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【皮格马利翁效应】积极暗示,容易<a href=https://www.elefans.com/category/jswz/34/900412.html style=梦想成真"/>


🚀The deepest desire of human nature is to gain the appreciation of others
🚀 人性最深切的渴望就是获得他人的赞赏——哈佛大学教授、心理学家、威廉-詹姆斯

Pygmalion effect: positive suggestion makes dreams easy to come true


  • ⭐️ People all hope to receive recognition and appreciation from others, even if they don’t say it, if they can get their appreciation, they will feel happy and satisfied in their hearts.

  • ❤️ 人们都希望得到别人的肯定和赞赏,即使嘴里不说,但如果能得到他人的欣赏,一定打心眼里觉得高兴和满足。

  • ⭐️ This is not just imagination, but the fundamental(/ˌfʌndəˈmentl/) difference between humans and animals.

  • ❤️ 这并不是凭空想象,而是人类有别于动物的根本所在。

  • ⭐️ Don’t think that receiving recognition from others is a manifestation(/ˌmænɪfeˈsteɪʃn/ 表现) of vanity(/ˈvænəti/虚荣), but for people living in society, it is a recognition and support of personal abilities and values.

  • ❤️ 别以为得到他人的肯定是虚荣表现,对生活在社会中的人来说,却是对个人能力,价值的赞许和支持。

  • ⭐️ Everyone needs this kind of praise(/preɪz/ 赞美), please don’t underestimate(/ˌʌndərˈestɪmeɪt/ 小看) them. Sometimes, a phrase(/freɪz/ 话) that seems insignificant to you can have an impact(/ˈɪmpækt/ 影响) comparable(/ˈkɑːmpərəbl/ 堪比) to an atomic(/əˈtɑːmɪk/ 原子的) bomb(/bɑːm/ 炸弹).

  • ❤️ 人人都需要这种赞美,请别小看它们,有时候,在你看来微不足道的一句,产生的影响堪比原子弹”。

  • ⭐️ The late Taiwanese(/ˈtaɪwɑˈniz/) writer Sanmao, who was deeply loved by everyone, wrote in his book: “The sadness of my life is not to earn the world, but to ask you to appreciate me”

  • ❤️ 深受大家喜爱的已故台湾作家三毛就在自己的书中写道:“我一生的悲哀,并不是要赚得全世界,而是要请你欣赏我。”

  • ⭐️ And the ‘you’ in the book refers to your own father.

  • ❤️ 而书中的这个“你”,说的就是自己的父亲。

  • ⭐️ The effect of encouragement and praise from loved ones is even more unimaginable(ˌʌnɪˈmædʒɪnəbl/).

  • ❤️ 来自亲人的鼓励和赞许,产生的作用更是难以想象

  • ⭐️ Because this kind of positive praise can easily lead to psychological cues(/kjuːz/), which can have a great promoting effect, which is what we call the Pygmalion effect.

  • ❤️ 因为这种肯定的赞美,容易使人们产生心理暗示,进而产生极大的促进作用,这就是我们所说的皮格马利翁效应。

  • ⭐️ With praise(/preɪz/ ), our life goals become clearer; With praise, we can overcome all difficulties; With praise, we can approach our long-standing dreams more quickly.

  • ❤️ 有了赞美,我们人生的目标更加明确;有了赞美,我们可以战胜一切困难;有了赞美,我们可以更加迅速地接近一直以来的梦想。

  • ⭐️ If you understand the power of the Pygmalion effect, please do not be stingy(/ˈstɪndʒi/) with your praise, not only for others, but also for yourself.

  • ❤️ 如果你明白了皮格马利翁效应的威力所在,就请不要吝啬你的赞美之词,不只对别人,更多时候可以对自己进行心理建设。

  • ⭐️ This is not self hypnosis(/hɪpˈnoʊsɪs/), but a “weapon(/ˈwepən/)” used to enhance emotional intelligence.

  • ❤️ 这并不是自我催眠,而是用来提升情商的“利器”。

  • ⭐️ Pygmalion, who was a sculptor(/ˈskʌlptər/), received the blessing of the goddess Venus because he fell in love with the statue(/ˈstætʃuː/ 雕像) he carved(/kɑːrvd/ 雕塑的), and in the end, the statue became a true woman.

  • ❤️ 皮格马利翁(Pygmalion),他是一个雕塑家,因为爱上了自己雕刻的女神像而得到了维纳斯女神的祝福,最终这个女神像变成了真正的女子。

  • ⭐️ This reminds us to be aware of the impact of our own expectations and attitudes on others.

  • ❤️ 这提醒我们要意识到自己的期望和态度对他人的影响。



本文发布于:2023-11-15 01:56:58,感谢您对本站的认可!
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