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《<a href=https://www.elefans.com/category/jswz/34/1769880.html style=数据结构、算法与应用C++语言描述》"/>



完整可编译运行代码见:Github::Data-Structures-Algorithms-and-Applications/_19Factory simulation/




例 9-3 考察一个工厂,它有 3 台机器(m=3),有 4 项任务(n=4)。假设这 4 项任务都在0时刻出现,而且在仿真期间不再有新的任务。仿真过程一直持续到所有任务完成为止。

三台机器为 M1、M2 和 M3,它们的转换状态所花费的时间分别为2、3 和 1。因此,当一道工序完成时,机器M1必须等待2个时间单元才能启动下一道工序,机器M2必须等待3个时间单元才能启动下一道工序,机器M3必须等待1个时间单元才能启动下一道工序。
图9-16a分别列出了4项任务的特征。例如,1号任务有3道工序。每道工序用形如(机器,时间)的数对来描述。1号任务的第一道工序在M1上完成,需要2个时间单元;第二道工序在M2上完成,需要4个时间单元;第三道工序在 M1上完成,需要1个时间单元。各项任务的长度分别为7、6、8和4。

仿真从 0时刻开始。第一个事件即启动事件出现在 0时刻。此时,每个机器队列中的第一个任务被调度到相应的机器上执行。1号任务的第一道工序被调度到M1上执行,2号任务的第一道工序被调度到 M3 上执行。这时 M1 的队列中仅剩 3 号任务,而 M3 的队列中仅剩 4号任务,M2的队列仍然为空。这样,1号任务成为M1上的活动任务,2号任务成为M3上的活动任务,M2仍然为空闲。M1的结束时间变成2(当前时刻0+工序时间2),M3的结束时间变成 4。
下一个事件在时刻2出现,这个时刻是根据机器完成时间的最小值来确定的。在时刻2,M1 完成了它的当前活动工序。这个工序是 1 号任务的工序。1 号任务被移动到 M2 上以执行下一道工序。这时的 M2 是空闲的,因此立即执行 1 号任务的第二道工序,这道工序将在第 6时刻完成(当前时刻2+工序时间4)。M1进入转换工序(即转换状态)并持续2个时间单元。M1的活动任务被设置为C(转换状态),其完成时刻为4。

在时刻 4,M1 和 M3 完成了各自的当前工序。M1 完成的是“转换”工序,开始执行新的任务,从队列中选择第一个任务——3号任务。3 号任务第一个工序的长度为4,因此该工序的结束时间为8,M1的完成时间变为8。2号任务在M3上完成其第一道工序之后移至M1上继续执行,由于 M1正忙,所以 2号任务被放入 M1 的队列。M3进入转换状态,转换状态的结束时刻为 5。以此类推,能够推出剩余的事件序列。



Project name :			allAlgorithmsTest
Last modified Date:		2022年8月13日17点38分
Last Version:			V1.0
Descriptions:			main()函数,控制运行所有的测试函数
*/#include "_22factorySim.h"int main()
{factorySimTest();return 0;


Project name :			allAlgorithmsTest
Last modified Date:		2022年8月17日09点22分
Last Version:			V1.0
Descriptions:			工厂仿真头文件
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include "_1myExceptions.h"
#include "_22task.h"
#include "_22job.h"
#include "_22machine.h"
#include "_22eventList.h"
#ifndef _FACTORYSIM_H_
#define _FACTORYSIM_H_
void factorySimTest();
void inputData();
void startShop();
job* changeState(int theMachine);
void simulate();
bool moveToNextMachine(job* theJob);
void outputStatistics();


