
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-26 14:39:38
本文介绍了如何在AS3中使用变量编写对象名称以进行迭代?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述


Let's say I wanted to make several (or more) buttons with instance names like "button_1" etc. Isn't there a way to loop through all of the instances in a function or an event handler by iterating through the number component of the instance name?


for (i = 1; i < 5; i++) { btn_[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtn_[i]Click); }


//btn_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtn_2Click); //btn_3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtn_3Click); //btn_4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtn_4Click); //btn_5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtn_5Click);


Thanks for any help you can offer.


I think there is a better way to do this by making the event listener refer back to the target of the event? But I'm not too worried about that for now, just wondering about iterating through object instances specifically.


Oh, and my code that I posted throws this:

1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before Click.





I wanted to make several (or more) buttons with instance names like "button_1"


No, you really don't want to do that, it's

  • 乏味:如果您需要50个按钮怎么办?您真的要手工命名吗?
  • 容易出错:如果您在某处打错了怎么办?否则,您在复制&粘贴名称的通用部分?如果您忘记号码或使用两次,该怎么办?
  • 不易维护:如果要删除按钮3到7,该怎么办?您如何处理这一数字鸿沟?如果要在中间包括2个按钮怎么办?您是否重命名以下所有按钮?


the number component of the instance name?


Names are great to identify specific single objects, but listing individual names is not an ideal solution if the list should be exhaustive.


If your brothers are Jack, Sam and Robin would you refer to them with that list in speech or would you just say my brothers?


Isn't there a way to loop through all of the instances


This is the actual desirable thing. You have several objects and you need some mechanism to group them.


There are several such mechanisms that can be used in conjunction:


An array is just a list of things. A list of all the buttons is the grouping mechanism you are looking for. Having all buttons and functions in arrays allows you to iterate over the arrays:

var buttons:Array = [btn_1, btn_2]; var functions:Array = [onBtn_1Click, onBtn_2Click];


Which would allow you to do something very similar to what you asked for:

for (var i:int = 1; i < buttons.length; i++) { buttons[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, functions[i]); }


  • 按钮和功能都必须明确命名
  • 手动填充数组实际上会增加另一层复杂性,这似乎是多余的,并且容易出错:如果添加按钮但忘记将其添加到数组中怎么办?


等等! []括号是一个很酷的技巧,可让您组合名称和内容.


Well, there is indeed the possibility to access properties of objects dynamically with said brackets.


If you have an object with a property:

var object:Object = {property:"hello world"};


You have two possibilities to access this property. Dot syntax:





With the brackets, the property name can be chosen dynamically:

var object:Object = {property:"hello world"}; var propertyName:String = "property"; trace(object[propertyName]);


and thus can be assembled in any way:

var object:Object = {property:"hello world"}; var propertyName:String = "prop"; propertyName += "erty"; trace(object[propertyName]);


Because instance names are turned into property names of the time line, you can access your instances this way:

this["button_" + 1]


Now you can easily fill the arrays, say the one of the buttons for example:

var buttons:Array = []; //creating an empty array for (var i:int = 1; i < 5; i++) { buttons.push(this["button_" + i]); }



You still have to type all those individual names for the buttons. Nothing prevents you from typing a wrong name, a name twice or to skip a value.


You will find this "solution" all over the internet, but it is more of a quick and dirty hack that only appears to be clever but doesn't really help with the underlying problem.


All the buttons are displayed. That means they are on the display list. You can access and manipulate that list with code.


This sounds dubious, there was this Array thing before which was also a list and it didn't really solve the problem.

不同之处在于按钮会自动显示在显示列表中.您无需做任何事情. 您不必使用名称来标识它们.

The difference is that the buttons are on the display list automatically. You don't have to do anything. You do not have to identify them with names.

显示列表由类似 MovieClip . 每个容器可以包含其他容器,这些容器又可以包含容器等.

The display list is made up of containers like MovieClip. Each container can contain other containers, which in turn can contain containers, etc.


  • 在时间轴上创建一个空的MovieClip,并为其指定实例名称buttonContainer.
  • 将所有按钮添加到该buttonContainer.这些按钮不需要具有实例名称!
  • Create an empty MovieClip on the timeline and give it an instance name buttonContainer.
  • Add all your buttons to that buttonContainer. The buttons do not need to have instance names!
  • 有点像一个数组,但是您可以直观地对其进行组装,不需要单独的实例名称,只需一个容器名称即可.

