是否可以使用.NET Core Roslyn编译器编译单个C#代码文件?

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本文介绍了是否可以使用.NET Core Roslyn编译器编译单个C#代码文件?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述

在旧的.NET中,我们曾经能够运行 csc 编译器来编译单个.cs文件或多个文件。

In old .NET we used to be able to run the csc compiler to compile a single .cs file or several files.

使用.NET Core,我们拥有 dotnet构建,它坚持拥有适当的项目文件。是否有一个独立的命令行编译器可以在没有项目的情况下编译源代码文件(并且在同一命令行中列出了引用的依赖项)?

With .NET Core we have dotnet build that insists on having a proper project file. Is there a stand-alone command line compiler that would allow to compile source code files without having a project (and listing referenced dependencies on the same command line)?

在Linux上,当我安装了旧的 csc 并安装了新的.NET Core时,会得到以下计时:

On Linux, when I have the old csc and the new .NET Core installed, I get these timings:

[root@li1742-80 test]# time dotnet build Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 15.3.409.57025 for .NET Core Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. test -> /root/test/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.0/test.dll Build succeeded. 0 Warning(s) 0 Error(s) Time Elapsed 00:00:03.94 real 0m7.027s user 0m5.714s sys 0m0.838s [root@li1742-80 test]# time csc Program.cs Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler version (3722bb71) Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. real 0m0.613s user 0m0.522s sys 0m0.071s [root@li1742-80 test]#

请注意,使用.NET Core需7秒,而使用旧的 csc 对于同一文件, Program.cs 。

Note 7 seconds with .NET Core versus several hundred milliseconds with the old csc for the same file, Program.cs.

我希望能够以最快的速度编译使用.NET Core,就像我以前使用 csc 一样。

I'd like to be able to compile as fast with .NET Core as I used to be able with csc.


是的,可以使用.NET Core中的csc或vbc编译器来编译单个文件。

直接调用Roslyn编译器必须使用命令行驱动程序 csc。{exe | dll} 。由于与旧的csc.exe相反,Roslyn并未隐式引用mscorlib.dll,因此有必要将引用传递给必需的依赖项,即 System.Runtime 和 System.Private.CoreLib 库以及任何其他必需的引用。下面的清单显示了如何编译以下 您好,世界! 程序。

To invoke the Roslyn compiler directly it is necessary to use the command line driver csc.{exe|dll} and since Roslyn in contrast to the old csc.exe does not reference mscorlib.dll implicitly it is necessary to pass a reference to the required dependencies, i.e. System.Runtime and System.Private.CoreLib libraries and any other required references. The following listing shows how to compile the following Hello, World! program.

using System; namespace HelloWorld { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!"); } } }

在 Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus)和dotnet-sdk-2.0.0已安装:

Using WSL with Ubuntu16.04 (Xenial Xerus) and dotnet-sdk-2.0.0 installed:

time dotnet /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/2.0.0/Roslyn/csc.exe -r:/usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/2.0.0/System.Private.CoreLib.dll -r:/usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/2.0.0/System.Console.dll -r:/usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/2.0.0/System.Runtime.dll HelloWorld.cs Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler version (ad0efbb6) Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. real 0m0.890s user 0m0.641s sys 0m0.250s ls -li total 4 4785074604720852 -rw-rw-rw- 1 developer developer 178 Dec 7 15:07 HelloWorld.cs 11821949022487213 -rw-rw-rw- 1 developer developer 4096 Dec 7 15:13 HelloWorld.exe

传递给编译器的所需依赖项在不同平台上是不同的,即在Windows上足以传递 System.Runtime.dll 和 System.Console.dll ,而在Ubuntu 16.04上,还必须通过 System.Private.CoreLib.dll 。不同版本的SDK将在不同位置放置Roslyn和命令行驱动程序-版本之间的SDK布局有所不同-最新的2.2.2 SDK随 csc.dll 和 vbc.dll ,而不是 csc.exe 和 vbc.exe 。因此,在使用此方法之前,必须检查您的SDK布局。

The required dependencies, which are passed to the compiler, are different on different platforms, i.e. on Windows it is enough to pass System.Runtime.dll and System.Console.dll while on Ubuntu 16.04 it is necessary to pass in addition System.Private.CoreLib.dll. Different SDK versions will have Roslyn and command line drivers located in different places - the SDK layout changes between versions - and the newest 2.2.2 SDK ships with csc.dll and vbc.dll instead of csc.exe and vbc.exe. Therefore, before using this method it is necessary to check your SDK layout.


