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本文介绍了空列表中的any()和all()?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述

因此,Python 2.5将具有新的any()和all()函数。 www.python/dev/peps/pep-0356/ 如果seq中的任何值计算,则 any(seq)返回True true,否则为False。 all(seq)如果seq中的所有值都为true,则返回True,否则返回False。 我有一个问题:当seq是空的 列表时,这些函数应该返回什么? 这是Guido的原始文章,他建议任何()和所有( ): http://www.artima。 com / weblogs / viewpost.jsp?thread = 98196 他为any()和all()的语义提供了这个示例代码: def任何(S): $ S $ b for x in S: 如果x: 返回True 返回False def all(S): for x in S: 如果不是x: 返回False 返回True 他指出将生成器函数与 这两个新功能: any(x> 42中的x表示S)#如果S的任何元素是>则为真。 42 all(x!= 0表示S中的x)#如果S的所有元素都非零,则为真 我完全在船上任何()的语义。但是所有()都困扰着我b $ b。如果all()收到一个空列表,它将返回True,并且我不会像这样。对我来说,all()应该是一个比任何(), 更具限制性的功能,这让我很难看到any()返回False但是所有() $ b $的情况b返回True。 在all()示例中,如果*中没有*,则没有值,那么 值都不能!= 0,恕我直言all()应该返回False。 因此,我建议all()应该像是用这样写的方式工作: def all(S): ret_val = False $ S $ b for S: ret_val = True 如果不是x: 返回False 返回ret_val 评论? PS我搜索过谷歌和Google网上论坛,试图找到 ,这可能是之前讨论过的。如果这已经讨论了,那么我已经讨论了道歉,我错过了它。 - Steve R. HastingsVita est st***@hastings www.blarg/~steveha


Steve R. Hastings < ST *** @ hastings>写道:

在all()示例中,如果*中没有*,那么值都不能!= 0,而且IMHO all()应该返回False 。

这违背了全部的通常含义。比方说,数学逻辑。 通常,对于S中的所有X,PRED(x)为真。意思是: S中不存在X,所以PRED(x)是假的。 所以,所有(空序列)都应该是真的。 br />

" Paul Rubin" < HTTP://ph****@NOSPAM.invalid>在消息中写道 news:7x ************ @ ruckus.brouhaha ...

" Steve R. Hastings" < ST *** @ hastings>写道:

在all()示例中,如果*中没有*,那么值都不能!= 0,而且IMHO all()应该返回False 。这违背了所有的通常含义。比方说,数学逻辑。 通常,对于S中的所有X,PRED(x)为真。意思是: S中没有X,所以PRED(x)是假的。

你怎么得到这个通常?东西?我同意这通常是作为列表中的短路循环实现的,它在第一个False值中突破了。但我不会很快将 实施的共同性等同于带有含义。 所以,所有(空序列)都应该为真。

应该是?或者通常证明是? 在我看来,all()的*含义*是列表中的每个元素断言 真正。但这是初步假设all()为False,除非我测试每个值并发现它们为True。由于我假设False开始与一起使用,我在列表中没有得到与假设相矛盾的值,所以 all([])返回False。 似乎分辨率依赖于我们选择的初始条件,Balse或False。也许我们应该为此咨询更正式的数学 资源。 - Paul 如果是这样,有可能;如果是这样,那就是;但是,因为它不是, 它不是。那是'逻辑。'

[Steve R. Hastings]

所以,Python 2.5会有新的any()和all( )函数。 http://www.python。 org / dev / peps / pep-0356 / any(seq)如果seq中的任何值计算为true,则返回True,否则返回False all( seq)如果seq中的所有值都为true,则返回True,否则返回False。 我有一个问题:当seq是空的列表时,这些函数应该返回什么? 这里,从当前的开发主干来看,它们是_do_返回: Python 2.5a0(主干:43410M,2006年3月28日, 16:42:49)... 输入help,copyright,credit等等。或许可证或更多信息。

any([]) False all([])

