
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-27 18:23:18
本文介绍了如何随机播放列表?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述

在打x之前,如何在不替换一组数字([1, 2, 3])的情况下进行采样? 我的计划是将列表[1, 2, 3]洗牌,并在x处将其剁碎:

-- chopAt 3 [2, 3, 1] == [2, 3] -- chopAt 3 [2, 1, 3] == [2, 1, 3] -- chopAt 3 [3, 1, 2] == [3] chopAt _ [] = [] chopAt x (y:ys) | x /= y = y : chopAt x ys | otherwise = [y]


-- sample without replacement from [1, 2, 3] until one hits a 3 -- x <- shuffle [1, 2, 3] -- print (chopAt 3 x) main = do -- shuffle [1, 2, 3] print (chopAt 3 [1, 3, 2])


使用随机,甚至 MonadRandom 来实现改组. 此处



随机性是您在Haskell遇到的第一个必须处理杂质的地方之一-这似乎令人反感,因为混洗和样本看起来是如此简单,并且不觉得应该将它们与打印捆绑在一起物理屏幕或发射核武器,但通常purity == referentially transparent和参照透明的随机性将是无用的.

random = 9 -- a referentially transparent random number




type Seed = Int random :: Seed -> (Int, Seed) random s = (mersenneTwisterPerturb s, splitSeed s)

其中,mersenneTwisterPerturb是从Seed s到Int的伪随机映射,而splitSeed是从Seed s到Seed s的伪随机映射.请注意,这两个函数都是完全确定性的(并且是参照透明的),因此random也是,但是我们可以像这样创建无限的,懒惰的伪随机流

randomStream :: Seed -> [Int] randomStram s = mersenneTwisterPerturb s : randomStream (splitSeed s)




shuffle' :: [Int] -> [a] -> [a] shuffle' (i:is) xs = let (firsts, rest) = splitAt (i `mod` length xs) xs in (last firsts) : shuffle is (init firsts ++ rest)


shuffle :: Seed -> [a] -> [a] shuffle s xs = shuffle' (randomStream s) xs




random :: (Random a) => StdGen -> (a, StdGen) randoms :: (Random a) => StdGen -> [a]


shuffle :: StdGen -> [a] -> [a] shuffle g xs = shuffle' (randoms g) xs

还有一个IO函数newStdGen :: IO StdGen,它使我们可以构建随机种子.

main = do gen <- newStdGen return (shuffle gen [1,2,3,4,5])



main = do gen1 <- newStdGen shuffle gen1 [1,2,3,4,5] gen2 <- newStdGen shuffle gen2 [1,2,3,4,5] -- using `split :: StdGen -> (StdGen, StdGen)` gen3 <- newStdGen let (_, gen4) = split gen3 shuffle gen3 [1,2,3,4,5] let (_, gen5) = split gen4 shuffle gen4 [1,2,3,4,5]

这意味着您要么要做很多StdGen记账,要么如果您想要不同的随机数,请留在IO.再次具有参照透明性,因此这是有意义的"-一组随机数必须相对于彼此是随机的,因此您需要将信息从每个随机事件传递到下一个事件. /p>



好吧,通常我们需要一种让函数接受随机种子然后输出一些随机"结果和 next 种子的方法.

withSeed :: (Seed -> a) -> Seed -> (a, Seed) withSeed f s = (f s, splitSeed s)

结果类型withSeed s :: Seed -> (a, Seed)是相当普通的结果.我们给它起个名字

newtype Random a = Random (Seed -> (a, Seed))


runRandom :: Random a -> IO a runRandom (Random f) = do seed <- newSeed let (result, _) = f seed return result

