet0_.DispatchedBy as Dispatc13_3_,发票金额0_.信用天数 作为CreditDays3_, invoicedet0_.CustomerId为 来自InvoiceDetails的CustomerId3_ invoicedet0_其中 ((invoicedet0_.CustomerId为null)和 (@ p0为空)或 invoicedet0_.CustomerId=@p0)和大小写 当invoicedet0_.IsCreditNote = 1时 1 else 0 end = case @ p1 = 1则为1 否则0个结束订单 invoicedet0_.DueDate asc, invoicedet0_.InvoiceNumber asc; @ p0 = 101790 [Type:Int32(0)],@ p1 = False [Type:Int32(0)]

2011-02-17 15:55:43,612 DEBUG select invoicedet0_.Id as Id3_, invoicedet0_.InvoiceNumber as InvoiceN2_3_, invoicedet0_.DocumentNumber as Document3_3_, invoicedet0_.DocumentDate as Document4_3_, invoicedet0_.DueDate as DueDate3_, invoicedet0_.DivisionDetails as Division6_3_, invoicedet0_.IsInvoice as IsInvoice3_, invoicedet0_.IsCreditNote as IsCredit8_3_, invoicedet0_.OriginalAmount as Original9_3_, invoicedet0_.Amount as Amount3_, invoicedet0_.LRNo as LRNo3_, invoicedet0_.LRDate as LRDate3_, invoicedet0_.DispatchedBy as Dispatc13_3_, invoicedet0_.CreditDays as CreditDays3_, invoicedet0_.CustomerId as CustomerId3_ from InvoiceDetails invoicedet0_ where ((invoicedet0_.CustomerId is null) and (@p0 is null) or invoicedet0_.CustomerId=@p0) and case when invoicedet0_.IsCreditNote=1 then 1 else 0 end=case when @p1=1 then 1 else 0 end order by invoicedet0_.DueDate asc, invoicedet0_.InvoiceNumber asc;@p0 = 101790 [Type: Int32 (0)], @p1 = False [Type: Int32 (0)]


SQL Generated in

2011-02-17 16:22:15,275调试选择 invoicedet0_.Id为Id3_, invoicedet0_.InvoiceNumber为 发票N2_3_, invoicedet0_.DocumentNumber为 Document3_3_, invoicedet0_.DocumentDate为 Document4_3_,发票金额为0_.DueDate,格式为 DueDate3_, invoicedet0_.DivisionDetails作为 发票6_3_,发票0_.Is发票 作为IsInvoice3_, invoicedet0_.IsCreditNote为 IsCredit8_3_, invoicedet0_.OriginalAmount as Original9_3_,invoicedet0_.金额为 Amount3_,invoicedet0_.LRNo作为LRNo3_, invoicedet0_.LRDate作为LRDate3_, invoicedet0_.DispatchedBy as Dispatc13_3_,发票金额0_.信用天数 作为CreditDays3_, invoicedet0_.CustomerId为 来自InvoiceDetails的CustomerId3_ invoicedet0_其中 invoicedet0_.CustomerId=@p0和大小写 当invoicedet0_.IsCreditNote = 1时 'true'else'false'end = case when @ p1 ='true'然后是'true'否则是'false' 通过invoicedet0_.DueDate asc结束订单, invoicedet0_.InvoiceNumber asc; @ p0 = 101790 [Type:Int32(0)],@ p1 = 'False'[Type:字符串(0)]

2011-02-17 16:22:15,275 DEBUG select invoicedet0_.Id as Id3_, invoicedet0_.InvoiceNumber as InvoiceN2_3_, invoicedet0_.DocumentNumber as Document3_3_, invoicedet0_.DocumentDate as Document4_3_, invoicedet0_.DueDate as DueDate3_, invoicedet0_.DivisionDetails as Division6_3_, invoicedet0_.IsInvoice as IsInvoice3_, invoicedet0_.IsCreditNote as IsCredit8_3_, invoicedet0_.OriginalAmount as Original9_3_, invoicedet0_.Amount as Amount3_, invoicedet0_.LRNo as LRNo3_, invoicedet0_.LRDate as LRDate3_, invoicedet0_.DispatchedBy as Dispatc13_3_, invoicedet0_.CreditDays as CreditDays3_, invoicedet0_.CustomerId as CustomerId3_ from InvoiceDetails invoicedet0_ where invoicedet0_.CustomerId=@p0 and case when invoicedet0_.IsCreditNote=1 then 'true' else 'false' end=case when @p1='true' then 'true' else 'false' end order by invoicedet0_.DueDate asc, invoicedet0_.InvoiceNumber asc;@p0 = 101790 [Type: Int32 (0)], @p1 = 'False' [Type: String (0)]

