HTML 5 <视频>标签与 Flash 视频.优缺点都有什么?

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本文介绍了HTML 5 <视频>标签与 Flash 视频.优缺点都有什么?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 重要更新

这个问题是 9 年前提出的.当时觉得有道理,现在不行了.Flash 很难走出去; 支持无处不在,包括移动设备.Flash 能做的几乎所有事情,HTML 现在也能做.HTML 赢了,Flash 输了.如果您正在考虑如何在您的页面中嵌入视频,只需使用 <video> 并且不要再考虑它.此问题仅供参考.


最近似乎新的 标签大肆宣传,尤其是因为 Firefox 现在支持它.这方面的消息在各地的博客中不断涌现,每个人似乎都很兴奋.但是呢?

尽管我搜索了很多,但我找不到任何比旧的 Flash 视频更好的东西.事实上,我只看到它的问题:

  • 所有浏览器开始支持它还需要一段时间,大多数人升级还需要更多时间;
  • Flash 已经可用并且每个人都拥有它;
  • 您可以将 Flash 与任何您想要控制播放的精美 UI 结合使用.我认为标签也可以控制(可能通过 JavaScript),但它可以全屏显示吗?

我能看到的 标签仅有的两个优点是:

  • 它更语义化"——这可能对包括我在内的很多人都不重要;
  • 它不依赖于单一的商业 3rd 方实体 (Adobe) - 我也不认为这是一个令人信服的切换理由,因为免费播放器和视频转换器已经可用,而且 Adob​​e 不会阻碍整个过程无论如何(这甚至不符合他们的利益).



好的,所以还有一个 Pro……也许吧.支持移动设备.不过很难说.关于这个主题,我的脑海中闪过许多想法:

  • 有多少移动设备实际上能够以不错的速度解码视频,无论是 Flash 还是其他方式?
  • 主流移动设备要多久才能获得 支持?即使可以通过更新获得,但实际上有多少人这样做?
  • 有多少人在手机上观看网页上的视频?

至于语义部分 - 我知道搜索引擎现在可能能够更好地检测视频,但是......无论如何他们会用它们做什么?好的,所以他们知道页面中有视频.和?他们无法索引视频!我想要更多的论据.


刚刚想到另一个缺点.这开辟了一个全新的跨浏览器不兼容领域.HTML 和 CSS 在这方面已经很混乱了.Flash 至少到处都是一样的.但这足以让至少一个主要的浏览器供应商决定不使用 <video> 标签(有人能说Internet Explorer"吗?),我们有一个很好的地狱新领域需要探索.>


Pro 刚刚加入.更多竞争 = 更多创新.这是真的.给 Adob​​e 带来更多竞争可能会迫使他们在 Flash 迄今为止缺乏的领域进行改进.Linux 似乎是它的一个弱点,被许多人引用.



任何站在关于专有"插件的争论中的人都会很快倒下.微软、苹果和 Adob​​e 都负有愧疚,但这只是生意.您不会在一夜之间改变业务,每一层复杂性都由一个新标签(例如<video>)添加.支持技术性很强的接口将导致每个浏览器* 略有* 不同的实现.

HTML 5 现在可以使用,Flash 也可以.实施方式,它需要的技能——这定义了每个资源,无论是员工的表现、网站管理员的权力还是域的影响力.

虽然我只有 40 岁,但我在橙色或绿色单色显示器是颜色选择时开始编程,硬件安装随附祈祷书而不是说明手册.也许你可以找出调制解调器的 AT 命令,当它没有用你的硬件配置时,64K RAM 就像,哇!

与那些垃圾相比,HTML 5/Flash 只是个小麻烦.让我们都学习如何在社区中合作以获得更好的资源.有一个开源 Flash 项目,它会有错误.HTML 5 也是如此...



This question was made over 9 years ago. It made sense then, it doesn't make it now. Flash is hard on its way out; <video> support is ubiquitous, including mobile devices. Almost anything that Flash could do, HTML can now do too. HTML won, Flash lost. If you're pondering on how to embed video in your page, just use <video> and don't give it a second thought. This question is only preserved for historical value.

Original question

Seems like the new <video> tag is all the hype these days, especially since Firefox now supports it. News of this are popping up in blogs all over the place, and everyone seems to be excited. But what about?

As much as I searched I could not find anything that would make it better than the good old Flash video. In fact, I see only problems with it:

  • It will still be some time before all the browsers start supporting it, and much more time before most people upgrade;
  • Flash is available already and everyone has it;
  • You can couple Flash with whatever fancy UI you want for controlling the playback. I gather that the tag will be controllable as well (via JavaScript probably), but will it be able to go fullscreen?

The only two pros for a <video> tag that I can see are:

  • It is more "semantic" - which probably holds no importance to a whole lot of people, including me;
  • It is not dependent on a single commercial 3rd party entity (Adobe) - which I also don't see as a compelling reason to switch, because free players and video converters are already available, and Adobe is not hindering the whole process in any way (it's not in their interests even).

So... what's the big deal?


OK, so there is one more Pro... maybe. Support for mobile devices. Hard to say though. A number of thoughts race through my head about the subject:

  • How many mobile devices are actually able to decode video at a decent speed anyway, Flash or otherwise?
  • How long until mainstream mobile devices get the <video> support? Even if it is available through updates, how many people actually do that?
  • How many people watch videos on web pages on their mobile phones at all?

As for the semantics part - I understand that search engines might be able to detect videos better now, but... what will they do with them anyway? OK, so they know that there is a video in the page. And? They can't index a video! I'd like some more arguments here.


Just thought of another Cons. This opens up a whole new area of cross-browser incompatibility. HTML and CSS is quite messy already in this aspect. Flash at least is the same everywhere. But it's enough for at least one major browser vendor to decide against the <video> tag (can anyone say "Internet Explorer"?) and we have a nice new area of hell to explore.


A Pro just came in. More competition = more innovation. That's true. Giving Adobe more competition will probably force them to improve Flash in areas it has been lacking so far. Linux seems to be a weak spot for it, cited by many.


There are many good points here, and like a Martial Arts fighting style, each point has its thrust, and each can be defended; but each can be defeated with the proper moves.

Anyone standing on arguments about "propietary" plugins will fall quickly. Microsoft, Apple, and Adobe all bear the guilt, but that's just BUSINESS. You won't change business overnight, and each layer of complexity added by a new tag such as <video> which supports a very technical interface will result in * slightly * different implementations by each browser.

HTML 5 works now, and so does Flash. How it is implemented, the skill it requires- this defines each resource, whether it's an employee's performance, a webmaster's power, or a domain's influence.

Although I'm only 40, I began programming when orange or green monochrome monitors were the color choice, and hardware installation came with prayer books instead of instruction manuals. Maybe you could figure out AT commands for the modem when it wouldn't configure with your hardware, and 64K RAM was like, WOWWWWW!

HTML 5/Flash is a minor nuisance compared to that crap. Let's all learn how to collaborate in community toward a better resource. There is an Open Source Flash Project, it will have bugs. So will HTML 5...

Every argument here is true, but not necessarily productive. Use that energy toward a solution.


HTML 5 &lt;视频&gt;标签与 Flash 视频.优缺点都有什么?

本文发布于:2023-11-13 06:32:55,感谢您对本站的认可!
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