
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-08 08:24:27
本文介绍了追加的新行的行为与上一行不同(行)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述

我有一个HTML表,其中有几个td作为input字段,我的表是动态的,当页面加载时,我将表的第一行和focus附加在第一个输入字段上,我的情况,即Item Name

I have a HTML table in side which i have several td as input field,my table is dynamic, when page loads i am appending the 1st row of my table and focus on first input field, in my case i.e Item Name

我的行中有3个输入字段,分别是Item Name,Unit Qty和Disc%

I have 3 input fields in my row which are Item Name,Unit Qty and Disc%

  • 当用户在ItemName输入字段中单击时,我正在从数据中搜索项目名称,该数据是用于填充项目名称的数组中的对象
  • 选择Item NAme后,我将焦点移至下一个输入字段Unit Qty,然后将焦点移至下一个输入字段中的Disc%,在此之间进行了一些计算以计算Total Amount
  • 然后在此之后,当用户从Disc%中移出焦点时,我要追加一个新行,实际上我有一个函数在其中,我有要附加该行的代码,因此我在Disc%之外的焦点上调用了该函数
  • 将焦点移出Disc%之后,我希望我的焦点移到新行的ItemName上,并且应表现得像是在运行(就像从数据中搜索一样),依此类推
  • When user clicks inside ItemName input field i am searching for itemnames from a data which is objects inside a array to populate itemnames
  • After selecting Item NAme i am moving my focus to next input field which is Unit Qty then after that focus in to next input field which is Disc% in between this some calculation are happening to calculate Total Amount
  • Then after this when user is focus out from Disc% i am appending a new row, actually i have a function inside which i have code to append the row, so i am calling that function on focus out of Disc%
  • After focus out of Disc% i want my focus should go to the ItemName of new row and should behave like it was behaving (Like search from data) and so on


function rowappend() // this one is appending row { var markup = '<tr><td><input type="text" class="form-control commantd"name="itemNametd" id="itemNametd">' + '</td><td id="itemCodetd" class="commantd"></td>' + '<td><input type="text" class="form-control commantd"name="unitQtytd" id="unitQtytd"></td>' + '<td id="purRatetd" class="commantd"></td>' + '<td><input type="text" class="form-control commantd"name="discPercentagetd" id="discPercentagetd"></td>' + '<td id="discAmttd" class="commantd"></td>' + '<td id="gstPercentagetd" class="commantd"></td>' + '<td id="gstAmttd" class="commantd"></td>' + '<td id="totalAmttd" class="commantd"></td></tr>' $("table tbody").append(markup); $("itemNametd").next().focus(); } rowappend() var data = [ //data to populate Item Name search input field { "ItemName": "Butter" }, { "ItemName": "Rice" }, { "ItemName": "Milk" }, { "ItemName": "Ice Cream" }, { "ItemName": "Curd" } ] var data1 = [{ // this data will be dynamic but for now to test i am using this single data "ItemName": "Butter", "ItemCode": 400564, "PurRate": 8, "DiscAmt": 6, "gstPercentage": 35, "gstAmt": 5 }] var totalAmount = ""; var unitQuantity = ""; $(function() { let itemName = data.map(value => { //using autocomplete to for searching input field return value.ItemName; }); $("#itemNametd").autocomplete({ source: itemName }); }); $("#itemNametd").focusout(function() { //when user focus out from Item Name doing this data1.map(value => { $("#itemCodetd").text(value.ItemCode); $("#purRatetd").text(value.PurRate); $("#discAmttd").text(value.DiscAmt); $("#gstPercentahgetd").text(value.gstPercentage); $("#gstAmttd").text(value.gstAmt); }); }); $("#unitQtytd").focusout(function() { //when user focus out Unit Qty doing some calculation unitQuantity = $("#unitQtytd").val(); purchaseRate = $("#purRatetd").text(); totalAmount = (parseInt(unitQuantity) * parseInt(purchaseRate)); $("#totalAmttd").text(totalAmount); }); $("#discPercentagetd").focusout(function() { //here when user is focus out i am calling the fuinction which is creating new row rowappend() });

<script src="cdnjs.cloudflare/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="code.jquery/ui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="stackpath.bootstrapcdn/bootstrap/4.1.2/css/bootstrap.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//code.jquery/ui/1.12.1/themes/base/jquery-ui.css"> <div class="container commonDivInvoice"> <div class="row tableInvoice" id="commonDvScroll"> <table class="table table-bordered" id="tableInvoice"> <thead> <tr> <th id="itemNameth" class="commanth">Item Name</th> <th id="itemCodeth" class="commanth">Item Code</th> <th id="unitQtyth" class="commanth">Unit Qty</th> <th id="purRateth" class="commanth">Pur.Rate</th> <th id="discPercentageth" class="commanth">Disc%</th> <th id="discAmtth" class="commanth">Disc Amt</th> <th id="gstPercentageth" class="commanth">Gst%</th> <th id="gstAmtth" class="commanth">Gst Amt</th> <th id="totalAmtth" class="commanth">Total Amount</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> </tbody> </table> </div> </div>


