
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-25 19:34:55
本文介绍了如果jqgrid中的每一行都被隐藏,则在jqgrid中隐藏分组标题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述



我比较它们的相等性,因此,我有两个选择,如图所示(单选按钮) a.查看所有记录,b.查看差异

I compare them for equality, and so I have two options as shown in the image (radio buttons) a. View All Records, b. View Differences

选项a. 网格显示所有行,唯一的变化是不相等的值(在JSON中用isEqual=false标识)的颜色不同.

option a. The grid displays all the rows, only change is that the values which are not equal (identified by isEqual=false in JSON) they are in different color.



if the corresponding rows are not equal (identified by isEqual=false in JSON) then row color in the grid is changed and the equal (identified by isEqual=true in JSON) row values are not displayed (since this is option b. View Differences. So now in some configuration (json) the Product (grouping) has all the rows equal (i.e., isEqual=true) under which all the rows are hidden, I want if all the rows inside the row is hidden then the Grouping also should not be visible.


eg: if Product grouping has all the rows hidden then even the Product grouping should be hidden


{ "response": [ { "id": "1", "elementName": "A", "category": "System", "subCategory": "Environment", "isEqual": true, "isPrasentinXml1": true, "isPrasentinXml2": true, "isPrasentinXml3": false, "attribute": [ { "firstValue": "5242880", "secondValue": "5242880" } ] }, { "id": "23", "elementName": "TERM", "category": "System", "subCategory": "Environment", "isEqual": true, "isPrasentinXml1": true, "isPrasentinXml2": true, "isPrasentinXml3": false, "attribute": [ { "firstValue": "xterm", "secondValue": "xterm" } ] }, { "id": "33", "elementName": "bitmode", "category": "Product", "subCategory": "Product", "isEqual": true, "isPrasentinXml1": true, "isPrasentinXml2": true, "isPrasentinXml3": false, "attribute": [ { "name": "bitmode", "firstValue": "file: cannot open /home/asimon/java/AIXJAVA/java/bin/libssaiok.so\u000a", "secondValue": "file: cannot open /home/asimon/java/AIXJAVA/java/bin/libssaiok.so\u000a" } ] }, { "id": "36", "elementName": "coredump - hard", "category": "System", "subCategory": "Userlimit", "isEqual": true, "isPrasentinXml1": true, "isPrasentinXml2": true, "isPrasentinXml3": false, "attribute": [ { "name": "hard", "firstValue": "unlimited ", "secondValue": "unlimited " } ] }, { "id": "37", "elementName": "coredump - soft", "category": "System", "subCategory": "Userlimit", "isEqual": true, "isPrasentinXml1": true, "isPrasentinXml2": true, "isPrasentinXml3": false, "attribute": [ { "name": "soft", "firstValue": "unlimited ", "secondValue": "unlimited " } ] }, { "id": "38", "elementName": "cpuspeed", "category": "System", "subCategory": "System", "isEqual": true, "isPrasentinXml1": true, "isPrasentinXml2": true, "isPrasentinXml3": false, "attribute": [ { "name": "cpuspeed", "firstValue": " 4204 \u000a", "secondValue": " 4204 \u000a" } ] }, { "id": "39", "elementName": "data - hard", "category": "System", "subCategory": "Userlimit", "isEqual": true, "isPrasentinXml1": true, "isPrasentinXml2": true, "isPrasentinXml3": false, "attribute": [ { "name": "hard", "firstValue": "unlimited ", "secondValue": "unlimited " } ] }, { "id": "40", "elementName": "data - soft", "category": "System", "subCategory": "Userlimit", "isEqual": true, "isPrasentinXml1": true, "isPrasentinXml2": true, "isPrasentinXml3": false, "attribute": [ { "name": "soft", "firstValue": "unlimited ", "secondValue": "unlimited " } ] } { "id": "46", "elementName": "machine", "category": "System", "subCategory": "System", "isEqual": true, "isPrasentinXml1": true, "isPrasentinXml2": true, "isPrasentinXml3": false, "attribute": [ { "name": "machine", "firstValue": "000CE082D900\u000a", "secondValue": "000CE082D900\u000a" } ] }, { "id": "47", "elementName": "maxfilesperproc", "category": "System", "subCategory": "Kernel Parameters", "isEqual": false, "isPrasentinXml1": true, "isPrasentinXml2": true, "isPrasentinXml3": false, "attribute": [ { "name": "maxfilesperproc", "firstValue": " 8192\u000a", "secondValue": " 2000\u000a" } ] }, { "id": "48", "elementName": "maxthreadsperproc", "category": "System", "subCategory": "Kernel Parameters", "isEqual": false, "isPrasentinXml1": true, "isPrasentinXml2": true, "isPrasentinXml3": false, "attribute": [ { "name": "maxthreadsperproc" } ] }, { "id": "49", "elementName": "memory - hard", "category": "System", "subCategory": "Userlimit", "isEqual": true, "isPrasentinXml1": true, "isPrasentinXml2": true, "isPrasentinXml3": false, "attribute": [ { "name": "hard", "firstValue": "unlimited ", "secondValue": "unlimited " } ] }, { "id": "50", "elementName": "memory - soft", "category": "System", "subCategory": "Userlimit", "isEqual": false, "isPrasentinXml1": true, "isPrasentinXml2": true, "isPrasentinXml3": false, "attribute": [ { "name": "soft", "firstValue": "32768 ", "secondValue": "unlimited " } ] }, { "id": "51", "elementName": "mempagesize", "category": "System", "subCategory": "Kernel Parameters", "isEqual": true, "isPrasentinXml1": true, "isPrasentinXml2": true, "isPrasentinXml3": false, "attribute": [ { "name": "mempagesize", "firstValue": "4096\u000a", "secondValue": "4096\u000a" } ] }, { "id": "52", "elementName": "nofiles - hard", "category": "System", "subCategory": "Userlimit", "isEqual": true, "isPrasentinXml1": true, "isPrasentinXml2": true, "isPrasentinXml3": false, "attribute": [ { "name": "hard", "firstValue": "unlimited ", "secondValue": "unlimited " } ] }, { "id": "53", "elementName": "nofiles - soft", "category": "System", "subCategory": "Userlimit", "isEqual": false, "isPrasentinXml1": true, "isPrasentinXml2": true, "isPrasentinXml3": false, "attribute": [ { "name": "soft", "firstValue": "8192 ", "secondValue": "2000 " } ] }, { "id": "54", "elementName": "numberofcpu", "category": "System", "subCategory": "System", "isEqual": true, "isPrasentinXml1": true, "isPrasentinXml2": true, "isPrasentinXml3": false, "attribute": [ { "name": "numberofcpu", "firstValue": " 2\u000a", "secondValue": " 2\u000a" } ] }, { "id": "55", "elementName": "osname", "category": "System", "subCategory": "System", "isEqual": true, "isPrasentinXml1": true, "isPrasentinXml2": true, "isPrasentinXml3": false, "attribute": [ { "name": "osname", "firstValue": "AIX\u000a", "secondValue": "AIX\u000a" } ] }, { "id": "56", "elementName": "release", "category": "System", "subCategory": "System", "isEqual": true, "isPrasentinXml1": true, "isPrasentinXml2": true, "isPrasentinXml3": false, "attribute": [ { "name": "release", "firstValue": "1\u000a", "secondValue": "1\u000a" } ] } ], "xls_path": "\\csm\\files\\comparefiles\\compare_output.xls" }


