如何在R中将PostgreSQL的bytea列十六进制解码为int16 / uint16?

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-26 22:17:08
本文介绍了如何在R中将PostgreSQL的bytea列十六进制解码为int16 / uint16?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述


I have some image data stored in a PostgreSQL database table column as bytea. I also have metadata about the data for use in interpreting it, relevant ones being image dimensions and class. Classes include int16, uint16. I cannot find any information on interpreting signed/unsigned ints correctly in R.


I am using RPostgreSQL to pull the data into R and I want to view the image in R.


# fakeDataQuery <- dbGetQuery(conn, # 'select byteArray, ImageSize, ImageClass from table where id = 1') # Example 1 (no negative numbers) # the actual byte array shown in octal sequences in pgadmin (1.22.2) Query Output is: # "\001\000\002\000\003\000\004\000\005\000\006\000\007\000\010\000\011\000" # but RPostgreSQL returns the hex-encoded version: byteArray <- "\\x010002000300040005000600070008000900" ImageSize <- c(3, 3, 1) ImageClass <- 'int16' # expected result > array(c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), dim=c(3,3,1)) # , , 1 # # [,1] [,2] [,3] #[1,] 1 4 7 #[2,] 2 5 8 #[3,] 3 6 9 # Example 2: (with negtive numbers) byteArray <- "\\xffff00000100020003000400050006000700080009000a00" ImageSize <- c(3, 4, 1) ImageClass <- 'int16' # expectedResult > array(c(-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10), dim=c(3,4,1)) #, , 1 # # [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] #[1,] -1 2 5 8 #[2,] 0 3 6 9 #[3,] 1 4 7 10


来自PostgreSQL的bytea数据是一个长字符串,编码为十六进制,您可以通过 \\x来辨别预先添加到它中(我想还有一个 \ 用来转义现有的吗?):> www.postgresql/docs/9.1/static/datatype-binary.html (请参阅:第8.4.1节字节十六进制格式)

The bytea data from PostgreSQL is a long character string of digits encoded as "hex", which you can tell by the \\x pre-pended to it (I believe there is an extra \ for escaping the existing one?): www.postgresql/docs/9.1/static/datatype-binary.html (see: section 8.4.1. 'bytea Hex format')

将十六进制解码回原始类型(基于ImageClass的 int16)

Decode 'hex' back to the original type ('int16' based on ImageClass)


Per the same url above, hex encoding uses '2 hexadecimal digits per byte'. So I need to split the encoded byteArray into the appropriate length substrings, see: this link

# remove the \\x hex encoding indicator(s) added by PostgreSQL byteArray <- gsub("\\x", "", x = byteArray, fixed=T) l <- 2 # hex digits per byte (substring length) byteArray <- strsplit(trimws(gsub(pattern = paste0("(.{",l,"})"), replacement = "\\1 ", x = byteArray)), " ")[[1]] # for some reason these appear to be in the opposite order than i expect # Ex: 1 is stored as '0100' rather than '0001' # so reverse the digits (int16 specific) byteArray <- paste0(byteArray[c(F,T)],byteArray[c(T,F)]) # strtoi() converts a vector of hex values given a decimal base byteArray <- strtoi(byteArray, 16L) # now make it into an n x m x s array, # e.g., 512 x 512 x (# slices) V = array(byteArray, dim = ImageSize)


There are two problems with this solution:

  • 不适用于有符号类型,因此负整数值将被解释为无符号值(例如,'ffff'为-1(int16)但65535(uint16)和strtoi()将始终返回65535。)
  • 当前仅针对int16进行编码,并且需要一些额外的代码才能与其他类型(例如int32,int64)一起使用
  • 任何人都可以使用带符号类型的解决方案吗?

    Anyone have a solution that would work with signed types?


    您可以从此转换功能开始,用更快的 strsplit 并在结果上使用 readBin

    You can start with this conversion function, substitute a faster strsplit and use readBin on the result:

    byteArray <- "\\xffff00000100020003000400050006000700080009000a00" ## Split a long string into a a vector of character pairs Rcpp::cppFunction( code = ' CharacterVector strsplit2(const std::string& hex) { unsigned int length = hex.length()/2; CharacterVector res(length); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { res(i) = hex.substr(2*i, 2); } return res; }') ## A function to convert one string to an array of raw f <- function(x) { ## Split a long string into a a vector of character pairs x <- strsplit2(x) ## Remove the first element, "\\x" x <- x[-1] ## Complete the conversion as.raw(as.hexmode(x)) } raw <- f(byteArray) # int16 readBin(con = raw, what = "integer", n = length(raw) / 2, size = 2, signed = TRUE, endian = "little") # -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 # uint16 readBin(con = raw, what = "integer", n = length(raw) / 2, size = 2, signed = FALSE, endian = "little") # 65535 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 # int32 readBin(con = raw, what = "integer", n = length(raw) / 4, size = 4, signed = TRUE, endian = "little") # 65535 131073 262147 393221 524295 655369

    这不适用于 uint32 和(u)int64 ,因为R使用 int32 内部。但是,R也可以使用数字来存储2 ^ 52以下的整数。这样我们就可以使用:

    This won't work for uint32 and (u)int64, though, since R uses int32 internally. However, R can also use numerics to store integers below 2^52. So we can use this:

    # uint32 byteArray <- "\\xffffffff0100020003000400050006000700080009000a00" int32 <- readBin(con = f(byteArray), what = "integer", n = length(raw) / 4, size = 4, signed = TRUE, endian = "little") ifelse(int32 < 0, int32 + 2^32, int32) # 4294967295 131073 262147 393221 524295 655369

    对于 gzip 压缩数据:

    # gzip byteArray <- "\\x1f8b080000000000000005c1870100200800209a56faffbd41d30dd3b285e37a52f9d033018818000000" con <- gzcon(rawConnection(f(byteArray))) readBin(con = con, what = "integer", n = length(raw) / 2, size = 2, signed = TRUE, endian = "little") close(con = con)


    Since this is a real connection, we have to make sure to close it.


    如何在R中将PostgreSQL的bytea列十六进制解码为int16 / uint16?

    本文发布于:2023-10-27 18:30:45,感谢您对本站的认可!
    本文标签:中将   如何在   PostgreSQL   bytea   列十六进制


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