
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-25 02:28:41
本文介绍了DispatchGroup.wait不等待的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述


I'm having an issue understanding or using Dispatchgroup. I've read a lot about them however most examples / documentation are very vague or doesn't resemble what I want to do, however every time I mention my problem everyone says "USE DISPATCH GROUPS!".


Here's what I want to do(NOTE: SEQUENTIAL ORDER IS CRUCIAL):

  • 发送蓝牙写入特征.
  • 设备获得价值,并在响应中吐出一些东西
  • 读取蓝牙响应(通过读取特征)
  • 发送新的写特征(不同的命令)
  • 设备收到NEW命令,吐出NEW数据响应
  • Send Bluetooth Write characteristic.
  • device receives value, and spits something in response
  • Read Bluetooth response (via a read characteristic)
  • Send a new write characteristic (a different command)
  • device receives NEW command, spits NEW data response


Repeat twice (3 commands total, 3 different responses total).


func tPodInitialSetUp() { print ("* * * * * BEGIN SET-UP * * * * *") let setupDispatchGroup = DispatchGroup() setupDispatchGroup.enter() self.writeValue(command: Data(CommandModeCmd)) //231: Put t-Pod in command mode, burst mode is OFF returns OK setupDispatchGroup.leave() setupDispatchGroup.wait() setupDispatchGroup.enter() deviceConnected?.readValue(for: deviceConnectedCh1n2Char!) print("Sent command 231: returned: \(receivedString1)") if receivedString1.lowercased() == "ok" { print("t-Pod burst mode is OFF") } setupDispatchGroup.leave() setupDispatchGroup.wait() setupDispatchGroup.enter() self.writeValue(command: Data(loadProbeCalCmd)) //202: load calibration constants of probe, returns ok or 0 setupDispatchGroup.leave() setupDispatchGroup.wait() setupDispatchGroup.enter() deviceConnected?.readValue(for: deviceConnectedCh1n2Char!) print("Sent command 202: returned: \(receivedString1)") if receivedString1.lowercased() == "ok" { print("Probe Constants loaded") } if receivedString1 == "0" { print("No probe connected") } setupDispatchGroup.leave() setupDispatchGroup.wait() setupDispatchGroup.enter() self.writeValue(command: Data(probeSNCmd)) //205: load probe serial number setupDispatchGroup.leave() setupDispatchGroup.wait() setupDispatchGroup.enter() deviceConnected?.readValue(for: deviceConnectedCh1n2Char!) print("Sent command 205: returned: \(receivedString1)") if (receivedString1.count == 6) { print("received Probe SN: \(receivedString1)") probeSN = receivedString1 } setupDispatchGroup.leave() setupDispatchGroup.notify(queue: .main) { tPodSN = String(describing: connectedDeviceName!.dropFirst(7)) print ("* * * SET-UP COMPLETE * * *") self.writeValue(command: Data(resetCmd)) //200: resets t-Pod self.writeValue(command: Data(beaconOffCmd)) //211: turns beacon off (temperature output) } DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.5) { self.dataDisplaySubView.isHidden = false print ("Adding observers!") NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.updateIncomingData), name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: DATA_PARSED), object: nil) //Run every time you receive data from BLE NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.calculateTNU), name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: TOGGLESWITCH_TOGGLED), object: nil) //Run in case the toggle switches change and data needs to be re-calculated NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.parseReceivedData), name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: DEVICE_FINISHED_SENT_DATA), object: nil) //Run every time you receive the notification that the whole data has been sent } }


This calls the bluetooth write command which has the following code and confirmation:

func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didWriteValueFor descriptor: CBDescriptor, error: Error?) { guard error == nil else { print("Error writing descriptor: " + (error?.localizedDescription)!) return } print("Descriptor Value sent") }