我正在使用约定将布尔值转换为整数(true = 1,false = 0).以前的版本正在进行此转换,而新版本则没有. bool在较新的版本中将转换为字符串,但应根据约定将其转换为int.

I am using a convention to convert bools into ints (true=1, false=0). The previous version is doing this conversion, the newer version isn't. The bool is converted to a string in the newer version, but it should be converted to int according to the convention.

从生成的SQL: !addInvoices"作为字符串在sql查询中传递,并在先前版本中以int形式传递: = True [Type:Int32(0)] p1 ='True'[Type:字符串(0)]

From generated SQL: "!addInvoices" is passed as a string in the sql query and int in the previous version: @p1 = True [Type: Int32 (0)] @p1 = 'True' [Type: String (0)]


Also, the IsCreditNote database field is compared to 'true' and 'false' in the new version, and with 1 and 0 in the previous version.

第二,即使我删除了约定,这也是3.0.0.4000中两个不同命令的输出: 插入:

Secondly, even if I remove the convention, this is the output for two different commands in Insert:

2011-02-20 10:18:22,977调试插入 INTO发票明细(发票编号, DocumentNumber,DocumentDate,DueDate, DivisionDetails,IsInvoice, IsCreditNote,OriginAmount,Amount, LRNo,LRDate,DispatchedBy, CreditDays,CustomerId)VALUES(@ p0, @ p1,@ p2,@ p3,@ p4,@ p5,@ p6,@ p7, @ p8,@ p9,@ p10,@ p11,@ p12,@ p13); 选择last_insert_rowid(); @ p0 = 9070183358 [Type:Int64(0)],@ p1 = 28592879 [Type:Int64(0)],@ p2 = '20110210'[Type:字符串(0)],@ p3 = '20110303'[Type:字符串(0)],@ p4 = NULL [类型:字符串(0)],@ p5 =真 [类型:布尔值(0)],@ p6 =否 [类型:布尔值(0)],@ p7 = 2685 [类型: 十进制(0)],@ p8 = 2685 [类型: 十进制(0)],@ p9 = NULL [类型:字符串 (0)],@ p10 = NULL [类型:字符串(0)], @ p11 = NULL [类型:字符串(0)],@ p12 = 21 [类型:Int32(0)],@ p13 = 101760 [Type:Int32(0)]

2011-02-20 10:18:22,977 DEBUG INSERT INTO InvoiceDetails (InvoiceNumber, DocumentNumber, DocumentDate, DueDate, DivisionDetails, IsInvoice, IsCreditNote, OriginalAmount, Amount, LRNo, LRDate, DispatchedBy, CreditDays, CustomerId) VALUES (@p0, @p1, @p2, @p3, @p4, @p5, @p6, @p7, @p8, @p9, @p10, @p11, @p12, @p13); select last_insert_rowid();@p0 = 9070183358 [Type: Int64 (0)], @p1 = 28592879 [Type: Int64 (0)], @p2 = '20110210' [Type: String (0)], @p3 = '20110303' [Type: String (0)], @p4 = NULL [Type: String (0)], @p5 = True [Type: Boolean (0)], @p6 = False [Type: Boolean (0)], @p7 = 2685 [Type: Decimal (0)], @p8 = 2685 [Type: Decimal (0)], @p9 = NULL [Type: String (0)], @p10 = NULL [Type: String (0)], @p11 = NULL [Type: String (0)], @p12 = 21 [Type: Int32 (0)], @p13 = 101760 [Type: Int32 (0)]