Roslyn编译器的设计与以前使用的 csc.exe 和 vbc.exe 编译器。首先,Roslyn用C#和VB.NET编写,是一个托管的.NET应用程序。在Windows上,它主要用作在服务器进程 VBCSCompiler.exe (.dll)中运行的常见服务。但是,Roslyn附带了托管命令行驱动程序 csc.exe 和 vbc.exe (最新的.NET SDK版本) csc.dll 和 vbc.dll 附带),可用于直接从命令行编译源文件。无论如何,这正是.NET中的构建系统所做的事情,它是通过命令行调用Roslyn的。运行一个简单的 dotnet csc.exe -help 命令将打印用法信息,这些信息将直接从命令行指导编译器的使用(请参见最后一个清单)。

The Roslyn compiler was designed in a bit different way than the previously used csc.exe and vbc.exe compilers. First of all, Roslyn is written in C# and VB.NET and is a managed .NET application. On Windows it used mainly as a common service running in a server process VBCSCompiler.exe (.dll). However, Roslyn ships with managed command line drivers, csc.exe and vbc.exe (the latest .NET SDK versions ship with csc.dll and vbc.dll) which can be used to compile source files directly from the command line. Anyway, it is exactly what the build system in .NET does, invoking Roslyn via the command line. Running a simple dotnet csc.exe -help command will print usage information which will guide in using the compiler directly from the command line (see the last listing).


The major difference between old native compilers and Roslyn is due to the fact that the latter is a managed application is a startup time. Roslyn, even after being compiled to R2R native assemblies (Ready To Run), would need to start by loading the whole .NET framework, initializing it and then loading Roslyn assemblies and starting the compilation process. It is always a bit slower than running the native compiler, however, as can be seen from above timings, not that much slower.

在此添加了新的文档文章 corefx 存储库,其中描述了高级方案-使用csc / vbc和CoreRun构建并运行应用程序代码。任何有兴趣的人都可以将其用作在.NET Core的较低级别上工作的指南。

There was a new documentation article added to the corefx repository describing Advanced scenario - Build and run application code with csc/vbc and CoreRun. Anyone interested can use it as a guideline how to work at the low level of .NET Core.

Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler version (ad0efbb6) Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Visual C# Compiler Options - OUTPUT FILES - /out:<file> Specify output file name (default: base name of file with main class or first file) /target:exe Build a console executable (default) (Short form: /t:exe) /target:winexe Build a Windows executable (Short form: /t:winexe) /target:library Build a library (Short form: /t:library) /target:module Build a module that can be added to another assembly (Short form: /t:module) /target:appcontainerexe Build an Appcontainer executable (Short form: /t:appcontainerexe) /target:winmdobj Build a Windows Runtime intermediate file that is consumed by WinMDExp (Short form: /t:winmdobj) /doc:<file> XML Documentation file to generate /refout:<file> Reference assembly output to generate /platform:<string> Limit which platforms this code can run on: x86, Itanium, x64, arm, anycpu32bitpreferred, or anycpu. The default is anycpu. - INPUT FILES - /recurse:<wildcard> Include all files in the current directory and subdirectories according to the wildcard specifications /reference:<alias>=<file> Reference metadata from the specified assembly file using the given alias (Short form: /r) /reference:<file list> Reference metadata from the specified assembly files (Short form: /r) /addmodule:<file list> Link the specified modules into this assembly /link:<file list> Embed metadata from the specified interop assembly files (Short form: /l) /analyzer:<file list> Run the analyzers from this assembly (Short form: /a) /additionalfile:<file list> Additional files that don't directly affect code generation but may be used by analyzers for producing errors or warnings. /embed Embed all source files in the PDB. /embed:<file list> Embed specific files in the PDB - RESOURCES - /win32res:<file> Specify a Win32 resource file (.res) /win32icon:<file> Use this icon for the output /win32manifest:<file> Specify a Win32 manifest file (.xml) /nowin32manifest Do not include the default Win32 manifest /resource:<resinfo> Embed the specified resource (Short form: /res) /linkresource:<resinfo> Link the specified resource to this assembly (Short form: /linkres) Where the resinfo format is <file>[,<string name>[,public|private]] - CODE GENERATION - /debug[+|-] Emit debugging information /debug:{full|pdbonly|portable|embedded} Specify debugging type ('full' is default, 'portable' is a cross-platform format, 'embedded' is a cross-platform format embedded into the target .dll or .exe) /optimize[+|-] Enable optimizations (Short form: /o) /deterministic Produce a deterministic assembly (including module version GUID and timestamp) /refonly Produce a reference assembly in place of the main output /instrument:TestCoverage Produce an assembly instrumented to collect coverage information /sourcelink:<file> Source link info to embed into PDB. - ERRORS AND WARNINGS - /warnaserror[+|-] Report all warnings as errors /warnaserror[+|-]:<warn list> Report specific warnings as errors /warn:<n> Set warning level (0-4) (Short form: /w) /nowarn:<warn list> Disable specific warning messages /ruleset:<file> Specify a ruleset file that disables specific diagnostics. /errorlog:<file> Specify a file to log all compiler and analyzer diagnostics. /reportanalyzer Report additional analyzer information, such as execution time. - LANGUAGE - /checked[+|-] Generate overflow checks /unsafe[+|-] Allow 'unsafe' code /define:<symbol list> Define conditional compilation symbol(s) (Short form: /d) /langversion:<string> Specify language version mode: ISO-1, ISO-2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7.1, Default, or Latest - SECURITY - /delaysign[+|-] Delay-sign the assembly using only the public portion of the strong name key /publicsign[+|-] Public-sign the assembly using only the public portion of the strong name key /keyfile:<file> Specify a strong name key file /keycontainer:<string> Specify a strong name key container /highentropyva[+|-] Enable high-entropy ASLR - MISCELLANEOUS - @<file> Read response file for more options /help Display this usage message (Short form: /?) /nologo Suppress compiler copyright message /noconfig Do not auto include CSC.RSP file /parallel[+|-] Concurrent build. /version Display the compiler version number and exit. - ADVANCED - /baseaddress:<address> Base address for the library to be built /checksumalgorithm:<alg> Specify algorithm for calculating source file checksum stored in PDB. Supported values are: SHA1 (default) or SHA256. /codepage:<n> Specify the codepage to use when opening source files /utf8output Output compiler messages in UTF-8 encoding /main:<type> Specify the type that contains the entry point (ignore all other possible entry points) (Short form: /m) /fullpaths Compiler generates fully qualified paths /filealign:<n> Specify the alignment used for output file sections /pathmap:<K1>=<V1>,<K2>=<V2>,... Specify a mapping for source path names output by the compiler. /pdb:<file> Specify debug information file name (default: output file name with .pdb extension) /errorendlocation Output line and column of the end location of each error /preferreduilang Specify the preferred output language name. /nostdlib[+|-] Do not reference standard library (mscorlib.dll) /subsystemversion:<string> Specify subsystem version of this assembly /lib:<file list> Specify additional directories to search in for references /errorreport:<string> Specify how to handle internal compiler errors: prompt, send, queue, or none. The default is queue. /appconfig:<file> Specify an application configuration file containing assembly binding settings /moduleassemblyname:<string> Name of the assembly which this module will be a part of /modulename:<string> Specify the name of the source module


是否可以使用.NET Core Roslyn编译器编译单个C#代码文件?

本文发布于:2023-11-10 22:35:55,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:编译器   可以使用   代码   文件   Roslyn


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