True 这是Guido'的原始文章,他建议任何()和所有(): www.artima/weblogs/viewpost.jsp?thread=98196 他为any()和all()的语义提供了这个示例代码: def any(S): for x in S:如果x:返回True 返回False def all(S):对于S中的x:如果不是x:返回False 返回True | 我完全熟悉any()的语义。但所有()都困扰着我。如果all()收到一个空列表,它将返回True, 是。 我不喜欢这样。 艰难;-) 对我来说,all()应该是一个比任何()更具限制性的功能,它让我烦恼看一下any()返回False但all()返回True的情况。 有更深层次的原则在起作用:所以尽可能顺利地完成b&b ,减少应用于空的 集合的函数总是安排返回 减少操作的标识元素。这就是sum([])返回0的原因,对于 示例:0是添加的标识元素,意味着所有x的x + 0 = x 。 其他有用的身份来自于此,以及大多数减少操作的关联性 。例如,对于任何i> = 0,sum(seq)= sum(seq [:i])+ sum(seq [i:]),即使i是这样的一个(或两个!) 右边的切片是空的。如果 sum([])不为0并且安排使其成为真,那​​就不是真的可以节省程序员 来处理一些特殊情况。 any()的简化操作是逻辑 - 或者,False是逻辑 - 或者:x逻辑 - 或False = 标识元素x for all 布尔值x。 同样,all()的缩减操作是逻辑 - 而且,True是 它的标识元素:x logical-和True = x for all Boolean x。 选择 空案例中的标识元素,即使`seq`为 为空也是如此: any(seq)=并非全部(对于seq中的x不是x) all(seq)= not any(seq中x不是x) 在all()示例中,如果有*是* S中没有值,那么值都不能!= 0,而且IMHO all()应该返回False。 这会破坏上面提到的一切。想想另一种方式: 如果所有(seq)都是假的,那么你是不是可以指出 a seq中的特定元素是假的?毕竟(双关语打算 ;-)),如果不是seq中的所有x都是真的情况,那么必须是某些x的 情况在seq是假的。但是如果seq为空,那么seq中没有x ,无论是真还是假,特别是没有x在 seq中'是假的。因为我们不能在seq中展示x,这样x是 false,说所有(seq)都是假的对你来说非常令人惊讶 在其他一些那天;-) 因此,我建议all()应该像这样写一样工作: def all(S): ret_val =错误 对于x中的x: ret_val = True 如果不是x:返回False 返回ret_val 评论?

这不会发生,原因有三:上面给出了几个;这个 也是用于通用和存在量词的惯例 应用于数学逻辑中的空集(并且大致相同 因为那里);它与ABC语言中的现有技术相匹配(这是Python的前辈之一,它具有直接的句法支持 ,用于布尔表达式中的通用和存在量词)。

So, Python 2.5 will have new any() and all() functions. www.python/dev/peps/pep-0356/ any(seq) returns True if any value in seq evaluates true, False otherwise. all(seq) returns True if all values in seq evaluate true, False otherwise. I have a question: what should these functions return when seq is an empty list? Here is Guido''s original article where he suggested any() and all(): www.artima/weblogs/viewpost.jsp?thread=98196 He offered this sample code for the semantics of any() and all(): def any(S): for x in S: if x: return True return False def all(S): for x in S: if not x: return False return True And he pointed out how nifty it is to combine generator functions with these two new functions: any(x > 42 for x in S) # True if any elements of S are > 42 all(x != 0 for x in S) # True if all elements if S are nonzero I''m completely on board with the semantics for any(). But all() bothers me. If all() receives an empty list, it will return True, and I don''t like that. To me, all() should be a more restrictive function than any(), and it bothers me to see a case where any() returns False but all() returns True. In the all() example, if there *are* no values in S, then none of the values can be != 0, and IMHO all() should return False. Therefore, I propose that all() should work as if it were written this way: def all(S): ret_val = False for x in S: ret_val = True if not x: return False return ret_val Comments? P.S. I searched with Google, and with Google Groups, trying to find anyplace this might have been discussed before. Apologies if this has already been discussed and I missed it somehow. -- Steve R. Hastings "Vita est" st***@hastings www.blarg/~steveha


"Steve R. Hastings" <st***@hastings> writes:

In the all() example, if there *are* no values in S, then none of the values can be != 0, and IMHO all() should return False.

That goes against the usual meaning of "all" in, say, mathematical logic. Usually, "for all X in S, PRED(x) is true" means: there does not exist X in S so that PRED(x) is false. So, all(empty sequence) should be true.