    It's kind of like an array, but you assemble it visually and you do not need individual instance names, just one for the container.


    The container also knows how many things are inside it. To iterate over them all you can use a for loop, too. Here's an example that makes the buttons half transparent:

    for (var i:int = 0; i < buttonContainer.numChildren; i++) { buttonContainer.getChildAt(i).alpha = 0.5; }

    此代码几乎可用于该容器中的任意数量的按钮. 您要做的就是确保将按钮添加到容器中.

    This code works for pretty much any number of buttons in that container. All you have to do is make sure you add the buttons to the container.



    This is where the problem is: you cannot. There's no built in mechanism that groups functions together the way it happens with display objects.


    I think there is a better way to do this by making the event listener refer back to the target of the event?


    Indeed there is and it's what solves the problem of having individual functions for each button. Instead, have only one function that works with the source of the event: currentTarget. Here's what such a function would look like that goes to half transparency:

    function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void { currentTarget.alpha = 0.5; }


    You can now add this function to all buttons:

    for (var i:int = 0; i < buttonContainer.numChildren; i++) { buttonContainer.getChildAt(i).addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick); }


    That's it! Plain and simple: add this listener to all the buttons in that container. No name wizardry. Just a container.


    以上所有假设均假定列表中具有所有按钮是实际目标,并且确实可以解决问题.但是,如果您考虑一下,上面的所有内容都将尽可能地巧妙地将各个按钮放在列表中. this["button_" + i]有其缺陷,而DisplayObjectContainer解决方案已修复它们,但又引入了自己的缺陷:如果由于某种原因不能将所有按钮添加到容器中怎么办?如果有的装在一个容器中,有的装在另一个容器中怎么办?

    All of the above assumes that having all buttons on a list is the actual goal and indeed it solved the problem. But if you think about it, everything above is just trying to be as clever as possible about how to put the individual buttons on the list. this["button_" + i] has its flaws and the DisplayObjectContainer solutions fixed them, but introduced its own ones: What if you cannot add all buttons to a container for some reason? What if some are in one container and some are in another?


    You could combine the approaches and add the buttons from several containers into a single array, like so:

    var buttons:Array = []; for (var i:int = 0; i < containerA.numChildren; i++) { buttons(containerA.getChildAt(i)); } for (i = 0; i < containerB.numChildren; i++) { buttons(containerB.getChildAt(i)); }

    该数组是独立于显示列表的超级容器. 这仍然糟透了.如果按钮四处分散并且无法按容器分组怎么办?

    The array is the super container that's independent from the display list. This still sucks. What if the buttons are scattered around and cannot be grouped by containers?


    Do you remember Jack, Sam and Robin? And how it was easier to refer to them as "my brothers" as a kind of list of their names?

    如果您想提及世界上所有兄弟怎么办? 这似乎是一个荒谬的任务,但实际上所有兄弟"一词确实做到了这一点.它没有说有多少,也没有在哪里,但可以肯定的是它们指的是它们.这样做不是全部创建一个明确的列表,而是不,但是它们符合兄弟是什么的定义:男性兄弟姐妹.

    What if you wanted to refer to all brothers in the world? It seems to be a ridiculous task, but actually the phrase "all brothers" does exactly that. It doesn't say how many there are or where they are, but sure enough it refers to them. It does so not by creating an explicit list of them all, but them fitting to the definition of what a brother is: a male sibling.


    You don't really need an explicit list of all buttons either. You just want to refer to all the buttons in existence implicitly by having a definition of what a button is.


    A class is such a definition. Instead of running around identifying objects that are buttons, either by name, container or whatever other way you imagined, define what a button is and derive objects from that definition.


    Here's what a file TransparentButton.as could look like:

    package { public class TransparentButton extends SimpleButton { public function TransparentButton() { addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick); } private function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void { this.alpha = 0.5; } } }


    Essentially, this defines that when a button is created, it adds a listener to itself. That function reduces its transparency to 0.5.


    If you now associate that class with your button symbol in the library, it will cause the button instances that you drag & drop onto the time line to behave according to that class definition.


    disclaimer: This class does not necessarily work as-is, depending on what type of symbol your buttons are (if they are actually MovieClips this will fail). Maybe it lacks some imports.



    本文发布于:2023-10-29 07:44:12,感谢您对本站的认可!
    本文标签:变量   对象   名称   迭代   如何在


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