
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-26 17:30:31
本文介绍了Autofac多次注册组件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述


In a previous question about how I visualize the graph of my dependencies I got the foundation for the code I now use to visualize my dependency graph as it is resolved by Autofac.


Running the code I get a tree that results in code like the following.

Usd.EA.Bogfoering.WebApi.Controllers.BogfoerController (3851,7 ms. / 0,0 ms.) Depth: 0 Usd.EA.Bogfoering.WebApi.Controllers.BogfoerController (3851,7 ms. / 0,4 ms.) Depth: 1 Usd.Utilities.WebApi.Controllers.UnikOwinContext (0,1 ms. / 0,0 ms.) Depth: 2 Usd.Utilities.WebApi.Controllers.UnikOwinContext (0,1 ms. / 0,0 ms.) Depth: 3


In the start I thought there was a problem with the code, and that it for some reason resulted in the components getting resolved multiple times. As Steven points out, this could happen when a component is registered as InstancePerDependency. But as several of my components are registered as InstancePerLifetime or SingleInstance dependencies, those dependencies shouldn't be resolved twice in the graph.


Steven does mention that "the first resolve of the InstancePerDependency dependency seems to have more dependencies than the next resolve, because this graph only shows resolves. Perhaps this is what's going on." But as I'm seeing InstancePerLifetime components being registered multiple times, on several occasions throughout the graph, I have the feeling that there's something else going on here.



The following code is the one we use to register our assemblies:

public static void RegisterAssemblies(this ContainerBuilder containerBuilder, IList<Assembly> assemblies, params Type[] typesToExclude) { if (containerBuilder != null && assemblies.Any()) { var allTypes = assemblies.SelectMany(assembly => assembly.GetTypes()).Where(t => !typesToExclude.Any(t2 => t2.IsAssignableFrom(t))).ToList(); RegisterAllClassesWithoutAttribute(containerBuilder, allTypes); RegisterClassesThatAreSingleton(containerBuilder, allTypes); RegisterClassesThatAreInstancePerLifetimeScope(containerBuilder, allTypes); RegisterGenericInterfaces(containerBuilder, allTypes); RegisterRealOrTestImplementations(containerBuilder, allTypes); RegisterAutofacModules(containerBuilder, allTypes); containerBuilder.Register(c => UnikCallContextProvider.CurrentContext).As<IUnikCallContext>(); } } private static void RegisterAutofacModules(ContainerBuilder containerBuilder, List<Type> allTypes) { var modules = allTypes.Where(type => typeof(IModule).IsAssignableFrom(type) && type.GetCustomAttribute<DoNotRegisterInIocAttribute>() == null); foreach (var module in modules) { containerBuilder.RegisterModule((IModule) Activator.CreateInstance(module)); } } private static void RegisterRealOrTestImplementations(ContainerBuilder containerBuilder, List<Type> allTypes) { if (StaticConfigurationHelper.UseRealImplementationsInsteadOfTestImplementations) { var realTypes = allTypes.Where(type => type.GetCustomAttribute<RealImplementationAsInstancePerLifetimeScopeAttribute>() != null).ToArray(); containerBuilder.RegisterTypes(realTypes).AsImplementedInterfaces() .InstancePerLifetimeScope(); } else { var testTypes = allTypes.Where(type => type.GetCustomAttribute<TestImplementationAsInstancePerLifetimeScopeAttribute>() != null).ToArray(); containerBuilder.RegisterTypes(testTypes).AsImplementedInterfaces() .InstancePerLifetimeScope(); } } private static void RegisterGenericInterfaces(ContainerBuilder containerBuilder, List<Type> allTypes) { var typesAsGenericInterface = allTypes.Where(type => type.GetCustomAttribute<RegisterAsGenericInterfaceAttribute>() != null).ToArray(); foreach (var type in typesAsGenericInterface) { var attribute = type.GetCustomAttribute<RegisterAsGenericInterfaceAttribute>(); containerBuilder.RegisterGeneric(type).As(attribute.Type); } } private static void RegisterClassesThatAreInstancePerLifetimeScope(ContainerBuilder containerBuilder, List<Type> allTypes) { var typesAsInstancePerDependency = allTypes.Where(type => type.GetCustomAttribute<InstancePerLifetimeScopeAttribute>() != null).ToArray(); containerBuilder.RegisterTypes(typesAsInstancePerDependency).InstancePerLifetimeScope().AsImplementedInterfaces(); } private static void RegisterClassesThatAreSingleton(ContainerBuilder containerBuilder, List<Type> allTypes) { var typesAsSingleton = allTypes.Where(type => type.GetCustomAttribute<SingletonAttribute>() != null).ToArray(); containerBuilder.RegisterTypes(typesAsSingleton).SingleInstance().AsImplementedInterfaces(); } private static void RegisterAllClassesWithoutAttribute(ContainerBuilder containerBuilder, List<Type> allTypes) { var types = allTypes.Where(type => !typeof(IModule).IsAssignableFrom(type) && type.GetCustomAttribute<DoNotRegisterInIocAttribute>() == null && type.GetCustomAttribute<SingletonAttribute>() == null && type.GetCustomAttribute<RealImplementationAsInstancePerLifetimeScopeAttribute>() == null && type.GetCustomAttribute<TestImplementationAsInstancePerLifetimeScopeAttribute>() == null && type.GetCustomAttribute<InstancePerLifetimeScopeAttribute>() == null && type.GetCustomAttribute<RegisterAsGenericInterfaceAttribute>() == null).ToArray(); containerBuilder.RegisterTypes(types).AsSelf().AsImplementedInterfaces(); }