现在感觉好像我们有了一些有用的东西--a类型的随机值的概念,Random a只是Seed上的一个函数,它返回下一个Seed以后的Random值将不会全部相同.我们甚至可以制作一些机制来组合随机值,然后自动Seed传递

sequenceRandom :: Random a -> Random b -> Random b sequenceRandom (Random fa) (Random fb) = Random $ \seed -> let (_aValue, newSeed) = fa seed in fb newSeed


bindRandom :: Random a -> (a -> Random b) -> Random b bindRandom (Random fa) getRb = Random $ \seed -> let (aValue, newSeed) = fa seed (Random fb) = getRb aValue in fb newSeed


randomTimesTwo :: Random Int -> Random Int randomTimesTwo (Random f) = Random $ \seed -> let (value, newSeed) = f seed in (value*2, newSeed)


instance Functor Random where fmap f (Random step) = Random $ \seed -> let (value, newSeed) = step seed in (f value, newSeed)


brownianMotion :: Random [Int] brownianMotion = bindRandom random $ \x -> fmap (\rest -> x : map (+x) rest) brownianMotion


这成为我一直在写的整个问题的核心. IO monad可以很好地存在随机性,但是它也可以作为更简单的Random monad单独存在.我们可以立即编写实例.

instance Monad Random where return x = Random (\seed -> (x, seed)) rx >>= f = bindRandom rx f


brownianMotion' = do x <- random rest <- brownianMotion' return $ x : map (+x) rest



  • 随机性需要Seed s
  • 刻画Seed很烦人
  • 存在一种常见的模式来提升"和绑定"随机值,从而自然地绕过Seed s
  • 该图案形成一个单子
  • 真正的简短答案是您可能想使用随机,甚至 MonadRandom 来实现随机播放.通常,它们会派上用场.


    How can I sample without replacement from a set of numbers ([1, 2, 3]) until I hit x? My plan was to shuffle the list [1, 2, 3] and chop it at x:

    -- chopAt 3 [2, 3, 1] == [2, 3] -- chopAt 3 [2, 1, 3] == [2, 1, 3] -- chopAt 3 [3, 1, 2] == [3] chopAt _ [] = [] chopAt x (y:ys) | x /= y = y : chopAt x ys | otherwise = [y]

    However I could not figure out how to shuffle the list (or understand Monads yet).

    -- sample without replacement from [1, 2, 3] until one hits a 3 -- x <- shuffle [1, 2, 3] -- print (chopAt 3 x) main = do -- shuffle [1, 2, 3] print (chopAt 3 [1, 3, 2])


    Use random and maybe even MonadRandom to implement your shuffles. A few good answers exist here

    But that's really operational. Here's what's going on behind the scenes.


    Randomness is one of the first places in Haskell that you encounter and have to handle impurity---which seems offensive, because shuffles and samples seem so simple and don't feel like they ought to be bundled up with printing to a physical screen or launching nukes, but often purity == referentially transparent and referentially transparent randomness would be useless.

    random = 9 -- a referentially transparent random number

    So we need a different idea about randomness to make it pure.


    A typical "cheat" in scientific code used to enhance reproducibility—super important—is to fix your random seed of an experiment so that others can verify that they get exactly the same results every time your code is run. This is exactly referential transparency! Let's try it.

    type Seed = Int random :: Seed -> (Int, Seed) random s = (mersenneTwisterPerturb s, splitSeed s)

    where mersenneTwisterPerturb is a pseudorandom mapping from Seeds to Int and splitSeed is a pseudorandom mapping from Seeds to Seeds. Note that both of these functions are totally deterministic (and referentially transparent), so random is as well, but we can create an infinite, lazy pseudorandom stream like so

    randomStream :: Seed -> [Int] randomStram s = mersenneTwisterPerturb s : randomStream (splitSeed s)

    Again, this stream is deterministic based on the Seed value, but an observer who sees only the stream and not the seed should be unable to predict its future values.


    Can we shuffle a list using a random stream of integers? Sure we can, by using modular arithmetic.

    shuffle' :: [Int] -> [a] -> [a] shuffle' (i:is) xs = let (firsts, rest) = splitAt (i `mod` length xs) xs in (last firsts) : shuffle is (init firsts ++ rest)

    Or, to make it more self-contained, we can precompose our stream generating function to get

    shuffle :: Seed -> [a] -> [a] shuffle s xs = shuffle' (randomStream s) xs

    another "seed consuming" referentially transparent "random" function.