Project name :			allAlgorithmsTest
Last modified Date:		2022年8月17日09点22分
Last Version:			V1.0
Descriptions:			工厂仿真cpp文件,使用了数组队列
#include "_22factorySim.h"
using namespace std;
int timeNow = 0;//当前时间,初始状态为0
int numMachines;//机器数量
int numJobs;//任务数量
eventList* eList;//事件表的指针
machine* mArray;//机器数组
int largeTime = 10000;//在这个时间之前所有机器都已经完成工作void factorySimTest()
void inputData()
{//输入工厂数据cout << "Enter number of machines and jobs:";while (!(cin >> numMachines>>numJobs)){cin.clear();//清空标志位while (cin.get() != '\n')//删除无效的输入continue;cout << "Enter number of machines and jobs:";}if (numMachines < 1 || numJobs < 1)throw illegalInputData("number of machines and jobs must be >=1");//生成事件和机器队列eList = new eventList(numMachines, largeTime);//初始化时所有机器都空闲mArray = new machine[numMachines + 1];//mArray[0]未使用//输入机器的转换时间int ct;for (int j = 1; j <= numMachines; j++){cout << "Enter change-over times for machines " << j << " :";while (!(cin >> ct)){cin.clear();//清空标志位while (cin.get() != '\n')//删除无效的输入continue;cout << "Enter change-over times for machines " << j << " :" ;}if (ct < 0)throw illegalInputData("change-over time must be >= 0");mArray[j].changeTime = ct;//这里没问题,但是警告我也不知道为什么}//输入任务job* theJob;int numTasks, firstMachine, theMachine, theTaskTime;for (int i = 1; i <= numJobs; i++){cout << "Enter number of tasks for job " << i << " :";while (!(cin >> numTasks)){cin.clear();//清空标志位while (cin.get() != '\n')//删除无效的输入continue;cout << "Enter number of tasks for job " << i << " :";}firstMachine = 0;//第一道工序的机器if (numTasks < 1)throw illegalInputData("each job must have > 1 task");//生成任务theJob = new job(i);//job的id为icout << "Enter the tasks (machine,time) in process order" << endl;for (int j = 1; j <= numTasks; j++){while (!(cin >> theMachine>>theTaskTime)){cin.clear();//清空标志位while (cin.get() != '\n')//删除无效的输入continue;cout << "Error!Please re-enter:" << endl;}if (theMachine < 1 || theTaskTime<1 || theMachine>numMachines)throw illegalInputData("bad machines number or task time");if (j == 1)firstMachine = theMachine;//处理任务的第一台机器theJob->addTask(theMachine, theTaskTime);}mArray[firstMachine].jobQ.push(theJob);//将任务输入到机器的队列中}
void startShop()
{//在每台机器上装载其第一个任务for (int p = 1; p <= numMachines; p++)changeState(p);
job* changeState(int theMachine)
{//机器theMachine上的工序完成了,调度下一道工序//返回值是在机器theMachine上刚刚完成的任务job* lastJob;if (mArray[theMachine].activeJob == nullptr){//处于空闲或转换状态lastJob = nullptr;if (mArray[theMachine].jobQ.empty())//没有等待执行的任务eList->setFinishTime(theMachine, largeTime);else{//从队列中提取任务,在机器上执行mArray[theMachine].activeJob = mArray[theMachine].jobQ.front();mArray[theMachine].jobQ.pop();mArray[theMachine].totalWait += (timeNow - mArray[theMachine].activeJob->arrivalTime);mArray[theMachine].numTasks++;cout << "(" << mArray[theMachine].activeJob->taskQ.front().machine << "," << mArray[theMachine].activeJob->taskQ.front().time << ")" << "finished!" << endl;//cout << "timeNow = " << timeNow << endl;int t = mArray[theMachine].activeJob->removeNextTask();eList->setFinishTime(theMachine, timeNow + t);}}else{//在机器theMachine上刚刚完成一道工序//设置转换时间lastJob = mArray[theMachine].activeJob;mArray[theMachine].activeJob = nullptr;eList->setFinishTime(theMachine, timeNow + mArray[theMachine].changeTime);}return lastJob;
void simulate()
{//处理所有未处理的任务while (numJobs > 0){//至少有一个任务未处理int nextToFinish = eList->nextEventMachine();timeNow = eList->nextEventTime(nextToFinish);//cout << "sim timeNow = " << timeNow << endl;//改变机器nextToFinist上的任务job* theJob = changeState(nextToFinish);//把任务theJob调度到下一台机器//如果任务theJob完成,则减少任务数if (theJob != nullptr && !moveToNextMachine(theJob))numJobs--;}
bool moveToNextMachine(job* theJob)
{//调度任务theJob到执行其下一道工序的机器//如果任务已经完成,则返回falseif (theJob->taskQ.empty()){cout << "Job " << theJob->id << " has completed at " << timeNow <<" Total wait was " << (timeNow - theJob->length) << endl;return false;}else{//任务theJob有下一道工序//确定执行下一道工序的机器int p = theJob->taskQ.front().machine;//把任务插入机器p的等待任务队列mArray[p].jobQ.push(theJob);theJob->arrivalTime = timeNow;//如果机器p空闲,则改变它的状态if (eList->nextEventTime(p) == largeTime)changeState(p);return true;}
void outputStatistics()
{cout << "Finish time = " << timeNow << endl;for (int p = 1; p <= numMachines; p++){cout << "Machine " << p << " completed " << mArray[p].numTasks << " tasks" << endl;cout << "The total wait time was " << mArray[p].totalWait << endl;cout << endl;}