From my side i think i am using wrong approach to do this task


NOTE :- in future on each focus out i may be doing some calculations so please help me out in that way


I have provided all the information if it is not sufficient then you all can ask me in comments


在从Disc%移出焦点后附加了新行,并且焦点也转移到了新行的Item Name上,但是问题是当新行附加了autocomplete时,它最初在第一行中不起作用当页面加载时,当我在Item Name的输入字段内键入m时,所有包含m的项目名称均显示为下拉列表,但第二行未显示

as per Wils's answer after focus out from Disc% new row is appending and focus is also shifting to new row's Item Name but issue is when new row is appending the autocomplete is not working in first row initially when page loads when i type m inside the input field of Item Name all the item name containing m are displayed as drop-down but for 2nd row its not showing up

function rowappend() // this one is appending row { var markup = $('<tr><td><input type="text" class="form-control commantd"name="itemNametd" id="itemNametd">' + '</td><td id="itemCodetd" class="commantd"></td>' + '<td><input type="text" class="form-control commantd"name="unitQtytd" id="unitQtytd"></td>' + '<td id="purRatetd" class="commantd"></td>' + '<td><input type="text" class="form-control commantd"name="discPercentagetd" id="discPercentagetd"></td>' + '<td id="discAmttd" class="commantd"></td>' + '<td id="gstPercentagetd" class="commantd"></td>' + '<td id="gstAmttd" class="commantd"></td>' + '<td id="totalAmttd" class="commantd"></td></tr>'); $("table tbody").append(markup); $("#itemNametd", markup).focus(); } rowappend() var data = [ //data to populate Item Name search input field { "ItemName": "Butter" }, { "ItemName": "Rice" }, { "ItemName": "Milk" }, { "ItemName": "Ice Cream" }, { "ItemName": "Curd" } ] var data1 = [{ // this data will be dynamic but for now to test i am using this single data "ItemName": "Butter", "ItemCode": 400564, "PurRate": 8, "DiscAmt": 6, "gstPercentage": 35, "gstAmt": 5 }] var totalAmount = ""; var unitQuantity = ""; $(function() { let itemName = data.map(value => { //using autocomplete to for searching input field return value.ItemName; }); $("#itemNametd").autocomplete({ source: itemName }); }); $("#itemNametd").focusout(function() { //when user focus out from Item Name doing this data1.map(value => { $("#itemCodetd").text(value.ItemCode); $("#purRatetd").text(value.PurRate); $("#discAmttd").text(value.DiscAmt); $("#gstPercentahgetd").text(value.gstPercentage); $("#gstAmttd").text(value.gstAmt); }); }); $("#unitQtytd").focusout(function() { //when user focus out Unit Qty doing some calculation unitQuantity = $("#unitQtytd").val(); purchaseRate = $("#purRatetd").text(); totalAmount = (parseInt(unitQuantity) * parseInt(purchaseRate)); $("#totalAmttd").text(totalAmount); }); $('body').on('focusout', '#discPercentagetd', function() { rowappend() });

<script src="cdnjs.cloudflare/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="code.jquery/ui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="stackpath.bootstrapcdn/bootstrap/4.1.2/css/bootstrap.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//code.jquery/ui/1.12.1/themes/base/jquery-ui.css"> <div class="container commonDivInvoice"> <div class="row tableInvoice" id="commonDvScroll"> <table class="table table-bordered" id="tableInvoice"> <thead> <tr> <th id="itemNameth" class="commanth">Item Name</th> <th id="itemCodeth" class="commanth">Item Code</th> <th id="unitQtyth" class="commanth">Unit Qty</th> <th id="purRateth" class="commanth">Pur.Rate</th> <th id="discPercentageth" class="commanth">Disc%</th> <th id="discAmtth" class="commanth">Disc Amt</th> <th id="gstPercentageth" class="commanth">Gst%</th> <th id="gstAmtth" class="commanth">Gst Amt</th> <th id="totalAmtth" class="commanth">Total Amount</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> </tbody> </table> </div> </div>


Anyone out here please help me out




  • 您可以使用多个具有相同id的元素.但是id必须是唯一的.如果多个元素具有相同的元素(CSS不同),则JavaScript/jQuery将始终将第一个元素与id一起使用.我在这里使用name而不是id
  • 您将事件侦听器添加到元素,这些元素在运行时不存在.当您监听focusout事件时,仅创建第一个输入行.我听了整个文档中的focusout事件.如果您将注意力集中在输入上,则事件将起泡至document,我将根据事件的target属性决定要执行的操作.
  • You use multiple elements with the same id. But ids must be unique. JavaScript/jQuery will always use the first element with the id if multiple elements have the same (CSS is different). I used name instead of id here
  • You add event listeners to elements, which are not there at run-time. Only the first input-row is created, when you listen to the focusout events. I listen to the focusout event on the whole document. If you focus out of an input, the event will bubble up to the document, where I decide, what to do based on the event's target property.