2011-02-20 10:10:13,941调试选择 invoicedet0_.Id为Id3_, invoicedet0_.InvoiceNumber为 发票N2_3_, invoicedet0_.DocumentNumber为 Document3_3_, invoicedet0_.DocumentDate为 Document4_3_,发票金额为0_.DueDate,格式为 DueDate3_, invoicedet0_.DivisionDetails作为 发票6_3_,发票0_.Is发票 作为IsInvoice3_, invoicedet0_.IsCreditNote为 IsCredit8_3_, invoicedet0_.OriginalAmount as Original9_3_,invoicedet0_.金额为 Amount3_,invoicedet0_.LRNo作为LRNo3_, invoicedet0_.LRDate作为LRDate3_, invoicedet0_.DispatchedBy as Dispatc13_3_,发票金额0_.信用天数 作为CreditDays3_, invoicedet0_.CustomerId为 来自InvoiceDetails的CustomerId3_ invoicedet0_其中 invoicedet0_.CustomerId=@p0和大小写 当invoicedet0_.IsCreditNote = 1时 'true'else'false'end = case when @ p1 ='true'然后是'true'否则是'false' 通过invoicedet0_.DueDate asc结束订单, invoicedet0_.InvoiceNumber asc; @ p0 = 107233 [Type:Int32(0)],@ p1 ='True' [类型:字符串(0)]

2011-02-20 10:10:13,941 DEBUG select invoicedet0_.Id as Id3_, invoicedet0_.InvoiceNumber as InvoiceN2_3_, invoicedet0_.DocumentNumber as Document3_3_, invoicedet0_.DocumentDate as Document4_3_, invoicedet0_.DueDate as DueDate3_, invoicedet0_.DivisionDetails as Division6_3_, invoicedet0_.IsInvoice as IsInvoice3_, invoicedet0_.IsCreditNote as IsCredit8_3_, invoicedet0_.OriginalAmount as Original9_3_, invoicedet0_.Amount as Amount3_, invoicedet0_.LRNo as LRNo3_, invoicedet0_.LRDate as LRDate3_, invoicedet0_.DispatchedBy as Dispatc13_3_, invoicedet0_.CreditDays as CreditDays3_, invoicedet0_.CustomerId as CustomerId3_ from InvoiceDetails invoicedet0_ where invoicedet0_.CustomerId=@p0 and case when invoicedet0_.IsCreditNote=1 then 'true' else 'false' end=case when @p1='true' then 'true' else 'false' end order by invoicedet0_.DueDate asc, invoicedet0_.InvoiceNumber asc;@p0 = 107233 [Type: Int32 (0)], @p1 = 'True' [Type: String (0)]

在插入"中,传递的参数是布尔值(@ p6),在选择"中,参数是字符串(@ p1).

In Inserts, the passed parameter is a Boolean (@p6), and in Selects, the parameter is a String (@p1).

问题是,我在nHibernate JIRA上将此问题发布为问题(实际上大部分是是从该问题线程复制的),但Patrick Earl作为非问题而关闭了该问题.他说这是标准行为.

The thing is, I posted this as an issue on nHibernate JIRA (actually most of this is copied from that issue thread), but Patrick Earl closed the issue as a non-issue. He said this is the standard behavior.


All the versions of nHibernate before this version behaved correctly. Only this one behaves differently. Can anybody comment is this really a bug, or is Patrick correct and I need to workaround this problem in my database?

我的数据库是SQLite,正在使用Fluent nHibernate.

My database is SQLite and I am using Fluent nHibernate.


Phill是正确的. Query/LINQ提供程序有问题.

Phill is right. The Query/LINQ provider has issues.

此Criteria/QueryOver API可以完美运行:

This Criteria/QueryOver API works perfectly:

var items = session.QueryOver<InvoiceDetail>() .Where(i => i.Customer == AddressedToCustomer) .And(i => i.IsCreditNote != addInvoices) .OrderBy(i => i.DueDate).Asc .ThenBy(i => i.InvoiceNumber).Asc .List();


And even more surprising is that the developers of the provider just close issues/bugs as non-issues without even looking into them properly. I am planning to replace all Query<> calls to QueryOver<> calls just to be sure. For a project like nHibernate, this is indeed a pity specially considering developers like me who love linq.



本文发布于:2023-11-16 11:04:48,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:中对   方式   nHibernate   bool


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