Project name :			allAlgorithmsTest
Last modified Date:		2022年8月17日09点22分
Last Version:			V1.0
Descriptions:			工序:包括执行该工序的机器machine和完成该工序所需要的时间time
#pragma once
#ifndef _TASK_H_
#define _TASK_H_
using std::ostream;
struct task
{int machine;int time;task(int theMachine = 0, int theTime = 0){machine = theMachine;time = theTime;}friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const task x){out << "(" << x.machine << "," << x.time << ")";return out;}



Project name :			allAlgorithmsTest
Last modified Date:		2022年8月17日09点22分
Last Version:			V1.0
Descriptions:			任务
#pragma once
#ifndef _JOB_H_
#define _JOB_H_
#include <queue>
#include "_22task.h"
struct job
{queue<task> taskQ;//任务的工序队列int length;//被调度的工序时间之和int arrivalTime;//到达当前队列的时间int id;//任务标识符job(int theId = 0){id = theId;length = 0;arrivalTime = 0;}void addTask(int theMachine, int theTime){//添加任务task theTask(theMachine, theTime);taskQ.push(theTask);}/*删除任务的下一道工序,返回它的时间;更新长度*/int removeNextTask(){int theTime = taskQ.front().time;taskQ.pop();length += theTime;return theTime;}


每台机器都有转换时间、当前任务和等待任务的队列。由于每项任务在任何时刻只会在一台机器队列中,因此所有队列的空间总量以任务的数目为限。不过,任务在各个机器队列中的分布随着仿真过程的进展会不断变化。有的队列在某一时刻可能很长。如果使用链队列,就可以把机器队列所需要的空间限制为 n 个节点的空间,其中 n 是任务个数。

Project name :			allAlgorithmsTest
Last modified Date:		2022年8月17日09点22分
Last Version:			V1.0
Descriptions:			机器
#pragma once
#ifndef _MACHINE_H_
#define _MACHINE_H_
#include "_22job.h"
struct machine
{queue<job*> jobQ;//本机器的等待处理的任务队列int changeTime;//本机器的转换时间int totalWait;//本机器的总体延时int numTasks;//本机器处理的工序数量job* activeJob;//本机器当前处理的任务machine(){changeTime = 0;totalWait = 0;numTasks = 0;activeJob = nullptr;}


所有机器的完成时间都存储在一个事件表中。为了从一个事件转向下一个事件,我们需要在机器的完成时间中确定最小者。仿真器还需要一个操作,来设置一台特定机器的完成时间。每当一个新任务被调度到一台机器上运行时就要执行该操作。当一台机器空闲时,其完成时间被设置成一个很大的数 largeTime。