I restructured your code a bit and made some improvements, but it's far from perfect.

"use strict"; console.clear() const data = [ //data to populate Item Name search input field {"ItemName": "Butter"}, {"ItemName": "Rice"}, {"ItemName": "Milk"}, {"ItemName": "Ice Cream"}, {"ItemName": "Curd"} ] const data1 = {// this data will be dynamic but for now to test i am using this single data butter: { "ItemName": "Butter", "ItemCode": 400564, "PurRate": 8, "DiscAmt": 6, "gstPercentage": 35, "gstAmt": 5 }, rice: { "ItemName": "Rice", "ItemCode": 400565, "PurRate": 3, "DiscAmt": 2, "gstPercentage": 20, "gstAmt": 8 }, milk: { "ItemName": "Milk", "ItemCode": 200569, "PurRate": 1, "DiscAmt": 1, "gstPercentage": 50, "gstAmt": 2 }, 'ice cream': { "ItemName": "Ice cream", "ItemCode": 800002, "PurRate": 16, "DiscAmt": 2, "gstPercentage": 15, "gstAmt": 2 }, curd: { "ItemName": "Curd", "ItemCode": 100289, "PurRate": 9, "DiscAmt": 1, "gstPercentage": 12, "gstAmt": 4 }, } var totalAmount = ""; var unitQuantity = ""; function rowappend(tbody) {// this one is appending row{ const markup = `<tr> <td> <input type="text" class="form-control commantd" name="itemNametd"> </td> <td name="itemCodetd" class="commantd"></td> <td> <input type="text" class="form-control commantd" name="unitQtytd"> </td> <td name="purRatetd" class="commantd"></td> <td> <input type="text" class="form-control commantd" name="discPercentagetd"> </td> <td name="discAmttd" class="commantd"></td> <td name="gstPercentagetd" class="commantd"></td> <td name="gstAmttd" class="commantd"></td> <td name="totalAmttd" class="commantd"></td> </tr>` $(tbody).append(markup); setTimeout(() => $("[name=itemNametd]", tbody).last().focus(), 100); const itemName = data.map(value => { //using autocomplete to for searching input field return value.ItemName; }); $("[name=itemNametd]", tbody).last().autocomplete({ source: itemName }); } rowappend($('tbody', '#tableInvoice')) function getValues(row) { const search = ($('[name=itemNametd]', row).val()).toString() const value = data1[search.toLowerCase()]; if (value) { $(row).find("[name=itemCodetd]").text(value.ItemCode); $(row).find("[name=purRatetd]").text(value.PurRate); $(row).find("[name=discAmttd]").text(value.DiscAmt); $(row).find("[name=gstPercentahgetd]").text(value.gstPercentage); $(row).find("[name=gstAmttd]").text(value.gstAmt); } } function calc(row) { const unitQuantity = $(row).find("[name=unitQtytd]").val(); const purchaseRate = $(row).find("[name=purRatetd]").text(); const totalAmount = (parseInt(unitQuantity) * parseInt(purchaseRate)); $(row).find("[name=totalAmttd]").text(totalAmount); } $(document).on('focusout', (e) => { const row = e.target.parentElement.parentElement if (e.target.matches('[name=discPercentagetd]')) { if ($(row).parent().find('tr').length - $(row).index() === 1) { // only last row rowappend(e.target.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement) } } if (e.target.matches('[name=unitQtytd]')) { calc(e.target.parentElement.parentElement) } if (e.target.matches("[name=itemNametd]")) { getValues(e.target.parentElement.parentElement) } });

<script src="cdnjs.cloudflare/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="code.jquery/ui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.js"></script> <link href="stackpath.bootstrapcdn/bootstrap/4.1.2/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/> <link href="code.jquery/ui/1.12.1/themes/base/jquery-ui.css" rel="stylesheet"/> <div class="container commonDivInvoice"> <div class="row tableInvoice" id="commonDvScroll"> <table class="table table-bordered" id="tableInvoice"> <thead> <tr> <th id="itemNameth" class="commanth">Item Name</th> <th id="itemCodeth" class="commanth">Item Code</th> <th id="unitQtyth" class="commanth">Unit Qty</th> <th id="purRateth" class="commanth">Pur.Rate</th> <th id="discPercentageth" class="commanth">Disc%</th> <th id="discAmtth" class="commanth">Disc Amt</th> <th id="gstPercentageth" class="commanth">Gst%</th> <th id="gstAmtth" class="commanth">Gst Amt</th> <th id="totalAmtth" class="commanth">Total Amount</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> </tbody> </table> </div> </div>



本文发布于:2023-10-31 10:20:57,感谢您对本站的认可!


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