$('#compareContent').empty(); $('<div id="compareParentDiv" width="100%">'+ '<table id="list2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"></table>'+ '<div id="gridpager3"></div></div>') .appendTo('#compareContent'); $("#compareParentDiv").hide(); var gridDiff = $("#list2"); gridDiff.jqGrid({ datastr: compareData, datatype: "jsonstring", colNames: ['KeyName', 'SubCategory', starheader, header1,'isEqual'], colModel: [ { name: 'elementName', index: 'elementName', key: true, width: 120 }, { name: 'subCategory', index: 'subCategory', width: 1 }, { name: 'firstValue', index: 'firstValue', width: 310, jsonmap:'attribute.0.firstValue' }, { name: 'secondValue', index: 'secondValue', width: 310,jsonmap:'attribute.0.secondValue' }, { name: 'isEqual', index: 'isEqual', width: 1,hidden:true} ], pager: '#gridpager3', rowNum:50, scrollOffset:1, //viewrecords: true, jsonReader: { repeatitems: false, page: function(){return 1;}, root: "response" }, //rownumbers: true, height: '320', autowidth:true, grouping: true, groupingView: { groupField: ['subCategory'], groupOrder: ['desc'], groupDataSorted : true, groupColumnShow: [false], //groupCollapse: true, groupText: ['<b>{0}</b>'] }, loadComplete: function() { if (this.p.datatype !== 'local') { setTimeout(function () { gridDiff.trigger('reloadGrid'); }, 0); } else { $("#compareParentDiv").show(); } var i, names=this.p.groupingView.sortnames[0], l = names.length; data = this.p.data, rows = this.rows, item; for (i=0;i<l;i++) { if ($.inArray(names[i],grouping) >= 0) { $(this).jqGrid('groupingToggle',this.id+"ghead_"+i); $(rows.namedItem(this.id+"ghead_"+i)).find("span.ui-icon").click(function(){ var len = data.length, iRow; for (iRow=0;iRow<len;iRow++) { item = data[iRow]; if (item.isEqual) { $(rows.namedItem(item._id_)).hide(); } } }); } else { // hide the grouping row $('#'+this.id+"ghead_"+i).hide(); } //console.info($('#'+this.id+"ghead_"+i)); } /*var i, names=this.p.groupingView.sortnames[0], l = names.length, data = this.p.data, rows = this.rows, item; for (i=0;i<l;i++) { if (names[i]==='Environment') { $(this).jqGrid('groupingToggle',this.id+"ghead_"+i); $(rows.namedItem(this.id+"ghead_"+i)).find("span.ui-icon").click(function(){ var len = data.length, iRow; for (iRow=0;iRow<len;iRow++) { item = data[iRow]; if (item.isEqual) { $(rows.namedItem(item._id_)).hide(); } } }); } else { // hide the grouping row $('#'+this.id+"ghead_"+i).hide(); } }*/ var i, names=this.p.groupingView.sortnames[0], l = names.length, data = this.p.data, rows = this.rows, item; l = data.length; for (i=0;i<l;i++) { item = data[i]; if (!item.isEqual) { $(rows.namedItem(item._id_)) .css({ "background-color": "#FFE3EA", "background-image": "none" }); } else { $(rows.namedItem(item._id_)).hide(); } } } }); gridDiff.jqGrid('navGrid', '#gridpager3', { add: false, edit: false, del: false, search: false, refresh: false }); gridDiff.jqGrid('navButtonAdd',"#gridpager3",{caption:"Toggle",title:"Toggle Search Toolbar", buttonicon :'ui-icon-pin-s', onClickButton:function(){ gridDiff[0].toggleToolbar(); } }); gridDiff.jqGrid('navButtonAdd',"#gridpager3",{caption:"Clear",title:"Clear Search",buttonicon :'ui-icon-refresh', onClickButton:function(){ gridDiff[0].clearToolbar(); } }); gridDiff.jqGrid('filterToolbar', {stringResult: true, searchOnEnter: false, defaultSearch: 'cn'});