Project name :			allAlgorithmsTest
Last modified Date:		2022年8月17日09点22分
Last Version:			V1.0
Descriptions:			事件
#pragma once
#ifndef _EVENTLIST_H_
#define _EVENTLIST_H_
class eventList
public:/*为m台机器,初始化其完成时间*/eventList(int theNumMachines, int theLargeTime){if (theNumMachines < 1)throw illegalParameterValue("number of machines must be >= 1");numMachines = theNumMachines;finishTime = new int[numMachines + 1];//所有机器都空闲,用大的完成时间初始化for (int i = 1; i <= numMachines; i++)finishTime[i] = theLargeTime;}/*返回值是处理下一项工序的机器,某个机器完成了*/int nextEventMachine(){int p = 1;int t = finishTime[1];for (int i = 2; i <= numMachines; i++){if (finishTime[i] < t){p = i;t = finishTime[i];}}return p;}/*知道处理下一项工序的机器,获取该机器的完成时间*/int nextEventTime(int theMachine){return finishTime[theMachine];}/*设置机器的完成时间*/void setFinishTime(int theMachine, int theTime){finishTime[theMachine] = theTime;}
private:int* finishTime;//机器完成时间数组int numMachines;//机器数量


Project name :			allAlgorithmsTest
Last modified Date:		2022年8月13日17点38分
Last Version:			V1.0
Descriptions:			综合各种异常
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include<iostream>using namespace std;// illegal parameter value
class illegalParameterValue
public:illegalParameterValue(string theMessage = "Illegal parameter value"){message = theMessage;}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}
private:string message;
};// illegal input data
class illegalInputData
public:illegalInputData(string theMessage = "Illegal data input"){message = theMessage;}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}
private:string message;
};// illegal index
class illegalIndex
public:illegalIndex(string theMessage = "Illegal index"){message = theMessage;}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}
private:string message;
};// matrix index out of bounds
class matrixIndexOutOfBounds
public:matrixIndexOutOfBounds(string theMessage = "Matrix index out of bounds"){message = theMessage;}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}
private:string message;
};// matrix size mismatch
class matrixSizeMismatch
public:matrixSizeMismatch(string theMessage ="The size of the two matrics doesn't match"){message = theMessage;}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}
private:string message;
};// stack is empty
class stackEmpty
public:stackEmpty(string theMessage ="Invalid operation on empty stack"){message = theMessage;}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}
private:string message;
};// queue is empty
class queueEmpty
public:queueEmpty(string theMessage ="Invalid operation on empty queue"){message = theMessage;}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}
private:string message;
};// hash table is full
class hashTableFull
public:hashTableFull(string theMessage ="The hash table is full"){message = theMessage;}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}
private:string message;
};// edge weight undefined
class undefinedEdgeWeight
public:undefinedEdgeWeight(string theMessage ="No edge weights defined"){message = theMessage;}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}
private:string message;
};// method undefined
class undefinedMethod
public:undefinedMethod(string theMessage ="This method is undefined"){message = theMessage;}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}
private:string message;


"C:\Users\15495\Documents\Jasmine\prj\_Algorithm\Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++\_19Factory simulation\cmake-build-debug\_19Factory_simulation.exe"
Enter number of machines and jobs:3 4
Enter change-over times for machines 1 :2
Enter change-over times for machines 2 :3
Enter change-over times for machines 3 :1
Enter number of tasks for job 1 :3
Enter the tasks (machine,time) in process order
1 2
2 4
1 1
Enter number of tasks for job 2 :2
Enter the tasks (machine,time) in process order
3 4
1 2
Enter number of tasks for job 3 :2
Enter the tasks (machine,time) in process order
1 4
2 4
Enter number of tasks for job 4 :2
Enter the tasks (machine,time) in process order
3 1
2 3
Job 2 has completed at 12 Total wait was 6
Job 4 has completed at 12 Total wait was 8
Job 1 has completed at 15 Total wait was 8
Job 3 has completed at 19 Total wait was 11
Finish time = 19
Machine 1 completed 4 tasks
The total wait time was 18Machine 2 completed 3 tasks
The total wait time was 10Machine 3 completed 2 tasks
The total wait time was 5Process finished with exit code 0



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