    So this seems to be a repeating trend. In fact, if you browse the module System.Random you'll see lots of functions like what we wrote above (I've specialized some type classes)

    random :: (Random a) => StdGen -> (a, StdGen) randoms :: (Random a) => StdGen -> [a]

    where Random is the type class of things which can be generated randomly and StdGen is a kind of Seed. This is already enough actual working code to write the necessary shuffling function.

    shuffle :: StdGen -> [a] -> [a] shuffle g xs = shuffle' (randoms g) xs

    and there's an IO function newStdGen :: IO StdGen which will let us build a random seed.

    main = do gen <- newStdGen return (shuffle gen [1,2,3,4,5])

    But you'll notice something annoying: we need to keep varying the gen if we want to make different random permutations

    main = do gen1 <- newStdGen shuffle gen1 [1,2,3,4,5] gen2 <- newStdGen shuffle gen2 [1,2,3,4,5] -- using `split :: StdGen -> (StdGen, StdGen)` gen3 <- newStdGen let (_, gen4) = split gen3 shuffle gen3 [1,2,3,4,5] let (_, gen5) = split gen4 shuffle gen4 [1,2,3,4,5]

    This means you'll either have to do lots of StdGen bookkeeping or stay in IO if you want different random numbers. This "makes sense" because of referential transparency again---a set of random numbers have to be random with respect to each other so you need to pass information from each random event on to the next.

    It's really annoying, though. Can we do better?


    Well, generally what we need is a way to have a function take in a random seed then output some "randomized" result and the next seed.

    withSeed :: (Seed -> a) -> Seed -> (a, Seed) withSeed f s = (f s, splitSeed s)

    The result type withSeed s :: Seed -> (a, Seed) is a fairly general result. Let's give it a name

    newtype Random a = Random (Seed -> (a, Seed))

    And we know that we can create meaningful Seeds in IO, so there's an obvious function to convert Random types to IO

    runRandom :: Random a -> IO a runRandom (Random f) = do seed <- newSeed let (result, _) = f seed return result

    And now it feels like we've got something useful---a notion of a random value of type a, Random a is just a function on Seeds which returns the next Seed so that later Random values won't all be identical. We can even make some machinery to compose random values and do this Seed-passing automatically

    sequenceRandom :: Random a -> Random b -> Random b sequenceRandom (Random fa) (Random fb) = Random $ \seed -> let (_aValue, newSeed) = fa seed in fb newSeed

    but that's a little silly since we're just throwing away _aValue. Let's compose them such that the second random number actually depends materially on the first random value.

    bindRandom :: Random a -> (a -> Random b) -> Random b bindRandom (Random fa) getRb = Random $ \seed -> let (aValue, newSeed) = fa seed (Random fb) = getRb aValue in fb newSeed

    We also ought to note that we can do "pure" things to Random values, for instance, multiplying a random number by 2:

    randomTimesTwo :: Random Int -> Random Int randomTimesTwo (Random f) = Random $ \seed -> let (value, newSeed) = f seed in (value*2, newSeed)

    which we can abstract out as a Functor instance

    instance Functor Random where fmap f (Random step) = Random $ \seed -> let (value, newSeed) = step seed in (f value, newSeed)

    and now we can create cool random effects like Brownian motion

    brownianMotion :: Random [Int] brownianMotion = bindRandom random $ \x -> fmap (\rest -> x : map (+x) rest) brownianMotion


    And this gets to the heart of the whole matter that I've been writing up to. Randomness can exist in the IO monad perfectly well, but it can also exist on its own as a simpler Random monad. We can write the instance immediately.

    instance Monad Random where return x = Random (\seed -> (x, seed)) rx >>= f = bindRandom rx f

    And since it's a monad, we get free do notation

    brownianMotion' = do x <- random rest <- brownianMotion' return $ x : map (+x) rest

    and you could even get fancy and call runRandom a monad homomorphism, but that's a very different topic.

    So, to recap

  • randomness in a referentially transparent language needs Seeds
  • carting Seeds are is annoying
  • there's a common pattern to "lifting" and "binding" random values which routes the Seeds around naturally
  • that pattern forms a monad
  • And the really short answer is that you probably want to be using random and maybe even MonadRandom to implement your shuffles. They'll come in handy for "sampling" generally.




    本文发布于:2023-10-28 08:14:23,感谢您对本站的认可!


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