I suggest that you change a little the way in which the grid rows are enumerated inside of the loadComplete handler. I suggest to enumerate all grid rows in the way described here.


The row having 'jqgfirstrow' class will be used only to set the width of the column. It should be skipped.


The rows having 'jqgroup' class are the grouping rows. The ids of the rows will be construed from the grid id (the id of the <table> element), the text 'ghead_' and the index in the grid parameter groupingView.sortnames[0] which represent the sorted names of the groups.


The typical data rows are the grid rows having the class 'jqgrow'. You should examine the isEqual property of the row data and either hide or highlight the rows.


You will find the demo here which shows the following results:


The code of new version of the loadComplete handler I fill additionally below

loadComplete: function () { var p = this.p, data = p.data, indexes = p._index, names = p.groupingView.sortnames[0], iName, idParts, rows = this.rows, cRows = rows.length, iRow, $row, rowData, previousGrouppigRow = null, hasHighlitedItem = false, lastCollaped = false, onGroupingExpand = function () { var $curRow = $(this).closest("tr.jqgroup").next(); while ($curRow.hasClass('jqgrow')) { rowData = data[indexes[$curRow[0].id]]; if (rowData.isEqual) { $curRow.hide(); } $curRow = $curRow.next(); } }; if (this.p.datatype !== 'local') { // reload grid to sort it setTimeout(function () { gridDiff.trigger('reloadGrid'); }, 0); return; //we need not do anything now } else { parentContainer.show(); } for (iRow = 0; iRow < cRows; iRow += 1) { $row = $(rows[iRow]); if ($row.hasClass('jqgroup')) { $row.find("span.ui-icon").click(onGroupingExpand); idParts = $row[0].id.split('ghead_'); iName = idParts[idParts.length-1]; if ($.inArray(names[iName], grouping) >= 0) { // collape the grouping rows from the "grouping" array gridDiff.jqGrid('groupingToggle', $row[0].id); lastCollaped = true; } // the row is the group header if (previousGrouppigRow !== null && hasHighlitedItem === false) { // the previous group has no highlited items if (!lastCollaped) { // collapse the group only if it is not already collaped gridDiff.jqGrid('groupingToggle', previousGrouppigRow[0].id); } previousGrouppigRow.hide(); } previousGrouppigRow = $row; hasHighlitedItem = false; } else if ($row.hasClass('jqgrow')) { rowData = data[indexes[$row[0].id]]; if (!rowData.isEqual) { hasHighlitedItem = true; $row.css({ "background-color": "#FFE3EA", "background-image": "none" }); } else { $row.hide(); } } } if (previousGrouppigRow !== null && hasHighlitedItem === false) { // the previous grout has no highlited items if (!lastCollaped) { gridDiff.jqGrid('groupingToggle', previousGrouppigRow[0].id); } previousGrouppigRow.hide(); } }




本文发布于:2023-11-11 10:24:38,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:则在   标题   jqgrid


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