"Paul Rubin" <ph****@NOSPAM.invalid> wrote in message news:7x************@ruckus.brouhaha...

"Steve R. Hastings" <st***@hastings> writes:

In the all() example, if there *are* no values in S, then none of the values can be != 0, and IMHO all() should return False. That goes against the usual meaning of "all" in, say, mathematical logic. Usually, "for all X in S, PRED(x) is true" means: there does not exist X in S so that PRED(x) is false.

How do you get this "usually" stuff? I would agree that this is usually implemented as a short-circuited loop through the list, that breaks out at the first False value. But I would not be quick to equate "commonality of implementation" with "meaning". So, all(empty sequence) should be true.

"should be"? Or "usually turns out to be"? To my mind, the *meaning* of all() is that every element in the list asserts True. But this is with an initial assumption that all() is False, unless I test every value and find them to be True. Since I assume False to begin with, I get no values in the list to contradict the assumption, and so all([]) returns False. It would seem that the resolution rests on which initial condition we choose, False or True. Perhaps we should consult a more formal mathematical resource for this. -- Paul "If it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn''t, it ain''t. That''s logic."

[Steve R. Hastings]

So, Python 2.5 will have new any() and all() functions. www.python/dev/peps/pep-0356/ any(seq) returns True if any value in seq evaluates true, False otherwise.. all(seq) returns True if all values in seq evaluate true, False otherwise.. I have a question: what should these functions return when seq is an empty list? Here, from the current development trunk, is what they _do_ return: Python 2.5a0 (trunk:43410M, Mar 28 2006, 16:42:49) ... Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

any([]) False all([])

True Here is Guido''s original article where he suggested any() and all(): www.artima/weblogs/viewpost.jsp?thread=98196 He offered this sample code for the semantics of any() and all(): def any(S): for x in S: if x: return True return False def all(S): for x in S: if not x: return False return True ...| I''m completely on board with the semantics for any(). But all() bothers me. If all() receives an empty list, it will return True, Yes. and I don''t like that. Tough ;-) To me, all() should be a more restrictive function than any(), and it bothers me to see a case where any() returns False but all() returns True. There are deeper principles at work: so that endcases work out as smoothly as possible, a "reduction" function applied to an empty collection always arranges to return the identity element for the reduction operation. This is the reason that sum([]) returns 0, for example: 0 is the identity element for addition, meaning that x+0=x for all x. Other useful identities follow from this, and from the associativity of most reduction operations. For example, sum(seq) = sum(seq[:i]) + sum(seq[i:]) for any i >= 0, even if i is such that one (or both!) of the slices on the right-hand side is empty. That wouldn''t be true if sum([]) were not 0, and arranging to make it true saves programmers from having to deal with some otherwise special cases. The reduction operation for any() is logical-or, and False is the identity element for logical-or: x logical-or False = x for all Boolean x. Likewise the reduction operation for all() is logical-and, and True is the identity element for that: x logical-and True = x for all Boolean x. Examples of other useful identities that follow from picking the identity elements in the empty case, which hold even if `seq` is empty: any(seq) = not all(not x for x in seq) all(seq) = not any(not x for x in seq) In the all() example, if there *are* no values in S, then none of the values can be != 0, and IMHO all() should return False. That would break everything mentioned above. Think of it another way: if all(seq) is false, shouldn''t it be the case that you can point to a specific element in seq that is false? After all (pun intended ;-)), if it''s not the case that all x in seq are true, it must be the case that some x in seq is false. But if seq is empty, there is no x in seq that''s either true or false, and in particular there''s no x in seq that''s false. Since we can''t exhibit an x in seq such that x is false, saying that all(seq) is false would be very surprising to you on some other day ;-) Therefore, I propose that all() should work as if it were written this way: def all(S): ret_val = False for x in S: ret_val = True if not x: return False return ret_val Comments?

That won''t happen, for three reasons: several were given above; this is also the convention used for universal and existential quantifiers applied to empty sets in mathematical logic (and for much the same reasons there); and it matches prior art in the ABC language (which is one of Python''s predecessors, and which had direct syntactic support for universal and existential quantifiers in Boolean expressions).



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