Where the assemblies that are delivered to the RegisterAssemblies method could be fetched like this:

private List<Assembly> GetAssemblies() { var assemblies = AssemblyResolveHelper.LoadAssemblies(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, new Regex(@"Usd.EA.*\.dll"), SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); assemblies.AddRange(AssemblyResolveHelper.LoadAssemblies(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, new Regex(@"Usd.Utilities.*\.dll"), SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)); assemblies.Add(GetType().Assembly); return assemblies.Distinct().ToList(); }



The attributes

The attributes used in RegisterAllClassesWithoutAttribute are custom attributes that we manually assign to individual classes

using System; [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class)] public class DoNotRegisterInIocAttribute : Attribute { }


[ExcludeFromCodeCoverage] [DoNotRegisterInIoc] public sealed class TestClass : ITestClass


When I'm not overwriting Autofacs MaxResolveDepth I get the following error

失败尝试创建类型为Controller时发生错误 'BogfoerController'.确保控制器具有无参数 公共构造函数.激活λ:Usd.EA时引发异常 .Bogfoering.WebApi.Controllers.BogfoerController-> Usd.EA.Bogfoering.WebApi.Controllers.BogfoerController-> ...... 工厂范围内的组件之间可能存在循环依赖关系.链 包括'Activator = DomainWrapper(DelegateActivator),服务= SomeService,生命周期= Autofac.Core.Lifetime.CurrentScopeLifetime, 共享=无,所有权=外部所有'

Failed An error occurred when trying to create a controller of type 'BogfoerController'. Make sure that the controller has a parameterless public constructor. An exception was thrown while activating λ:Usd.EA .Bogfoering.WebApi.Controllers.BogfoerController -> Usd.EA.Bogfoering.WebApi.Controllers.BogfoerController -> ...... Probable circular dependency between factory-scoped components. Chain includes 'Activator = DomainWrapper (DelegateActivator), Services = SomeService, Lifetime = Autofac.Core.Lifetime.CurrentScopeLifetime, Sharing = None, Ownership = ExternallyOwned'


简短答案: 当通过调用BeginLifetimeScope(Action<ContainerBuilder> configurationAction)创建的子ILifetimeScope解析服务时,Autofac行为会导致这种情况.

