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本文介绍了规范变得不规范的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述

我的观察是,在过去的几个月里,我们的许多常客 似乎正在逐渐消失,捐款减少或根本没有。 为什么? 我可以推测: 1. CDMA中的问题质量一直很低; 2.常客正在忙于支付工作; 3.对MS团队的贡献可能会导致以MVP状态获得 的形式; 4.长期存在的想法和声誉有时会受到挑战。 CDMA是否枯萎?


lyle fairfield< ly ************ @ gmailwrote:

> 3。对MS组的贡献可能会导致MVP状态的识别;

这没有什么区别。 MS认可由于邮件列表,utteraccess和其他新闻组等在线论坛提供的贡献。即使是用户组领导也是现在的MVP。 Tony - Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP 请仅在新闻组中回复,以便其他人可以阅读整个消息主题。 Microsoft Access Links,Hints,小贴士&会计系统 www.granite.ab.ca /accsmstr.htm Tony的Microsoft Access博客 - msmvps/blogs/access/

Tony Toews [MVP]写道:

lyle fairfield< ly ************ @ gmailwrote:

> 3。对MS组的贡献可能会导致MVP状态的识别;

这没有什么区别。 MS认可由于邮件列表,utteraccess和其他新闻组等在线论坛提供的贡献。甚至用户组领导都是现在的MVP。 Tony

我一直都是不定期的。 Bob

" lyle fairfield" < ly ************ @ gmailwrote

我的观察是,过去几个月我们的许多常客都是/> 似乎正在逐渐消失,贡献减少或根本没有贡献。

如果我们的常客变得不规律,你认为我们应该拿起 a收集来购买一些Metamucil或psillium纤维吗? br /> 实际上,我不确定。 DPM和其他人曾一度让这个地方变得如此不愉快,以至于我们之前没有这样做的人开始在其他地方回答问题。 Arvin Meyer,当时回到了这里,只是偶尔会来这里,而且只是偶尔会进入。 最近,PCDatasheet是破坏性的,但我还不足以激怒任何人离开,我怀疑,DPM似乎已经离开了。 其他一些旧计时器至少目前来说,他们不在Access业务中,但如果他们开始使用我们的 最喜爱的数据库,他们可能会再次出现。 。 也许有些人刚被烧毁了 - 它不时发生在我身上。 在我的情况下,新闻组是遭受的最后一件事,但我是在中断时 从7月到11月为我的用户组做演示。 关于Tony'的评论,不久前,有人在这里(不是MVP) 建议如果一个人想成为MVP,他们应该转移到Utter Access。而且,在过去的几年里,很多新的 访问MVP来自Utter Access - 而且从个人知识来看,它们是非常合格。坦率地说,我认为那是因为有人在微软看看Utter Access,并且想,哇,这些伙伴们好b $ b!我想我会向MVP计划推荐他们看看。 我有两个个人熟人是MVP(一个在Access,一个在 ASP.NET)他们非常关注用户社区。 (两个用户组都领先于 )但是很少(如果有的话)发布到任何新闻组。 Larry Linson Microsoft Office Access MVP

My observation is that over the past few months many of our regulars seems to be drifting away, making fewer contributions or none at all. Why? I can speculate: 1. The quality of questions here in CDMA has been low; 2. The regulars are busy with paying work; 3. Contributing to the MS groups may result in recognition in the form of MVP status; 4. Long held ideas and reputations are sometimes challenged here. Is CDMA withering?


lyle fairfield <ly************@gmailwrote:

>3. Contributing to the MS groups may result in recognition in the formof MVP status;

That won''t make a difference. MS recognizes contributes due to mailing lists, online forums such as utteraccess and other newsgroups. Even user group leaders are now MVPs. Tony -- Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can read the entire thread of messages. Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at www.granite.ab.ca/accsmstr.htm Tony''s Microsoft Access Blog - msmvps/blogs/access/

Tony Toews [MVP] wrote:

lyle fairfield <ly************@gmailwrote:

>3. Contributing to the MS groups may result in recognition in the formof MVP status;

That won''t make a difference. MS recognizes contributes due to mailing lists, online forums such as utteraccess and other newsgroups. Even user group leaders are now MVPs. Tony

I have always been irregular. Bob

"lyle fairfield" <ly************@gmailwrote

My observation is that over the past few months many of our regulars seems to be drifting away, making fewer contributions or none at all.

If our regulars are becoming irregular, do you think we should be taking up a collection to buy them some Metamucil or psillium fibers? Actually, I do not know for certain. DPM and others, at one time, made the place so unpleasant that many of us who had not done so before began to answer questions elsewhere. Arvin Meyer, back at that time, got out of the habit of visiting here, and only occasionally drops in. More recently, PCDatasheet was disruptive, but not enough to irritate anyone into leaving, I suspect, and DPM seems to have drifted away. A few other "old timers" are out of the Access business, at least for now, but they''ll likely show up again if they begin to work more with "our favorite database". Maybe some just got "burned out" -- it happens to me, from time to time. Newsgroups are the last thing to suffer, in my case, but I''m "on hiatus" with presentations for my user group from July until November. In regards to Tony''s comment, not long ago, someone here (not an MVP) suggested that if one wants to be an MVP, they ought to move to Utter Access. And, it is true that in the last couple of years, a lot of new Access MVPs have come via Utter Access -- and, from personal knowledge, they are very well qualified. Frankly, I think that''s because someone at Microsoft took a look at Utter Access, and thought, "Wow, these folks are good! I think I''ll recommend to the MVP program that they take a look." I have two personal acquaintances who are MVPs (one in Access, one in ASP.NET) who are very much involved in the "user community" (both lead at least one user group) but who rarely, if ever, post to any newsgroups. Larry Linson Microsoft Office Access MVP



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