* * * * * BEGIN SET-UP * * * * * ***** WRITING ***** Wrote: 1 bytes ***** WRITING ***** Wrote: 1 bytes Sent command 231: returned: **T-Pod-9Ch** ***** WRITING ***** Wrote: 1 bytes Sent command 202: returned: **T-Pod-9Ch** ***** WRITING ***** Wrote: 1 bytes Sent command 205: returned: **T-Pod-9Ch** * * * SET-UP COMPLETE * * * ***** WRITING ***** Wrote: 1 bytes ***** WRITING ***** Wrote: 1 bytes Characteristic Value sent Adding observers! Characteristic Value sent Characteristic Value sent Characteristic Value sent Characteristic Value sent Clearing TNU Array

现在,您可以看到已发送的特征值"是蓝牙函数在发送值时给出的确认,但是此输出是在完成运行整个代码之后创建的,因此基本上将命令放在了一些管道中,忘记了他们所做的所有其他事情,然后发送了命令,因此我正在阅读的响应都是胡说八道!如您所见,所有收到的字符串都是 T-Pod-9Ch (这只是其正常的突发输出),我应该从命令中获得的预期响应是OK,OK和6位数字(在该订单). 请帮忙,我已经阅读了很多次关于调度组应该如何工作的信息,但我只是不能让他们去做我想做的事情.

Now, as you can see "Characteristic Value Sent" is the confirmation the bluetooth function gives when it sends the value, however this output is created AFTER it finished running the entire code, so basically it put the commands in some pipeline, forgot about them did everything else and THEN sent the commands and therefore the response I'm reading are all nonsense! As you can see all received strings are T-Pod-9Ch (which is just its normal burst output), the expected responses I should get from the commands are OK, OK and a 6 digit number (in that order). Please help, I've read so many times about how dispatch groups are supposed to work but I just can't get them to do what I want.



If I got your question right, you need to wait for an answer before sending new command.


But your writes doesn't have a completion block, that's why in your case using dispatchGroup makes no sense.


The code below is a common example to use dispatch groups

func someMethod(completionHandler: @escaping ()-> Void) { //we need to get or set some data in separated queue DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async { let group = DispatchGroup() //let's say we have an array of urls and we need to load images and put them to an array for url in someUrlArray { group.enter() SomeLoaderClass.load(url) { image in //add received image //leave the group group.leave() } } //now we need to wait until all images will be downloaded group.wait() //then we can finish and call the completion in the main queue DispatchQueue.main.async { completionHandler() } } }


In your situation you may have several options:


First, if you know that if you send one command and receive an answer exactly for that command, you can call methods in order below:

  • 调用一种方法来发送命令1

  • Call one method to Send command 1


    Call another method after an answer for command 1 will be received


    Call yet another method to Send command 2

    以及获得命令2答案后的另一种方法 ...

    And one more method after getting an answer for command 2 ...



    Like if I need to register a user, I need to send defined credentials first, get token from the server, then run something after it.


    So you will have to add an additional method for each command and you will call them according the order


    If you can't recognize for which command you're going to get an answer and you sure that you've send only one command and waiting only one answer, then you can use dispatch group in the way described below:

    typealias Callback = ()->Void class SomeManagerClass { var callback: Callback? func initiateSetup(){ DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async { [weak self] in let group = DispatchGroup() //now we can send commands group.enter() self?.sendCommand(SomeDataForTheFirstCommand) { //when the first answer will be received, it will init the callback, so you can leave the group now group.leave() } //sending the second command group.enter() self?.sendCommand(SomeDataForTheSecondCommand) { //waiting for the second answer will be received group.leave() } //.... more commands sending same way group.wait() //now all commands was send and you got an answer for each //finishing setup DispatchQueue.main.async{ self?.finishSetup() } } } func sendCommand(_ command: Data, callback: Callback?){ self.writeValue(command: command) self.callback = callback } func answerReceived(){ //this is just an example method that is called when you get an answer for any command //now we can callback self.callback?() } func finishSetup(){ //do something } }


    Let me know if you need more details

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    本文发布于:2023-11-10 22:46:26,感谢您对本站的认可!
    本文标签:DispatchGroup   wait


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