Short answer: This is casused by the Autofac behaviour when resolving services from a child ILifetimeScope created by calling BeginLifetimeScope(Action<ContainerBuilder> configurationAction).

长答案: 我已经建立了一个简单的测试来证明上述说法.我已经生成了一个引用自己的51个测试类.

Long answer: I have set up a simple test to prove above statement. I have generated a 51 test classes referencing themselves.

public class Test0 { public Test0() { } } public class Test1 { public Test1(Test0 test) { } } (...) public class Test50 { public Test50(Test49 test) { } }

将它们注册到新创建的容器中,并尝试直接从容器中解析"Test50"类.正如您已经发现的那样. Autofac库中有50个依赖项深度的硬编码限制,您可以在 GitHub 页.达到此限制后,会抛出DependencyResolutionException并指出"工厂范围内的组件之间可能存在循环依赖关系.",而这正是我的第一个测试所发生的情况.

Registered them in a newly created container and tried to resolve the "Test50" class directly from the container. As you already found out. There is hard coded limit of 50 dependencies depth in the Autofac library, which you can see it on the GitHub page. After reaching this limit the DependencyResolutionException is thrown stating "Probable circular dependency between factory-scoped components." And this is exactly what happened in my first test.


Now you have asked, why are you seeing multiple registrations of the same dependencies. So here comes the fun part. When you are trying to resolve your instance, you are probably gonna use the BeginLifetimeScope function to create new ILifetimeScope. This would be still ok, unless you are going to add some new registrations to the child scope using one of the overloads. See example below:

using (var scope = container.BeginLifetimeScope(b => { })) { var test = scope.Resolve<Test49>(); }


I'm resolving only 50 dependencies (which have previously worked), but now, it yields an exception:


As you can see, this is exactly the same behaviour as you previously described. Each dependency is now showed 2 times. On that image, you can also see that the dependency graph has only reached the Test25 class. This has effectively reduced the previous max depth by a half (whole 25 dependencies!). We can test this by successuflly resolving Test24 class, but exception is thrown when trying to resolve the Test25. This goes even funnier, how do you think, what happens if we add another scope?

using (var scope1 = container.BeginLifetimeScope(b => { })) { using (var scope2 = scope1.BeginLifetimeScope(b => { })) { var test2 = scope2.Resolve<Test49>(); } }

您可能已经猜到了,现在您只能解决深度50/3 =〜16的依赖性.

You probably guessed it, now you can only resolve the dependencies of depth 50 / 3 = ~16.


Conclusion: Creating nested scopes is limiting the actual available maximum depth of the dependencies graph N times, where the N is the depth of the scope. To be honest, scopes created without extending the container builder do not affect this number. In my opinion, this is a huge absurd, to have hard-coded magic number, which is nowhere in the documentation, cannot be easily configured, doesn't even represent the actual maximum depth and when overflowed, it throws misleading exception stating that you have circular dependencies in the graph somewhere.


Solutions: As a resolution to this issue you could not use this overload of this function. This could be not possible due to architecture limitations, or even the 3rd party framework which could be using the Autofac as DI container.


Another solution that you have already mentioned is overwriting the MaxResolveDepth using dirty reflection.

string circularDependencyDetectorTypeName = typeof(IContainer).AssemblyQualifiedName.Replace(typeof(IContainer).FullName, "Autofac.Core.Resolving.CircularDependencyDetector"); Type circularDependencyDetectorType = Type.GetType(circularDependencyDetectorTypeName); FieldInfo maxResolveDepthField = circularDependencyDetectorType.GetField("MaxResolveDepth", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); maxResolveDepthField.SetValue(null, 500);


On the Autofac's GitHub you can also read that they are already planning to change the behaviour of the CircularDependencyDetector, so it could handle the infinite depth of dependencies, but those plans were mentioned in 2018 and they even couldn't change that exception message by this date.



本文发布于:2023-11-04 12:30:45,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:组件   Autofac


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